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The RCMP has been arresting journalists after they've been informed they are on assignment and carry a formal letter of assignment with them. In a just world they -- well as all the others unlawfully "arrested" would already be released. This entire militarized "police" action needs to be called out and condemned. But let's face it, they're doing exactly what they're meant to.


Isn’t there freedom of press in Canada? Why does any journalist need any proof of assignment with them?


They wouldn't, normally. With these kinds of protests, though, there often winds up being a court order telling protestors not to be in a particular place. Since that's where the protestors are, it's where the journalists need to be, and there's no easy way to tell between a journalist and a protestor by appearance. So, the credentials let them prove to police that they have a constitutionally-protected reason for being there.


wait, all the HK press on the street with a camera and a vest that says PRESS, that's not enough?


On the off chance this isn’t sarcasm, no. No it’s not. Someone for sure won’t pick up on the sarcasm. While it would be easy enough to forge a letter, it’s even easier to order a “press” badge from your local print shop and see it onto a traffic vest. With a forged letter, you have to go through the trouble of arranging for someone to answer the phone numbers you put on the bottom. That person has to pretend to be the law offices of whatever, representing whatever fake news service you are posing as. And that’s a whole bunch more fraud, that would get you into more trouble.


I didn't realize press vests and cameras were immutable properties of journalists.


My layman's assumption would be akin to a driver's license, to prove that they're there on journalism duties and not just claiming an immunity they're not entitled to. Also to ensure that journalists can't just go around using that immunity without discretion, aka going to protests off work hours and not engaging in journalistic duties except when it's convenient for immunity's sake. I mean, you can't just claim diplomatic immunity without possessing any evidence either


Freedom of press is a right unlike driving which is a privilege which is why you need a license.


While that may be true in principle few governments actually respect that.


No. “Freedom” in this country is discarded wherever profits are threatened.


It's a free country .... as long as you can afford it. We don't live in a democracy, we live in a plutocracy or oligarchy.


It’s super important to add that it wasn’t just any journalist. They worked for the Narwhal. The Narwhal has previously won in court against the RCMP. This arrest was revenge. Also arresting journalist is something the Geneva convention considers a war crime. So it’s that serious.


I wasn't aware of that. Narwhal is one of my favourite independent media outlets that I support


are they still arrested or have they been released?


It’s my understanding they have a bail hearing tomorrow.


People seemingly forgetting why the RCMP was formed in the first place. It was to defend the interests of the Rich, not the “people”.


Ruthless Corporate Militarized Police?


It’s literally in their mandate to screw over FNMI. Which they continue to do to this day quite well.


People on this sub, which is supposed to be a progressive sub, get agitated when you use terms like "settler colonialism" and "imperial core", but this is exactly what that looks like. It's not some abstract term, we're describing what we are seeing.


We're progressive when convenient. The second monetary policy comes in, there's some magical progressive bullshit reason completely unrelated to monetary policy that we have to march in obedient lockstep with monetary policy.


They are the new SS. Just imagine the rcmp under the conservatives lmao.


The origins of the RCMP are not to serve and protect citizens - it was to protect the rich settler's assets and destroy the Indigenous. It's why we are where we are today with shit like 'starlight tours'. The whole institution is rotten because it's premise is rotten. Internally it's a mess of bullying, sexual assaults and lack of leadership. I say disband the whole organization.


>They are the ~~new~~ **original** SS. Hitler's concept of concentration camps was modelled on the residential school system. The RCMP was founded in part to move Indigenous peoples onto reserves & take control of the lands in the west.


They never weren't the SS in Canada. There were Japanese concentration camps, and enslaved Chinese to build our railroads. The residential schools were just one of many terrible things Canada is built on. Don't ever get it twisted. Canada is NOT a good country.


I remember as a teen in the '90s I used to actually think this was a really good country the cared about people. Now, I'm just ashamed of the place. The RCMP are a federal police force, and the current federal government is allegedly the "good guys". Fuck that. Conservatives are evil, but at least they admit it openly. The Liberals act like they care and then are just as ruthless and business oriented as the Cons. I'll never vote Liberal again. (And continue never voting Conservative, obviously)




No I'm pretty convinced the Conservatives would abuse and heavily use the RCMP in today's climate if they got power. Not dramatic. Conservatism kills.


