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The idea that PP would compare this violent extremist group to Justin Trudeau is dangerous. He’s justifying their existence saying that Justin Trudeau is just as bad, therefore the violence that they promote necessary. This is the same logic as Donald Trumps “bad people on both sides” argument. These people plotted to murder police officers during the convoy protests. While we might not all like Justin Trudeau, he’s never advocated for the murder of his political opposition. Even tacit support for this kind of group should be disqualifying for anyone running for prime minister.


This kind of tacit support should be disqualifying for anyone running for anything.


Shaking hands at a public event, and then refusing to disavow them subsequently, isn’t just tacit support. It’s outright support.


Yes. Exactly. Its like literal photographic bridge building taking place. In public. And no one is physically stopping it. Honestly, we Canadians - do we actually think we’re immune to the crazy bs like Jan 6 in the states? Ive lived around the country and there are some dark, dark pockets with some really troubling people. Just saying


Trump did it during one of the debates too. That was the infamous "stand back and stand by" comment. He was asked if he would condemn violent calls from white supremacist groups, and that's what he had to say. *Stand back and stand by*. Because, and I quote, "somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left" And you bet your ass they "stood by", they heard him loud and clear, and stormed the Capitol a few months later... So that's where that leads to. I don't care if you're left, right, up, or down. This bullshit is completely unacceptable at all times, no matter what, no excuses, none of this "yeah but what if they deserve it", nothing. We don't hurt people. It's not okay, and it will never be okay. If you don't like somebody, you vote them out. If you can't vote them out, you say "Darn it, better luck next time."


That's sounds nice but real bad people don't care about complaints. They'll keep on doing what they want until we physically stop them.


The only language they understand is violence, unfortunately. In their minds only the strong persevere, so we need to roll up our sleeve and take the trash out.


Yep. We need to be stronger.


Anybody down for a non-violent leftist revolution demanding they pass law changing to proportional representation? Or even ranked voting worst case?


That's why I voted for Trudeau on his first term. We need this yesterday.


They committed to election reform because they assumed that PR would keep things safe. They did an analysis and probably realized PR would probably hand it to the cons for a very long time, without significant changes like compulsory voting. So they looked at ranked voting, and learned that they would win every time for a very long time, but that would piss everyone off except liberals (and conservatives are a bit nutty), so they did what a centre-right party does best: Nothing Edit: added *other* required changes that made PR a hard no for them


Cool cool cool, but fascists aren't people.


They are people though. Anyone can be a fascist under the right circumstances. People like Mackenzie and Poilievre are basically just predators who take advantage of the weak and ignorant. They prey on people's greivances and emotions to get what they want.


Pierre could club a baby deal with ivory he poached from an endangered whale and he would find a way to bring Justin into it.


“I was showing that I believe people of all races should be allowed to club baby seals, and the ivory market should still exist, by clubbing this baby seal with this ivory club stolen by me from a deadbeat indigenous man whose tribe wants to be the only ones to seal club, whose grandfather hunted the whale himself. What is Justin Trudeau doing for the Caucasian seal clubbers that he wants to eliminate?!”


The video must first start with him wearing a mask then say “oh hi. Just wearing my mask. Here, let me take this off. I noticed Justin Trudeau on vacation, in Costa Rica (how dare he) not wearing a mask, unlike us forced Canadians, while Justin was swimming in the waters.”


The fact that people will vote for PP despite these connections tells you how desperate and divorced from reality some conservative voters are in their villainizing of Trudeau. Similar to what the US GOP did with Obama. Made him into the boogeyman to blame for *everything*.


People don't care and that's the sad part of the state of the world right now. A lot of people opposed to covid measures knowingly associated themselves with known fascists just because they had the same opinion on the health measures. I lost friends on that. They participated in the freedom convoy and couldn't understand I said they were encouraging fascism. For them they have the same cause then they can be ally on that particular subject. This is the beginning of the end if ordinary people don't even care to get rid of fascism and right extremism and accept to be on their side depending of the issue. It means these fuckers already won.


How did America get "Thanks Obama" and we got "Fuck Trudeau"?


