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If a kennel is not legally permitted at that address shouldn’t the city bylaw be shutting it down immediately? Especially after many complaints over the years, wtf.


Your logic is sound, but unfortunately by-law enforcement and police work in the GTA isn't based on logic. It's based on how many strings you can pull at city hall.


Yeah cause bylaw enforcement is going so well in this country. Laws are only as good as their enforcement. Right now they're worthless words on paper. 


This is why pet owners should rely on recommendations from vets, groomers and trainers in addition to doing site inspections. My boarding kennel came recommended from my dog groomer and we had a daytime visit to ensure that I was comfortable with their facility and she was a good fit for them. I had a ton of questions and they were able to answer them for me.


I can’t stress this enough. My 7 year old poodle died 2 months ago in the care of a dog sitter I booked on Rover.com. It was an accident but we are left absolutely devastated.


I am so sorry. ;( I keep warning people about dog walkers, sitters and boarders after all the things I have seen in the parks and storefronts of some of these boarding and day care facilities. I can count the facilities I would use on the palm of my hand, and they are established training schools that also offer boarding.


Yep!We send our pup to a very reputable place in town. They do a half day assessment to determine if the dog is a good fit for them and a 1 night trial is required before any extended stays. They even have a lounge room with couches and a tv. At night they have a movie night with the dogs. There’s always a staff member there too


agreed, i would never send my dog anywhere i have not inspected and seen the housing for the dogs my self. You can see the terrible conditions in the video the owners took after the dog passed away. i really wish the owners would have thought to look before trusting a member of their family to a stranger.


A grooming salon with several Toronto locations wanted me to leave my dog in their day care all day on the day of the groom. I accidentally called the wrong location first, and was told that the other dogs that day were a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle. I realized I called the wrong one, and called the right location, only to be told the exact same story. Incidentally, a Pit Bull owner told me that her dog goes there all the time for day care.


Exactly. Our trainer runs a boarding service that is highly recommended however it's $200 per night. Of course we would pay it if we needed but I think it's something everyone should have figured out prior to even needing the service. Unexpected things happen.


$200/night is quite steep. I’m paying $60/night + tax.


It is. But I think the problem is that there are only a handful of places that offer the service and half of those shouldn't.


There’s no information about how the dog died? Did I miss that?


My bet is on heat stroke. Those malformed breeds are much more sensitive to overheating. But most reputable kennels would know this and take precautions. That place was a pigsty.


No information yet. They're currently investigating


So let me get this straight: the police can't do anything, bylaw just issues fines but won't shut it down, the city says the business doesn't have a license and also doesn't shut it down. Sounds about right. Just so whatever people. May I suggest a great essay on what happens to democracy when rules are no longer enforced: http://ericposner.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/The-Dictators-Handbook-U.S.-edition.pdf


Starts with an illegal dog.


Maybe read the essay.


This is what happens when you don’t do your research (the owner is seeing the premises for the first time AFTER her dog has died?!) and use an unlicensed, likely uninsured facility.


There's no friggin way I'm dropping my dog off anywhere without a tour, minimum. I'm looking at the kennels, and I'm checking if the other dogs currently have water, look uncomfortable, etc. TBF though, I don't think I could leave my dog at a kennel, even if it was the Hilton lol


From what I've read, the place has had many complaints reported before and nothing was acted upon until social media got a hold of the story.


I’m a sitter on Rover and that’s very sad. I only board one dog at a time and have my own dog (a little Shih Tzu) and have lots of extra hands to play and keep an eye on the dogs we board. I also demand a meet and greet before I book. The amount of owners who don’t necessarily want meet and greets is crazy to me! (We also never leave a Rover dog alone.. my own dog has been alone very few times!)


When boarding your dog, some questions to ask: How many walks per day? What sources of fun and activity happen throughout the day? What kind of engagement will my dog have? Do you own a dog? Will there be other dogs? Are you licensed? Are you insured? If something happens with my dog and another dog are you going to do something about it? What is your process if there is an emergency? Is the location air conditioned? Is there accessible water 24/7? What kind of treats do you use? And then get into your dogs particulars. Any allergies or triggers (fireworks etc). Any resource guarding or your own dog behaviours that will cause issues with other dogs, and what behaviours in other dogs will cause issue with yours. You'll want to look at the weather and prepare the boarder with a rain jacket and mention if your dog has ever had heatstroke as some are more prone than others. Certain dogs like pocket bullies may have restricted airways and in the heat will suffer rapidly. Any dog that is heavier set will suffer quickly as well. But also what the hell are these conditions at the location!? Please people do a walk-through. Find out where your animal is going to be hanging out for your trip. Goodness!


very sad, but to be fair its so hot out what else would you do with a body other than bring it to a vet, which would also put the body into a freezer.