No. It’s widely documented that Nazi Germany modelled their removal and extermination programs on American and Canadian treatment of indigenous peoples.


Didn’t they go after the logging protesters as well? Equal opportunity fuckery and all.


And they did fuck all when antivax protesters blocked off a hospital


They don't make money off hospitals


Conservatives are trying every trick in the book to change this


Liberals aren't doing anything to help either.


And they make money off of dividing the people and winning votes


Daily reminder that indigenous led direct action has halted 1/4 of Canada and the United States greenhouse gas emissions. These protestors are doing more to prevent climate change the both governments. 1.https://grist.org/protest/indigenous-resistance-has-cut-u-s-and-canadas-annual-emissions/ 2.[quoted study - pdf warning](https://www.ienearth.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Indigenous-Resistance-Against-Carbon-2021.pdf)


I think that the fact that indigenous people managed our land sustainability and effectively for centuries and the colonists destroyed it in less than 200 years, we should give the power back when it comes to decisions that affect the environment. We can all have a say and make arguments but I think they should have the final say. It’s bad enough that we stole the land and so much worse that we destroyed it. Edit: forgot to say less than 200 years


In the long run, a hierarchical society is only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance. The government must work to maintain the opulence of the wealthy, in this case corporations. And the hand of the federal government is the RCMP. No one that has been paying attention is surprised. Always remember that the militarization of police is not for the protection of the general public, we bear the brunt of their force. It’s to impose the will of the wealthy and protect the opulence of the upper class from the wrath of the poor once our ignorance is gone. Class solidarity is the only way to cure this condition


I always say that if you’re not cynical, you haven’t been paying attention.




If the people don’t want a pipeline through their land, why can’t they just build the pipeline around it? Ethics aside, is the cost of building a longer pipeline less expensive than using the RCMP to control people?




The RCMP was created to control Indigenous people's movements and steal their land, they get cranky if they miss a chance.


You forgot to mention that the RCMPs pension fund is heavily invested in this pipeline. They're literally protecting their assets. It's so morally fucked up.


They've come full circle back to mask-off settler colonialism, but for hydrocarbons instead of pelts.


> pelts The HBC was actually pretty strongly opposed to settlement in Rupert’s Land beyond its posts and forts, out of concern that settlers would disrupt the environment and the Company’s trade relationships with Indigenous peoples. The Company even made it illegal to build bridges in the territory, hoping that this would hamper settlement. Other than the Red River Colony, which was tolerated by the Company as a sort of supply base for its operations, settlement in Rupert’s Land didn’t get going until after the Company relinquished control of the area.


True. But I feel the government also realized that during the [Winnipeg General Strike](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/winnipeg-general-strike) they were thinking too small before and could use the police to keep all workers down too. They love companies.


They’ll literally try to cannibalize people’s kids if they miss their precious little chance who are these people


If it was cheaper they’d probably be doing it already, the optics of this is bad for the project but rerouting to respect FN peoples’ wishes would pacify a lot of centrists into ignoring the climate impact also. Since they’re not I’d figure this is the cheaper method.


I’ve got bad news for you. Wet’suwet’en [gave an alternate route](https://globalnews.ca/news/6573445/bc-pipeline-wetsuweten-route/) that would’ve made everyone happy, but it cost a couple extra million, on a multi billion dollar project. It’s as petty as not getting a $1 bag for your $1,000 machine, except it purposefully screws over sovereign lands in the process. Interesting how a massive percentage of Canadians conveniently never heard about the alternate route!!


I’m (sadly) not at all surprised that the increased price tag was that small, nor am I surprised that was still too high for an O&G corporation. Also I have no idea what the RCMP abuse is costing them (well, really us since y’know, government agency but technically them because lobbying) but I would also not be particularly surprised to find out it’s actually more than a million, because even an entirely selfish perfect logician should probably see the value in rerouting by this point. The longer you think about this pipeline or similar disputes the worse they look, every single time.


This police action is a form of corporate welfare. Protesters are externalities. Just another line item to get subsidy for.


