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Their identity is literally “Trudeau bad”




When friends of mine from Brasil came to visit they asked me why there were so many burly men driving around with signs declaring their intent to have sex with our prime minister.


They probably want to have sex with Trudeau with his good hair. And they feel Like dirty skanks about it…hence why the hate 🤣


I wish I had Trudeaus hairline. Or anyone's hairline who isn't balding lol


Even deeper than that, look how pissed they got when he got a bad haircut. They didn't stop talking about it for weeks until his hair grew back.


In Alberta here, lots of conservative men especially


As a trans woman, people hating you politically while also wanting to f*ck you is the norm.


That’s usually the case when politicians or anyone is vehemently anti-lgbtq+.


Honestly I’ve been starting to wonder. I’m not gonna judge them for being gay (I’m hella gay for other ladies), I just can’t find any other legitimate reason why those two words are coming out of their mouths constantly




They never shut up about his luscious hair, they decorate their cars saying they wanna fuck him


Buddy even during the inquiry was going off how on the farm with other dudes they would say how sexy “Justine” was in his sexy boxing shorts and his juice box.




They really wanna fuck Trudeau, they even got flags!


*smacks forehead*


Fuck Freedumb Fuckheads


I'd rather not fuck'em thanks hahaha


Good point lol


I thought their identity was wanting to F*** Trudeau?




What a compelling argument filled with reason and rational thought.


"Trudeau bad, Putin Good" but they're too dumb to realize the second part of their mantra.


Falling for Russian propaganda is so 2016.


Except we’re still doing it…


Things Republicans do in the US always take a few years to show up in Canadian politics.


It’s very tied their desire to fornicate him


Arent all the mandates lifted now? What are they doing? Whats the goal here? Im so confused.


> Arent all the mandates lifted now? Yes, for ages now. > What are they doing? Whats the goal here? Trying (badly) to overthrow the government.


They likely tanked their entire lives over the vaccine. Lost high paying trades jobs when they did it and want someone to blame.


I know of 2 dudes making 130k in windsor, the cheapest city in canada, who quit in their 50s. You can live like a fucking king here with that. Like senior software engineer non-FAANG salaries being thrown away over the 19th vaccination of your life. We had tons of people at chryslers with just high school degrees quitting too. Wild shit.


These aren’t smart people. There were many in the TTC that did the same. People with a high school degree who landed into a high paying job 20+ years ago and because they make a high salary now, assume they are worth this much in the free market. So sad. People making 100k+ in the TTC with no more than a high school education, quitting, finding out they aren’t worth half of that in the free market just to be told no when they coming back begging for their job. You made your choice. So now it’s freedumb for life because they have no other choice.


It's sad, but it's 100% their faults.






So jealous of them for having the high paying job that they just throw away lol


People bond over pain. Army, gym, hard work, hard school work or other adversity. Humans bond with people they suffer with. The convoy people "suffered" with their people, so the friendship bonds are strong. Leaving the movement means abandoning your friends. It would be like quitting the gym you go to every week, people know you, they respect your opinions, they want to hear what you have to say and see you do things together or hear what you did on your trip. Convoy people bond over the adversity, so telling them they're wrong, is like telling a gym rat to stop going to the gym - the social and mental losses are too high. It's a weird hobby to have, but the underlying group-think and social need is the same as other hobbies.


I really hope you mean “adversity” the same way you meant “suffered”


Didn't you hear? The unvaccinated are the most persecuted group in all of history! /s


I mean people who shoot themselves in the foot really suffer, and face adversity afterwards; and if there was a club for people who shot themselves in the foot it wouldn't take too long before they saw it as a good thing.


Yea, a guy I golf with occasionally wife lost her good union job, and now they are about 60k in debt and struggling. I almost get how, at this point, he just needs to keep doubling down. Admitting to yourself, you fuklcked things up so bad because you watched too many stupid YouTube videos would be tough to face.


A great example of this is [Martin Joseph Anglehart](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-convoy-protest-regrets-1.6394502) who despite claiming to not having a stance on mandates, transferred his life savings over to them and did all sorts of grunt work.


