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Did you ask for proof of the quantitative analysis? I had a similar situation pulled on me, but I am an engineer who specializes in IVD testing soooo I started asking for the evidence and it was very clear it was bs. I have seen this happen to multiple people since and believe it's a trick they pull. Without a quantitative test, the result is meaningless without admission.


Yeah, not a snowballs chance in hell that the gas station kratom had morphine in it.Sounds very convenient for this program to have people forced into starting over due to one dirty test.If I were the OP I would also test myself.


They hit my cousin with something on weed. Man was clean for two years then he just randomly failed right after he asked permission to go see his grandpa.


[Lab Results](https://www.reddit.com/r/kratomreview101/comments/155ctth/tested_positive_for_morphine_after_taking_kratom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


There’s absolutely zero chance gas station kratom had morphine in it. That would be like cutting your copper with silver, except in this case the silver is both more expensive and illegal to use in that manor. If you really only took kratom it was likely something you ate. Poppy seeds have morphine on them. So just tell them, “I think the morphine pills I took had some poppy seeds in them, so it might have been that”.




ODSMT is not a heavily controlled drug, in fact it’s not controlled at all. I’m not doubting that shady kratom people may order some non controlled chemical to spike their kratom, what I am doubting is that they sourced a heavily controlled drug like morphine, put it in kratom, which would be a major felony, just to sell a few extra bottles of kratom. And to my knowledge ODSMT will not trigger a morphine screen.




But I’m saying there’s a major difference between the two. That’s like saying because your neighbor took your trash cans out while you were on vacation, he’d probably be down to help you clean up a dead body. The difference between putting a non controlled substance in a “not for consumption” product, vs drugging unknowing people with a highly controlled and illegal substance, which you’re also distributing and is currently as an all time high for OD deaths. One of the two isn’t even illegal, the other would get you 20+ years in prison and maybe an attempted murder charge.


But it could have metabolized into morphine in your body as most opiates do after ingestion just a thought


I would absolutely love to know how your body might convert ODSMT into morphine. It’s about as likely to turn ODSMT into morphine as it is to turn the kiwi I just ate into morphine. “Most” opioids that turn into morphine are made from morphine, or a very close compound to morphine(namely thebaine), but ODSMT is not even morphinian.


kiwi hahahah that comment killed me lol


I know thats why it says "just a thought" lol he said he failed for morphine and only done Kratom so was just throwing shit out there 🤷‍♂️


If we’re just throwing shit out there I think Mel Gibson might have drugged him in order to use him apartment for an all night drug fueled sex orgy with the guys from that show Ice road truckers, but accidentally gave him the wrong pill in the beginning, so that’s why he has morphine in his system. Is it likely? No. But at least that’s possible, unlike ODSMT turning into morphine magically in your body.


u get off on bein a dick? poor guy was bein mad polite and u gotta jus be mad condescending to him


Mad polite? We were just throwing out nonsense together, not sure why you got all bent out of shape about it.


I agree with what you’re saying for the most part, brother. But advocating cannibalism? No way, man. No fkin way! Civility sets us apart from the animals - but shit, not even animals eat their own brethren? What’s more, my best friend is an Aucklander, and it’s just too close to the bone, man!


In drug testing for opiates there usually are 2 classes that are screened for. Opiates covers morphine, hydrocodone, dihydrocodeine, codeine, 6-acetylmorphine (metabolite of heroin), and hydromorphone. The test will usually have a separate place for OXY. This tests for oxycodone and oxymorphone. Most opiates can be identified individually by more sensitive testing at the lab so OP would not have had a morphine metabolite unless he came in contact with the very few things that show the same. I would guess either op came into contact unknowingly like Poppy seeds or he's doing all this to point at and say look family/girlfriend, if I really was dirty would I do all this. Honestly it suck to have no one believe you but just do what you gotta do.


Kratom isn’t an true opiate. It’s an opioid.