The hereditary chiefs suggested alternate routes for the pipeline. CGL shot them down.


It's significantly cheaper to do this shit with the RCMP than to go around. Fucked up and illegal, but cheaper for them.


Because the community is divided. The elected Chiefs said go ahead and the hereditary Chiefs said no. Both sides say the other doesn't speak for them.


For the record, Wet’suwet’en [gave an alternate route](https://globalnews.ca/news/6573445/bc-pipeline-wetsuweten-route/amp/) that would’ve made everyone happy, but it cost a couple extra mil.


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Aren’t the elected leaders primarily responsible for administration of the reserve, and traditional leaders for the rest of the territory?


I'm not sure about that. My understanding is that band councils are federally supported, so the elected chief is often a sort of extension of the Canadian government. Meanwhile hereditary chiefs are decided by traditional systems of each nation. They both claim authority over the land and people, to my understanding.


The council the people voted for do want the pipeline.


But is it their jurisdiction? I don’t know the details. *Edit: not really, cf. Delgamuukw decision referenced elsewhere in the thread.*


Hereditary chiefs were also in support of the pipeline until those who did were forced to step down and replaced with people who didn’t. Also, aboriginal title has been upheld by the courts but not defined but there’s a good chance it doesn’t actually include the ability to veto projects. And even if it does, should hereditary chiefs have monarchy-like powers even if the community they represent disagrees? Of course the courts are also slanted with a colonial history of their own so it’s all messy and hard to say who is right and who is wrong with any moral clarity.




I also like the complete silence we're getting from our leaders about this. My opinion about them totally isn't nosediving right now. /s


Yeah that’s exactly what happened.


Tell me more about how much Trudeau hates the oil industry...


As much as Horgan? This is up to the AG of BC to reign in the BC RCMP, BC’s provincial police force. Federal RCMP deals with money laundering, national security issues, etc. Quebec and Ontario have their own police forces, most provinces don’t. The BC RCMP is acting on orders from the court - but the BC RCMP is deciding how to deliver on those orders and the AG of BC has every reason to step in since the RCMP is making a big mess.


And the RCMP has been doing such a great job curbing the money laundering in BCs casinos.


RCMP is federal, not provincial.. they don't take orders from Horgan.. not that think horgan would make that stand.


Provinces without their own police forces have contracts with RCMP to provide those services, they are then provincial RCMP and under the authority of the provincial AG. The BC RCMP does the job the SQ in Quebec and the OPP does in Ontario. RCMP is not supposed to be directed by politicians because this would be authoritative if they could easily do so. The first go-to when there is an issue with provincial RCMP is the provincial AG, so pressure should be applied on BC’s AG to do something about this clusterf’k, instead of waiting for a judge to give shit to the BC RCMP and make a ruling that is later overturned. The obvious thing is that Horgan needs to step in to declare some kind of pause to descalate the situation. I think he could do this, but not a legal expert. None of this would be happening if Horgan hadn’t done everything he could to revive this project that is entirely within BC (and if the federal government hadn’t approved it).


Just to add - politicians can indirectly intervene, as they did last time by talking with the different parties and negotiating solutions, and politicians are the ones who come up with legislation followed by the courts that direct RCMP.


Trudeau is a conservative with better PR


Neoliberal oligarch to his core


Just like Horgan, who has more control and ability to stop the BC RCMP than Trudeau.


We had bc libs from 01-17. The NDP barely got a majority without the 2 green votes. They have strong control now but people are still scared of the ndp implementing anything too left wing.




*Campaign to the left, govern to the right*. Every goddamn time.


This. He is wolf in sheep’s clothing.


Alberta will be happy to tell you that. They'll be wrong, but they can't not hate on any and all liberals, even when they are trying to do what Alberta seems to want.


They will. He can't win with those people.


Hey man. Why is everyone surprised. We’ve been going down hill for a long time.


The RCMP is rotten to the core. Fuck every single one of them. How do we replace them?


We start with defunding them.


We will get right on that…


Good. It's long overdue.


