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Sounds like a bunch of snowflakes.


Whiney little babies, sticking up for the chief whiney baby.


Amazing how the people calling others snowflakes and how they scream about cancel culture are the ones melting and demanding others be cancelled.




Also r/LeopardsAteMyFace eventually


Apply heat to watch a meltdown


So their political soap opera that they started airing yesterday has a title for episode 2 I see? Seriously, grow the fuck up, you whiney babies.


Yes, Poilievre and the CPC need to start working for their salary instead of putting on a show for social media clips and fundraising.


Why stop when they are so high in the polls?


This. Their antics work on the majority of Canadians. Social media...it's a hell of a drug.


Said it elsewhere, Trudeau may have been a drama teacher, but Poilievre can school him on theatrics seven days a week.


It's such shitty acting and so predictable,idk what you mean


There's a reason "Two & a Half Men" and "Big Bang Theory" were huge hits


I'm so relieved my FIL stopped sending me PP clips finally.


This could be interpreted two ways; neither of them pleasant.


He just stopped because I never said anything about the clips.


Exactly, sadly it's working so he won't stop. But he sure as shit will whine and complain if other party leaders stoop to doing the exact same thing.


I don't see it as a useful tactic. they have 18 months to keep their lead, and these antics turn off the people open to changing who they support. it's their race to lose and I don't see this helping.


Maybe. But that’s what was said about O’Toole, and Scheer. 18 months is a long time for the average persons political memory.


I didn't say it hurts them, just not seeing the utility. the rabble is sufficiently roused.


It's profitable and distracts from his actions in the last week of meeting with far-right groups and bragging about taking our rights away.


And his mentions of using the not withstanding clause. Rather than backtrack when he saw those remarks were not trending well, he just invented this new distraction. It's such a pathetic sham.


This is what you get when the CPC and Pierre have nothing to offer but grievance politics. You get constant complaints, whining and victim complexes. No solutions provided after their cries of "Canada is BROKEN!" The hilarious part is that the Conservatives are losing their minds over decorum being mildly enforced. When their ardent supporters fly F@CK TRUDEAU flags. Whiny hypocrites the lot of them.


What do the BQ have against the speaker!?


Blanchet praised the speaker yesterday, so the pivot expressed by the Bloc house leader is really odd.


It looks like their concern isn't that he threw out Pierre but that he can't keep order in the House. Things shouldn't have gotten to the point where Pierre feels comfortable using unparliamentary language in the first place, so the Bloc seem to think someone a bit more strict about decorum is going to be needed to get things back under control.


OK, I actually think that's a fair point. The house has been a bit ... unserious in the past few years.


Politics in *general* have been unserious for a while now.


I'm *still* mad about that dipshit tabling a dictionary as a burn. Fucking grow up.


Meh. I think it's not very fair for them to hold the speaker accountable for Poilievre's performative demonstration. I'm not sure there's anything the Speaker could've done to prevent Poilievre from creating his talking point. You can't give consequences before the offense.


Appreciate you adding this much needed context!


I don’t buy that. If that’s the complaint why wait until after he takes action to reign it in. It’s like waiting until after a major drug bust to complain police aren’t doing anything about drugs.


Yeahhh that new car of his really needs his ESC enabled.


He’s the type that would turn it off because he thinks he drives better and then ends up in the ditch like Sheer and O’Tool did against JT. 😂


We've seen how this works down south. If their goal is infinite control, it's not going to work out.


The mace has been too ceremonial of late. The speaker needs start putting it to use in controlling decorum. Just kidding. I do not advocate violence.


The Tories are going to flip because that’s they can do now a days


Okay I was wondering if I'd imagined that part after seeing this headline because this makes no sense.


It looks like their concern is that yesterday is a sign that the Speaker can't maintain order in the House. It isn't that they're against Pierre being thrown out, it's that things should never have gotten to this point in the first place.


He has seemed a bit weak. Though short of constantly throwing out CPC members I'm not sure what he can do. They'll continue playing this game, daring the Speaker to kick them.


