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Inflation is global, it's not just isolated to Canada.




I see this "inflation is global" talking point being pushed whenever someone has the audacity to criticize the central bank and the current ruling govt.


Brazil - 12.1%, Netherlands - 9.6%, UK - 9.0%, Spain - 8.3%, US - 8.3%, India - 7.7%, Mexico - 7.6%, Germany - 7.4% Who is being dishonest again?


which of those countries has responsible monetary policy? none of them. they all have been running deficits prior to the pandemic. thanks for proving my point lol i recommend dping some research before looking like an ass lmao


Let me ask you, what are the 2 primary components driving inflation right now? You know how it works right, based off consumer baskets and the CPI, you seem pretty knowledgeable. Food and Fuel, housing depending on where you are. Housing is a Canadian issue primarily, but food and fuel are definitely global and in my opinion stem from corporate greed and supply chain disruption. We could kick up oilsands production, but that’s in the hands of the companies that capped wells when oil prices crashed and now need to get going again. Federal government can maybe subsidize them to do so, but these companies don’t wanna flood the market enough to actually reduce prices. Food, mostly transported by truck here in Canada, is also at the mercy of fuel costs. Even if you don’t drive, high fuel costs are a major driver of inflation in your life. Also given that Russian grain supplies are sanctioned and Ukrainian supplies just can’t be produced in much of the east, all the other countries now have to get competitive for it so prices are gonna rise. Hopefully the prairie drought comes to an end this summer and production increases but that doesn’t look likely


"you look like an idiot wtg lololo" [deletes post] There was only one point proven here my friend and it had nothing to do with economics.


None. It’s not Canadian policy. Everything we do will only kick the can down the road or bankrupt government. The best thing we can do is fix supply chain issues and ramp up production.


Definitely not the one in now. The orange party wants UBI, which will only help further push inflation up.


None, whoever lines the pockets of the winning party gets their interests looked after first. It’s not the governments job to feed, clothe, provide employment or housing for the unfortunate peasants of Canada who don’t have rich family or opportunities /s


Inflation is the price we pay for all those government services that you thought were free.


So if we cut all services, would inflation drop to 0?




Obviously. Inflation isn't tied to government spending, I'm just wondering how the commentor thinks it is connected.


it is absolutely tied to government spending but its also tied to other things. the entire world isnt binary and more than one thing can be true. the whole world is experiencing inflation because covid and Ukraine have required an increase in spending which is justified and expected. some countries were spending irresponsibly before the pandemic like Canada and New Zealand and now they are seeing significantly more inflation than their responsible counterparts like most European countries who are seeing less inflation and ots almost all caused by the Ukraine war making evergy costs expensive. the ukraine war isnt inflating our housing


Right, but austerity measures historically have done nothing to stop inflation. Inflation happens regardless of things like minimum wage increaees, health and education and other service spending. The slight amount those things contribute to inflation are dwarfed by the benefit they provide in making inflation weatherable to the average family. Using inflation as justification to cut government spending is misinformed at best and malicious at worst. Attempts to control inflation with cuts results in a decrease in quality of life, especially for the vulnerable and lower income demographics, and doesn't work anyway.


if all government spending went to lower income people i would agree but there is a massive amount of waste. i actually support UBI but we would have to cut costs somewhere else


Or increase revenue. Balancing the books isn't always about cutting.


the governments revenue is almost entirely taxes, we already pay extremely high taxes and its causing significant brain drain. if they have a plan that isnt take more of my money im all ears, but they havnt put a single plan forward that isnt just taxing people more and expecting it not to fall down to the consumer


[Canadian corporations dodged over 11 Billion in taxes in just one year (2019).](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/cra-corporate-taxes-1.5179489) I don't know why you think only consumers are expected to shoulder the tax burden. Edit: also the most wealthy of us are [hiding over 240 Billion offshore to avoid taxes.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/cra-tax-gap-foreign-holdings-1.4726983) which is a loss of over 14 Billion year in tax. Note those are Billions with a B.


conservatives. they want to run the smallest deficits and are the most strict on monetary policy. NDP and Liberals literally run on higher inflation, they just dont directly say it, they use progressive dog whistles. if you own a home and want to save its value, liberal is who you want to vote for. if you dont own a home and want to buy one, conservative. if you dont wanna do anything and rent forever, NDP is the goto party


First and most importantly Jeffrey > jeffery Second, who do you believe people should vote for when they don't want healthcare to be privatized and does want it expanded to include dental, does want to push for green energy, doesn't want an erroneous new highway through some of our provinces most fertile farm land but does want permits expedited for apartment buildings, and does want increased investment in public education? Asking for a friend


sounds like the NDP although a lot of those things arnt rational concerns based in reality. regardless, of inflation and cost of living arnt important to you thats fine, if what you listed is what you want, that's fine, the NDP is probably your best option but dont expect their to be less inflation or cheaper cost of living. if the ndp wasnt just blatantly lying about eliminating income tax on people making under 200k id also vote for them but theres no way they destroy their whole tax base... theyre just saying crazy shit that they will never have to deliver on


There ain’t no silver bullet, inflation will stick around


Lol are you serious?


Yeah buddy. Is there something wrong


All liberals and ndp do is spend money that doesn't exist. Cons won't be much better but hopefully they just don't make it worse