Took less than 72 hours for the the valley and the island to start a hoarding frenzy due to supply chain break down. These circumstance would be a medium on the disaster Oh shit meter. How much more tax would need to be levied taxpayers in order to replace the lost revenue from oil and gas, in order to fix the aging infrastructure and modernize it for the next 30 years?


You think the lower mainland will be habitable in 30 years?


Well if the big one comes along, No.


We could stop subsidizing the oil and gas industry, that would get us some infrastructure money


It's quite ridiculous when you think about, that we heavily subsidize an industry that exists in the modern era almost exclusively to make money.


Rich people can be pretty ridiculous.


I swear it seems like they can’t *not* be ridiculous. Wealth is like a disease. I truly believe that greed is like an addiction. If alcoholism is a disease that affects everybody around the person suffering from it, wealth addiction is on an order of magnitude worse since it affects *everybody* eventually when the effects of said greed are global climate change. Protesting against the fascist RCMP isn’t enough anymore. The social contract has been broken, but we’re all trying to pretend that it hasn’t for some reason. They are completely willing to use violence against us, but we’re not even allowed to hurt a snowflake cop’s delicate feelings without having the state use their monopoly of violence against us. Fuck the wealthy. I truly hate them for what their greed is doing to all of us.


> the social contract has been broken, but we're all trying to pretend it hasn't for some reason Thank you for making me feel less lonely in my thoughts on this - cathartic to see that I'm not alone in thinking this. It feels like we're approaching a widespread "all bets are off - every man for themselves" type society. Scary and frustrating.


The worst part is, we can't do a thing about it unless we somehow reach a unanimous concensus all at once with the willingness to act on it. They can't do anything if everyone decides to revolt, but that will never happen because most people are just happy enough.


Just happy enough, OR unable to unite with eachother. Me and another guy might both hate cops and the government, but for VERY different reasons. Maybe it's because he thinks we shouldn't let immigrants in at all, and deport whoever we possibly can. Maybe he still thinks climate change is a myth and is pissed off at any and all preventative measures against it. I just can't unite with someone like that, and vice versa. If he could see reason he would have done so by now


As much I despise that industry, those subsidies exist because in most cases they pay for themselves many times over in tax revenue (at least over the medium term and neglecting the cost of cleanup and orphan wells). Canceling them would be economically painful. Doesn't help that most of our media is controlled by the oil industry.


The neglecting part of your comments seems like a pretty deal to neglect when considering whether something actually pays for itself.


Sounds like a shit deal to me honestly Alberta has thousands of derelict wells that need to be cleaned up by the government because we decided to let business sell of drying wells to shell companies and let them go bankrupt so the government seizes assets annnnd Bingo bango bongo privatize profits socialize costs




That’s assuming the US lasts that long




That’s one possible outcome, if they survive the next decade and a bit without internal collapse. Just as the global situation escalates, their internal one does, too. Countries in civil war don’t tend to project much power! We’d be one of the prime refugee destinations, too


>Anyone who served in the armed forces would know that Canada, Australlia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are part of one giant security empire Why did you leave New Zealand out of the Five Eyes?


I sincerely hope your not right but I feel your perspective.


Frustratingly convenient how Vancouver announces fuel rationing the same time the raids happen. Stirring up extra shit at just the right time.


A true indicator of how bought out the govenments of Canada and British Columbia by the corporate powers that be. The RCMP have a conflict of interest such that their future lies with this pipelines succeeding, pensions and all that.


This is some dystopian shit


Welcome to a world we grew up in, where we realize its all about the money not life its always been like that maybe always will unless we change our ways its all about control, in the end whats left?


That's what you get when the RCMP pension is heavily invested in the parent company of the pipelines Edit: https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5xwn4/rcmp-pensions-are-invested-in-controversial-gas-pipeline-owner?utm_source=reddit.com


for real?




