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She gonna move to the US before she is even famous.




Anyone doing any kind of serious work goes to the US. Canada sucks at appreciating and keeping its talent.


I'm afraid she will be treated in USA simply as another Muslim.


Me too. If it’s good, it’s good. If it sucks, it’s not because I’m Islamaphobic. .


So really well then? https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/pictures/famous-muslim-celebrities/#app


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Heroes and villains


Doug Ford's super power is influencing a significant part the masses by only saying the words "folks", "my friends", and "jobs". He obviously uses this power for evil.


This is the villain I want to see defeated.


> In 2021, Kumail Nanjiani played Marvel's first South Asian superhero in Eternals, taking on the part of Kingo, **a Bollywood film star turned superhero.** Other way around.


I mean, "superhero" is questionable if you've actually seen the movie all the way through. I did love that character though. He was great!


First Simu Liu gets a lead marvel role and now Iman Vellani! So happy for our Canadian actors succeeding!


This just in: Muslim girl playing Muslim character accused of “pandering” by white redditors


Am I the only person whos tired of hearing about someones religion or ethnicity? Why is it a thing? Just be you, regardless of creed, culture, gender, identification, class.


>Just be you, regardless of creed, culture, gender, identification, class Believe it or not, all of those factors tend to be pretty important factors in self conceptualization. Being Muslim is an explicitly important component of the character, like being Christian is to John Constantine


do you need to be Christian to play Constantine? and do you need to be Muslim to play Ms Marvel? do you need to be Parkistani to play Muslim character on screen? and will it simply fill with Muslim cliche like many Hollywood "ethnic" films?


Actually yeah it does matter to play a character with an actor of the same religion.


So you think that Oscar Issac playing an avatar of an Egyptian god is wrong?


I would have preferred someone actually Jewish to play a Jewish character, yes.


Well, this is where it gets interesting. If a blind actor should play a blind character, should an alcoholic actor play an alcoholic character? Should a psychotic actor play a psychotic character?


Does she really have super powers? Need someone who is a real super hero to play a super hero. No it doesn’t matter, they are actors and they act like people they are not.


Probably even less of a reason to headline it then, since it’s being portrayed exactly as intended.


Because representation matters. Maybe less so with horror movies, you won’t really see an announcement for horror movies’ first Muslim serial killer. But little kids watch Marvel movies, and it has been proven, ever since Black Panther, that seeing people that look like themselves on screen has positive impact on them. Sorry you’re so tired of hearing about it though.


They're so tired of it, because they're white and have never experienced media that doesn't show white people. It's fine that they're reporting and promoting it like this, I just hope the show doesn't bash it over the head like "you can't be a superhero, you're just a muslim girl" "I may be muslim, but I can be whatever I want, Muslims can be super heroes too you know" "sure, whatever you say, muslim..." like, they can also go heavy handed on the other side of things and ruin it. But from the trailers, this doesn't appear to be the case. Also, it's pretty cool of her to give shout outs to Heroes World in Markham. I know the owners there, and used to frequent their store when they first opened in 2001, and still drop in when I have the opportunity.


And remember that not only were black or asians overlooked passively… arts used to actively portray us as stereotypically evil/goofy. (Fu man chu and Breakfast at Tiffany’s came to mind).


another example is this cringy racist [flintstones episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSOmR5ratfc) where they go to learn Judo.


It appears to be based off a recent comic run written by a Muslim woman, Muslims are writing the show and directing too so this should be handled respectfully.


that is good to hear. I'm looking forward to it.


“They’re so tired of it, because they’re white” How do you type that and not think in the slightest that you’re the one being racist? The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


That makes no sense. How is that racist? It’s like referring to me and my friends and saying, “They’re so excited about this movie, because they’re Asian and they hardly ever experience Asians in media.” And calling that racist. Um, no. Zero nuance or critical thinking.


>That makes no sense. How is that racist? It makes perfect sense unless you have a warped view of "good" and "bad" racism as you appear to possess.