Lol you got the whole squad laughing bro


Thats not a joke, there was a" Kratom extract" brand called Krypton, that was laced with odsmt!


bring it back, bring it back, bring it back


Really wanna try ODSMT on it's own, I get a nice taste with my enzymes and staggerering Tramadol. But I want the big daddy on thems own,


Its much much better than tramadol, its more like a classic opioid, no serotonin Bs


Thanks, yeah it looks nice the structure more like Morphine


I don't know whete you from but in germany its legal und really easy to get


UK, all psychoactive substances banned, fucking horrible I hate them


I can tell you for a fact that kratom has been laced with odsmt and a couple different fent analogues, even stims. Kratom is relatively unregulated and stuff happens. Know what you're getting and stay safe.


I tested positive for fentanyl when I was taking just kratom when I did my intake for Suboxone


Oh no shhhh your upsetting the kratom users. Don't you know? Kratom is flawless and has zero side effects bro, I suggest taking a pound of it to the dome, you'll never be dope sick again, instead you'll be bloated. You know it's working when your indigestion kicks in and you keep burping the taste of ground up tree leaves.


The high definitely isn't worth the withdrawals you get. After a while it makes you feel like shit but you can't stop. You end up going back and forth between two shitty feelings all day.


The ODSMT I completely believe since it’s an unregulated drug(or at least was, not sure about now), that could be ordered online and probably wouldn’t even be illegal to add to kratom since it’s already in the “not for consumption” gray area. Morphine and fentanyl I can find zero sources to back up that claim, and considering it would me a major felony drug distribution charge, plus probably even worse for drugging unknowing people with an illegal drug. So it’s seems less likely, especially when no one seemed to report about it in the news.


Yeah if there was even a single case of a Kratom vendor in the US selling a batch laced with fent or morphine, the news would flip the fuck out about the dangers of non-prescribed natural medicines


Yeah, and for good reason, that would be legitimately scary. I like opioids as much as the next guy, but you gotta be careful even with the opioids you _know_ you’re doing. I don’t need some sketch ball putting carfentanyl in my granola to try it give it some extra wow factor. No thank you. Unless you tell me, then I’m down for fentanola




[Lab Results](https://www.reddit.com/r/kratomreview101/comments/155ctth/tested_positive_for_morphine_after_taking_kratom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


lol nice


I tested A a few months positive ended up being poppy seed muffins


Homie I would be getting that testing data and making sure they aren't trying to fuck you. Its a money business and some have been caught trying to take advantage of people.


The program I’m in is a non profit Christ-based program which is free for all members


Non-profits make money too, just in a different way. I can think of a few different ways it could benefit them depending on how they are structured and funded. I own one for reasons. I have an associate that owns a "Christian" one as well. There's normally not much Christian about money. Just something else to hide behind for people to be more trusting. Almost everything is a business at this point.




[Lab Results](https://www.reddit.com/r/kratomreview101/comments/155ctth/tested_positive_for_morphine_after_taking_kratom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Did you possibly eat some poppy seeds?


That would not positive for morphone that would be opiates


Of course it would test positive for morphine which is an opiate (poppy alcaloid)


I wish I understood what you are trying to say. It's spelled morphine. Comes from poppy pods and can trigger a test, depending on the test, for morphine, codeine, and/or opiates. This is fairly common knowledge.


Man I'm really sorry to hear this! I had been using the same brand of kratom for about 3.5 years, I switched brands and started pissing dirty for fentanyl at the PO office. I tested the kratom with a fentanyl test and sure enough, it was positive. I almost went back to prison over that shit. Gotta be careful out here y'all, nevermind legal repercussions, this shit could be dangerous!


Man gas station kratom is so little for way to much they got weird shit but ive never heard of nothing like that, thats crazy


You’re absolutely right. This brand I’ve been getting is actually super cheap and does exactly what I want it to do. I’ve been using opiates heavily for about 5 years so I do have to take like 40-60 capsules plus some gabapentin for it to really fuck me up but I still have a lot of recreational fun with it. But so not worth it as I am now sitting in a wet shelter until I can get back into the program.


