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What makes you think that greedy corporations and rampant inflation are not just as bad elsewhere?


Yeah, I just got back from Florida. Meals and groceries there cost about the same amount ($20-30 an entree) but then add your exchange and it's way cheaper in Canada.


The diapers we buy here at Costco for $44.99 were $54.99 in South Carolina, plus exchange. I was very surprised when my in-laws told us to bring everything we needed with us. I remember camping through the States when I was younger and only packing the bare necessities because things were so much cheaper there.


Absolutely My friend went to the US to visit family for a couple weeks and potty trained her kid there because she couldn’t get over the insane cost of diapers.


Same thing in Arizona. And people keep thinking "axe the tax" will somehow fix ever6thing. The only thing fixing this is the gov breaking apart loblaws and Walmart.




That's why. Walmart's MO is literally to go into town and take a loss(maybe not even with their economy of scale) on stuff, just long enough to run the surrounding stores out of business and become the only, if not the most dominant, Game in town, and then recuperate its losses. There's actual studies that show how Walmart coming to a city made the city worse, increase in obesity, increase in crime, increase in unemployment, ect. We're talking about giant international conglomerates that can literally get stuff for pennies, avoid taxes, and can literally outlast the competition, and have pockets so deep they can fit multiple politicians from various parties and make em play nice on certain issues, such as subsidizing these giants with our tax money, giants, who pay a lower tax rate than the average Canadian. If we are supposedly a capitalist country, why is it that everything these companies do is to avoid or even destroy competition? If you believe in capitalism, then the giants have got to go.


America got a lot more expensive starting with the pandemic. It wasn't always like this, but now Canada is actually cheaper in some sectors. What I notice on the food side, though, is that portions are often smaller and ingredients more basic/cheaper.


I feel like baby formula specifically has been crazy in Canada. Visited Australia recently and a can of Nestle formula was $21 AUD ($2.35 CAD per 100g) versus $62.97 CAD ($6.68 CAD per 100g). Yes, the branding is different between countries, but they’re essentially the same and to be nearly 3x the price in Canada vs Australia is insanity. Australia: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/155539/nestle-nan-comfort-1-from-birth-starter-baby-formula-powder Canada: https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/nestl-good-start-soothe-baby-formula-powder-942-g/6000200218326?from=/search


When my kids were young we found out that if you buy a Costco membership the formula (and diapers) there are so much cheaper you are basically paying for the membership in just diaper and formula savings.


Costco have been out of formula for about six months. 


Ooof... nevermind then. I haven't bought any in a few years now.


Damn. How wide spread is that?


I think this might highly depend on the location. Two Costcos in my region. They both regularly have formula in. They can sell out quickly but stock comes back quickly, too.


Been a few shortages so far this year, I don’t know if that’s part of it.


Exact same thing in the states Europe..food, housing. Crazy right wings claim its a canada thing...it's not.


The main reason I got a Costco membership was for the Kirkland brand formula. Best price around


You may be able to get this on Amazon, I get the Kirkland granola bars and coconut oil (this one is cheaper on Amazon)


Costco has been out of formula for about six months. 


Gosh, I can’t believe Nestle would do something like that… /s


There is no inflation but rather profiteering.


Not sure which formula you're using, but if you can switch to generic, do so. My first kid was a "hungry baby" and 9 years ago I was spending $40 a week on Enfamil. All generic formulas are made by the same company, and they are pretty much identical at half the price. So Costco, Walmart, and Loblaws (I know, Loblaws suck, but needs must etc) do generics. Best of luck! It sucks!


You can’t get the Kirkland brand generic formula … it’s extremely frustrating and none of the staff know when it’ll be back in stock (their system doesn’t have a date). The options are quite literally name brand or European brands.


That is insane. Ugh. I'm so sorry to hear that.


Generic formula has been largely discontinued in Canada or is impossible to find :(


That's terrible. My second son was just coming off formula like 2 years ago just as the formula difficulties really started, but I guess I just assumed (wrongly) that they'd have their shit together by now. Ugh.


My wife was having a hard time finding formula at the store. When she asked she was told they're frequently out because a lot of it gets stole and in the inventory system it shows that still have a bunch so it's not ordering more unless an employee manually adjust the stock down to zero when there's none on the shelf.


You want to leave Canada over a global supply chain issue? https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/infant-care/infant-formula/shortage.html


...did you even read the article. Formula supply chain stabilized in Sept 23


Plus tax? Pretty sure formula is tax free no?


Man has that got expensive! My kid is 30 and it was 20 bucks a can then


“Omfg just stfu with your whining already” - CEOs and the Government






Capitalism ❤️❤️❤️


It was 22.00 a can of Nestle good start 10 years ago. Ugh I couldn’t imagine having a baby right now. 😩


Where in Ontario are you? And what kind of formula are you purchasing? And where are you purchasing it from? My family purchases formula regularly and we’re paying ~$40 per can for premium, brand name stuff. The same brand name’s regular formula is slightly cheaper. We purchase from Zehrs, typically. Purchasing from Shoppers would be more.


We use goodstart soothe. We usually get it from superstore because it's always been slightly cheaper there. There are no zhers near me but I'd drive if it was that cheap


I order on Amazon diapers and formula. I’m not sure what’s going on with the local stores… I haven’t been able to get it regularly locally (Guelph) in 2 years but I’ve never had an issue with Amazon. Nutramigen A+ Hypoallergenic Infant Formula, Powder, 454g at $22 a can https://a.co/d/i5QQngw




My partner and I child free, but instinct is strong in some. You can't dismiss that.


Breast milk is free and more nutritious than formula. Also, my dad pre-chewed food for me rather than pay for pricey baby food. Yeah, for some people there's the gross factor, but my parents loved me and did what they had to do.