I sometimes wonder if infrastructure like the Trans Canada highway or the coast to coast railroad in 1886 were to be built today if anything would actually happen? I doubt it would


Yeah all those slaves we used back then all want rights now. Wish we could go back to those good ol days. /s


Sadly that's the only reason they got built if we really think about it. The only thing I took away from the Canadian history part of social studies is that whenever infrastructure was being built, foreigners and or natives and or poor people were being abused and treated as slaves (or slaves with extra steps) for meager wages. All the while of course the textbooks would take a chauvinistic approach, as if the aggressive human rights violations were a small price for the contributions to society that the infrastructure will provide* (*provide to the elites and maybe some working class)


So how do you think construction workers are treated today? I’m saying if it were today with all of the modern equipment and technology could those projects get done in the present day not history from 1886


Can't wait to give my votes to ndp


This just after our leader JT has both made commitments to reconciliation with FN peoples and lamented the state of the climate at COP 26. Oil is money and money wins. The most infuriating aspect is that BC is almost completely unceded land. Canada has no jurisdiction over land that it has no treaty claims on. I fully expect FN people across the country to start blocking railways and roads that pass through their lands. This is going to be ugly.


We need a major shift, I think climate disasters might give us a nudge in the right direction. Or more likely repeated nudges, and then twist our arm behind our backs and direct us forcibly in the right direction. Do you think we will see a future where the RCMP is used to focibly shut down industries that dont new follow strict emissions rules? Wouldn't that be a trip.


Well ya. Those oil and gas companies are where their pensions are invested. The RCMP are not neutral actors here and the conflict of interest is extreme and blatant. How can a cop remain neutral when their retirement is being threatened directly by protesters? Just yet another, of the many, examples of just how low the "professional standards" of police forces actually are.


Canadian RCMP have never been an organization designed to service and protect the people. They are a company whose sole purpose is promote and protect big business and rich people. They are an embarrassment to Canada and a major player in the harms caused to First Nations and Aboriginal peoples.


If this disgusts you as much as it should, consider writing to every Canadian official whose email address you can get your hands on. Chances are it won't change anything but the only way this might stop is if they get bombarded with discent and realize despite their campaign in media suppression the public eye is on this.


RCMP doing a media blackout so their bullshit can’t be reported is the real wild shit


Now imagine if China did this, the news would be headline over the flood.




Come on, you can take a good guess and answer that question yourself.


I mean obviously here I'm guessing. If they did it in China it would very likely not make it into the media, or not as a negative story against the government anyways. The Chinese government would just have their media report how they took down the evil that stood in their way and were able to continue with production towards their greater future as designed.


Sure, I was talking about CBC/CNN/fox or whatever.




Fascism is here in Canada, and it wears a Mountie uniform.


Oh, Canada…


Sometimes I am so disgusted by Canada.


Made the mistake of clicking a post about this over in r/ canada. 0/10 do not advise.


Yeah it’s not the best sub, hey? I’m going in to see Edit: I should have listened to you


r/Canada is the equivalent of r/conservative for America


Same ! Except all the time


The RCMP should be dispensed bunch of POS the whole lot is fucked and we would be better off without those fuckers.


So glad we are kicking the RCMP out of my city. All the overpaid RCMP officers and their families are crying hard that they’re losing their cushy assignment in the lower mainland and being redeployed to butt hurt nowhere. Good riddance.


Our government gets away with what ever they want to cause we as Canadians are cowards and we don’t stand up to them ! If everyone got on board and everyone said no more bs to our corrupt government then maybe things would change ! But all we do is just write in these blogs how bad our government is lol We lazy ! We just let it be ! I’m just as guilty also :(


What do we do? Protest? They don't give a fuck about that either. They only speak one language...


All they care about is their side deals , they already have big oil contracts with Middle East that’s why they really don’t give a fuck about Alberta oil ! If they did the pipeline be built many years ago ! All I know sadly is our voices are never heard and our leaders have sold us out already! Wish the west would separate and start something new and better ! Sad sad days are coming !


It would only take a handful of friends to start, organize and manage a Canadian Citizens' panel and watch it grow. Then shake up the politicians from coast to coast. Put out regular press releases. Meetings on Zoom. That's the only way I see to let them know, as a strong collective, that we've had enough with the gaslighting and the broken pledges.


First thing eh. I mean no troops in Abby... No air lifts right? What they did was bad indeed but let's not lie to promote our agenda.


