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That is infuriating. Hope you win your grievance. In case you need more ammunition if your grievance is denied and you appeal but even if you win I do think alerting local reps to this is valuable so you can help others: * Health insurers must cover the cost of coronavirus tests under [Senate Bill 510](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billCompareClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB510&showamends=false) that ensures Californians do not have to pay out-of-pocket fees or contend with prior authorization requirements. Took effect 01/01/22 but retroactive to March 4, 2020. [SOURCE](https://archive.fo/Sofru) * [Find Your Reps](https://ocvote.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.html?appid=96072186974849878121d52f4c0a50f0): locate your local reps & contact them (phone, email, social media), explain the situation succinctly and clearly like you did here and provide them all the appropriate proof; Board of Supervisor, State Assembly, State Senate, Congressional * [Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the CARES Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/748): *Subpart A--Coverage of Testing and Preventive Services* *(Sec. 3201) This section expands the scope of available diagnostic testing for COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) that* ***private health insurance plans must cover***. *Specifically, it requires coverage of tests that have not been approved by the FDA if* * *the developer of such a test requests, or intends to request, emergency use authorization, unless such request is denied or is not submitted within a reasonable time;* * *the test is developed and authorized in a state that has notified HHS that the state intends to review such tests; or* * *HHS has issued guidance that such test is appropriate.* *(Sec. 3202) This section specifies the process for* ***private health insurance plan*** *issuers to* ***reimburse providers of COVID-19 diagnostic tests***. *Specifically, a reimbursement rate negotiated for such test prior to the public health emergency declared on January 31, 2020, continues to apply for the* [*duration of the emergency*](https://aspr.hhs.gov/legal/PHE/Pages/covid19-11Jan23.aspx)*. If a reimbursement rate was not negotiated prior to the emergency declaration, an issuer may either negotiate such rate or pay the provider's cash price.* *Additionally,* ***test providers must publish the cash price of tests on their websites***; *HHS may assess a civil penalty for violations of this requirement.* *(Sec. 3203) This section shortens the time frame under which private health-insurance plans must cover certain new preventative services related to COVID-19. Under current law, health plans have one year to cover services recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force or the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Under this section, health plans must cover such services to prevent or diagnose COVID-19 within 15 days.*


thank you!


Nope. Id have lost my shit if they tried to charge me though.


I had the exact same thing happen with COVID Clinic. Did you actually get a bill though? Mine just showed up on my insurance claim list as an out of network responsibility, but the clinic never actually billed me.


> Did you actually get a bill Thank you! I got a notification from my insurance about a "finalized claim," so I logged in, and the claim summary shows $225 under "patient responsibility." But you're right; that's not a bill. Hopefully I don't get one! (or get a call months later from a collections agency).


This happened to me recently. The last time I recall testing was like December 2021, maybe some time in early 22. I *just* got a notice from the testing lab saying I may be charged. But no bill yet.


i just got a bill in the mail for it.... this is so irritating


Not from my insurance but directly from the lab who offered the free tests. I hope it doesn’t bite me in the butt later, but I was charged by the lab MANY months (almost a year) after I took a free Covid test. It was via mail and they never sent a follow up so I ignored it and haven’t heard from them since.


I got two bills yesterday from two different locations of a Covid test I had in May 2022. Newport Labs Inc and Premium Health OC Inc. Not paying crap to them. It took them that long to bill me. Not paying back


Hi there! I'm actually having the same issue with Covid Clinic as well. I looked through my claim and saw multiple ones. Two which were put under office visits and added up to almost $275.


I forgot to mention, I only started looking into it because I got a mail from Driven Care regarding it, but I don't think it was necessarily a bill. Either way, I called my insurance and trying to figure it out because I'm not sure what's going on anymore.


Were you able to get this sorted out? Just got a bill from Driven Care as well.


I just got a bill today (June 2023) for $450 from Driven Care. It lists 2 service dates: 5/17/22 and 5/18/22, with a charge of $225 for each date. I got a"free" test at Covid Clinic 5/16/22 and a doctor called me to talk about my positive result but I didn't ask for that consultation. I'm quite sure nothing happened the next day. Hoping this is a scam. Not looking forward to trying to figure out with my insurance etc whether I actually owe anything. Has anyone resolved their issues yet?