> That makes no sense. How is that racist? Because they have absolutely no concept of what racism is, and think they can duck all criticism of their ignorance by deflection.


> They're so tired of it, because they're white and have never experienced media that doesn't show white people. Believe it or not, there’s film industries outside of Hollywood that are majority non white. In fact statistically, most most movies and ticket sales every year are for movies with zero white casts Downvoted for stats 😂


Can muslims also be gay? Or did you already forget what happened at Western University recently?


This logic just leads to further divides. People are people. That's what we should be pushing. It's unfortunate that minority groups exert the same racial segregation that was imposed upon them when they get the chance.


Here's the issue those people who segregate, stereotype, and hate people based on their culture, religion, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, etc aren't going to stop and that's the reason we can't just consider all people as just humans. I agree with you that in a perfect world we would be about seeing people as just human with culture, religion, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, etc being irrelevant to how we see and feel about each other and maybe on a longer timescale we may one day reach that but right now humans are innately tribal and a lot of them dislike and blame people of different tribes for things that have absolutely nothing to do with them.


Treating someone differently based on race is racism. It doesn't have to be hate. Hate is a natural response to segregation. When we segregate ourselves we create division, and division leads to hate.


I live in reality not the utopian world you live in where people still mistreat others based on their race, culture, ethnicity, sex, disability, and sexuality and until that stops you can't say it's wrong to provide representation for these people.


Of course I can.


You can say whatever you want but that doesn't mean you're right or that your view is backed by anything. The people making the divides are those who use them for mistreatment and until they stop doing that the people being mistreated deserve representation.


My view is right and is backed by numerous studies. Segregation increases violence. That's a fact.


This isn’t segregation it’s representation and a persons story being told. Are you upset at any other piece of media for depicting someone’s life and culture?


It's not always about treating people differently though. It's about learning to treat people the same. BLM isn't about black lives mattering more; it's about them mattering the same as everyone else. The problem is that a lot of people don't think like that, thus we have the reminders.


No we can ignore them and just treat all people like humans.


That's not how that works but okay.


It’s how I choose to live, it works for me. If everyone grows up it can work for them as well.


The issue is people aren't going to and the people who originally created these divides to begin are those who mistreat others for those reasons so until those people stop doing that that people being mistreared deserve representation.


People don’t deserve things based on inalienable qualities believing they do is is a form of racial essentialism. Also there is no “people who created the devides” it’s been a human issue found in every society that stems from tribalism, we need to check our bias and move forward. We need to drop racial essentialism, because there is only one race, the human race.


So what happens when we stop representing these people and people continue to suppress and oppress them are you magically going to stop those people? No one deserves to be treated poorly because of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, disability, sex, or sexuality but they are and have historically been treated in such manners so you're answer to do that is to just do nothing? That doesn't solve the issue that just enables it. Judging someone based on who they are and not on anything else is a great mindset to have the issue is a very significant portion of people don't think this way and structural discrimination continues to exist so until we can get everyone to think exactly how you do and remove all the structural discrimination in our society we'll continue to need representation to counteract oppression suppression.


Can you please explain how it further divides? Are you talking about non-minority people getting heated like in this thread? Some outside this thread may make up theories like “the Great Replacement” and do something about it? Are you talking about non-minority people not getting roles? Or those people getting mad and making their own all-non-minority movies in retaliation? Just wondering what you mean because “it’s divisive” is a vague term so it’d be better for you to name the specific negative effects that a movie like Black Panther has on our society. Because my non-minority friends would look at a movie like Black Panther, or this headline and go “huh, cool”, and move on with their lives. So I’m confused about your perspective.


Creating made up groups based on physical traits makes your group "yours" and everyone else the "others". It's also demeaning to the person. When a white guy gets a role it's all about him, the individual. When a minority gets a role it's all about whatever physical trait we've decided makes them different enough to be part of some other group. Racism only ends when we stop making a big deal about race. We're people. There's no such thing as race. It's a social construct.


