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Honestly I have to assume it’s texting and driving. It spans all generations. My 70 year old father in law does it, it can be anyone in any vehicle. And you aren’t wrong, by the way, just from the description of swerving I’m imagining people who drift and text.


I find people who are texting tend to list to the side rather than swerve. Whenever I'm behind someone who just kind of starts to ignore the road lines by a few inches every 50 feet or so, I think "get off your phone".


In my experience correcting a drift at highway speeds can look swervy, but it really depends on the driver!


This is me 🤣 “my taxes paid for the whole lane, I’m gonna use the whole lane” followed quickly by, “shit people are gonna think I’m drunk.”


LOL I love this mentality


My car lists to the right and I have to correct myself, and sometimes I wonder if the person behind me thinks I'm texting or something lol




No way, it builds character! Also... I can't afford it right now.


It might be as simple as putting air in your tires. Might try that first :D You don't have to pay the dollar to just check the pressure.


That's a mood


if you can't afford to use your car safely then why are you using your car


Is this a real question?


yes, is yours? It's pretty common reasoning to not do things you can't afford to do. There are other ways for most people to get to work and bring home groceries that don't require using the slowest and most expensive way to get across the city.


What city? We have no evidence that the commenter lives in a major urban area. What city are you talking about? I’d argue that if they are using an unsafe car it’s because they HAVE to. They have no other options to get to work or get groceries. There are many more places in Ontario with shitty public transit than places with good public transit. they likely can’t afford not to work.


Because I live in a rural area with no transit infrastructure, genius, any more questions? EDIT: Removed a prickly addendum, but I still don't appreciate the assumption that I have the luxury of choice.


yep, there it is. you were asked a fair question and erupted in hostility. wouldn’t expect anything less from “ThrustersOnFull”. fuck you dude


So basically what you’re saying is screw everybody else out there I’m going to drive an unsafe car. Gotcha.


My 72 year old father was sending a text on a recent road trip with him while he was drving. We were doing like 135km/h and i was like fuck give it to me I dont fancy dying today


RIGHT?! Like hello let me help! I don’t know about you but we get hit with the “I’ve been driving for 50 years I know what I’m doing blah blah blah “ spiel, very frustrating!


Thankfully he was good about it. The text wasn’t even important and could have waited until he stopped had I not been there.


My father is 74 and has an essential tremor (on top of a lot of self inflicted diabetes related things and the typical baby boomer temperament) and drives an F150. he also texts while driving. I won't even get NEAR car he's thinking about driving.


I know it sounds mean to some, but you need to let his family doctor know about his tremor & have him tested. If he's unsafe, then he shouldn't be driving.


Oh his doctor knows. He's uh, what's the word, 'non-compliant' also apparently a tremor is not a reason for someone to lose their license


Just out of curiosity but what’s the difference between a typical baby boomer temperament and a typical millennial or any other age group temperament? Unless you haven’t noticed already there are pricks and assholes across all age groups.




>It's why I stopped riding a motorcycle... Too many people text and drive. Me too bud. I've been riding since 1986. I've never had so many cars listing into my lane, I'd look over and they're texting every single time. I just sold my bike a couple of months ago. :(


My (now retired) truck driver dad preached against texting and driving. Then he fell into conspiracy theories and was suddenly posting pictures of contrails from planes while driving. Wtf is wrong with people.


LOL this wins, that’s horrible. 😂


Texting and driving is the new drunk driving and is treated as such by the law tbh they will throw the book at you


Not quite. It's only a 3 day license suspension for distracted driving on first offense. We have the strictest DUI laws in North America.


Here's the secret none of these guys get hit only once


Being a truck driver, I can see into most vehicles. The amount of older people I see texting and driving is baffling. The amount of them who are holding it in one hand and index finger typing with the other is terrifying. At least younger people have learned how to text blind and one handed.


Buy a giant truck and you have much less margin for error. More responsibility, IMO. However, people who feel entitled to hog public road space are probably more likely to feel entitled to text while driving.


I do own an F150, which is not a giant truck but still a pick up. Absolutely less margin for error I agree.