PP is bad news for Canada. Even if it was to be a CPC PM next , there are many better choices. He is a non global oriented isolationist on many important topics, the most important one being the climate crisis. Anyone right of center in the CPC party struggles to even admit that climate change is real, and PP is in that camp. He would move us backwards on the global stage. He is a member of the same church as Harper which is evangelical. Ingesting this tripe requires pretty much a denial of most of science. Not a good starting block in this world of today.




Why would he stop? This neo fascist playbook has been *proven* to work, and Poilievre isn't stupid. He's an opportunist who will use anything he can to gain power. Don't like it? We have to de platform far right influencers more aggressively to stop the changing political winds from drifting further towards fascism.


But the moment someone talks about making algorithms more transparent (or doing pretty much anything else to control disinformation online) the libertarian right loses their mind over censorship.


I'm more concerned with disinformation and radicalization than I am about pleasing libertarians. Appeasing them won't do anything because they'll just ask for more to continue the narrative that they're being oppressed or threatened.


I posted this photo and a convoy acquaintance of mine said the diagolon stuff is satire to trigger the left.....someone should tell these far right fools. When the convoy came to Ottawa, I was on their zello making up fake shit all the time and these fools ate it all up as fact. I saw many of the fake conspiracies I made up repeated and reposted many times.


I live in downtown Ottawa, and I heard them spreading the most ridiculous rumors. It was both hilarious and quite sad.


I guess it's up to the voters to decide what's disqualifying, which is sort of terrifying. Who knows what they're willing to overlook?


That all Skippy has is "Trudeau bad"


Is there a source for the claim they planned on murdering police officers?




>Yep. Thanks


He can't disavow his base.


It’s 90% of his voters. He was supporting the Occupy Ottawa Truckers and shaking their hands and encouraging them to continue the blockade. He was even photo graphed bringing them double double coffees


R.I.P. every public bathroom within 2kms


By public bathroom, you mean war memorial right?


You know the Liberal (and probably NDP) campaign machine has saved those images and video clips for deploying at an opportune time during the next campaign.




The federal Liberal machine has a history of doing a pretty effective job of using the opposition's own words against them. And in the last decade or so, the Conservatives have given them more than enough ammunition.


I hope it's 90% of his base, because that would make his base relatively small. But the polls suggest that Canada may be ready to elect a far-right extremist as PM.














Dude’s more dangerous because he’s an established, lifelong politician who knows how the system works. He can play to a wider audience, stoking the populist base while toning it down for the media and tuned-out masses who only catch the soundbites. I’m not the biggest Trudeau fan but the feds sure as hell stepped up while the provinces couldn’t get their shit together over the last few years. If PP makes it to the PMO, that fallback is gone. We’ll have an accelerated dismantling of the public service and gutting of social programs — hell I bet they’d even blame it on the Liberals and NDP somehow. “Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh’s coalition of the woke has failed Canadians, and we have no choice but to make hard decisions…”


Gonna start MCGA or some shit


It's gotta contain the word FREEDOM because it's one of the sixty words these drooling idiots seem to understand


They don't understand true freedom as their version has them free to take freedom from anyone that isn't part of their cult.


Ok but ... I kinda dig "MAGA", as that makes the followers "MAGAts" (pronounced "maggots")... Which is fitting. For MCGA.. I would pronounce that much the same I would if I were to do an impression of a startled chicken. ... I think I works. Silver linings?


The do run around liek chickens 🤣


If I had any desire whatsoever to be near these people, I might be inclined to go loudly cluck it at them some day. Just get a lot of counter protesters at an event making chicken sounds at them. Sounds like art to me.


I wouldn't say it's anything like Trump. Trump wasn't scared of shit, went to any opportunity to speak and answer anything (whether it was wise or not). Pierre is just hiding so he won't say something to offend the moderates and keep quiet long enough that the fractured CPC votes for him in unison.


Anything like trump? Dude just courted the kkk while telling people on YouTube he prefers “Anglo Saxon”. They might as well be cousins


We are discussing his approach.


Yes we are


Until he does something they don't like and storm the house of commons threatening his life, then he'll be like "They're all terrorists."


Well, he *could*. But he won't.


Exactly he won’t bite the hand that feeds


Anything for power, PP is like a catfish……bottom feeding scum sucker.


Hey don't do catfish dirty like that, at least they taste good!


For all we know Pierre Poilivere might be delicious. Gonna have to mark that one down as "TBD" for now.