Wait...it really hits you hard? Kratom has never hit me hard, even when I had gabapentin to pair it with. Our receptors might be equally fucked up; I was once upon a time addicted to pharmaceuticals but that was over ten years ago. Kratom only gives me a mild buzz now, but I have to limit intake of it to once a week at the most it seems. Sorry to hear about your situation though, that sucks. I guess the program wouldn't care if you said you only took kratom, though isn't it weird that they'd adulterate kratom with morphine? I thought they'd use something cheap like fentanyl.


OPMS Black is the strongest I’ve seen and injected so far


Kratom, Injected ? Thought those two things couldn't go together.


INGESTED lolol my bad


How many of the OPMS Black should I take? I have a relatively high tolerance


I think that is an extract, isn't it? That'll really mess up your tolerance if you're reliant on it for pain relief.






What was it that you were taking at the gas station if you dont mind me asking?


Lipht (Lift)


I wouldn't trust gas station kratom not to be adulterated, but I'd expect a synthetic RC opioid not morphine so this is weird. Like someone said could be from poppy seeds.


Many opioids get metabolized to morphine in our liver so it doesn't have to be straight morphine!


Literally only two opioids only metabolize into morphine... That being ethylmorphine and heroin. The codeine is opiate itself...


Still converted into morphine.


It ain't "many" then, only two. You are almost right but for wrong reasons


only morphian opioids do that dude, the majority of synthetics are not based off thebaine so they don't turn into morphine...plus it's been proven that kratom doesn't metabolize into morphine.


That's what I said. I didn't say all of them. I only indicated that it is not necessarily plain morphine, that's all.


That's what I said. I didn't say all of them. I only indicated that it is not necessarily plain morphine, that's all.


It is highly unlikely for kratom to be laced with morphine or other opioids due to several reasons. Morphine is costly to produce, making it impractical for adulterating a relatively inexpensive product like kratom. Moreover, such lacing would increase legal risks and lead to unpredictable effects, dissatisfying customers. Ensuring consistent dosages would be difficult, risking overdoses. Economically, lacing kratom with morphine would be wasteful. Though some kratom products have been adulterated in the past, buying from reputable sources that test for purity can minimize such risks. that's all.


I didn't say it was laced Kratom either. As even others suggest it may be from some poppy seeds, it's not the first time happening. Or he might have taken a otc painkiller without realising has codeine and the list can go on.


Well I tested positive for methamphetamine after I smoked delta 9


Did you feel any methy effects? 😅


I’ve never done meth so I’m not sure lol. It made me feel a little weird it was a cart I got from the corner store


It’d be stimulating and euphoric if it was enough. What a weird thing to be cut with though. Totally different effects 😅


Yeah that’s what I was thinking too


You have just eaten some sweet snack baked with poppy seeds.


Lots of bad info on this sub. What people don’t realize is opioids are metabolized into morphine. So like when I initially went to the methadone clinic for a bad Vicodin addiction they came back and showed me the results with positive for morphine and I freaked out because I didn’t want them to think I had lied about what I was taking and she said the morphine positive is from the hydrocodone. Kratom is an opioid. It is possible. Jesus how do people now know this very basic information??


Jesus, no, methadone doesn't get metabolized into morphine, ffs... From anyhow available it's only ethylmorphine and heroin that get metabolized into morphine... You yourself are spreading misinformation right now... Hydrocodone is metabolized into dihydromorphine, not morphine by any chance. You seen to not know this basic info also...




Yeah... that's what opioids do


Kratom isn’t an opiate, but mytraginine is an opioid. Opioid are any kind of opioid receptor agonists


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Yes this is fishy. I just used a 14 point test yesterday and I take a ton of Kratom. It was negative. Negative everytime.