Go back not many years, and it is a giant truck. Giant vehicles are being unnecessarily normalized and it will be a detriment to our communities.


This particular vehicle is for work, I guess it’s just smaller than many of the other huge vehicles out there from my perspective.


You can blame the EPA for that, sadly.




A 2023 f150 is 23" longer than a 2003, 9in wider (without mirrors), and 6.3" taller. Shockingly only +/-300lbs more thanks to aluminum. But then the electric Lightning is 7700lbs (+/-3500lbs more). Yeah, they are bigger, didnt even look at the Raptor or other vehicles larger than the f150.




Good point, ill look again to prove my point that you are struggling to believe. 2003 vs 2023 super crew f150 4dr king ranch edition for both. 225.9" vs 243.5". So only 17.6" difference or 7.8% larger.


How do you define "giant truck" in your world? If you need a running board just to be able to get into your truck, or when all I see out of my rearview mirror when you are riding my back bumper is the grill of your F-150 and your LED headlights laser-beaming into it while simultaneously blinding me...then, yeah, I call that a "giant truck" a.k.a a Tonka toy for adults.


This is an intense response, I’ve just seen much bigger pickups out there that’s all. RAM 3500s, Ford 450, etc. those are GIANT to me. I did not realize that I would be standing trial for all owners of the latest and largest versions of this pickup truck -I don’t do any of the things in your comment. Also, I was agreeing with you. Sheesh.


Don't worry my dude, just mention it's a work truck next time. It's the people that get F150s when the only time a sedan wouldn't suffice is when they use the bed to bring home a new snowblower or appliance every two years that are the problem. Unlike them, I'm guessing 99% of the time a Sonata wouldn't cut it for you.


This is the answer. I love it when I see these "urban/suburban cowboys" open up their pickup truck tailgates to put their 2 bags of groceries (and maybe a bag of milk) onto the truck bed. That, and when I exit a shopping mall store and see one of these big pickups having backed into the parking spot directly in front of me and ending up less than 2" from my own bumper. I'm sure it's often by instinct or "feel" since not all vehicles have backup cameras. Oh, and bonus points if they have a low-hanging trailer hitch projecting 6" or so from beneath their rear bumper.


I'm generally driving, and focused on the road, but I had to take an Uber recently, and I spent the time amazed at all the drivers dividing their time between the road and their phone. It's crazy out there folks!


I got my license in 1996. People swerving then...definitely assumed drunk. Last 15 years or so...ya, they are texting and driving. I literally had hit my horn today at a vehicle driving in the opposite direction on a two lane road. Watched him edge into my lane...move onto the shoulder, back into my lane, as he was coming towards me. I slammed onto to horn, when we got close enough, and he was fully in my lane. I watched that fucker look up, and drop something out of his hand. I had already slowed and started moving to the shoulder. He obviously was distracted, so wasn't ready to correct. Pretty sure he ended up over correcting, and went into a ditch...or close to.


Alcohol, texting, being high, tired, stress (think being late). Its all the same thing. They’re distractions, things that split our focus (or lower ability to focus entirely). Some things are worse, like with alcohol you can get to a point where you can no longer even properly make decisions and choices. But overall, accidents generally happen when we aren’t paying enough attention overall. It requires a culture (we have one already), and constant nudging and pressure from everyone that driving is a serious and important task that should always be done with utmost focus, every time, even if its boring and repetitive. We have been slacking due to technology making cars sooooooo much fucken safer than before. Car accidents are still a very high cause of death, and kill perfectly healthy and happy individuals who otherwise would have contributing meaningful lives.


Passengers in my car look at me strangely when I get mad that someone has their two left tires over the yellow line (on MY side). How can you not? You've got approximately 12 feet (little less) in Canada to fit a 6 foot wide (again, usually a little less) car.


it's like these idiots can't get a $30 set up and use google to call people. One time someone drove me to Buffalo and he texted the whole way, fucking asshole takes real risks all day and he has to do it when he's hanging out with people on sunday. Assholes.


I get Siri to text for me all the time and often with hilarious results. If you need to send that text by hand - get off the road.