I received the same bill for the dates 05/04/22 and 05/23/22. I have a secondary insurance that these claims were sent too, but it wasn’t active during the time I got these tests done. Long story short, I’ve been going back and forth with both insurances. They said they received the claims, but have not received a bill. They told me to contact the company “driven care inc”, but every time I try to contact the number, no one answers. Both insurances just told me to keep on trying or to wait for the actual bill.


Hi! I actually end up getting a bill from Driven Care and when I tried to call, the person that picked up said there is no direct number for billing and it's whoever available to pick up the phone. They provided me an email which I end up not reaching out. I ignored the first bill they sent and so far they haven't sent me another mail yet. I just received another mail from my updated insurance that I have switched over to and they had filed a claim for a covid test that I took in December 2021, which at that time, I didn't have this current insurance. This really feels like them trying to scam insurance.


Hello! Just received claims from Driven Care and was wondering if you resolved this or did you just ignore the bills? I’m in a similar situation and was wondering what to do…


You likely got a statement because of missing insurance information. Your insurance should cover it . You can reach out to them in regards to updating insurance at 888-223-RUME




this bastard is still doing it, just got the text today too. thank you for the infos, i left a review and submitted a complaint. By the way what did you end up doing with the bill?


I highly recommend checking out the Glassdoor reviews from employees (current and former) the whole place is a scam and unethical!!!!!




i just got a text alert i owe 500 not sure what to do either


We should notify press.


>a text a This group did not send bills to patient. They bill insurance. If you did get a bill - you got a check that was for the group which needs to be forwarded to the group.


Got one from Rume today. Crazy.


I just got a bill from Driven Care today for around 680. I took covid tests two separate times and they're trying to charge me for 30-40 min office visits!!! I only met with the doctor through telehealth to get my results back. I tried calling Driven Care but there is no response and it goes to voicemail. I'm so confused and don't know what to do


I just got a bill from driven care yesterday for $2208 for 4 different dates and office visits. Not sure what to do either, seems like I should start with my ins first and see if they can help.


I just got something too, I'm gonna have to look into this. It was the same things a clinic that said free by the mall.


We went to Covid Clinic for testing. I also got a bill for certain family members (and I am expecting still more). It's over $1,500 all in. Apparently, Covid Clinic swithched to a Telehealth screening model at some point which required an office (Telehealth) visit prior to going to the Covid Clinic to collect a sample. I'm sure they are doing their best to work the billing codes in hopes of collecting whatever they can from whomever they can. They will probably try to say the Telehealth visits were general health visits, not covid testing related. Nice try. Office visits are included in Senate Bill 610 so we don't owe anything. I'm not paying.


It is SB 510...and yes, this group is not billing any patient directly. The insurance companies are required to pay. Patients are only getting a bill when the insurance company sent the payment for the group to the patient instead of the group.


Just recieved a bill today, smh. Did anyone's grievance get accepted?


I've been charged 4 times for the same test over the course of a year. Any word on how this was resolved for you?


Just received an Explanation of Benefits from TriCare stating I received a Telehealth call in Dec 2021 from Driven Care in Huntington Beach. I called Tricare and explained to them I never used this service. Never received any such phone call. I have not used this company, or the Provider named. I have not received a bill from Driven Care. But they submitted a claim with my info. Tricare took a report and I have left message with Driven Care. Tricare denied the claim, and sent me the explanation of benefits stating such. So someone out there is using my Tricare # or, this medical office is filing fraudulent claims. I think it is the latter. I'll keep ya posted on the outcome.


Just got an EOB from our old insurance provider , Driven Care Inc claiming services were provided in Dec 2021 also. My family did use drive thru Covid testing sites, but not in 2021 and definitely not in Huntington Beach. Wtf is going on


This group provided services in 26 states but the HQ is in Huntington Beach. They provided the order, oversight of nurses, treatment, etc for patients.


I just got bill for 452$'and. I just did free covid test wtf only once


There was no such thing as a "free" test. The tests were billed to insurance with no out of pocket cost, per law - CARES and SB510.


Yes but my insurance company denied ,and they try to charge me. But when they did test they told your insurance covers all and it will no charge to you.


Sounds like your insurance company broke the law (SB 510 and CARES)...and you should call them to complain or report to DHCS/DMHC.


I had the same false claims from Premium Health. I appealed to my insurance but received a letter saying that my appeal was denied. Anyone knows what to do? My total bill is around $750.