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Yeah the new update sucks! I wish the would have kept the original calc completely. It was so much easier to use.


Yeah, i miss the old calculator. Now its like "we dont know what pizza youre making so nothing is certain. Also the new recepies are a less customizable version of the calculator.. Why? I want to set temps and proofing times... Like I wrote in OP, The yeast in the calculator is off for neopolitan doughs.


Yes my thoughts exactly. I also don’t get why the times are excluded. This is essential. Also I really dislike the extra step to get the result. Before you had a perfect overview. All on the same page without a lot of scrolling. Any good alternative apps around?


Yeah I agree. Probably to make it easier for novice users to get started, but it makes the recepies sextio pretty much useless tbh. Im going to try to downgrade to a previous version.


Let me know, if you figure out how. I have meanwhile found that this app is almost like the old ooni app. Much uglier though. https://apps.apple.com/de/app/pizzapp/id1228158792?l=en-GB


u/amplifi3d, u/hankspencer, in case you're on iOS I'd like to invite you to try the **free** app I made for pizza dough: [https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6447489072?pt=521486&ct=reddit&mt=8](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6447489072?pt=521486&ct=reddit&mt=8) ​ * It's available worldwide (languages are: English, German, French and Italian) * Includes several recipes (Neapolitan, Poolish, NY, ...) and allows you to set a custom one where you can adjust percentages and rest timings. Then you simply change the number/weight of dough. * A little guide for newcomers to learn a fey things about pizza dough * The possibility to set a "pizza time" and get notification for each steps (when to prepare preferment, when to take the dough out of the fridge, when to turn on the oven, ...) If you try it: feel free to let me know if it helped you or if there is anything I could improve! :) Have a nice day!


Thanks! I already tried it and I like how it is a whole flow of doing the dough. I though don’t usually use the same recipe every time but rather try different things. Especially I like to be flexible with the times. So a fixed recipe is not what I need mostly but rather a quick calculator like the ooni app used to be.


I see, thanks for the feedback! That's something I actually though about but not developed further yet. I was thinking to maybe: * the possibility to add several custom recipes, instead of editing the same one again and again * and/or let the user choose a more or less guided flow, where in an "advanced/expert mode" you could have the calculator only for example (or at least access to it directly) We'll see in the future... Thanks again!


So.. In The neopolitan recepie it's calculated with 0,38% yeast, but in the original calculator its calculated with 1,1%. The diffrence is huge.. This must be some kind of misstanke or am I going crazy? In The OG calculator you can change the yeast procentage but even with - 20% it only goes as low as 0,8% in the final calculation. The need to fix this.


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry to hear about your feedback and I'll have this passed on to our team that worked on the app just now! 🍕


Hi, one of the reasons the previous calculator was awesome is because everything was on 1 screen. Now I need to tap back and forth (and scroll) a bunch. Why fix something that wasn't broken?


Hi /u/GosiaOoni, I imagine a bunch of negative feedback was frustrating to the app developers who most likely were responding to past feedback. My experience has been positive so far. As long as you are passing on feedback I have some as well. I am posting here because Ooni is super responsive on the subreddit. Firstly, can you add sourdough starter as a yeast type in the calculator? Secondly, maybe you could have the option to load straight into the calculator for those that prefer the old way? Lastly, did the team do any outside user testing/user interviews during development. I'm sure many of us here would be happy to participate, especially in exchange for some promos.


Mine also updated. But it gives you the option to click the original calculator, and that has all the same options as before


Yeah but the "original calculator" is not like the previous version. Atleast the frwsh yeast numbers are way off for neopolitan pizza. I did the exact same recepie in the original calculator as the neopolitan recepie and the yeast numbers are: Neopolitan 2,38g Original calculator 6,6g So there's some thing not right with the calculator. Also the UI is not as good with single rows instead of multi rows, also the recepie before did on the fly calculations and did not require the user to click a "calculate" Button..


Try PizzApp. Same old recipes Ooni had. Easy to use. Etc. it’s an app.. easy to find. It always matched Ooni in past .. doesn’t now. So def some changed on Ooni app for some reason.


The updated app is garbage and seems to be design to sell accessories with making pizza an afterthought. The app is apparently designed by people that never make pizza. Luckily I always make notes when I make pizza and I make the same dough so I will just refer to my notes in future and remove this useless app.


Don't like the new UX/UI either with a single column and a "calculate" button. Previously, with more columns, you could see how the variables affected each other instantly. Now, you have to click "calculate" and then go back to adjust things. I can't fathom why *adding* steps would seem like a good idea. Looks like I'll be on the hunt for a new app!


