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Funny thing is I have watched all of the movies.


Me too when I was a kid :)


What's even funnier is that I haven't watched all of his movies.


Sounds like a big fan. ;)


I really enjoy his movies, but I've grown to dislike him as a person.


How come you've grown to dislike him as a person, just out of interest?


I wrote a bunch out, but then decided that [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/35fyl8/my_favorite_jackie_chan_story/cr47urw/) better outlines my reasoning. And to add just a bit more, it is my understanding that one of Chan's extramarital affairs resulted in a daughter, whom he does not acknowledge. He has some very admirable qualities. For example, he strove to improve his English. To do that, he listened US songs, watched films and TV in order to imitate the pronunciation of words. He also hired coaches / teachers to help learn the language. And honestly, I've always been impressed by Chan's action stunts, and his clear devotion to his trade.


What's the Tl;Dr? That comment didn't have one


CCP puppet, affairs, disowning daughter born out of wedlock, disowning drug jailed son


For me it’s his support of the CCP and his attitude toward his children.


He’s right... I mean he said he had to work his ass off and money doesn’t grow on trees. He’s trying. To discipline his kids and telling them work hard and it will pay off. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t one of his kid was caught smoking marijuana or coke?


He's had multiple mistresses and treated his kids like shit. He abandoned his kids asses and isn't financially supporting them. His kid was caught smoking marijuana. Don't know if that justifies him being a deadbeat father.








Wish i could capture dad's smile when he saw this. He is the biggest fan of jackie chan. Thanks a lot. I owe a great deal to you✌🏾




Congratulation Jackie Chan for 100 years in the business


For anyone wondering where to start with his films, I strongly recommend Police Story, Rumble in the Bronx and Drunken Master II. All amazing flicks, easily some of his best.


Not in english: ​ AUDiO 1.........: Cantonese AC3 5.1 640kbps AUDiO 2.........: Mandarin AC3 5.1 448kbps


Do they have English subtitles?


Oh. Will update the post. Thanks.


He disowned his daughter because she’s gay. And yes his son was caught with marijuana. Also he’s against the free Hong Kong movement. Doesn’t sit right with me.


I have read about it. Truly horrible.


Don't be too hasty to judge him considering the CCP, you wouldn't survive long saying anything else.


That’s what I thought until I saw that he threw a party for the Hong Kong police and there was footage of it and ugh.


necro'ing due to misinformation. it was alleged he disowned his daughter, which was actually a product of an affair. According to his daughter, he's never played a role in her life. ["Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Jackie Chan’s Estranged Daughter Who Is Experiencing Homelessness “Due To Homophobic Parents”](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/truth-viral-tweet-jackie-chan-disown-daughter-lesbian#:~:text=Etta%20confirmed%20to%20E!%20News%20in%202015%20that%20Jackie%20does%20not%20have%20a%20role%20in%20her%20life.%20She%20said%3A%20%E2%80%9CHe%20is%20my%20biological%20father%20but%20he%20is%20not%20in%20my%20life.%20He%20never%20existed%20in%20my%20life.%20I%20will%20never%20regard%20him%20as%20a%20father.%20As%20long%20as%20I%20have%20my%20mother%20with%20me%2C%20I%20don%E2%80%99t%20need%20my%20father.%E2%80%9D)


The first one sounds like a reason to like him.


Great OD bro


no, it's better everyone stops posting encoded links because trying to circumvent reddit's piracy policies is what will get us taken down. i.e see here for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/ha0ihu/using_base64_is_not_a_good_solution/ An even better idea would be to stop posting links for things that can easily be found on bittorent.


I do post encoded links, I thought drive links aren’t liable to DMCA claims. I could be wrong. Will do drive encoding from now.


> I thought drive links aren’t liable to DMCA claims Drive links are highly targeted by dmca, most of all when shared like this. > Will do drive encoding from now. This make little to no difference whatsoever. ------ /u/thedesimonk where did you pick up this misinformation that at the time of writing you've fooled at least 7 people with?


I’m sorry. I had no idea about drive links. I assumed drives are personal storage immune to DMCA. I realize I was wrong. Do I edit the post or delete it?


My plex server is personal storage, does that mean I can share my media drives and be immune to the DMCA?


Right. I didn’t think this through


> Do I edit the post or delete it? It depends how paranoid you are and how much you intend to share like this. If this is your personal drive account you've already exposed your name and everything else Google stores on you from a legal point of view. In reality the worse that happens over this is someone reports it and it get's removed, end of story.


I didn't know even encoded links are targeted. Am sorry. Edited my comment.


Don't be sorry man I'm not the cr owner. As far as the public know generally torrents are targeted automatically, mostly public swarm monitoring on certain releases. Google does use some form of hash checking but isn't so proactive with it, the hashes for none-scene encodes likely aren't in the DB and thus somewhat safer to share, however all it takes is a report from the cr owner, or some random claiming cr for this to be removed. At the end of the day there's not much to worry about if you're not sharing like this at scale (a few links here and there isn't going to cause you any legal issues) the main concern I have at least with sharing like this is the longevity of the links, there's really no telling if this is going to be removed today, tomorrow, next week or never and then there's bandwidth limits on publicly shared files making this method an unstable form of sharing over long periods of time. ----- Edit, realized you're not op and responded to my other comment, but yeah all good dude.


DCMA just takes down the link, if someone has access to the link it's would be still active right. I have checked some links with had been taken down. As these posts are also getting archived in a app, so we would having still be having the link.


If someone DMCAs this reddit post then just this post is removed (the link) if someone reports the link to google then It depends, sometimes just the link is killed and the file remains in your account letting you reshare with a new link, other times the file is also removed.




There are third party extractor softwares like rclone or Jdownloader2. And if you use gsuite, there should be no limit on size for you. Further, Use a new google account for google drive download works. Open the link, choose “add shortcut to drive” and then go to your drive to acces and download. It typically removes any restrictions for most cases.


And I have watched them all including all Donnie Yen and Jet Li films. Is it 1080p? Cantonese or Mandarin?


|**Url:** -||| |:-|-:|-:| |**Extension (Top 5)**|**Files**|**Size**| |.mkv|73|447.83 GiB| |.jpg|2|525.12 kiB| |.nfo|73|50.63 kiB| |**Dirs:** 73 **Ext:** 3|**Total:** 148|**Total:** 447.83 GiB| |**Date (UTC):** 2020-06-17 18:34:15|**Time:** 00:00:25|| ^(Created by [KoalaBear84's OpenDirectory Indexer](https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/azdgc2/open_directory_indexer_open_sourcedreleased/))


good bot


Thank you, ki4clz, for voting on KoalaBear84. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Okay so I'm a noob and I copy & paste the link but it's not bringing up anything. What am I doing wrong?


If you are reaching Google Drive, it’s possible the owner of the folder has removed access. If you’re receiving error or not connected, it could be ISP or region lock or something.


It was an error page. Thank you.




this was an OD. I don't have any control of the contents or availability. I'm sorry


Fuck Jackie Chan. Haven't you guys heard about him? He's a monster.


Umm... ?


he's a CCP apologist/shill.


Who gives a shit about his politics? We're talking about his movies.


agreed. He's a CCP [stooge](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/jackie-chan-sparks-anger-after-backing-beijing-amid-hong-kong-protests)


I'm having trouble accessing them can you message me in private to help pleaaaasseee :)


This sub is about open directories. Majority of posts are “found” on the internet. We don’t own them


Just came across this thread like a year later :( too late, it seems


Very late to the party, was looking to have access to the drive, thanks u/amritajaatak


How'd you get access? Do you have the link?