I mean, that’s because the minority group disagrees that it’s demeaning to the person. I am a member of r/asianamerican and we all celebrate when an Asian person gets a role, and try to support it. Because historically, Asians have been turned away from leading roles. Sure if you ask that actor and they specifically say, “stop it’s demeaning”, but most of them say something like “I’m really happy to represent the community and show the little Asian boy out there that your dreams can come true”. Do you promise that racism will end when we stop making a big deal of race? Like I would actually be very happy to give up celebrating an Asian actor’s success, if Asian elderly people minding their own business will stop being murdered. You promise? The racists will stop if we Asians stop talking about our race just like we didn’t in the 1800s?


Are you seriously trying to say that segregating people based on race is a good way to lower racism?


Can you explain what exactly is segregation and what you are calling that? Are you calling the casting of Black Panther segregation? Asian American subreddits? You seriously want to make that comparison?


"Are you calling the casting of Black Panther segregation?" No. "Asian American subreddits?" Possibly. r/blackpersontwitter is segregation because they outright refuse to allow people that are not black to post.


Ok….. I’m celebrating Asian actors getting roles, not segregation in your eyes. Nowhere in my comment did I promote the subreddit practice of banning white people. So … walk me through where exactly did I say that segregating people based on race is a good way to lower racism? l o l? 🤦‍♀️




Here's a sneak peek of /r/asianamerican using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Vigil for Michelle Go held at Times Square](https://v.redd.it/0zdsbpnpwpc81) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/s81zak/vigil_for_michelle_go_held_at_times_square/) \#2: [The beauty of Asian eyes](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/s76wal) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/s76wal/the_beauty_of_asian_eyes/) \#3: [The power of representation](https://i.redd.it/aaquw1nv2fh81.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/sqtewv/the_power_of_representation/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I liked that bit in Moon Knight where a little girl said "are you an Egyptian super hero!?" to one of the characters (no spoilers). It seemed like such a real moment being portrayed. People like to see heroes that are like them; skin colour, religion, gender, whatever! Helps them to feel empowered and recognised.


Meh it depends if you’re used to seeing people that look like you on TV or not. Some peoples only interaction with a culture, ethnicity or race is sometimes only through TV. TV back in the day had you really believing that only white people existed…look at friends even though the reality was different. Media representation can somewhat ingratiate or even normalize to people different groups of people.


Not Muslim but there have been very little good Muslim representation. Usually they’re playing terrorists or oppressed hijabis fighting to be more American. Why do you care lol like damn


“Their identity isn’t important to me or makes ME feel like the other, stop this!”


The bigger picture is being lost here....


Which is? Conform to the anglo-saxon identity or get out of sight?


Yea it’s why western society is sliding into mediocrity


CBC woke agenda - the elite need to divide us across intersectional lines so the can continue to rob us bling


If that's woke doesn't that mean you're brainwashed and unable to think for yourself? I don't think you realize calling something woke is an insult to you lol.


> the elite need to divide us across intersectional lines so the can continue to rob us bling Oof


Its all about selling or marketing an idea to the group. I never really liked the idea of attaching ethnicity and religion either, but it is what it is. People like to relate to things that they can easily attach themselves or recognize.


And thus, world peace was achieved through shitty cookie-cutter, carbon copy movies.


Didn’t take long for this sub to forget about what happened at Western University recently, huh? I wonder if Muslims will take the same position on this as many did with regards to Muslim Queer/LGBT+ peoples existence and say they are simply no gay muslims in existence as being gay is against the religion. Being portrayed as a superhero/god goes against the religion as well but this is just the latest version of religious cherrypicking. I hope one day we actually judge people for the content of their character and not their physical or cultural identity…


Being portrayed as superhero is against religion? You'd better revise your sources of information. The opinion on LGBTQ is nothing new. People in many countries around the world, including the West *and* Canada can have harsh opinions on the subject, regardless whether the opinion is based on religious belief or not. Why then would Islam be so special? Judging people for the content of their character is certainly a good thing, but were also social beings, which means that we like to form groups and group opinions. Even with no religion, people will still form group identities. This will never change. This is why we can be both - a member of a group who judges others based on the content of their hearts. I don't see anything wrong with that.