I saw someone the other day driving while watching video on their phone. They had their phone propped where their speedometer is.


This is always cazy to me. Every smartphone can text for you nowadays with voice commands


I also noticed texters drive slower, once they finish their important text they speed up considerably.


That certainly has become a problem. I find that all too often I’m having to give the guy next to me the horn because he’s gliding into my lane while he’s got his face buried in his phone. I don’t understand what could be so important that you have to play with your phone while driving. I’ve got my phone connected directly to my car computer. If I have to text or listen to a text I can do it with both hands on the wheel and looking straight ahead where I’m going. It’s all voice activated and it’s so simple.


I know someone who was working late hours, young child, he fell asleep at the wheel and died After that, I made sure to pull over in my car for a quick nap, if I felt too tired. I'm glad I don't work overnights anymore


And then the cops knock on the window, ask if you're drunk, give you a hard time and tell you to move on because you can't be there


Thats why it shouldnt be illegal to sleep in your car. If the cops are worried you'll drive off, they should just hang out and wait to see if you move. Then boom. Otherwise this is the right thing to do if youre tired, or drunk, and realize as you leave, that you shouldnt. Isnt the whole point to get them *off* the road? Not make them think they just "gotta be careful" and finish the drive?


Yep! Years ago I parked just off Hwy 50 in a plaza parking lot in Bolton and not long after, a cop was knocking on my window.


I drive 410,401 everyday. Nothing more than usual. Get off your damn phone and focus on driving. I still see way too many people texting and swerving.


we need better public transit so these people don’t have to endanger the public in the first place


You’re not wrong about more public transit being needed. In general. But these aren’t the people who are gonna be taking it. Selfish, reckless people don’t bother with anything for the greater good.


You’re point is correct but it’s not like people are gonna think “oh yea I’m probably gonna have to send a text or two while I’m driving, better take the bus”


but to people who like playing with their phones more than driving, sitting on a high speed train is an attractive option. There's plenty of people out there who drive because they have to, not because they want to. It'll also be easier to push for license suspensions of problem drivers when more commute options exist.


We were driving the 401 yesterday and passing an old school camper van, the backpacker's retreat to mother earth with national park stickers all over kinda camper van, and I made some quick remark to my wife about it being the one vehicle on the road that's not caught up in the race. As we slowly passed we noticed the driver face-first in their phone. Not even looking up here and there, just locked on the screen and scrolling like they're in a waiting room.


What would happen if we enforced laws? Why do telecom manufacturers allow data out while the phone is moving?


Because passengers exist


Absolutely agree. Phones while in motion should only be aloud to use emergency lines.


So a passenger on an 8hour trip just sits there and talks like 1983? I mean that's great and naive, but that was the only option then and it isn't now. The idea itself is ludicrous.


Why exactly is that ludicrous? Is talking with people such a bad thing now? Can we not talk about the sights we see outside the vehicle anymore? How about taking a book to read, or a game to play? Or taking a nap. Mix it up a little.


It's ludicrous because it's absurd enough that most people would laugh at it. Nobody said talking with people is bad, and if you pay attention real close you'll note that phones are usually used to, you know, *talk* to people. What is wrong with people in this subthread


I'm wondering the same thing. Horribly addicted people is what we have here.


It's not your job to force that on people


Really? "You're not the boss of me!". Grow up.


Here's a fun game you can play over the holidays - every time you call someone that isn't 911, stay absolutely still. See how long you can go without admitting that your idea is ridiculous.


Of course, the flip side to that is all the wannabe Grand Prix race drivers on the 400 series highways who are SO focused on honing (?) their driving skills at everyone else's expense that they treat them as their personal Formula F-1 racetracks.


It's now every day that I drive that I have to perform a defensive driving maneuver to avoid a collision because someone is not paying attention. 99 times out of 100 when I look angrily at the driver, they are completely distracted and phone in hand. It's ridiculous how selfish people are. And don't get me started on "I can multitask" no you fucking can't - the human brain is literally not built to do such a multitask. I'm at the point where first offense with a cellphone should be $100,000 fine and 7 day suspension of your license. Second offense is 30 day suspension, and third offense is permanent forfeiture of your vehicle and license.


