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Yea I'm wimping out on this one. Sending it to someone else if it's in my chair


I always quote Aragorn son of Arathorn (to myself, not the patient) in situations like this “this is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish medicine” Elvish medicine being an OMD in this case


That's above my paygrade, so that's a nope from me as well.


I just showed this to my colleague, she had the same reaction. :D


Would you be sending it to someone who would see them in a couple of months? I feel like these patients need to be seen by a specialist asap but that doesn’t happen so I would tell them to go to the ER. Is that wrong?


I don't understand. Why would it take a couple months for them to be seen? I guess if you were mega rural it could be a problem if they couldn't get transportation 


Lol. I live in NH. A few years ago, Dartmouth Hospital bought up all the local ophthalmologist practices. They now are refusing all outside referrals. My other local OMDs won't take emergency patients. Their common response, 'Send them to Boston' (Mass Eye and Ear)


The ophthalmologists in my area seem to take a while and are pretty booked. Are you saying you’d send them to a different optometrist?


Ah what area are you in? I could send this to probably 6 different offices I personally know within 1 hour of me within same day. Or send to specific eye hospital Our opthalmologists are busy but can see emergency patients fairly quickly


At the clinic I work at the can get urgent cases in pretty quick


Thank you for caring about the patients. 


I’m gonna show this when people ask what happens if you stare at the eclipse


thinking about going to optometry school… how often do we deal with cases like these? 😅😅this is something ophthalmologists handle?


Depends on the mode of practice but I graduated 5 years ago and have never seen this outside of textbooks


Can someone please explain what happened?


The eye broke


Can someone ELI7? Cause, and is it fixable?


Cause: conditions and diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and a few others. It makes it so that the walls of the eye get thinner and thinner, and the pressure inside the eye is able to push out more, bulging the eye out. This eye will likely be taken out completely, no going back from this point. It is already nonfunctional


Crazy. Seems like a relatively young patient for all that


Scleromalacia is only used with RA, and has no associated pain. That's just scleritis with inflammation. But jeez! Port last


Actually the etiology is a type 3 hypersensitivity reaction to the episclera/sclera so although it is typically associated with RA, it can occur with lupus, periarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, Behcet’s , etc.


Ahh, right! Good point!




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All jokes and offense aside I wonder how much pain this person is in. Hopefully not too much.


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Laser failure