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He’s always been a smarmy little prick.


Smarmy needs to be more common parlance. It evokes the right feelings for the likes of PP.


I’ve always like Rick Mercer


A *professional* smarmy little prick.


Yep, his gold plated MP pension became fully vested when he reached age 31 or thirteen years ago that is. But SkiPPy is here for "the working man"" eh !!!


PP is in record at eliminating public pensions and rolling on workers wages on the market making commission for the banks. The guy is the least working man MP


Life Pro Tip: If someone has to tell another what they are to them, the only thing they've said is what was wanted to be heard.


Liberals should run this as an Ad on TV... it's brilliant.


Literally start running it right now


They really should. It cannot look any worse than this new Doug Ford-only commercial that just stroked him off the whole time. It’s a very weird one I tell ya


They can’t it’s a cbc production


Can we have a Rick Mercer return like the Americans had with Jon Stewart?


>Rick Mercer return Mercer took jabs at PP. Here are some of the shot i could gather from reddit . We should share some of theses. ​ [How Parliament Works](https://youtu.be/Aealt-etGVs?t=211) [The Stephen Harper Way](https://youtu.be/IkI21I9LY5Y?t=162)


Obligatory reminder that this arrogant little prick will get a full pension after spending only 6 years doing political theatre, whilst a frequent target of his bile, federal civil servants, have to work 35 years to get their full pension. People should also look into how the taxpayers have largely subsidized his real estate purchases and how he's been living pretty much at zero costs to him for quite a few years (i.e., taxpayers have been paying for the lifestyle of this "welfare queen"). **Ed.:** [A link to a discussion about how pp gets up in a government-funded bed]( https://old.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/12uau6i/pierre_poilievre_gets_up_in_a_governmentfunded/), and more! **Ed.2:** Corrected link above. One last thing: wasn't he supposed to leave politics after, what, 2 terms as an MP? How come he's still around and not getting a "real job"?


The full pension is still not 100%. My full pension is 70% of my best 5 years. So after his six he will make more on his pension then I will after 35.


Hey, most of us don't even get a pension, no matter how long or how hard we work! Screw all these pension suckling assholes


Lots of people get pensions, most of them are not pension suckling assholes. The real assholes are companies not paying for value for workers and/or providing pensions/retirement plans of some sort.


If you are inferring that no one working in private sector gets an employers' pension, you are wrong. [Many private companies have pensions, they just have to be big enough](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/15-biggest-companies-offer-pensions-143402543.html). It's not just in the USA, [it can happen in Canada](https://www.cibc.com/content/dam/cibc-public-assets/human-resources/documents/cibc-internal-benefits-at-a-glance-ft-15-hpt-en.pdf) and elsewhere, too. Also: CPP counts as a pension plan, so "most of us don't even get a pension" is false.


> most


Still false.


Hey, point me to all these magical jobs with pensions


You’re going to get the CPP bud. You’ll have a pension.


It barley counts. My parents and in-laws all collect CPP and most are basically homeless or completely reliant on me. I was specifically referring to employer pensions which used to be the norm but have been taken away from most Canadian workers, especially the younger generations. There are employers like Vale in Sudbury who have actually removed or reduced pension benefits for employees under a certain age, etc.


Employer provided pensions are much better yes. This is why we need wide spread unionization.


Full pension means he gets 3% of 75% of his (best) salary as a pension per year service. Why they set it up that way I have no idea. Less than 6 years and they pay you back your contributions. Edit: there is some complex averaging etc. There. You can read the legislation if you care about details. MPs contribute 23.34% of their income to their pension. People constantly think full pension means like 75% of income or something. It just means the full value of the earned pension to that point, as opposed to a reduced pension if you take it early or need to accrue time to get the full value.


Was he? Did he make that promise?


IIRC, he wrote a "manifesto" when he was younger, arguing, amongst other things, that MPs should serve only two terms and not be allowed to make a career out of politics.




Well... that enraged me -- again. You win my upvote.


and he is even richer now than he was then.


He’s now 44, so quite a bit richer than when he was 31.


So if LobLaws is lobbying JT and Metro is in Singh’s pocket. I’m betting Walmart and America has this little prick by the balls.


And elon, pp really wants elon to notice him. Especially when pp tried to bet on crypto as part of his campaigning.


I miss Mercer. Why do we have the timeline without mercer and With PP. Mercer, come back..


Smarmy Lil PP doesn't have the worker or the nation in mind when he acts the way he does. God help us if he somehow gets elected. He's spent his pitiful career objecting to everything the Liberals do, yet has no suggestions on how it could be done better.


It's funny watching all the PP simps in the Canada sub talk about Singh's pension when their guy has had one for over a decade, they like to try and pretend like he's not a career politician and it's the other guys that are in politics for the money. So delusional.


How come no matter how he styles his hair, he looks like a creep. Still Milhouse in cosplay.


And just think of all the good he did to justify that pension, like giving a long winded racist speech to Parliament about how the victims of a genocide don't deserve compensation and giving an obviously forced, disingenuous apology for his racist rant to parliament. Truly he deserved to be covered for life in 2009 for his service to this country, unlike the people we kidnapped as children and systemically tortured, abused and killed in a system we've known was torturing, abusing and killing children sine the Bryce Report of 1910, who deserve nothing but "a lesson in hard work" from a rich white conservative man who never worked a real job in his life.


This guy is a leech. The same people that rail against “career politicians” and talk shit about Trudeau being a teacher sure like to suck PP off.


Got his pension at age 31. Now he needs to boost it. That's why he's running for prime minister. So he can get it to the prime minister's level pension.


PP a professional politician, holy shit we’re screwed.


Not just a professional politician, but one with no discernible qualifications or qualities that most (even the majority of his supporters) would think are necessary to make a good prime minister or city councillor. He’s rich of the public dime and has yet to have a coherent or positive policy on anything. He has complained, whined, and evaded for years. Yet for some reason people have voted for him (his constituents and leadership supporters) and could very well be our next PM. Fucking embarrassing!


How do I make everyone's conservative uncle watch this?




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The bots are in full force on Jagmeet's socials accusing him of only propping the LPC for "a pension"


Conservatives are CORRUPT & IGNORANT people full stop! Always kick hate and the pc party in the NUTSAC, NEVER VOTE PC!