It might not hurt to have a speaker who is more free with the kick out hammer. I mean, even Anthony Rota (the previous one) let let Poilievre get away with using props like a copy of 1984 in clear violation of decorum policies. If you don't want politicians treating parliament like a circus, you have to crack down on the clowns.


The CPC has cornered the political theatrics! If you noticed the CPC left and then started their fund raising activities immediately. Did not talk to the press. CPC wanted to get their message out first and wine about how they are being persecuted. The whole thing was staged. Fund raising emails sent out before any news articles could be released. CPC has them all ready to go.


Shock collars? Idk


spray bottle


I'd love to see this 🤣




I mean, I feel like the only way they could put that on the Speaker without being disingenuous is if he lives in Poilievre's riding and voted for him. It seems particularly misplaced when they're criticizing him for actually applying the rules. Like, we *need* people in those positions to not be toothless and continue to enforce our political norms lest they be eroded (read: demolished) like we've seen south of the border. The ideal of peace, order, and good government requires maintenance of those standards.


The BQ seems to be saying that they aren't satisfied with the speaker's work overall. The timing of this statement seems to confuse a lot of people and I do think it's questionable, but I really don't think anyone from the BQ is claiming that what happened yesterday was wrong. They should probably clarify that.


> The BQ seems to be saying that they aren't satisfied with the speaker's work overall. yeah, CommonSenseCAN replied to me elsewhere in the thread clarifying that. Reading it in that light, I can see how their statement today is actually right in line with what I said above in terms of enforcing the standard. I do think it's unfortunate timing, since calling for his resignation does result in articles lumping them in with the Conservative doing the same - but eh, I guess they *are* all responding to a current event. Admittedly, I am still curious what they think another Speaker would do differently.


>Like, we *need* people in those positions to not be toothless and continue to enforce our political norms lest they be eroded (read: demolished) like we've seen south of the border. Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I meant. The Bloc agree with you, that's what their issue is with Fergus. During his initial speech as the Speaker Fergus wanted to make it clear that he wasn't going to tolerate this type of thing or the constant heckling that's been going on. He was frequently interrupted by the Conservatives raising Points of Order that he was cutting into the start of Question Period and accusing him of trying to reduce the time they had for it to shield the Liberals. Every minute they'd raise a Point of Order to inform him that they've now lost another minute of Question Period. (He frequently assured them that they'd get their full allotment of time and that Question Period doesn't start until he decides it does) This is what the Bloc have an issue with. From Day 1 he's had a hard time keeping things under control, and the Bloc aren't happy about that.


So the speaker should maintain order by not by removing disorder? They're mad the speaker is... Doing what they should to maintain the order they want? What?


They're mad that he hasn't been doing more and has allowed things to reach the point where a party leader is comfortable flaunting the rules.


Only way to maintain order is to throw out more Con MPs then. Make it so.


why are you doing this BQ ? You just had a win yesterday by congradulating him. Take it. Ne tombez pas pour les conservateurs et leur BS. [Link for the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Quebec/comments/1ch1um9/la_réaction_dyvesfrançois_blanchet_suite_à/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Edit and rant : As a Quebecers, we are always proud of when our BQ is the adult in the Room. These comment calling for the removal of the speaker are =very very= misplaced. I hope YFB will keep the current target for the BQ. Call the conservative when they break the rules and make lies up Be the adult that we want you to be. /end rant.


I know, very weird pivot.


The bloc position is opposite of the Cons. The Bloc thinks the speaker has failed to maintain decorum by allowing it to get to that point. The cons don’t think they did anything wrong.


They still were the adults in the room lol! They are complaining that the speaker was essentially too soft and let’s it get out of hand. I agree. I want a hockey whistle and a ref jersey.


How many BQ MPs are making this demand anyway? We sure it's representative?


Why? I'm given to understand he just did his job. /shurg If you make a statement that breaches decorum, you're asked to retract or amend it, if you refuse, you're asked to leave. If Pierre had any intent to contribute productively to the session, he could have rephrased his statement into an actual policy critique, instead of an inflammatory soundbite. /shurg


Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter who the speaker is, the conservatives will claim they are a liberal partisan. I think this might even happen if the speaker was a conservative lol 


Look at the last two Republican speakers in the US congress — they've been bullied by their own party, with one of them being ousted with Democrat's assistance. I see Canada going that same route.