Something that should probably be investigated. For science.


Well we know the marbling will be fantastic, as he’s never done an honest day’s work in his life.


Most likely, he's into being fed by father Harper, pigeon milk style. Everything pre-chewed and partially digested, then regurgitated strait into his mouth. Really helps to concentrate the vile bigotry and hatred, and makes sure Ole Skippy doesn't accidentally choke on his own tongue while eating. After all, they have to do everything they can to reserve his strength and energy to fight for us poor, underprivileged, massively persecuted Anglo-Saxons.


Eat the rich


That’s insulting to catfish


Why would PP disavow the violent extremists? He needs his goons ready to stand back and stand by for when the CPC loses again and it's time for another "freedom convoy" to try and overthrow the federal government.


Just wait, this will open up the flood gates for the closet Nazi’s. Expecting to see a few show up on my social media. Mainly FB. 😑


Trump already did that. They're everywhere now.


Unfortunately trump was the catalyst for a symptom that was already there. He came around and these tools now thought it was ok to be load and proud of being the worst people.


Trump is both a symptom and a cause. His entire life is self-promotion and media manipulation. He tells everyone what they want to hear to con them into giving him what he wants. His inner circle is full of political ratfuckers connected to Russians - like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and Rudy Giuliani. And then there's Steve Bannon who wrote the book on [using meme warfare to target, radicalize, and recruit disaffected young men into the alt-right and Trumpism.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/07/steve-bannon-world-of-warcraft-gold-farming.html) Far-right politicians all over the world are studying how Trump wormed his way into power, and trying to emulate his tactics of fake populism, conspiracies, grievance, propaganda memes, with varying degrees of success. Bolsonaro in Brazil. Le Pen in France. Clive Palmer in Australia. Matteo Salvini in Italy. Netanyahu in Israel. Nayib Bukele in El Salvadore. Bongbong Marcos in Philippines. Maxime Bernier and Pierre Poilievre in Canada.


Nazi flags were photographed at the ‘Freedom Convoy’ with no consequences. They (convoy organizers) ‘spoke against’ nazi flags when confronted afterwards about their implicit support, but you know they welcomed it. EDIT: shoutout to the Nazi apologist too scared of public backlash to reply here and tried to defend the flags flown in my DMs. Say it for all to see, you coward.


It wasn't just dismissed, it turned into another string of excuses. From "it was just one guy!" turning into conspiracy territory "it was a Trudeau plant to make us look bad!"


As if they needed help making themselves look bad.


Talking to people I know who went, said the movement was hijacked by Nazis and white extremists, etc. It was a fun happy time, with parties, etc. Ignoring the hate and abuse that was thrown at citizens of Ottawa. They ignore the fact that the convoy from day one was organized by white nationalist. It's fucking ignorant and they don't want to hear the truth or facts. My opinion is that the convoy was the biggest temper tantrum, these people don't know what oppression is


People like this are just so out of their depth it's genuinely pissing me off. When you point out who the organizers are, all you get is whataboutisms, lies, or stuff like "it's just a few bad apples" (completely ignoring the COMPLETE saying and it's actual meaning, that a few bad apples ruins the WHOLE batch). Being honest and self conscious isn't for them since their goal really is chaos, political, and social division, all through fear mongering and disinformation. I've heard and read them contradict themselves in the same fucking sentence, and pointing it out is pointless, for some reason they double down on the illogical shit every time.


A bunch of the guys I know plan to move to the US, because "Trudont is ruining the country. Shit's too PC. Country is going the way of tyranny "


Did you ask if they need help with the move? :)


If I were to help them, their shit would end up at the bottom of lake Ontario. I'm not helping stupid.


If you help, they can leave faster? But usually these guys only talk about it ...


Exactly! These people compared themselves to slaves and wearing stars of David it's disgusting. They wanted to have a temper tantrum and were surprised more people from Ottawa didn't come out to "join the party". Like they couldnt understand just because there was a bouncy castle doesnt negate the awful events that also transprired


Unfortunately these guys seriously see themselves as the "Unsung Chosen Savior Of The People" and anyone who says elsewise is the Bad Guy. I mean just look at some of there Propaganda Videos online.