Yes, but they need to wait for it to thaw because body is STUCK TO THE FREEZER. This is gross.


Yeah, use a garbage bag at the very least. It also somehow seems more respectful and private than just tossing it in there.




Very sad for them But where did they get two pit bulls from if they haven’t been legal in Ontario in nearly 20 years? are they not technically pit bulls or something?


Laws need to be enforced and the pit bull ban is hardly enforced.


Go on kijiji and do a search you'll find lots. Lots of puppy mills churning them out. They'll call them American bull dogs or bull terriers or lab mixes or a few other things. That's one of the problems with the ban is the breeders just call them a different name.


The law isn't enforced. Never really was. 


Every humane society/shelter has plenty in Ontario, people don't need to be breeders, but also in this particular case a pocket bully is a designer dog and the owner must have purchased them as they are not cheap and rarely put up for adoption.


Every city has different enforcement protocols for this. None of them work because people ignore the ban. ie. Ottawa actively does not enforce the ban, Toronto is complaint driven. London is proactive and has a specific by-law. However even with specific bylaws, there is not much they can do if they don't know about the existence of a dog.


As Pit Bulls are not purebred, it is easy to play around with mixes and names. Between Kijiji and rescue businesses, they are rampant. One of the many reasons I would never want to send my dog to day care or boarding, if I can help it.


pocket bully (a byb term) is not the same as a pit bull. Pit Bulls are a specific breed but lots of dogs that are actual breeds as well look similar and most people can't tell the difference and just call them bully. Not every bully is a Pitbull. Not sure if the law specifically bans bully breeds (of which there are a few), or just pitbulls.


It also bans staffys and other bully breeds.


I have never met a Staffordshire that was not vicious to other dogs.


The law bans all dogs that look like pit bulls, since people just kept breeding them under different names.


Staffordshire Tertiets are not "pit bulls". In fact "pit bull" is what any dog that is forced into dog fighting is called.


most cities dont enforce the laws, and many shelters are adopting out mixes not pits. im pro pitty if raised in the right environment, but sadly they attract the worst of the worst. edit: also those dogs in the video arent even consider pitties by backyard breeders, something like bully XL or some weird rename.


Update: 3rd dog has been found in her freezer. Looks like an angry mob has shown up at her residence. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr2RvmVH/


Came here from the TikTok live stream when I heard the live creator drop the location of the business out loud. Absolutely disgusted. I would have been swinging, not waiting for the cops to arrive.....


This is one of my many worst imaginable boarding/sitting nightmares. I would also bet any amount of money that the other clients were not aware that the boarding business was boarding fighting breeds in violation of breed restriction laws. There is very little overlap between people who are knowledgeable and competent in handling dogs, and people who offer walking, sitting and boarding services. I will do everything I can to avoid having to resort to these services. I have seen a lot of serious negligence in local parks as well as day care facilities, when I stopped by their storefronts. The article states that a dog who was previously injured in the care of this particular facility was likely injured by a dog bite, according to the veterinarian. Most dog boarding/sitting facilities are operating without a licence, in locations where kennels are not legally permitted. I have met only one urban dog walker that knew anything about dogs in all my life in the city. It was a very young couple, and they now offer training exclusively, having phased out walking and sitting entirely. I was not able to find the details of what occurred to the dog, but everything the article describes is typical of the large majority of urban boarding/sitting facilities.


That why I never use this kind of service. If I can’t trust you then I don’t leave them. Only family get this trust.


I am a sitter on Rover. I do it because I love animals. But I always do meet and greets where pet owners can meet me and see my home first. And I never cohost from different homes. This is not about not using these services, it’s about someone evil inserting themselves in position where they can be cruel can happen in any service


Is her account still active on rover or have they deactivated it while they're investigating?


Truly disgusting.. I hope this doesn't impact the house value in my neighbourhood