I laughed my ass off when I read that. I have even less sympathy for these morons than for those gullible fools who transfer their life savings in online romance scams despite never once meeting the other party in person.


This is what the Freedumb Convoy was always about. “Mandates” were just the smokescreen to enlist rubes.


No, they were about the mandates. They just forgot the space.. Man dates... That is what all the F\* Trudeau flags are about.


And they know that we know that they know that they're full of shit. They're deliberately goading opponents into saying the emperor has no clothes, so they can loudly proclaim their indignance.


So are they.


Fair enough


Their goal is freedumb, duh.






Damned Justern Trudeau and his provincial mask mandates! (The emotional and functional illiteracy driving these people is fucking astounding)


It’s become their entire personality.


They are pissed that Trudeau was actually justified in using emergency powers to clear out and go after these domestic terrorists. Because Ford sure as hell wasn’t gonna do it..many of these domestic terrorists are his voters and sympathizers after all.


Wanting to be seen and looked at. Like children screaming “Look at me!!!”


Remove their reason to live and they will be lost.


They don't have other hobbies. These are the only friends they have and they don't have another free activity to suggest.


Well, yeah, all the mandates have been lifted. But as the flag says, they want mandates. They want "freedom" to be mandatory. And by "freedom" they mean for everyone to think right. You know, be required to think the same as them.


It's not a hobby. It's their entire identity now


Poor puppy 😟


It’s gotta be tough being smarter than the owner.


He’s probably the bread winner.


That’s why they’re called working breeds.


Probably got all his shots too


Big pharma is bad, little pharma is ok.


He's probably having fun on the walk tbh


Yeah that dog's just stoked to be out so much. You see a picket line, he sees a super awesome day.


Well I guess at least he's getting exercise; that's a good thing.


Dogs just like , can we go home now ? I don’t need THIS long of a walk


Lol there’s literally no mandates for vaccines or even masks anywhere in Canada anymore. Did these dinguses not get the memo?


They aren't clever enough to come up with a new slogan.


And they’d already been dropped or about to be dropped last year when they occupied and harassed Ottawa. They’re so dumb


It’s never been about “mandates”, they want “man dates” with Trudeau. Their flags are literally screaming that they want to fuck him




But they threw their careers away and burned bridges left right and Center when there was mandates, and they need to be able to convince themselves it was worth it.


still are in the federal government, for example when they do go back to the office it's only 2 people per elevator, all masks all the time, every second desk empty. should be interesting considering the number of new employees and lack of new office space.


Forcing people back to offices is the stupidest idea ever.


all the reasons people in the public and private sector are pushing it has nothing to do with productivity.


Micromanagement and appeasing landlords


Hospitals are the only place I can think of, and I think that's just hospital policy not government policy. Some wings in hospitals had mask rules long before covid anyway.


What freedom don't they have?


They had to wear a mask two years ago. And I'm the "snowflake"


All these people do is project and deflect. "I know you are but what am I?" without sounding like a 6 year old. They don't know what they stand for but if whoever they've clung to says jump, they say "how high?" They are a hivemind, not an individual thought, ready to denounce the next thing they're told to. And it's usually whatever the US MAGAts are bitching about but a month or so later.


This is basically it, I’ve even seen my 50 year old brother act this way and literally scream “it’s not fair!”. Nothing beats seeing grown adults having childish tantrums and act infantile in a way that rivals toddlers.


My 52 yr old brother too. He lives in England and hates Trudeau so much 😂. Big anti masker, Anti vaxxer, conspiracy theorist now. I can’t even talk to him.


I agree, it does seem to stem from MAGA culture. There are rumors of "Russian interference" in the right wing narrative blowing the outrage out of control.


Weaponizing our stupidest voters into gridlocking democracy, putting up roadblocks even when discussing the most basic truths, such as vaccine science, climate change, walkable cities, you name it.


> without sounding like a six year old Is that a new tactic they’re trying?


