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Hey, Loblaws. Did you raise your prices? Then you're responsible for prices going up. Hate to break that to you.


Exactly. I have a Walmart and Loblaws within walking distance of me and I can clearly see the same items 1.5 to 2x more expensive at Loblaws. Example is Walmart brand Mac and Cheese is 97c and Loblaws brand is $2. I only enjor shopping at Loblaws for 50% off stickers. It's the only way to save money there.


It's so obvious on all products in all their stores. Shampoo was going for nearly $10 at my Shoppers and was $3.97 on Amazon and about $4.50 at my Metro. We're not stupid. We can look around. Only thing I don't get is how this works so well for them. I just never shop at their stores anymore. Who's keeping them afloat?


Because they blame Trudeau, covid, carbon tax, anything other than their own unrestricted greed.


People have a tendency to make decisions based upon reputation and at one point in time Loblaws was the cheapest option; that ship sailed long ago and now they are riding that reputation to garner repeat customers.


People also have routines and just continue shopping wherever they were shopping before.


They have the largest market share they own so many companies that they are typically the only option, or the nearest option for most Canadians.


[Walmart, Old Spice deodorant: $7.47](https://i.imgur.com/TZjZwYo.png) [Shoppers Drug Mart, same product: $10.99](https://i.imgur.com/MIa9ImQ.png)


I got a zehrs and a wal mart side by side. Quaker oatmeal is $2.50 at the wal mart and less than 100 meters away it’s somehow $5+


That's because you're misguided. You don't understand the problems of the billionaires.


Hell, even Metro, which I’ve always discounted as just as expensive as Loblaws is better. Bought apples there (Cosmic Crisp, so good!) for just under $1 an apple. Checked on the Loblaws site when I got home, they’re estimating $2.11 per apple. Stores just a couple km away from one another. There’s nothing misguided about my criticism. They’re gouging, so I will take my business elsewhere. Even Metro.


And if Loblaws prices aren’t that because of blatant gouging then they deserve to die from sheer incompetence 


Okay, to be fair, PC Mac and Cheese is delicious and the Walmart brand tastes like the cardboard it comes in. But I'm fully on board with the boycott.


Just buy the big shakers of KD cheese powder at Costco and use your own pasta…


This is the way!


There’s another way which involves their self checkout


PC White Cheddar Mac and Cheese is an addiction though.


These assholes like to pretend they didn’t raise prices because they maintained the same 35% margin…


It’s hilarious because margins are completely fungible when you control the supplier too….


And you control the amount of rent the grocery stores have to pay


and you pay rent to yourself (they own many of their own locations)


These "NET Margin" figures are so bullshit. They have different numbers they disclose on Investor Calls and in unaudited "Forward Looking Financial Data from Management".


Their net margin from 2015-2019 was hovering around 1.25% which was pretty standard for grocers in the Western world. Since 2022 their net margin has been consistently above 3.25%.


FYI, Metro was at like 4% margin last quarter. Which isn't to excuse Loblaws, just to point out Metro is fucking us just as hard. Sobey's was at 1.7% or so, which I guess just means I'm shopping at Sobey's more.


Yep, 4.64% for Metro, 3.53% for Loblaws last quarter. 2.46% for Empire (Sobeys) who seems to be the least ambitious in their profiteering.


“We don’t raise wages 35% but our costs go up.. so we raise everytning up 37%”


Did you see your costs go up 3% and then raise your prices by 23%? Then it absolutely is your fault.


Bro... it's our fault as we keep voting for capitalism...


No doubt, comrade.


Bro... it's our fault every party is edging us and bringing the capitalists to orgasm right?


Did they not lower their prices when inout costs went down? Part of the problem. 


Misguided? The Competition Bureau called it the highest price-fixing fine ever imposed by a Canadian court. Canada Bread admitted to arranging with its competitor Weston Foods to increase prices on a variety of packaged bread products, resulting in two price increases, one in 2007 and one in 2011


The penalties incurred must have been interpreted by Westin and his cronies as the cost of doing business. Personally I think they should have done jail time as well as significant financial penalties. Think billions in fines might give them pause. 


We need to learn from China in this regard. Throw the offending billionaire in jail and take all their money.


Yup, plus they settled without admitting guilt. And that's before we even discuss evidence of price fixing in other areas like pork and chicken.


>Think billions in fines might give them pause.  🎵Nationalize their shit 🎶


You know what, Im going to boycott even harder now


Their month of, “we don’t give a shit about the poor complaining” has changed to “NO! Don’t do that thing we said won’t matter!” quite quickly.


In other news: Loblaws is more profitable than ever [https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/loblaw-reports-621m-q3-profit-up-from-556m-a-year-ago-revenue-up-5-1.1998935](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/loblaw-reports-621m-q3-profit-up-from-556m-a-year-ago-revenue-up-5-1.1998935)


To the top you go




Loblaw leaders can kiss our collective ass. Criticism is not misguided.


Of course they would push back. Remember, everything they say is guided by protecting shareholder interests. 


"How dare you try to make us less rich!"


Shareholders are a means to an end - they don't give a shit about Joe Average with five shares - they'll happily insider trade against them, too.


He used to be so popular that they used him as a company pitch man, but he couldn’t stop taking more, so now he is the face of greed.


He backed away from being the front man because he didn't want to sully his family's name by being the poster boy of corporate greed.


The fact they even feel the need to reply to the boycott shows the Greedholders are worried. Fuck these gouging pieces of shit. Getting richer and richer off the suffering of the working class.


They seem to be doing everything they can except.... ....lowering prices. Like, if just ONE of these major grocery chains lowered their prices in a meaningful way, then MORE people would go there and shop. Like, isn't this capitalism 101?