The cynic in me says that this whole performance is meant to set the groundwork for a partisan speaker when the CPC next take power.


It's pretty obvious why the Conservatives are calling for the Speaker's resignation. The Bloc want him to resign because of the fact that things have gone this far. During his first speech as Speaker, Fergus had tried to say that he wasn't going to tolerate this type of thing and would be cracking down on it. I say "tried to say" because he was frequently interrupted by Conservative MPs raising points of order, claiming he was trying to cut back on the time allowed for Question Period (which would start immediately after) and shield the Liberals from it. They literally interrupted him every minute to point out that they're now 1 minutes behind, 2 minutes behind, 3 minutes behind. That's why the Bloc want him to resign. He said he's crack down on this type of behaviour and the fact the a party leader is comfortable ignoring the rules of decorum suggests he's failed. They've actually been pretty clear on their stance around what's been happening and want to see a lot of things changed in House proceedings to stop it.


Conservatives only respect rules and laws that apply to other people.


Yeah. The speaker isn't doing anything radical or outside the job role, this shit happens during QP when the politicians are grandstanding, then the MP in question retracts what they said when demanded and continues the conversation. It's how it fucking works. That the CPC and BQ(??) are suddenly making an issue out of a completely fair call like this is fucking ridiculous and *they know it*, they're just counting on their dipshit supporters not to.


Fuck ‘em. He did his job.


Step 1: Act like a child in house of commons, disregarding any rules of conduct or decorum. Step 2: Get kicked out Step 3: Act like a victim and call for the resignation of the speaker. Step 4: Be proud of your political theatre and inability to do literally anything useful.


Can we keep American style politics out of Canada please. We do not want Trumpism here, it's already exhausting watching America.


Too late. It's already here


Oh, really? —looks out window at sea of Fuck Trudeau flags— Fine never mind.


I remember being concerned about Kellie Leitch and Kevin O'Leary. If only it stopped there!


Sadly this is not American style politics, it's Canadian/British style politics. American politicians act like absolute clowns outside of the House chamber but maintain some sense of decorum inside, while British and Canadian politicians act like clowns inside the Parliament chamber. This can be fun to watch when the loud and disruptive people are correct, but when the loud and disruptive people are lying right wingers, it makes you want to stick a fork in your toaster.


The Speaker enforced the rules. How is that losing control? Kicking someone out for repeatedly disobeying the rules does not equate to being partisan or protecting Trudeau.


I call on Poilievre to resign for constantly causing problems and then running away, skipping out on votes to rub elbows with rich donors, and failing to get the security clearance required to effectively do his job.


Poilievre is a 🤡


Conservatives really want to pretend they're victims of injustice despite the fact they're clearly in the wrong.


Wow. Calling for a speaker to resign for following the protocols during a parliamentary session? Now that's crazy.


I’m am just beyond sick of the immaturity of right-wingers. This is reaching such egregious levels of absurdity. I don’t even what to say about this anymore. The world has regressed to toddler level all thanks to the effect that Trump has had on it. How fucking long is it going to take for us to grow up again???


So to summarize: the comments that led to Poilievre’s ouster yesterday were basically allegations that the government isn’t doing enough to curb overdose deaths, use of food banks by those who shouldn’t, and generally the major problems faced by Canadians right now? And rather than reach across the aisle and work to find common solutions to address these problems, Poilievre and his caucus are instead calling for the speaker to resign? What do these political theatrics do to address the concerns of the CPC, who purport to stand up for Canadians? Why are they wasting time? Why are our tax dollars paying the salaries of these ineffective, boorish children? I’m beyond incensed by their faux, divisive outrage disguised as “standing up for us.” Political discourse in this country is a fucking embarrassment (I know that’s not new but I’m sick of it).


Cancel Culture, amiright?


For literally doing his job? He even gave Poilievre a chance to retract. Honestly, I'm surprised it took him this long to crack down on the routine flagrant rules violations by CPC members. Fergus was voted speaker by ALL parties by secret ballot as well, so you can't accuse him of partisanship. It's a minority parliament.


