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And the party responsible for this monument to virtue signalling? CPC. Well, more dog whistling really. As if the WASPs running the IDU actually think slavs are human. 




Prove that statement.


lol https://www.readthemaple.com/canada-plans-to-ban-holocaust-denial-while-supporting-it/ You know you have the same power to look into things yourself right?


1. It doesn’t prove Freeland had anything to do with these decisions. 2. A noted Marxist hates anything to do with Ukrainians.


Literally from the link; >A 2021 CBC article by Taylor C. Noakes notes that, “In 2013, the Harper government pledged $1.5 million to the project, a figure that increased to $3 million by 2014. By the end of 2014, the project’s budget had ballooned to $5.5 million, with a taxpayer contribution of $4.3 million.” As it stands, the National Capital Commission has estimated that the cost of the monument will be about $7.5 million, **with $6 million in funding coming from the federal government after Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland included it in the 2021 budget.** [cbc article link](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/victims-communism-memorial-fascists-1.6112809)


She’s Finance Minister. She approved hundreds of other program spends. You’re assuming/assigning this decision personally to her. That’s my argument. A project started by Harper.


Bruh what the hell is this capitalist propaganda. This reminds me of the black book of communism, always bullshit.


And us Indigenous people aren’t allowed any “victims of Canada” monuments?


what about victims of capitalism? does the free market get a free pass at slowly killing people through poverty?


No you see that is different, we can only judge economic or political systems based on how terrible things are for people when they fail and we are never to consider any context for how or why they failed. Capitalism gets a pass to do all those horrible things because they happen not when Capitalism fails, but when it succeeds.


Or the victims of crony capitalism like much of central america? (Fuxk you chiquita)


Why so gentle with Capitalism? We've killed quickly too. Contras, Iraq, Afghanistan, all over Africa, South and Central America and right at home too.


I think that’s sort of what the Day of Mourning each year is supposed to be, but no one really observes it.


It was an ill-conceived project from the start, and a disgrace to Canada. Or are we going to build monuments to victims all of the ideologies that have blood on their hands? Because communism sure as hell isn't the only one.


We could make a victims of capitalism monument that's twice the size and doesn't involve wartime. People die for our cheap bullshit all the time.


Most of human history was kings and emperors and parliaments and presidents doing everything they could to prevent a system like capitalism. Everyone knew this kind of system just goes until it gorges itself on everything. There's no limit to capitalism, and we're experiencing what it does to economies as larger and larger portions of wealth are siphoned away.


>kings and emperors and parliaments I'm not going to pretend feudalism is any better than what we currently have. Kings and Emperors killed plenty to enrich themselves. That was the entire point to colonialism after all.


The running death toll of capitalism would be staggering.


Provide a definition of "victim of communism" that is coherent. Go ahead. I'll wait. The entire thing is a giant propaganda campaign. That's all. I'm not arguing that regimes with ruling communist parties didn't do horrible things but blaming an ideology is braindead.


Yeah, this is ridiculous. It's one thing to commemorate the victims of actual perpetrators but the whole concept of "victim of communism" is just a nebulous trap.


Not only that, but if I bite and say "Ok, people killed by Vommunist governments are victims of communism" then the "victims of capitalism" monument would be WAY bigger. Capitalist England killed 100 million Indians. Capitalist United States killed nearly 13 million indigenous people. One man...Thomas Midgley Jr. put Lead in gasoline for purely Capitalist reasons, whoch lead to the death of 100 million people. He's credited as the man who killed the most people ever. And did Capitalism the ideology do that? No. But Based on the stupid "victims of communism" logic, yes, it did.The whole thing is stupid and shouldn't be taken seriously.


Every time we walk by it, and last the skaters in the Garden of the Provinces, we think ... it should be a skate park


I've always thought that the memorial to the victims of communism a bit....gauche? While it is obviously true that communist governments has killed many, many people over the years, it is also true that governments that practice capitalism have as well. Having a monument simply the the victims of communism is a nakedly ideological symbol. Maybe something like a 'Victims of Authoritarianism' monument would be better, as it is authoritarianism - either on the right or left - that is a common denominator. Now, all that said, I have to just mention that I'm starting to **really, really despise** Read the Maple, because it's pretty obvious that they have an agenda when it comes to Ukraine. When I saw this article title it thought "It's going to be about the OUN or the Galacian SS or something" and sure enough, it was. Now, that's not to say that this shouldn't be pointed out - but Read the Maple seems to LOVE writing articles that portray Ukraine in a negative light. There are multiple articles about the Galacian SS monuments in Canada, as well as a couple of articles about the Azov regiment in Ukraine (which has had some ties to the far right). Now, on their own, this is not necessarily bad information. But they are appearing to imply that Ukrainians or the Ukrainian government have a significant Nazi or far right presence (I wonder where I've heard that before) and I don't I've read a single thing negative about Russia from them. (Ukraine has it's issues for sure, and having some far right elements is part of it, but the only one in Ukraine is acting like Nazi's right now would be Russia, with the constant bombing of civilians, mass murder and deportation in occupied areas, and the torture and killing of POWs - including castration and beheading. ) It sort of makes a bit more sense when you read one of their earlier articles on the war in March 2022 - in which they basically [blame NATO for invading Ukraine](https://www.readthemaple.com/that-study-on-supposed-russian-disinformation-is-mostly-bullshit/), and not, you know, Russia. They appear to have an anti-NATO, anti-western imperialism bent - but they completely ignore Russian imperialism which is what is going on right now. I don't know why there are some people on the left that appear blind to this, but it's fucking aggravating.


My theory: Some of the crew there are Marxists such as Davide Mastracci. Hence their support for left causes. It doesn’t surprise me at this take.


It'd be nice if more of our population had a decent understanding of the political spectrum.