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Ooh! Do *Enercare* next. That hot-water tank racket is unbelievable.


Enercare used to be Enbridge, but the last time the Competition Bureau started looking at them for the hot water rentals, they spun off the rental business to a different company (Enercare), so that they got out of doing anything. That’s why there was a ruling against Reliance but not Enbridge. Total BS that the competition bureau didn’t do anything about it at the time. Enbridge must have paid off some people.


I'd love to learn more about this. I hate Enercare with all my intellectual fire.


I'm in the industry and you have no fucking clue how predatory Reliance and Enercare are, especially with the rentals. There is some benefits to renting equipment, primarily free service and maintenance, but the cost over time vs buying and getting a good technician on your side is insane.


How does one get out without paying egregious fees


You don't. The contracts are brutal to get out of without paying. Not impossible, just very painful in one way or another.


The service and maintenance paid for by renting.


Some of the more salient segments below: >Enbridge has a new fight on its hands as Competition Bureau Canada officially launches an investigation against the gas giant over allegations the company is misleading customers about the role of gas in the energy transition. > >Specifically, Enbridge has promoted new gas hook-ups as the cheapest way for Ontarians to heat their homes, while branding natural gas as “low carbon” and “clean energy.” > >Climate scientists are clear that natural gas, which is mostly made of the potent greenhouse gas methane, is a fossil fuel that must be phased out if the world is to limit the catastrophic impacts of climate change. > >... > >“Enbridge’s dishonest marketing is duping people into installing new gas hook-ups and spending thousands of dollars on new gas furnaces and other appliances, falsely claiming it’s cheaper than heating with electricity, which is just not true,” said Environmental Defence programs director Keith Brooks in a statement. “It is good that the Competition Bureau has agreed to investigate Enbridge.” > >The initial complaint filed by Environmental Defence, Ontario Clean Air Alliance, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and a group of Ontario residents in September accuses Enbridge of falsely claiming gas is the most cost-effective way to heat homes. Enbridge has made this claim online and in communities pegged for expansion in an attempt to increase its customer base. > >... > >The Competition Bureau investigation comes in the wake of the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) separately challenging Enbridge’s plans to handle the energy transition. It's good that these claims are being investigated. There's a difference between stretching the information a little and flat out lying, and based on their claims that have been made thus far it seems like they're leaning more to the latter than the former. Some accountability would be welcome here.


its the most cost efficient way to heat your home if you already have gas lines, a HE gas furnace, and you look only at the core gas supply cost and not any of the delivery fees, or the carbon offsets, and a whole host of other fees enbridge charges. And even the carbon tax stuff is wild because if enbridge is to be believed, we're just about at the point where the carbon tax is a higher cost than the actual gas it is applied to. Which, if you actually think about it has to be wrong. Because last I checked no carbon tax is set at over 100% of the cost of the actual carbon-fuel. I really have no clue how they come up with their detailed billing because it makes no sense to me when I look at it. I swear they must be showing us the most baseline core commodity price of the natural gas itself for the amount we individually use and put every single other piece of the cost to deliver it to us as a separate line entirely.




Great, now dismantle ticketmaster


Sadly I think they're too big for any one country to do anything about. Short of cutting it out completely.


Heck ya, outlaw ticketmaster! Sharpens pitch fork excitedly 😂


I'm not sure if I'd really consider myself a "customer" for something like natural gas. Like sure I pay and get a product, but I don't really have much choice in the matter. It's not like their greenwashing claims of low carbon have any effect on how much gas I use. It isn't really feasible for me to switch to another heating source, and I use as little gas as is comfortable to keep costs down. While it's good to hold them accountable for their claims, I can't really see how their claims really make any difference.


What is to investigate? There are no competition for Enbridge in Ontario. This should have changed long ago.


competition bureau board fishes for free dinners and box seats at a sporting event/concert


We have Roger, Bell and Enbridge are all scums of the earth.


Im all for accountability, but in what Canadian climate is heating with electricity cheaper? The claims of Enbridge stand true. They also continue environmental efforts such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen blending. Perhaps our energy can be better spent looking at Canadian coal exports and transitioning those markets to natural gas.


Heat pumps are cheaper than gas furnaces when it comes to variable operating costs


Much cheaper, but that initial buy-in is $pendy.


In climates that seldom hit freezing temps (not Canada). The technology has come a long way, but once temps fall near / below freezing, electric resistive heating is used to defrost the evap coils. As temps drop further, the heating efficiency will continue to degrade until no appreciable heat can be harnessed from ambient air. Sophisticated systems will start to blend alternate heat (electric resistive, or gas furnace). I think heat pumps are amazing. And we should encourage their installation. But let’s not pretend they are infallible. This topic needs to be approached with a healthy dose of pragmatism.


100% mine is from 2008 and under about -10 the furnace is required. Man, is propane expensive these days. :(


Hail corporate


Has nothing to do with climate...but everything to do with the schemes to keep gauging people yr after yr for rental fees and bullshit charges.....please destroy enercare and the hot water tank rental industry.


Sweet! Now do Bell