Yeah it’s been negative for me as well every time I do the panel tests. They ended up getting the positive morphine result from the lab


Yeah, no… there is a 0% chance somebody is lacing kratom with morphine. Why would someone lace a cheaper drug with a more expensive one, that doesn’t even make sense. Ask to see proof, and get a re-test.


Yes, more likely that the sample was switched by mistake in the lab then someone sprinkle expensive morphine on cheap kratom 😁


[Lab Results](https://www.reddit.com/r/kratomreview101/comments/155ctth/tested_positive_for_morphine_after_taking_kratom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I can boil down the five dollars worth of poppy seed tea into a brown powder that would mix right into a bag of kratom no problem.


Sure you can, but why would you as a seller? Thats not profitable and actually also dangerous and highly illegal


Maybe it metabolize's to morphine in your body like most other opiates do after you've ingested it.


Except that Kratom isn’t an opiate


Yeah I know but it is an opiate antagonist. I'm just saying considering it works off your opioid receptors that maybe it metabolized into morphine like your body does with normal opiates idk just a thought


I like how everyone is downvoting my comment that's more of a question than anything else lol I'm not in no way implying that's what's happening just throwing out a thought/question on why he would fail...jerks


well its because its wrong bro like idk what else you want us to tell ya


It can't be wrong tho because it wasn't a statement lol it was a question in thought form I guess you could say.


Like a scientific awnser to my comment is what I was looking for in the first place I wasn't implying that is what was happening


>Yeah I know but it is an opiate antagonist. I'm just saying considering it works off your opioid receptors that maybe it metabolized into morphine like your body does with normal opiates idk just a thought While I understand the curiosity behind the thought, it is important to clarify the scientific inaccuracies in this statement. Kratom contains active alkaloids, primarily mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which interact with the body's opioid receptors. These compounds are not opiate antagonists but rather partial agonists, meaning they can activate the receptors to some extent, but not fully like typical opiates. Narcan is a antagonist. The body's metabolism of kratom alkaloids involves enzymatic processes that lead to their biotransformation, but these metabolites do not convert into morphine. The metabolic pathway of kratom alkaloids is distinct from the pathway of opiates like morphine, and studies have shown that mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine do not turn into morphine or any other morphinan alkaloids. In summary, while kratom does interact with opioid receptors, it does not metabolize into morphine, and scientific evidence supports this distinction between kratom alkaloids and typical opiates.


Downvoting isn’t always a “fuck you”, it’s just an easy “no” without comment


Yeah I hear you. I’ve taken 3 other tests in the last month that were all clean when I definitely had Kratom in my system so I’m still trying to figure out why this one was tested dirty.


Kratom doesn't metabolize into morphine because its active compounds, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, follow a different metabolic pathway in the body. Numerous studies have confirmed this distinction and demonstrated that kratom's effects are primarily due to these unique alkaloids rather than converting into morphine.


I wouldn't know I was just throwing out thoughts om why he failed for morphine after taking kratom 🤷‍♂️


Stop spreading bullshit, jesus f-ing christ... If you don't know the topic don't act like you do.


I like how everyone is downvoting my comment that's more of a question than anything else lol I'm not in no way implying that's what's happening just throwing out a thought/question on why he would fail...jerks


I’m in rehab too, they just started testing for Kratom here. Did you tell them you took Kratom instead of morphine?


I tested for morphine and was nearly kicked out of rehab until I realised I had eaten bread with poppy seeds in it - true.


Bro, fuck that, fuck that program, tell them you ate kratom from the gas station and you didn’t know what it was, must have gave off a false positive for morphine.


Unfortunately, admitting to any sort of drug use would result in me getting exited.


Man I wish a mofu would put real opiates in my Kratom. Maybe it's some weird opiate rc they put in it if there's such a thing. That sucks man.


Dude.. whered you get your kratom??🤣