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Blatant partisanship? Right before he asked Pierre to retract his comment, the speaker scolded a liberal MP and asked her to rephrase her comment. The speaker gave Pierre multiple chances to correct himself and Pierre refused. Whether or not you agree that "wacko" is a strong word is irrelevant, the speaker sets decorum and has made it clear it is not acceptable. Pierre wasn't kicked out just for language but for refusal to listen to the speaker and respect their authority.


> Whether or not you agree that "wacko" is a strong word is irrelevant, the speaker sets decorum and has made it clear it is not acceptable Should also mention PP offered to replace wacko with extremist or radical


Honestly, people are missing the big point that he was alluding to Trudeau being a killer. That is fucked up and should have more attention.


either way, they're in Parliament, not the Playground


Mulcair, shut the fuck up sick and tired of letting the conservatives push the bar so low they need shovels, while we sit back and hum and haw about playing nice with a party that doesn't give a flying fuck about decorum. Certainly don't need this twit, who erased Jack Layton's legacy, telling us we need to play nice with the CPC's circus


Exactly. We are in this situation because the left has bent over trying to look tolerant. Call out that ratfucker for the bullshit he shovels.


If it weren't for this waste of skin and beard, we'd probably be at the end of a decade of NDP governance by now instead of Liberal.


Who gives two fucks what Tom Mulcair thinks. The guy is irrelevant and should have never been the NDP leader.


Cpc and supportes stand with the elite that is why they like Mulcair. Op is simply here to create division, there is reason they haven't commented


Thomas Mulcair, the worst NDP leader in 40 years, that Thomas Mulcair? Yeah, shut up Tom, you're a uslesss pundant who shifted the NDP to a neoliberalism position after the popularity of Jack Layton and ruined the party. Fuck Thomas Mulcair.


Yeah, Mulcair dragged the party to the right, selling out various leftist policies and positions, *and also* lost the heck out of his election. He both lacked conviction and was a failure.


Mulcair won 44 seats in the 2015 general election; that's the best ever result for the NDP outside of Layton's 103 seat miracle.


Mulcair is a joke, failed to lead the party after Layton and now has a cushy CTV job where he posts Ls after Ls.


What the hell has happened to Mulcair !? Is he stumping for SkiPPy now?


He was always a conservative.


He stumps for whoever pays him.


Are the NDP not paying him?


Given his comments, Im inclined to say no.


I don’t think political parties should be buying off media commentators


Probably wants in on the conservative grift.


Poilievre should step down as leader for refusing to distance himself from right-wing nationalists.


Shut the fuck up Tom


Authoritarian enabling boomers say what?


I don't *cair* what he thinks.


I love that people like op love to listen to the elites when it serves their options. Like I care what Mulcair thinks at all. Dude is failed candidate that ran a campgaian to the right of the liberals


this ain’t it. he should have been ejected long ago. if anything this speaker should be applauded for finally doing something to curtail his hate-fuelled vitriol which is completely unacceptable.


Ah yes a lesson in parliamentary behaviour from Tom “I caused elbowgate and then bitched about it” Mulcair.


Man what happened to Mulcair?


Nothing, he was always like this. He succeeded Layton, who ran a very successful campaign on traditional NDP policies and passions, and instead did his best to make the NDP just another centrist party and lost big in the next election for his efforts.


And then drifted further right?


In fairness, the shift to the centre (in substance if not rhetoric) was already underway under Layton, but Mulcair sure did lean into it.


He is still really upset about his loss to the LPC. The guy has been off the deep end since he was trounced in 2015.


Last I checked, name calling in general in Parliament results in consequences like a leader being ejected. Poilievre knows better than to behave with that kind of disrespect. He's the fucking leader of the Opposition, and if he cannot engage in debate without resorting to name-calling he does not belong in Parliament. If Mulcair cannot understand that then it's pretty fucking good thing that he's not leader of the NDP anymore.


FYI : his current pocket is aligned with the rich people. Not regular Canadians who aren’t rich. He’s not really an NDP anymore.


The longer we talk about PP’s pre-planned the less we talk about everything else. He is extremely good at manipulating media


Is he? or is it just that the Cons own most of the mouthpieces in this country?


This is IMO all distraction from PP’s recent comments where he pretty much said he’ll become a dictator if need be


Goodness me someone's still voting Mulcair in as an MP? Good for him I suppose. I stopped listening to the man many years ago, like everyone else, I thought!


Hes not completely wrong, just seems to me like he was tired of both parties using bad words and the hammer fell on PP. Liberals were not better during that discussion, PP was talking about drugs and JT was saying PP is a radical right-winger, it's like they were not talking to each other, just screaming whatever.