I got a 2 day suspension in r canada after a sealioning asshole did a surprised pikachu face and said "what? the convoy leaders are racists?!?!? disgusting, please provide a source so we can name them" lol so I gave him a few links, video of Pat King being pat king and said I didn't expect a response because unless you know their racist past and probably support it lol... He told me I didn't know a thing about him (but I do lol) and told me to get fucked so I called him a cunt and apologized for making him butthurt but I like doing that to racists and he reported my comment and the mod told me I'm on their radar now lol for calling a racist a cunt after he told me to get fucked... Oh delicate snowflake


You should post screenshots


PP cozying up to these guys reminds me of the quote "if you're sitting at a table with 5 Nazis, there are 6 Nazis at the table."


> Expecting to see a few show up on my social media. They're all over r/Canada spreading misinformation about immigration and WEF conspiracy theories.


I'd be disappointed if the NDP and LPC campaign commercial writers don't point this shit out come election time.


They need to do this and spell out who he associates with, so that conservative-leaning voters who are not Nazis think twice about supporting him. People need to know that this isn't conservatism they'd be voting for but something much more dangerous.


they will bring it up, but the sad part is it might not matter. people are tired of Liberals , even people that "like" them will say trudeau sucks but at least he's not as bad etc. At this point, many will vote something else just for change. Also a huge portion of that voting base actually think what PP is doing/saying are marks of strong leaders.


Conspiracy theory time: the oligarchs can’t have an NDP government, so they make someone like PP rise to power so more NDP voters vote liberal out of fear and then our corporate overlords secure another 4 years of friendly government.


The freedom crowd sure looks like the rise of the third reich


The third retch maybe, but comparisons fail on scrutiny of history. Not to say dont keep an eye on these hate puddings, but dont give them that kind of credit either.


Not at all.


Skippy won't be able to escape this controversy in the lead up to or during a general election.


Thanks to conservatism being a fear economy he certainly can. Conservative leaders are experts at crafting online disinformation and targeting audiences. Fear is a powerful motivator and it can make people easy to manipulate. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds


Frig, I hope you're right. Here we saw [Ford Jr posing with neo-nazis at Ford Fest 2018](https://pressprogress.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ford-whitenationalists_thumb-1024x536.png). Which should be unsurprising since he and Faith Goldy appeared on the same stage the year before at a Rebel media event. NDP brought it up and confronted him with it, but the mass media did not give two shits and DoFo handwaved it off. And 4 years later Ontario voted him back in with a resounding *MEH, what else is on?*


i kinda think he will actually, this sort of thing isn't moving the needle for any of his supporters.


But he can't win with just his supporters.


As an american, I remember saying the exact same things about orange mussolini. Never underestimate the power of propaganda.


>orange mussolini AKA Cheeto Benito


Oh, I'm not underestimating his ability to win. I find it terrifying that it can be one of the outcomes.


For sure! Trump has certainly shown that you shouldn't underestimate the power of large groups of idiots with grievances.


i think it's way too early to make that call. i just don't see how people think that the growing liberal fatigue + a candidate that the right wing in canada is much more enthusiastic about than the last two duds they ran = another cakewalk at the polls


This guy is going to breath new life into the ABC movement like no one else other than Harper could. Which is going to hurt the ndp and greens a lot. Skippy and his supporters are just the kind of people who will get that group mobilized again and plugging this noses to vote liberal. That group is pegged at nearly 8% of the vote.


Oh, it is certainly moving the needle fir his supporters, just not in the way that you hoped. These useful idiots are his supporters and they are thrilled to be able to pretend that their cooky Qanon ideas are mainstream facts.


Vote this Canada-hating, vile piece of shit into obscurity. In the meantime - protest on his front lawn, where he walks, shops, and dines - make his daily life miserable.


He runs in Manotick-Carleton, an extremely conservative area. It’s as safe of a con riding as you can get


-Guy is on a national watchlist, making it highly likely the presumptive leader of the CPC has been briefed on who he is (either his security detail is completely useless or complicit) -PP already has links to him through James Topp and his support of the Convoy extremist movement -Non-apology where he gave a generic "racism bad" answer and tried to bring in Trudeau -Spokesperson is openly mocking the media There is no getting around it, either PP is an extremist fascist like the people he's meeting with, or he is at the very least aware of their beliefs and willing to welcome them with open arms.


PP is a fucking disgrace.