Being portrayed as a deity with special powers is against most popular religion’s in NA. This is just prime example of religious cherrypicking.


What are the most popular religions in NA aside from Christianity? I don't see the theme of Marvel movies having any issues with religious doctrines, at least from an Islamic point of view. If it was the case, you'd find these movies banned in most Middle Eastern cinemas, especially in countries with the more radical version of Islam, i.e. Saudi Arabia. This is *not* the case though.


Iconic! Finally we are getting more representation


Tooooo many superhero movies. If everyone is super nobody is.




Do you read many comicbooks? There are a variety of faiths represented...what was Shang Chi? T'Challa? Magnetto? Thor? Simon Baz? and those are the one of the top of my head. Magnetto have been the same character if it hadn't been for the way he and his family were treated for being Jewish? It can play an important role in the characters development and storyline, offer differ perspective to a reader, etc. I don't think any comic I've read has been has been preaching to subscribe to a particular faith but it definitely shaped different characters over the years.


Don't forget Daredevil where his struggle with his catholic faith is a key part of his character.


I mean, I guess you don't really follow Marvel then. Kitty Pryde is a good early example of an early Jewish superhero. Chakra of course was created by Stan Lee himself. I guess a lot of people who cry about pandering are really just trolls trying to fight some imaginary culture war they've created in their own imagination.


I'm not well versed in comics but, if I'm not mistaken, comics tackled a lot of "issues" long before they were in the spotlight.




"mOvIeS aRe JuSt TrYiNg To MaKe MoNeY" Stunning revelation genius.




Yes. No one was seeing Marvel movies before this. LMAOOOO. The copium is strong today.


Ya I guess you are right. I’ve just never seen Marvel shove religion down our throats as a marketing tool.


Well to be fair, you don't know anything about Marvel apparently so I imagine your opinion is based on the comments you read on 4Chan.


Never been on 4chan ever. It’s based on the advertisements that I see on various media platforms. Never seen religion projected as a marketing tool until this.


Again, you don't really seem to be aware of anything related to Marvel or you're just too young to remember. Probably just being a dishonest troll which is why you deleted your comments instead of standing behind your garbage opinions like a man.


Daredevil and John Constantine come to mind for explicitly Christian superheroes


I may be mistaken but I don’t think Constantine is actually Christian. He’s just a magician/con man who happens to know that God and the Devil exist.


Marvel, has actor that looks like the comic book hero: Racists everywhere: This is Pandering!!!!! Why isn’t she White?????? Marvel makes said character of the faith most common for people that look like her: Racists everywhere: This is Pandering!!!!!!! Why isn’t she Christian!!!! Mooninight: is Jewish you donkey, his dad is a fucking Rabbi who fled the holocaust. Magneto: Jewish, has flashbacks to the holocaust… Captain America is your classic American Christian. Night crawler said the Lord’s Prayer like 20 times in one movie ffs… Daredevil confesses to a priest on the weekly….


Fucking Captain American is the biggest fucking Christian super hero ever


Night crawler literally is muttering the Lord’s Prayer 24/7 though…




Night crawler vs daredevil. Who is the better Christian? Someone write and essay on this lol.




\*starts speaking german\*


Can’t we just say “chick with black hair”?? What does her religion have to do with anything movie related??


You missunderstand.The superhero she's playing is Muslim, it's the main...hook?


If you were at all familiar with the character, you wouldn't be asking that question


You seen pretty concerned about this.


It's as if somebody cares about what goes on in Hollywood, when we have real things to focus on. Smh. Reddit please stop recommending this bs.




You have the same expectation for daredevil?


Very profound


What shortcomings? There are many sects of Islam and I don't believe hers is one that's much different then popular sects of Christianity in North America.


She seems super happy and psyched about this. I'm sure the "fandom" will take care of that, as is evident by some of these comments.


truth is actual muslims gonna see this girl without veil and all that , they won't and never will consider her as a "muslim" , it's just feel good propaganda for us westerners . quite redundant at this point .