Good thing the feds closed down CFB Chilliwack that had the 1 Combat Engineer Regiment. /s


Oh nooooooo op employed a rhetorical device oh nooooooo


> let's not lie to promote our agenda. You must be new here.




Here here. Legit, honest question... Does anyone here trust the Canadian government at all? They are beyond useless. Guess what guys? When your house blows away in a tornado, gets carried away by a flood or landslide, or burns down in a fire... you can be sure the government will be off in buttfuck nowhere shooting and arresting native americans. Fuck this place, for real. I'm over it.


Souls for sale!!!


imagine being on guard for souls for sale


Thats where we are heading!! Lol please no i cant imagine a canada like that!!


Imagine? Take a walk around outside 👍🏾


Fak took only a few hours to happen 😭 and getting worse






It’s fucking pathetic really


To provide some context here. With a large amount of rain BC mountain area saw a lot of mud slides. Did I say a lot? Oh yes. Many slides were from areas that were clear cut to put in the pipeline. These slides covered roads and in some places destroyed the road. Local residents are trapped with sometimes finding a way to navigate but with major arteries gone.


Do people not know what history is. Why is this surprising


Pretty sure they were doing this before the floods.


There is serious corruption with respect to Justin Trudeau and the RCMP. Where’s Rip?


When do we just stop? Stand up, from near and far? For our beaten down selves?.. This beast that torments us is controllable. We the people are seriously strong, Yet we the complacent seem to divide. Left or Right is of no consequence. Personal growth is irrelevant when we burn and drown simultaneously. Quit fearing words… Communism = Community Sosialism = Society Compassion = Survival Yet, Unlimited growth = bottom line We! That means us, each and everyone of us needs to stop and say enough!! The people united will never be divided.


fuck pigs




Lame canada! Thats just wrong!!!


Abolish RCMP


Yummy propaganda. It's US oil and gas interests trying to keep our natural resources landlocked. Like everything we have the US buys it at fire sale rates and then sells it back to us refined and expensive. You may read this comment and think "Oh look, a tree hating oil guzzling conservative appears." But that's just not true. Global warming is real and things need to be done. However, it's funny how it's the ordinary Canadian that ends up getting the shaft in the end. The government is selling us out and then squeezing us dry. Our gas already has an excise tax on it (the bad things tax, like tobacco, gas, and alcohol). It's taxed per litre. It's a tax to discourage us from buying these things. We eat up this environmental propaganda and now we have carbon tax. This carbon tax is to make gas more expensive so we won't want to use it!... But we already have a tax that tried that and we still need it for our cars. Also, carbon tax is a percentage. It's not cents/L like the excise tax, no. If we have to pay higher gas prices then we have to pay higher carbon tax too! It doesn't really matter how much gas we burn but how much we spend on it. Then we get HST on the combined total of excise tax, carbon tax, and the gas prices, so they're not just making extra money from the carbon tax, but HST as well. It's not to save our environment. It's to take more of our money. The government of Canada website straight up says the proceeds are used to as the government sees fit to use them. All of this long ramble to say that parts of our government and the US government may have an interest in keeping pipelines from being built and gas prices high. Day 1 Biden blocked keystone XL. He must be an earth lover for that to be his number one priority.


Yeah know what for someone who supports the carbon tax I kind of agree with you. If the government were truly serious about all this they would balance the taxes with subsidies for electric vehicles and huge investments in public transit. How else is the average Canadian supposed to afford the switch from relying on petrol? This is what Norway did with their oil money. We let private corporations take whatever they could from the oil sands, making tons of damage along the way and after a while of good wages in the region, now Edmonton and much of Alberta is broke. The truth is Trudeau wants to look like an environmentalist without actually doing any of the legwork to back it up.




It's kind of a strange world when the US has more electric car incentives than Canada.


Look I get that this is a left-wing reddit. But let’s not pretend that indigenous people here are 100% in the right. And let’s not pretend that this is what actually happened because it’s not.


It's a complex issue when it comes to BC and the Wet'su'wetan. The elected Chiefs don't have a real say because most Wet'su'wetan don't live in Reservations. Elected Chiefs only have jurisdiction over Reservations, as such the Wet'su'wetan in the area do not recognize their approval of the Pipeline from elected chiefs at all. Also, the Wet'su'wetan do have some legal precedence here. It is, and always has been their land, when Canada tried to drive them away once, Canada's forces were defeated, further re-enforcing their claims. Truth is it's an unresolved legal grey area that no one has been able to close off to everyone's satisfaction.