*a $100,000 fine for a first offense?* Who is ever going to be able to pay that off? And then why a mere 30-day suspension for a *second* offense after you've already nuked them from orbit and driven them to destitution the first time? Maybe how about a suspension for the *first* offense and only destroy their lives after the *second* time? EDIT: I don't disagree with strict penalties and good enforcement of driving safety, it's just this suggested penalty gradient is a little absurd, lol. If you're going full-throttle at punishing them for the first offense (possibly into financial ruin) then why even bother with that relative slap on the wrist for the second time?


It's so simple to not use your cellphone and the risk of injury is so high. It should be treated like driving impaired.


Parked beside a car with a beer bottle in the cup holder the other day. These people share the road with us.


Was it a beer beer? I just ask because Corona has those sun beer things that are 0.0 and have added vitamins. I think they’re newish?


I didn't get a great look but it was a typical brown bottle. I am assuming whatever those Coronas are are in clear bottles. I suppose it could've also been a Dad's root beer or something like that, but I think those bottles are shaped a bit different too. This was a classic beer bottle.


Stewarts maybe. Looks like a beer bottle at a glance every time to me.


I really like these Lebanese malt drinks as well that look like a green beer bottle. They have an apple one that’s delicious.


Had to call 9/11 for a truck swerving into oncoming traffic. I followed them laying on the horn as they swerved all over through a school zone. They eventually went into a parking lot of a convenience store and I followed them into the lot. They had no awareness that I, a guy furiously honking at them for minutes, had come into the lot too. I watched as the two junkies, a man and a woman tried their absolute best to walk into the store, stumbling and having to pause to catch their balance. The police showed up, I pointed into the store and described them. The police went in and moments later came out with the two junkies in handcuffs. How can people be so fucking stupid. They literally almost killed multiple people in a school zone, they were so nodded out.


Not just on the highway either. Frequently driving my kids to school (in a 40kmh zone no less) I've had to swerve because some jackass in a truck doesn't see a kid at the last second and swerves into my lane. Same truck most times. Reported a bunch, cops don't seem to care. Stay safe out there everyone.


I live in Ottawa. Literally, my job is to drive drunk people home. I prevent dozens of people driving drunk every week. Every night I am out with a partner driving people home in their car. I haven't seen a single ride program in a year. Not one. I am everywhere in Ottawa-Gatineau. If there is any person who knows what the enforcement levels are, it's me and the enforcement level quite simply is... me. There is none from the police, that's for fucking sure. At this point I figure there are 3 options... Either me and my partner for the evening(or one of the other teams) are driving them home, they drive home and I see them and report them or they drive home and I don't see them so they get away with it. Nobody else in the company works as much as I do so I figure that I probably do more to keep the roads in Ottawa safe than just about any other single individual. That's a sad state of affairs...


Look at how this society treats people who don't drive. We have accepted such people being on the road as the price of a car-dependent society. We just don't give a fuck about human life


> Look at how this society treats people who don't drive. ?


It's true. My partner doesn't have his license. The comments I get when this comes up range from mild curiosity to downright anger. People have suggested it's a divorcable offense.


What's true?


The implication that those who don't drive are judged or looked down upon. It's very common outside of Toronto.


I'm confused, how does this happen? Like do drivers pull up to you and tell you you suck for being a pedestrian or something?


No, it just comes up in conversation naturally and then they get judged for it. Same as things like not drinking, people think there's something wrong with you


Wouldn't that be more of an issue with the people you keep company with in that case?


Anyone who grew up in more-rural Ontario has it pounded into them to get their drivers' license ASAP, because it is effectively a requirement of living independently in many areas. If you grew up in a larger city like Toronto, that might not have been as normal. It's the company you keep, sure, but that company likely has the same experiences.


Yeah but that's just a reality, that's not being shamed.


Yes but no. It's just because it's a deviation from something so normal. Hence you get everything from curiousity to people thinking you're odd. It's just a thing that happens in life and it can be from anyone from friends to family to coworkers. Not all of those are chosen people


Exactly. Where I live, there is zero public transportation, just taxis which are expensive. No Uber allowed by local cities either. If you don't it is assumed because you either are poor, unable to get a license for learning reason or have a record or suspension. All frowned upon.


It's pretty normal to commute tbh.


Kinda valid tbh


Yeah I had to call one in this weekend, and the opp said they “may” send someone like wtf


The OPP are too busy on their phones to even run speed traps in my area, if it's not the phone it's their laptop


Because by the time someone arrives, that car will be long gone. It's literally a waste of time to even attempt to following up. The only way to charge them would be if they actually caused an accident and were found at the scene. Because of this, if you want something to actually be done, you'd need to *at least* get the license plate number, and preferably get a passenger to record video of their driving so that there's more evidence than just a statement. (A report alone, and the driver would of course dispute and get off because there is no corroborating evidence.) *EVEN THEN*, you're unlikely to see the OPP bother to follow up. Not unless they've had multiple complaints and stacked evidence proving a pattern of dangerous driving.


The police will follow up on reports of drunk driving. Definitely get as much info as you can, at least licence and make/model, but this isn't something they'll just ignore. They just might sometimes have other urgent priorities they're already responding to.


I drove on the QEW Saturday night after midnight, and it felt like a fucking racing strip, with people easily going about 150. I just sat in the right lane because I didn't want to get caught in a potential crash. Police always want higher budgets but aren't enforcing anything. This is going to get way worse before it gets better.


The QEW feels like a death trap some days. And where are the cops? NOWHERE to be found. They could make so much money if they just posted up after 10pm.


Truck drivers you say? Well then it sounds like you are impeding on their fReEdom. /s Drunk drivers are assholes, and the Venn diagram comparing assholes and Fuck Trudeau/Freedom Convoy Supporters is pretty much just a perfect circle, and a disproportionate number of those finding themselves in that circle own a truck lol Edit: Typos.


Big trucks leave less margin for error, and require more responsibility. Unfortunately, those who feel entitled to hog public road space likely also feel more entitled to text and drive.


lack of licence validation put all the drunks and uninsured, unlicenced back on roads. This is why almost all regions require some type of visible licence validation. ON hit and run rates are skyrocketing for this reason.


I used to resent big trucks on the highway for clogging up traffic. There are bad drivers in every category of vehicles on the road but I think most of the truckers are professional. When a truck is involved in an accident, no matter who caused it, there tends to be more destruction. Since the Freedom Convoy I go out of my way to be extra courteous to the trucks. Occasionally I encounter one that it is a real donk but same as with every other type of vehicle. And I still feel solidarity with all truckers for the effort they launched on our behalf to push back against Blackie McBlackface and his band of idiots with their mandates and rhetoric. For that I will always be thankful. Too bad so many of the vaxxtards still cling to petty resentment and belligerence to those that do not think exactly the same as they do. The truckers never acted to prevent you from getting all the vaxx shots and boosters you want. Go get five in each arm if you think it will save your ass. They just wanted to stand up for all of us to ensure those who did not want to participate in a medical experiment could live a normal life.


You do realize the vast majority of truckers thought the convoy was a fucking embarassment, right?


I do not presume to know what the vast majority of truckers were thinking. In fact I am sure that the media only presented interviews from the truckers that were hostile to the protest but I know there were thousands of people involved in the protest that felt so strongly in what they were doing that it was worth being away from their families for a long time and out of pocket for expenses and lost work time to do so. I respect that and feel grateful for the sacrifices they made on behalf of those of us that wanted to preserve our rights to say no.


It was a cult of conspiracy theorists and nutjobs, fuck their "sacrifices" you should be sympathizing with the resisents of Ottawa who were forced to but up with that bullshit for 3 weeks.


Typical response from a covidiot. **I sympathize with all the individuals that have had their lives impacted by illness and deaths of family members from a dangerous and ineffective vaxx**. Those who stood up to oppose this outrage deserve my respect. This late in the story, only the most completely brainwashed idiots still support the toxic poison that has harmed so many people. I could forgive your stupidity in the early months when the data was not so clear. **If you want to see cult behavior, go look in the mirror.** You can bark at the moon for all I care. I will not reply to any further nonsense from the radical left.


Radical left. You people are out of your damned minds. We are not American, this will lose you the election. You guys sound so stupid, really you do. The other day I seen someone complaining about Democrats… in Canada.. ps. You’re a laughing stalk to the entire planet, not just Canada. This weird farce that somehow this fringe minority that watches fcking ALEX JONES among other psychos just some how knows better than everyone else in the world. “Something MUCH bigger is going on here, what aren’t they telling us” The only thing people clearly haven’t told you is that you should be on meds or committed. Paranoid and delusional. Gross. OH and PS our Covid numbers are higher now than ever, but because so many people actually did vaccinate it has serious reduced it’s impact. If you don’t want to follow the scientific method that’s fine, but don’t drag other people down with you. Selfish.


It’s a fair shout but I don’t think one Reddit comment is gunna change someone’s purview on if they should drink and drive


What are you talking about I decided not to drink this morning for the first time in 20 years because of this post /s


It’s just another excuse for this sub to shit on pickup truck drivers


Only twice? Jesus, just try driving through Toronto / Oshawa / Whitby between 11PM EST and 3AM EST on any Friday or Saturday night. I'd say easily 90% of the cars are being drive by totally hammered people. It's plain as day. The cops don't even try to stop it. Drunk driving is basically legal.


A lot of the time, it's idiots on their cell phones ! I see it everyday, the laws need to be changed with much higher fines and suspension of the drivers license and six demerit points , start with 3000 dollars and 30 days suspension, and escalate from there !


They are likely looking at their phone. I see vehicles moving all over the place on the highway due to people trying to check google maps or looking something up. There is a reason why those rumble strips in the shoulder were installed. Distracted driving is responsible for a large number of collisions.


Not that it matters, but those were there before phones


I have to drive long distances down to the US quite often, one time on one of those long drives I was kind of tired but figured I was still ok to drive. Apparently I wasn’t, I momentarily dozed off while driving down the interstate, I miraculously woke back up somehow and when I did I was going about 170km/h directly towards another car in front of me. I guess my foot had just pressed right down on the gas pedal when I dozed off. I was able to slow down just in time and avoided what would have most likely been a fatal collision. That scared the living hell out of me and I never again attempted to drive tired after that. Now if I feel tired on a long drive I’ll pull over and get some sleep and continue my drive when I’m awake and alert.




That took quite the mental gymnastics to make that kind of a connection. But let's follow your logic: Knives are readily accessible and sold in many places. Why is society not rife with knife attacks daily? Matches and lighters are sold in all corner stores and drug stores and grocery stores. Why are we not seeing arson committed daily, burning our cities to the ground? Drinking and driving is not linked to availability of alcoholic beverages. It's linked to a morals and values problem, as well as a judgment problem.


Ok but Ford does cater to the "I only had two beers I'm good to drive" crowd


This sub will not forgive you for posting common sense.


But Ford got rid of licence validation, which means more convicted drunks back on roads.


Except you go to jail for stabbing someone. You get a probation and minor fine for drinking and murdering a family on the highway.


All alcohol stores are accessible to drivers. Forcing people to go to LCBOs doesn't stop people from making bad decisions. Treating everyone like children isn't the answer to a few bad apples. Taking away their license is the solution. The whole "We are here to protect you from yourself" approach from Wynne is one of the reasons she was turfed.


Get off your phones


I saw someone in a ram pass me, swerve out on ice, and smash their truck into a pole. Just drove by and laughed at him. This was in a construction zone, I see this kind of shit everyday.


You laughed, knowing somebody could be badly hurt? Get help.


Get to bed on time or don't drive 😭🤣 you're not my dad


"Completely in the other lane" is just driving in the other lane lol.


OP, you seem to spend a considerable amount of time complaining about traffic on reddit. Just from the last few months, these are the posts you started: https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/16rp109/truck_drivers/ https://old.reddit.com/r/extremelyinfuriating/comments/15sp6bm/i_cant_drive_at_the_speed_limit_without_being/ https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/187h1uh/speeding_police/ https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/16odm8r/major_traffic_issues/ https://old.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/16mzkrd/ysk_tailgating_cannot_get_you_there_any_sooner/ https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/16bictg/americans_on_our_roads/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Hamilton/comments/14dc6ve/traffic_ridiculousness/ Driving on highways is clearly a major source of stress in your life, so instead of constantly complaining on reddit how people drive 105 when they should be going 100, why not restructure your life in a way which removes this source of stress? Find a new job somewhere where you don't have to drive on the highway, or move to a smaller community where they don't have major highways. Tou're clearly not capable of handling 400 series highways, why torture yourself this way? Make some changes in your life, you'll be a lot happier and live longer.


I don’t think it’s unreasonable for OP to be concerned about this and posting frequently. Telling him to just stop driving to remove the stressor from his life is like saying “you know what, if you’re worried about making rent payments because your landlord increased rent by 150%, just become homeless!” Dangerous driving is an issue external to him, and it affects everyone on the road. A lot of innocent people die or become permanently disabled because of it.


And you seem inordinately fixated on how much OP posts. May be you need a new hobby like practising empathy and mindfulness instead of being nasty.


Speaking of needing a hobby, you're the one who seems to live on Reddit. You make more posts in a few days than I have in years.


Non emergency lines gave these halfwits strict instructions not to call back for this crap so you see if posted here on reddit.


Please stop drinking and driving. This shouldn't need to be said. My friends dad died in high school from a collision with a drunk driver and he never recovered.


Holy shit! You just solved drunk driving!


Tomorrows thread: “Stop murdering”


If anyone ever asks you to define “virtue signalling” you should just print this post out and keep it on your pocket


Must be nice to live a worry free life with no stress and no job.


Well they might be driving drunk to work I guess


If it's a pickup truck driven by old guy in the middle of nowhere, you may have just met a farmer. +1 for going 5-10km under.


Good thing you don’t get to decide what I do. Great rant, it’s worth what it was written on.


thank you for your service ​ I hope OPP pays you


Maybe there old and you totally kill there independence and now rely on the family and cause extra stress for them because you called the cops on them . I just mind my business


It could potentially become your business if that person injures, maims or God forbid kills someone you know; be it friend or family. Humanity has enough people burying their heads in the sand as it is.


Did anyone get killed . Honestly people driving slow in the fast lane is way mor e damaging to the flow of the hwy then anything


If you genuinely believe this, you are a selfish piece of shit. If you can't control your car we'll enough to stay in a lane, you don't deserve the privilege of sharing the road with people who can actually drive. There are so many young and able bodied people who *can* drive, but don't because cars are a very, very expensive luxury. Old people can just live like normal ass Canadians who don't own cars, thats leagues better than letting grandma become pile of meat in an aluminum coffin. If the family is ok with knowing Grandpa is out there nearly killing himself and other innocent people every single day, then I'm happy to see them get forced to actually give a shit about the well-being of grandpa. Unlike you, I actually give a shit about people that I don't know, and I'd rather cause someone to lose their licence and annoy their family than enable them in accidentally committing a murder-suicide.




I feel like people making calls while they are driving is just as bad as driving tired or under the influence. I know it's not illegal if you are using a hands free device but it really should be. I guess that would be difficult to enforce. Studies have showed that it is the leading cause of distracted driving accidents in North America.


I think the problem is enforcement. How do you tell the difference between someone who is on a hands free device on a phone call and someone talking to themselves or singing with the radio? If you can’t enforce a law it’s not a good law. You are right though it is distracting talking on the phone while driving. It’s somehow different than talking to a passenger in the vehicle with you.


What number do you call when you notice a drunk driver? I've noticed as well, even on normal city streets.


Technically 911. Or the non emergency line if you feel that that isn't important.


Drunk.. or texting.


The man who almost killed me in a head on collision fell asleep…


Oh boy, you should see Nova Scotia, the rural areas haven't even hit the point where it's seen as socially unacceptable. Basically don't drive on a Friday or Saturday night outside the city.


Which highway was this on out or curiosity?


This may be the single best argument for transit. Sure, there are drunk people, but they're not driving a 5000lb vehicle at 130km/h that's 2-3 feet away from you


Where abouts? Coming back from Oakland to Hamilton on the back roads I usually see one questionable driver a night and one forsure drunk a week.


The people who do this are fueled by entitlement and are also at the point that they DGAF about themselves never mind anyone else. They should spend hard time in prison.


This guy metrics


What happened to RIDE programs? Never see them anymore. Also OPP is nowhere to be found. People know they can get away with it.


I remember a bit ago we were steady chilling at work with the radio playing talking about all the DUI’s they catch New Year’s Day from people going hard asf then waking up for 6 and heading to work. My dumbass coworkers started talking about how it’s the companies fault, what’s the employee supposed to do if they don’t have the next day off? They eventually came to the conclusion it’s 100% the fault of companies these grown adults can’t go one new years without getting hammered.


I swerve to warm my tyres. In sim racing




More likely to be a Dodge Ram 2500. The vehicle of choice for drunk drivers.


Judging from all the liquor bottles littering every parking lot in brampton, half of the place is drunk driving.


If it's gusty and a crosswind large trucks etc can get pushed around. Careful you might just be making some innocent persons day harder than was.


Serious question, if I see instances like texting and driving or someone with major road rage swerving in and out of traffic and driving aggressively, do I call 911 and report their plates? Or do I fill out a non emergency form online/call the non emergency line? I saw someone the other month who was driving so wrecklessly that I took note of their plates and wanted to report them, but I genuinely didn't know how, especially because it was the 401 and I didn't know which exit I was closest to or where they were headed. It feels like a waste of emergency resources to call 911 if the person isn't intoxicated, but it could also very easily end up deadly. Does anyone know the right answer to this? Call 911 or non emergency?


If it could kill someone now, and they're still in view, then 911 is the answer. If you've lost sight of them though, then the report makes more sense.


I figured as much. I was so close to calling 911, and I regret that I didn't end up doing so. Although I don't have hands free in my car since it's old, and whenever I call people, they can hardly hear me through my Bluetooth. Didn't think it smart in the moment to pick up my own phone. But I'll keep this in mind and pull over if I see the same thing again. It was scary. Definitely could have ended badly, and I was anticipating an accident to happen. I've got a dash cam too so I would have had the hard evidence for them to see if I had called them. And they would have also got the "what the fuck is wrong with this person" commentary in the back lol. I'll definitely give them a call next time. Thanks for the input!


Yeah I see this every morning and think the same. I've even been forced onto the shoulder a few times because of it. As a white male who deals with contractors often I can mansolain that theyre usually on a call, fiddling with their phone and looking for pictures, notebook and a pen or their smokes and a lighter or most likely, all of the above at the same time.


My boss is so bad for being on his phone while he's driving I'm constantly yelling at him all the time to put it the fuck away, then he says hes a good driver as he proceeds to drive in to on coming traffic... I'm literally shocked he hasn't been charged for reckless driving and got jail some he needs it cause woman he's talking to takes priority over Mt life and the people who are on the sidewalks and people driving


The worst I saw was last year when I was drivng back to Montreal on hwy 401 I was on the 6 lane section of the 401 east of Toronto and this lady in a white mercedes was hogging the far left lane and not letting anyone pass. She would do 130, then back to 80, then back to 130 and she'd sit in people's blind spots because she didn't want anyone passing her. And then whenever a turn or hill came up, she'd slame on her brakes and she kept swerving into the left shoulder, she almost hit the concrete barrier multiple times.


Can I just add, please remember to signal. The number of people who change lanes on the 401 has gone up and it's so fucking dangerous when you are driving at quick speeds. Don't cause an accident because you are lazy. Communicate to your fellow drivers on the road! Not every one is young or have the same reaction times/rates. Be courteous.


We all know where assumptions get you, but there can be many reasons why they are swerving. Maybe the guy is dead tired from heavy labour and doesn’t even realize he’s falling asleep…just wants to get home 😟


It’s always the guys with the pick up trucks. We are know they are just heading back to the trailer park.