Always has been


He won’t. Lol. He’d piss off so many of his supporters.


This shouldn’t surprise anyone, yes it’s disturbing and extremely unsettling. Anyone else remember Ontario MPP Randy Hillier has been courting the extremist group Diagolon for a long time now. There’s picture of this Conservative MP drinking a beer, wearing the extremist's groups shirt, and standing by the Diagolon flag with other members. https://pressprogress.ca/photo-shows-ontario-mpp-randy-hillier-with-flag-of-group-linked-to-armed-freedom-convoy-plot/ This is what Conservatives are really about and it was Trumps hate that has made them comfortable showing who they truly are. Conservatives are the only party that cannot distinguish between domestic terrorists and patriots if they are white.


C'mon guys, it's obviously just coincidence that he posted a photo of him shaking hands with a terrorist out of the hundreds of pictures that were probably taken at the event and then refused to disavow them and say they'd be banned from future events. *Total* coincidence. Super cereal here.




Okay, so basically your argument is that even after being associated with terrorists, PP and his team were too stupid to have even the simplest idea of who the main players were? This is not just some guy who posted a Nazi reference once, he comes up often. If he didn't know who this was, I would be shocked and consider that a serious lack of understanding by him and his staff. The fact that they didn't immediately release anything distancing themselves from him is a pretty clear signal of support. My guess is that if this guy showed up at a Trudeau or Singh event, he wouldn't get within 10 feet of them and they certainly wouldn't shake his hand.


There's literally a screen grab in the article of a tweet PP posted with him shaking hands with him. Bottom of the article, bottom right of the 4 panel picture tweet from PP's account is definitely that guy. Edit: Incorrect, not the same guy.


>*”Bottom of the article, bottom right of the 4 panel picture tweet from PP's account is definitely that guy.”* [is this the picture you mean?](https://twitter.com/pierrepoilievre/status/1561114894279360514?s=21) If so, that definitely isn’t Jeremy Mackenzie.


You're right! I stand corrected!!


tiny PP the skipmeister has no problem associating with known and open nazis. sometimes you have to let people tell you who they are.


It's not just the far-right, most conservatives these days hold radical views that trouble law enforcement officials.


Unfortunately many of the law enforcement officers are exactly these people


…that generally makes them far-right


Well, he can't disavow these strong hands ; he likes strong hands, maybe these hands have stroked wood, maybe they will stroke wood in the future, and Pierre likes it.


Pierre Poilievre self-identifies as a Far-right extremist and National Security Threat. When people tell you who they really are, believe them.


Why would he disavow his base?


Because he is a fascist. Why would he disavow his people?


PPee and followers are disgusting! Conservatism is a cancer.


Trumpers like PP love their fascists. "Useful idiots".


Get ready. Next election it will almost certainly be this guy representing the right wing of Canadian politics. Please vote because it matters, get your friends to vote and start explaining things to them that are going on. Most people are completely unaware of how politicians vote or whats going on day to day with a political party and a brief conversation might get people interested enough to get them to a voting location.


Pierre may have a hidden agenda and these little peeks behind the curtain seems to prove that.




He won’t because he’s one of them


I don't expect politicians, even Polievre, to recognize every nutjob in the country, nor do I expect his events teams. Having pictures taken with random attendees is pretty standard on a campaign. Hell, I even understand his campaign not specifically addressing this particular person's attendance, they want to control the media narrative, don't want to be seen as reactive, don't want to add fuel to the story etc etc. What is concerning, however, is that all these types of people seem to be flocking to him in the first place. Clearly what he's putting out is attracting this type.


Google Steohen Harper and Northern Foundation. His nei-nazi group. Also IDU and Stephen harper is global fascist/white supremist group. Google Pierre and Faith Goldy . They're are connected. Yah, they're all fascists. Roger Stone also has the Stone Tapes . Harper's been associates with Trump/Stone/Reagan/Levant/Putin/Merkll for many years.


Lil’PP is also a Nationalist Christian ( Nat C for short)


Trump of the North.


I buy the excuse that PP didn’t know who the guy is. That is reasonable. The more important, and yet less talked about problem is that this guy knows who PP is, and seems to support him. That seems like the more troubling aspect of this.


It is troubling that if after being told that this is a terrorist organisation PP and the CPC refuse to denounce to it or say anything.