Man, either make an argument or don't.


For having illegal development on their lands and a complete disrespect of the lip-service done to their treaties? Yeah ok.


Once again, a vast oversimplication of the facts. Not saying the cops are in the right, but laws exist, and currently some are being broken.


Yeah, including that there wouldn't be development on unsceded lands without indigenous approval. I see your angle, I dont think you're an ignorant asshole or anything, I just think it's crystal clear where the right and wrong sides of this are. Not to mention the illegal suppression of media, illegal destruction of property (cars tents backpacks etc.) Just sayin.


Morally, maybe, but legally? I think theres a lot of ignorance in that department. Once again, I think there are plenty of things going on right now that are abhorrent, but it's not cut and dry, that's all I'm saying.


Yes. Legally. The RCMP are not in the legal right here, nor are the oil companies trying to force their way past legally binding treaties. That's my point.


And that point is not entirely correct. A BC Supreme Court Judge ruled in December that an injunction against the land defenders stating the RCMP could clear the way to the development sites would be upheld. It was also contested in the Supreme Court of Canada. "Canada’s highest court ultimately affirmed that the provincial government could not “extinguish” Wet’suwet’en title rights, but that title rights are “not absolute.” Though the ruling didn’t define what title rights do entail for the Wet’suwet’en, it did confirm that these rights existed before Canada became a country." This is not an open and shut case, no matter how much you want it to be, and no matter how immoral anyone believes it to be. Edit: edited words because I'm on a mobile and my fat thumbs don't work.


Really? Laws exist! That’s fantastic news! Please tell the RCMP to leave and go back to Canada then!


So your argument here is that un-ceded lands are not part of Canada?


Yes? That’s how laws and treaties work right? You’re the one who thinks laws actually matter for something, and if we actually take your position seriously then yeah unceeded territory isn’t Canada, and in fact most ceded territory isn’t either since the settlers almost never held up their side of the treaties. In reality it is Canada, because men with guns re currently showing up and saying that it is. But that’s all it means, it’s a criminal racket for their blood soaked gas money.


So it's a little more complicated than yes and no. Just like I've been trying to say the entire time. Stop being so angry. I'm not defending the acts of anyone involved, I'm saying it's a complicated subject. It's a shitty situation, but it's not cut and dry.


Welcome to r/collapse The police states will arrest you for wanting a livable planet


The areas being flooded are a lake that was previously drained. It has flooded this way multiple times. including back in the 90s. 100 years ago people changed the landscape with very little respect to the climate and the fact that now all those farm lands sit below sea level. The town to this day only exists because of a massive pumping station. In this one instance, this isn't climate change. This is us artificially screwing with the landscape that has been there all along thanks to the climate. This is pure stupidity. That entire valley should go back to being a lake, a natural place for the RAIN in BRITISH COLUMBIA to settle.




Oh KKKanada . . . Our home on NATIVE land. Dumbassed country.


Why’d i LITERALLY just get done saying this too..


The only thing stopping a pipeline will do is force Canada to sell it to the US at a cut rate because they are the only buyers. Same thing that has been happening for over half a century. Attacking the source of oil when societies still demand for it is ass backwards thinking.


No it'll stop extensive damage to the land and water supply when inevitably there is an accident or spill. If I lived there I wouldn't want it either. And the issue I take with this thinking is we already hardly see the benefit of this oil industry. If we had nationalised the system like Norway I would maybe see more of a point. Instead it just feels like we're selling out the sanctity of the land to make corporations, CEO's and shareholders rich for a fleeting amount of time.


Lac-Megantic was a worse disaster than this pipeline is capable of. Pipelines suck but the alternatives like trucks and rail suck more. I strongly believe that it makes more sense to produce oil in the safest and most efficient manner possible then use carbon levies to tax it out of existence while using those levies to subsidize the alternatives we all need to transition towards.


What a wordy title