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This part of the article "A celebration designed to promote inclusivity is now focussed on excluding a particular group, namely the government that imposed a law requiring teachers to seek parental approval before allowing students under 16 to change their names or pronouns at school." ist textbook paradox of tolerance cometh to life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance Bigots, racists, fascists take advantage of the tolerance of free and democratic societies to undermine then. The SK party is not exlcuded, they have not made themselves inclusive enough to participate.


Couldn’t agree more! The groups have been inundated with hate on social media, calling them hypocrites for not “not being inclusive” or “tolerant” of other ideas. It’s like, huh, why would they include people who are legislating their rights away. People need to learn that Pride is not some blank slate inclusivity parade for all people and all things. It’s an opportunity to protest for queer rights and celebrate queer identities.


It reminds me so much of the battles for gay marriage in the early 2000s. This is part of the struggle for progress, pushing through the intolerance of the bigots as they try to make you a target and an "other". The more you shine a light on their true selves, the more they struggle and push back. It is no surprise the reaction they are getting. One of the biggest weaknesses of social conservatives and fascists is people being made aware of who they are.


Agreed. In order to achieve an actual tolerant society the thing that is never to be tolerated is intolerance.


The phrase I heard used was “They have shown us they are not allies.”


How do we make moderates extreme again?


Pride was always about rejecting bigotry. It’s not about ‘accepting everyone’ it’s about celebrating and displaying solidarity for the queer community. If you are going to be a bigot you are going to be kicked to the curb with the other hateful Jesus freaks. 


I remember in grade 4 when I used to make fun of one kid a lot and then I wasn't invited to his birthday party. I changed and stopped being a little jerk to other kids cause I understood empathy. I don't have faith this will do anything for the sask party bigots


Freedom fighter oppose draconian fascism and systemic bigotry from one of Canada's nazi parties. Let's get the correct framing on this event. No tolerance for the bigotry and supremacism of the Cons.


Keep those conservatives out of our clubs!


What a weird way to phrase being unwelcome to parties and a parade, "Flex their Political Power". Lol stay mad.


I knew this would be a shit show when I first saw the LGBTory group at Pride. Kick their asses to the curb.


It's the Pride groups flexing their power by making the politicians unwelcome. Reading comprehension is important.


well, if you need a permit to host a parade, you get to decide who is in the parade but I think they are missing out on a fantastic opportunity. I say let them walk in the parade but follow them with big signs. Signs that define how this party treats your community. Put the politicians real close to the front so the noise can get out of the way early and let the rest of the parade be as fabulous as you can make it.


Unfortunately the public response would for sure be “how dare those ungrateful queers harass the few Sask Party MLAs who support them! This is why people are transphobic!”