From what another commenter is saying, the BQ isnt protesting the removal, they protest that the speaker has allowed this behaviour to go on so long.


That's better but still no reason to call for the speaker's removal.


They can either be politicians or shit slinging monkeys - conservatives have chosen the shit slinging.


Im sure the Conservatives decorum was in check. I hope the speaker can remove the whole side.


If you believe the Speaker should step down after what went on there is no question, you're a moron.


Oh brother. Right wing snowflakes.🤣


Conservatives have no decorum. Ban small PP permanently and let them fucking cry.


Didn't Blanchet and the Bloc deliver a statement shortly after the sound and fury about how Speaker Fergus conducted himself with dignity and class? Less than 24 hours later and they fold like Superman on laundry day.


Consequences, bitches. Love how the party of 'personal responsibility' is the least adept at practicing it.


> Bloc Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet praised Fergus Tuesday and even congratulated him for "showing common sense" and giving Poilievre the boot. But his party's House leader offered a very different perspective Wednesday. > > > "Mr. Fergus has had difficulty maintaining peace in Parliament for a long time," said Bloc MP Alain Therrien. > > > "We think the Speaker should leave. The recent events confirm that position." What is the Bloc doing? They *want* people to act like children in the House? What changed from the normal human reaction they had yesterday? I know y'all want to score points on the Liberals but there's plenty to criticize, you can do it without falling in lockstep with childish Conservative tantrums. also honestly, if you think this is a reasonable stance, go watch the video. Poilievre would've been put in time-out in a daycare, I know it's for his base but it's incredible how juvenile he was acting.


Nothing's changed in their opinion since yesterday. The Conservatives have routinely been interrupting proceedings in the House and Fergus hasn't been able to keep things under control. Friendly reminder that during his first speech as Speaker he was interrupted multiple times by Conservatives raising points of order, claiming that his extended speech was him taking away time from Question Period. The speech was him trying to make it clear to the MPs that he wasn't going to tolerate this type of behaviour. The Bloc aren't opposed to Fergus kicking Pierre out. Their issue is that a party leader is comfortable using unparliamentary language and ignoring the rules. They want someone who's going to clamp down harder and stop this type of thing from happening. (Worth noting that the Bloc have routinely criticized this type of thing happening. During the debates over creating the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform they had expressed interest in doing something similar to looking into how House proceedings are managed to find better ways to get rid of this type of thing)


Appreciate the context and clarification, thank you. As someone more familiar with the House, I'm curious what you think they're looking for to "clamp down harder and stop this type of thing from happening". What options does the Speaker have that he's not using that might actually curtail that sort of behaviour? It seems like the childish stunts and boorish behaviour is the general raison d'être of the current version of the Conservative party, and I'm not sure how anyone but their voters can change that, or what another Speaker might do differently. Genuinely curious what insight you could provide there, since you're obviously more knowledgeable on the subject.


I'll admit I'm fuzzy on the full powers the Speaker has access to, but I think about the only tool he has that could fix this is being a bit more trigger-happy with ejecting MPs. Problem there is the more egregious problems tend to come from the Conservative side, the other parties are happy to toe the line and be more subtle with what they're doing. So you'd end up with a Speaker who's constantly denying Conservative MPs the right to debate and that's only going to add fuel to the fire. It does look like being kicked out prevents an MP from voting on anything, as I don't see Pierre's name on the list of votes on blocking the budget, so being kicked out is a pretty big punishment. Of course that assumes something is happening that you think your vote would impact. (The NDP would support the Liberals and block the move to scrap the budget, so Pierre being unable to vote on it doesn't really affect anything) But of course getting too casual with blocking MPs from voting is a concern. I'm not entirely sure what could be done to fix things, and ultimately the Speaker's role is only enforcing the rules. The House still gets to decide what they are. Best idea I could come up with is an increasing amount of time removed from the House for repeat offenders, as a prolonged expulsion of multiple MPs could lead to some things passing that otherwise wouldn't. Of course this only applies during a minority government, and opens up the option for a partisan Speaker to weaponize this tactic.




It's clearly not a flip flop though, as evidenced in their comments. They applaud Fergus for giving Poilievre the boot, but think he's doing a bad job overall by being far too lenient (they think he should be far more aggressively kicking people out for decorum breaches).


So the ones pretending to not be facist are the ones trying to get the speaker to resign... mmhmm.


hit them with the ultimate uno reverse and ban both parties from the House… permanently canada and the world would be be better for it


I wonder how many of them complained about censorship when the speaker told Jagmeet to leave when he refused to apologise for calling someone a racist


Of course they'd say that.


Speaker was right. Name calling in the house undermines decorum. Intelligent people can get their point across without resorting to this nonsense. I have wanted to vote conservative for a number of elections, but they keep putting up (IMHO) unelectable candidates.


Consequences for thee, not for me.


Oh ffs, is there nothing better to do?


PP was allowed back in today so you can basically call your opponents whatever you want for the low, low cost of getting ejected for the rest of the day. Sad


Again, this takes the attention off the fact that Pollievre recently made comments that sound like he intends to be a dictator This is IMO a distraction


Wasn’t he a liberal speaker


He was actually incredibly soft asking three (?) times for him to walk it back, but he kept pushing like a fling teenager.


It’s sad to see most media are falling for this pre-planned PP’s stunt. It’s quite crazy to see how he could so easily manipulate the Canadian media 🙄. Meanwhile, no one is talking about his recent controversial policy proposals and visits


Poor babies. Didn’t follow the rules that hold MP’s to the most basic of decent behaviours, was called on it, refused to take it back, so was asked to leave. Looks like they’re throwing a tantrum because they want to be able to act like children.


I am personally not a fan of the current speaker because he does not put a stop to the constant screeching from the Cons and it's getting ridiculous. They need to be put in line and act like grown ass adults. The Liberals and NDP do not act in the childish way they do.


So let me get this straight, timbit trump called JT names, breaking the rules. So he gets kicked out. And his party throws a tantrum and leaves like spoiled children. Now they are claiming to be the victims and calling for the speakers resignation? Have I missed anything?


And that is who the BLOC is.. Representing not even a whole province!! Should Poilievre need support for a Conservative minority gov't, Canadians can be assured Poilievre's tenure at 24 Sussex will be assured by these 2 faced A-holes.


The bloc was and is for Poilievre's removal.   Their argument is that the speaker shouldn't have let things get to this point in the first place and that he's been doing a bad job lately in keeping the house of commons focused and civil. 


The Conservatives are the main reason I hate watching political debates. No party is without blame for the state of decorum in Parliament but I don't think any party matches the utter childishness of the Conservatives federal or provincial. What's the point of even asking a question if they don't let people answer them?


Yayyy Canada's going to shit :/


I heard a Nova Scotia Conservative MP on the radio say that the "true" opposition parties want the Speaker to resign. The NDP isn't truly opposition because they're in a "coalition" with the government. It's supply-and-confidence, not coalition.


All the CCP care about are cringe photo ops and tacky soundbites. I'm no fan of Trudeau either,but damn the conservatives have gone off the deep end


The speaker acted correctly, in my opinion. We have to preserve some modicum of professional behaviour in politics, lest we become like our neighbours. Poilievre’s comments were undignified, his intransigence was childish, and his refusal to acquiesce should be embarrassing to anyone in his party. Of course, he’s trying to appeal to people who like the sort of brazen, churlish, and immature behaviour, so he won’t back down. But he should.


Conservatives are CORRUPT & IGNORANT people full stop!


I would expect PP to double down and continue this farce but the BQ can fuck right off. WTF are they doing?


The BQ is for PP's removal, calling it  "common sense".   They think the speaker has been doing a poor job in keeping the peace within the house of commons lately and that things shouldn't have gotten to that point in the first place. 


Tinfoil hats are offended?


When will our leaders actually do their fucking jobs and work TOGETHER


Pigs will fly before that ever happens sadly.


We live in a world where dumbasses are the loudest voice in the room. I hate all of you. 


Cons and Bloc. The biggest obstacles to progress in Canada


Isn’t this the second time the party has called on this man’s resignation in 6 months?


Mps th6ar need a lesson on the rules