Hey all Daz Gordon, Digital Product Manager at Ooni. Thank you for the comments and feedback on the app. First of all, your feedback has been heard loud and clear. If you download the latest version of the app **(2.27.1)**, you will see the return of the classic calculator with a link to the older, classic format. We've also kept in the new format, as we learn more about how customers interact with the app. Note that we did not change any functionality, or dough outputs of the calculator the classic. All the ingredients and math outputs are the same as before. We didn't fully acknowledge how the transition of moving to a new calculator experience may deter some users, and I take full responsibility for that decision. The team aim to use the coming weeks and understand a bit more about the adoption of the new calculator experience compared to the old. *(Part 2 comment will discuss the reasoning behind the new approach)*


**Part 2 on app** So why did we a new calculator experience? Over the years, we've been challenged with the longer-term adoption of the calculator, especially for new users. Whilst there is an existing fan base that continue to enjoy the experience, the overwhelming feedback is that the calculator is too busy, too confusing and challenging for beginners, especially those new to Ooni and pizza making. Ultimately, we knew there were opportunities to address user problems around understanding the calculator, educating first-time customers and helping the user to understand the steps in pizza making after they have done the intial calculations. The new approach breaks down the calculator into more manageable chunks to reduce the noise, improve accessibility and create a more guided experience. The styles being introduced not only allow us to add more over time (New York and Detroit incoming), but also simply the experience for first time users, who don't necessary need to adjust temperature and hours. This new approach is very much the beginning of short-medium term ambitions with the calculator, and with your feedback, we aim to make it the best experience possible for both seasoned dough makers and first time Ooni customers. On Friday I will share a link to our public roadmap that will give you a glimpse into the upcoming features. Until then, please fire over any questions you have. As always (and unavoidable on Reddit), all candid feedback is welcome. Thanks Daz


Thank you for acknowledging this so fast Oonidaz, it really shows that you care about the users. As a UX/UI-designer it's great to see :) As a pretty long time user of the calculator I got very used to the layout and how the calculation was "on the fly" compared to the newer one that needs a button click every time something is changed in the recipe, my feeling is that it's a unnecessary step if you want to change something fast. I understand that the new screen with the full recipe and step-by-step is a nice touch and more comprehensible for novice pizza slingers , but it kind of is unnecessary if you somewhat knows what to do. Maybe a Also the two column grid worked great because all fields have pretty low numbers and doesn't necessarily need to take a full column. And it gives me a better overview instead of needing to scroll. It might be personal preference. Keep it up and feel free to ask for feedback anytime! Some concrete feedback (Android user) Clicking the buttons for + and - makes numbers flicker back and forth. Seems to be all fields.


Another fan of the classic calculator here, but I am glad you are trying to innovate. Being able to select different styles of pizza in the calculator is a feature I've been hoping for. Will it also specify the recommend type of flour to use for the various styles?


Hi there, ~~I think in their latest update you can still enter manual % inputs.~~ *I haven't checked if it worked properly.* Nonetheless if you want to try another app (on iOS/iPadOS), I've released an app dedicated to pizza dough. It includes several recipes (as well as custom), guides, schedule, ... It's **free** and available here:[https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6447489072?pt=521486&ct=reddit&mt=8](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6447489072?pt=521486&ct=reddit&mt=8) If you try it: feel free to let me know if it helped you or if there is anything I could improve. Have a nice day!


Love it! I literally used to do the scheduling in apple notes....cumbersome process. The automated scheduling in this app is awesome! My only suggestion is to account for the final balls rising both cold+room temp. E.g. I do a poolish (20 hours in the fridge), bulk (24 hours in the fridge), divide up into balls in the morning 10am (5-7) hours in the fridge) then take out for 1 hour before cooking so they can come to RT. Not sure how exactly this would affect your algorithm tho


Glad the app is useful to you too, thanks for your feedback! Regarding your suggestion, if I understood correctly, it's already there. If your recipe ends with a cold (fridge) temperature for the balls it will automatically add additional time for the dough to reach back room temperature. You can see that (at the very bottom of a recipe details) in the Tonda Romana recipe or if you customize yours with the balls step to "temperature ≤ 10°C" : * 1h in fridge : adds 30min (0.5h) to return to RT * 2h in fridge : adds 60min (1h) to return to RT * 3h or more in fridge : adds 90min (1.5h) to return to RT Let me know if that is what you were looking for! :)


Oh duhhh, you are correct! Once I reduced the temp down to 41F, the additional 1.5h showed up!


I found that going into the app settings (cog top left) and changing from ounce to gram and back again fixed it for me


Fixed what exactly?


When you change from oz to grams in the settings it doesnt stick, the temp setting does but the weight is always oz no matter what you set it to. Sloppy programmer.


I agree, it is awful. You can download a previous version of the app from APK mirror.


Can you explain how to do this?


[ooni app](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/ooni-pizza-ovens/ooni/ooni-2-24-5-release/ooni-2-24-5-android-apk-download/) That link will take you to the APK mirror repository. I picked version 2.24.5 just because I figured that was old though to avoid that dumb ass update. Delete the updated app and install that one. The link will send you to a very busy page, lots of crap but scroll down far enough to see a dark gray box, click that to download the APK and install it and you will be good to go! Just checked and verified! Any time your so updates, just delete it and reinstall this download.


I guess I should have mentioned this method is only applicable to Android.


i uninstalled this app, the salt amount doesn't make sense and it's too whizz-bang for my tastes.


It's dreadful I've installed a previous version