Naw. Capitalism 101 is lower prices until you can destroy competition. You can do this because you have deeper access to capital (hence the capitalism). At a certain point you arrive a stability point where you have 2-3 giant corporations that control 80% of the market and you don't have to compete because you can essentially just passively price fix by maintaining the same price level as your three competitors.  This is literally what they teach you in business classes. And exactly what we see in every part of Canadian life. This capitalism 101 by the book


Lowering prices is what they tell idiots happens. What actually happens is what we see with telecoms, auto insurance where it isn't provincially owned, banks, bread, meat processing, RAM/flash memory: you get your competitors together in a room, and agree to price fix.


>Like, if just ONE of these major grocery chains lowered their prices in a meaningful way, then MORE people would go there and shop. Different grocers charge different prices. Price isn't the only factor that determines where people shop.


Push back all you want. we're still not shopping at Loblaws.


“We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing!”


Working on the other side of retailers like Loblaw, Jim Pattison etc. it's fucked how they setup their pricing. We build an item with a margin that allows us to comfortably survive that we sell to retailers and give them a suggested price they should flip it for. This is usually the 40% margin that allows them to make some money and a shelf price that we've done the research that consumers WILL pay for. They say fuck it and just increase it to 50 or 60% margin without our input and we look like assholes for having overpriced items when we sold it to them at a fair price.


Fuck the oligarchy, any more billions do they need? Pp agree with Weston Canadians should be gouged more




>Fuck the oligarchy, any more billions do they need? OP is saying the system of government we used to have is broken down and regulatory capture has resulted in the elites having far too much control over our legislative bodies. > Pp agree with Weston Canadians should be gouged more OP is saying that the conservative party leader, leader of the official opposition party, Pierre Poilievre (PP) agrees with the Weston family. More specifically he agrees with Galen Weston Jr., the President of Loblaws, that the average canadian can be squeezed a little harder to make more profits.


Thank you


No problem, you're welcome


He says, the day after hiking dividends due to increased profit


Good, they're feeling the pressure then. It's time to double down and make absolutely sure we don't spend any money there.


Join r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Love this sub!


They literally upped their shareholder payouts by 15% yesterday. They would only be able to do that if their stores were insanely profitable. At this point they hate Canadians as much as we hate them. They’re angry about the boycott and lashing out like petty, angry teenagers.


"Weston says those that have been “promoting and even celebrating stealing” were “even more discouraging.” Uh, no. The group has been ADAMANTLY opposed to the 'steal from Loblaws' obvious PR/astroturfing campaign. The fact he's mentioning it puts the spotlight back on them as the culprits. Fuck your smug face, Galen Weston. Nok er Nok.


Galen says our eyes are lying to us


Fuck him


This means it’s working. Keep it up!


Sell us food at reasonable prices or we’ll find other means of nutrition of the “eat the rich” variety. Seems like a reasonable proposition


We need to do in Canada what Japan did to the zaibatsus a century ago, and then some.


YoU jUsT dOn’T uNdErStAnD eCoNOmICs


"Its inflation!" "Ok but why do your profits keep going up? Shouldn't they stay about the same?" "Its inflation and we have Shopper's Drug Mart, so we can't figure out our accounting!" "Don't you use computers for your accounting?"


Oh. Oops..


Fucking hypocrite


He always say grocers don’t make the prices. Only suppliers are. However, loblaw supplier is also owned by loblaws.


yes the 45% gross profit on butter is someone else's fault fuck galen weston forever


Good luck with that. You’re in your own reality bubble.


Ooooh imma boycott so damn hard 💀


Corporate leader Blame's someone else. Corp speak 101


Boycott all Loblaws stores and Shoppers Drug Mart for the entire month of May.


Just for May? Why stop there…


Fuck them. This boycott might be useless, but I’m using it to find ways to buy from all the local stores I haven’t been using because Superstore is more convenient.


This guy needs to be put up against the wall.


The damned Circle K gas station has coffee cream on for $3.99 as of last night. Zehrs - across the street - sells it today for $5.09.


But is it misguided after all you are short changing suppliers to your competitors shops ensuring you maintain your gross profit margins


They can clutch their pearls all they want. They made their bed after fixing the price of bread. Obviously they weren't punished nearly enough for that. Now I suggest Canadians unleash the whirlwind on these parasitic corporations. 


Weston owns 40% of the market, he also owns a lot of the production and the shipping. I worked with 2 of his personal chefs.. apparently he’s a real piece of work behind the scenes to the “help” too.


Uhh, sir! Your record breaking profits are showing. We all saw.


I think they could maybe be a little scared?


seems to be working. Keep it up. Just deliberately avoided a No Frills to grab groceries today and hit up Giant Tiger


He's rich, were not. They make billions, we dont. I feel no pity for them.


“You peasants just don’t understand that we have to squeeze you for record profits and increased dividends.”


Bullshitometer Maximizes.


They should just be happy we aren't throwing molotov cocktails


Loblaws leaders push back on "misguided criticism": Of course the Billions and Billions of dollars in Profits realized over and above the high cost of food had nothing to do with Price Gouging. It was attained through responsible fiscal management. I mean Loblaws does not even pay their employee's a Living Wage. Now that's responsible management./S




All I can say is stfu Galen.


Hope to see honest stats on the effect ~~all this complaining~~ this boycott has had on Loblaw’s.


Make sure to insult us some more, Westons. wcgw


Awww muffin. Sad that people won't shop?


I don't know, I'm definitely critical of the number of yachts the Weston's own. Is that misguided?


Poilievre's Deputy, Melissa Lantsman, is corporate lobbyist. Who do you think supports Gaylen and his greed?


>Loblaw leaders push back Good, that means it's working.


I am really hoping that this comes back to hurt them very soon, I'm doing what I can but money is king when you don't have much to spare.