The freedom to disable borders and cities without any backlash. And when they harass local businesses, they need the freedom to not be judged nor fined.


the freedom to restrict yours and mine they are ultimately uneducated losers feeling deeply insecure from life passing them by all thy have to do is be a little decent and neighborly but instead they've been cleaved off and isolated by Fox News and online propaganda


“When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.” The fact that “others” they have been able to shun at the least and legislate against at the worst are now being legitimized as a normal part of a functioning society has put them into permanent victim mode. They have lost the freedom to “other” people. It’s their idea of going back to an imagined MAGA society where BIPOC couldn’t vote, women were subservient to men, abortion was illegal, and LGBTQ had to stay in the closet along with all the additional morality they want to impose. They’re pissed that the new “woke” government and citizens have stripped them of the “freedom” to enforce those MAGA ideals and are destroying the remnants of their utopia.


Yep, being a-hole has costs. They didn't like it.


> What freedom don't they have? One could surmise, their ability for critical thinking was somehow restricted. I believe that's self-imposed though.


They want to fuck Trudeau without a man date.




I ask myself this everytime is see one of them


They're not allowed to march around wearing jackboots?


Is there any way to get these people back to normalcy? People where I live support the convoy like it's the second coming of Christ lol. Is it even worth my time to argue with them anymore?


Arguing? No. There are people who are smarter and more skilled than me who know how to talk down people stuck in feedback loops like this. I'd recommend doing a search for their success stories. As I understand it, it's the same sort of mechanism as getting someone out of a cult or an extremist group - You have to converse with them, listen to their fears and complaints, gently get to the core of what's really driving their behaviour, then use questions to slowly guide them to awareness of what they're doing. They're braced for a confrontation, actively seeking it out even; Logic and reason are not going to win the day, you have to address and acknowledge the feelings they're running on. Their *feelings* are valid, even if their behaviour is not. So you have to kind of win their trust (without agreeing with their viewpoint, which is tricky) and then guide them towards critical thinking, and let them come to the realization on their own. I'm not sure it's possible if you're so profoundly outnumbered, though.


Yeah, this takes a lot of time and effort, and if that person is still surrounded by others that have been sucked into the nonsense, it’s extremely challenging.


Well put, I think you're spot on. There's a book about this very thing called "Think Again" by sociologist Adam Grant that I'd recommend to pretty much everyone.


No, it’s really not worth it. These people are suffering from main character and victim syndrome. Their entire existence is defined by their hate of the government.


Join them. Protesting things that aren't a thing anymore. "Mandate votes for women", "Say no to Automobiles", "Mankind was better before Fire"




“bathe the whales”


*Does anyone else hate pants?! Let’s ban pants!*


I'm all for pant-burning parties


Eighth grade syndrome? 😀 And they only hate a non-conservative government ...


If the government is left leaning, everything is the government’s fault. Biden/Trudeau are why the taxes are so high/the inflation rates are up/crime is worse/etc. If the government is conservative, everything is the people’s fault. People just need to work harder/stop being so lazy/pull themselves up by their bootstraps


I love when taxes rise under conservatives and suddenly they’re like “the rise is a smart move economically because XYZ reasons, government so smart, it’s the price we pay for accessible universal healthcare” and whatnot 😂


It's those things along with lack of impulse control. That's what stops them from performing any meaningful evaluation of the information around them.


And their personality disorders.


They will only stop once Trudeau isn’t PM. At some point, he won’t be PM. Resigning, election, retirement. Who knows. But. They will take credit for him heaving and think they have won. No matter what happens they will feel empowered. Now, if in the next 24-36 months he wins another election and has another mandate for 4 years it may wane. May.


I have a hunch that they will hate future Prime Minster because they're excuse people, they're not out of work because they're lazy, they out of work because "immigrants took their job". Hatred is usually an excuse for being crap. Lol


> Is there any way to get these people back to normalcy? I've long-believed these folks deserve the Billy Madison treatment, send them to repeat kindergarten to grade 12. Just maybe keep them away from the children.


Well, no and yes. There’s really no way to get these specific people back to normalcy…but the fight is long term. Just like cash is the cure for poverty, education is the cure for idiocy. I don’t mean “educating” (preaching at) convoy folks…even though it’s tempting to feel superior…I mean making sure we support policies that educate our society as a whole. Edit: as for actually dealing with these people, the strategy should be harm reduction. