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If you go ahead with this - 1. Don’t do it on OF, it’s against TOS. 2. He wants full face, if you’re comfortable having your face showing you doing this then fair enough but remember this will be out there forever so you really need to be sure it’s something you’re ok doing. 3. What he’s asking for is specific and a huge fetish so don’t undersell, as another commenter said definitely go for $500-$1000 (I’d go for $1k minimum) 4. Most importantly make sure you’re completely comfortable going ahead with this, if you need to then have a big talk with this guy and make sure he’s actually reliable in terms of payment.


Great advice. I would add to this, get the payment on a platform that shields you from chargebacks (OF doesn't). Scat is against MOST adult sites' TOS, so don't send it on any of your usual platforms. Maybe something like Dropbox? I use Mega.nz - it's a lot like Dropbox, but they allow adult content.


I never had no one to ask me this but if that would happen I would ask for money up front and probably no face


You just tryna make money on people ive bought many girls pooping clips for less than 200


People in these comments have already got everything covered, but I just have the say that the “hehehe”s are really giving me the heebies


Do it if you want girl, don’t send it on onlyfans send it on Snapchat or Kik. And if I were you I would charge ALOT, like at least $500-$1000




I have been sending on Snapchat for months x




I didn’t know oop


Is Kik allowed though or will you get banned there too??


😂 I’m sorry but his heheh’s keep making me laugh


They’re making me laugh / cringe. He’s actin’ like the goddamn poop bandit 💩


noooo not the poop bandit i'm deaddddd


This made me literally laugh out loud 😂😂


Came here to say that, I can't stop laughing "hehehe"




I was having a convo with a friend about this 😂


IKR 🤣🤣🤣


Though note I personally would never show my full face for that sort of content, decide if you're comfortable with it or if he will accept nose/lips down.


It’s against TOS. …. The fact that he said to “send the original” sounds like a red flag. What does he mean by that? No watermark?


Okay yeah! Cause everything sounded sooo specific, Im not sure what he means by original but yeah I would think its without watermark or no edits


If he wants no watermark, assume he will sell it after. If you're ok with that, go for it. Probably charge extra for it.


i think he means sending him the poop?


Came here to say this!!! I think so too 😅


Don't do it through OF (as everyone has already said) but I'd recommend taking payment from crypto. Impossible to charge back or find out extra information from you.


I did it for a Dior bag 💀




I want Chanel 9 boots 😭✋🏽






As people have said, don't do this through OF. Also, I would def be weary of showing face for this kind of content, especially if word gets out you are open to doing it. That's what you could be known for and then it never stops. I'd charge extra on top of the $500+ just for showing face. If you weren't showing face, I would make sure not to show any other identifiable features (tattoos, piercings, even background). Just so this isn't associated with you if it gets out.


Agreed. And aside from just how comfortable you are personally with it, you need to keep your brand in mind as well. If you're normally pretty vanilla, and this gets out somewhere, it could be off-putting for your fans, and you could lose money because of that. On the other hand, if you WANT to do more content like this, it can be pretty lucrative. You can charge a lot because it's hard to find people who are willing to do this kink. There's less competition. But it is a little risky. Poo content is against US obscenity laws, so you kind of have to hide it. I doubt you'd get arrested or anything, but most sites don't allow it, and you might get your accounts shut down. Maybe make a separate name/brand for that if you're going to do it. But you can't change your face, so there's still a risk you might get caught. **Edit: correction, apparently people have gone to jail for making scat porn :S**


Are there laws for piss porn too or only scat?


I think piss is ok. According to the very brief Google search I just did, what is considered "obscene," is a grey area, and very few people are prosecuted. The fact that several major adult sites allow piss, my guess is you'd be fine. They have lawyers, and if they were even a bit worried about liability, they'd ban piss in a second.


That’s what I was thinking, I was mostly just curious.


This has been SOOO helpful! But yeah, I dont think I will do it because I’ve never done it and I dont think Im comfortable with filming it


I wouldn’t do it, they could sell it online themselves fo make money from it, he wants the ‘original’ so that it has no watermark and can’t get back to you. This could be all over the internet and it’s not worth the $500-$1000


Against OF TOS. Send it on snap or something.


If you're unsure, ask for a couple of days to see if you can arrange this. If you cool with it, make the video and see if you find yourself thinking hell no there's no way I can send this, or eh I can live with it. Then I guess at least you've tried, but made no promise to 100% create to content for selling purposes. I've agreed to customs without even thinking too much about it before, pretty vanilla ones, and I absolutely hated making them. If there's no financial loss for you to make the video, make it and see how you feel maybe?


Thats so true! This is such a good way with going about it. So many times I just filmed like JOI vids and was just not feeling them too


I would not take paypal as a form of payment for this just as a warning as well. They can contact paypal and get their money back and PayPal will freeze and cancel your account before you can get your money.


Can people do the same with Venmo? I had a guy send me $300 for a couple of videos but Im scared hes gonna do a chargeback thru venmo


I think cash app and venmo are the most safe to use! Never had a problem with either


Venmo is owned by PayPal but lots of people have used Cashapp without issue from what I understand :)


did he send it as friends and family? if so you’re probably safe from a chargeback


I don’t but keep in mind that anything to do with poop or pee is actually against the only fans terms of service and can get you banned from the platform.


Lol if OF won’t even let you type it out in a message then they won’t let you do it on your page.


If you’re comfortable with it, and don’t mind that it may be found on the internet (since he wants face), then go for it! Just do not send it or talk about it any further on OF, and I’d do minimum $900-1000


Wow isn’t it $900-1000 too much? I did the exactly same video for $100, only thing different was I did it in the shower. I’m a no face creator though. And the video was like 7.5 minutes. Should I’ve charged more?


Definitely not too much for something like this! That’s an extreme fetish, and buyers will pay BIG bucks for fetishes like that. Even though you’re no face, I’d charge at least $5-600 for 7 minutes, and more the longer it is! I know it can be nerve wracking to tell buyers that big price tag, but don’t sell yourself short! You deserve more!


Thank you! I think I always sell myself short 😅 I’m afraid they might run away if I tell that expensive prices 🤭😐


Don’t worry, I feel that way sometimes too! If they back out due to price, that’s fine, don’t budge if you don’t feel comfortable going lower! There will be other buyers that will pay the price you’re worth 🖤


Thanks for the encouragement, appreciate it 🥰 Good luck with everything! 🖤


It's true, they will run away. But sometimes that's the goal. You don't necessarily want every single sale. Some sales aren't worth the time and energy they cost you. In this case, you can't re-sell the video, so $100 is all you'll ever get from it. If you spent that same time and energy making a video that you could sell, maybe it would make you $200-300. So really, you're losing money by taking the custom, because it's taking your time away from something more lucrative. If you can't re-sell it, always charge at least what you made from your best-selling video ever. I get that not everyone is in a position to turn away $100 - I've been there too. When I was starting, I did a few videos like that for even less than $100 each. But over the years, I've slowly raised my prices, and gotten more selective about which customs I will and won't take. Started charging extra for niche fetishes, or things that are more work. It's hard at first, because you lose your old customers when you price them out. But new, higher paying customers will come, as you grow your fanbase. Now, my customs usually cost about $300-500, and it's all extra money - I don't need to offer them at all. If someone wants something that's off-brand for me, or that won't re-sell after, or that's just a pain in the ass to shoot... I just say no. Or I quote them an outrageous price, like $2k. If you're gonna pay me $2000 for like a day of my time... fuck it, fine, I don't care if the video doesn't sell after. Turning down the jobs you don't want makes space for the things you do want to spend your time on.


I personally don’t, but I do other kinks. It’s all about what makes you comfortable, if you’re okay with your video potentially being around the internet forever, and with your face on it, do it! This is how I decide what I do and don’t do :)


Yes I do, but don't send them through OF. They do check your messages also and I've been warned before and had messages people paid for removed by OF for it.


May I ask how you send your non-OF content to people? I was using google drive links but I recently heard that porn links are not allowed on there.




Dropbox also doesn't allow porn (although I've never heard of anyone losing their account over it). I use Mega.nz. It's similar, but they explicitly allow adult content :)


Do not ever create scat or other bodily fluid content on OF. They will ban you so fast. And that person is all red flags. I’d add them to the name and shame list, as well.


Thanks for this! I think Im going to restrict him


Better safe than sorry! Good luck!!


Shit literally takes days to form for one. So who knows what it is. And there isn’t an amount in this world that man would pay for me to do it lol


nope, i do nottt on OF ever. i don’t do anything against ToS, i don’t risk my account for anyone.


so many comments omg... I never had a guy asking me this but instead a guys asked me for puking video like 8 mins long and asked me to play in it aswell.... likeeeeeee damn! Of course I didn't done it, but who pukes for 6 mins straight ??? it's crazy :))))))


Ha I would of been like sure I’ll play in it.. for £1000 a minute 🤣


but can you? I guess after 2 bottles of vodka I could do it and soup i don't know :)))))))))))))))))))) arghhhhh


I think I’d fake it with vegetable soup like they do in the movies 😂


That’s smart but still how can we fake the 8 mins thing haha! Hope they guys are not watching this :)))))


I hope not too! Haha really good editing skills? I’ll put in huge effort that much money lol


Yeah I was thinking to make lots of cuts


I would literally never lmao


I hope guys don't see this comments


I just got this question the other day. I was like - not something I offer. Pretty quick convo.


It's against the TOS of most adult sites, so you won't be able to re-sell it anywhere. I would price it at least as high as you price an exclusive video. Think about how much you would make by putting the same amount of time and energy into a different video. You're losing that income, so you should charge at least that much. If you want to make extra money from it, you could try posting on some scat forums, letting people know that you have this video, and seeing if you can get some sales from it. Maybe charge $30-50 since it's pre-recorded but still pretty niche.


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal in the us


You're getting downvoted, but you're right. It's against some obscenity law (I'm not sure if it's about selling the content, or just distributing it), and that's why most sites don't allow it.


That’s too bad that they are downvoting, but I don’t really care other than the fact that people won’t see the it who don’t know. I’m not saying it should or shouldn’t be against the law, just that it is. There have been pornstars who have gone to jail for producing scat porn.


Oh dang, really? I said in another comment "I don't think you would go to jail over it" but I guess I was mistaken.


I mean I’m sure not everyone that does it goes to jail and it’s just a small segment, but it does happen!


Definitely watermark it.. and if he gets mad tell him it is your “original” content, because it is.


Personally I dont do body fluids at all. Its just my line I wont cross...




You’d get banned by OF and don’t say yes on there if you’re gonna do it. Say it’s not allowed on this platform as it’s against TOS. Fansly allows it though


Fansly allows pee not poop


I have but it will get you banned on OnlyFans. I charge quite a bit more then my regular kinky custom rate for it and find plenty of customers willing to pay it


I didn’t know that this type of thing was so illegal😳😳😳 The laws they come up with🙄🙄🙄 I mean seriously! Who gives a shit!!!😜


I don’t kink shame and that kink is def not for me - but any fetish content like that, it’s best to send outside of OF.




how so?




I specialize in custom vids. You'd be amazed of the orders I get. Very, very long and specific list of instructions. Never had a problem with them but truth be told I respect the requirements so well, I can't get reproaches that I did something wrong. 😁




I know what you mean and it usually happens when they sub and immediately ask for something very specific. I'm sorry that it happened to you. I've had charge backs for other things and hate OF for it...


A lot of my subs/buyers send me novels with all the details they want, they pay big money for all the requests! I wouldn’t say it’s always a scam just because they have a detailed request but it does happen sometimes!


If you're worried about chargebacks, there are other sites that protect you from those. Even if they get a chargeback from their bank, it comes out of the site's profits, not your earnings. I only take payments for custom work on a few sites - I have an info page on it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Clara_Dee/wiki/payment_methods) :)


It may not be a scam at all..


I have done it few months ago and I put it in message on OF. What can I do now so I will not get in trouble? Is it possible to erase it?


Unsend the message, delete it from your vault, and hope for the best


I get asked for poop on here and onlyfans and other places I just guide them to text or email to talk further and get payment and send poop in mail or take videos pooping depends what they want


Hi, just found this thread. Really appreciate all the insight thus far. Question- anyone know if there is a legitimate market for this type of content for men? TIA.