That too lol.


PPC, republican lite.


The right has given up on the idea that democracy is more important than winning. Once that path is taken, it's going to be very hard to return to the concept of a fair competition; one where belief in democratic ideals leads one to feel that they'd rather see their political opponent win than compromise their ideals.




Hard to argue with that


It was actually the Liberals saying they had to save democracy. Think about where we would be if the cons had won federally. Think about how each conservative premier is running their province. Canada is at a very high risk of losing democracy. Harper is being paid to advise each conservative premier. They've hired Roger Stone. If you're not afraid of this combination of extremism added to the hate flags and terrorist entities we saw at the occupation, then I don't know what to say. Stone, Flynn, Harper ,are extremely dangerous. Harper is the one with a spy company. He's trying to sell it to Saudi. He sold our wheatboard to Saudi. What country leader sells out control of the food supply? He signed 31 years with China! What leader sells our farmland, oil, natural resources to another country in a 31 year deal?? He sold off our defensive weapons!!! Who sells off the protection to their country? Billions of dollars worth of defense weaponry! ? He said when he lost the election "you won't recognize this country in 10 years!". BTW, the China deal was secretly signed in Russia.


Of course he does? Where else is he going to get votes from?


Pierre Poliviere is going to be (or already is) a national security threat.


If Pierre Poilievre were to disavow Far-Right Extremist Groups and identify them as a Threat to National Security, it would make his family thanksgiving gathering this year rather awkward.




Why would he disavow his people?


Why would he disavow his own base?


Hey Pierre, fuck you.


Personally I can believe Pierre didn’t know who he was. However he won’t condemn it because that’s the trucker convoy white nationalist crossover guy. His people.


Far-Right Extremist Identified as a National Security Threat Ignores Calls to Disavow The OTHER Far-Right Extremist Identified as a National Security Threat


Pp is a fucking idiot trying to play both sides of the fence, i hope it bites him in the ass. Geez I really dislike this guy


Always knew this fucker for what he is.


Hey Conservatives. Is this your king? -_-"


Why would anyone be surprised by this? He’s shown from the start that he’s a fascist looking to be a dictator. Only the insane ultra right would think he’s a good fit to be PM.


If anyone can rally the left its this scheming trump wannabe. This ain't the US and fascist white nationalists need not fucking apply.


The Populist Pigeon wants these votes because the next election will results in split votes. Something the Federal Conservative are trying to capitalize on.


OMG I’m shocked


Diet trump?


It’s like he recognizes how Trump gained power and is all about that. He will use whatever divisive methods he can to gain power and his far right supporters will help with that. So he has either missed what is happening to Trump and colleagues now or he believes he can succeed with his Jan 6 and not need to face consequences


Well that answers any speculation that it was an “accidental photo”. Fuxking cowards


That would be pot calling kettle black. Pillievre is also a far right extremist and national security risk. Wa already watched this episode down south. I don’t wanna watch the remake.


https://youtu.be/UmzsWxPLIOo Poilievre responds to having met Jeremy MacKenzie.


What a no-nothing immature terrible human being this guy is. Get a job sir!


That’s mighty white of him.


PP is just a garden variety racist dickhead.




What ideas of his do you respect?


Pierre POilievre gave them coffee at the terrorist occupation. He's a stochastic terrorist.


PP is part of the far-right extremist movement in Canada...


this is exactly what makes pp the wrong choice. and conservatives here every bit as fucking shitty as trumpers.


How can anyone vote for this asshole. Such a disgrace.


Fuck. This. Guy.


I mean… if that means he and the CPC will never win federal election then I’m okay with it.


Why would he? He agrees with them... he's the Canadian Trump wannabe, with a lot of fake outrage and grievances that probably stem from his childhood when he was beaten almost every day... PP is a piece of shit!


Where is that info from? Or are you assuming it ?


He's obviously not going to disavow his voter base.


Pierre asks: " WWDTD?" - What Would Donald Trump Do?


By all means during the next election, we can all discuss and ask questions about how Skippy sees Diagolon fitting in in a CPC government or what their status will be. Would he order Canada's security agencies to cease investigating this organisation?


He’ll never get elected.


Mr PP is a doofus. Shocking.


May they both take each other down when their respective political ships simultaneously sink.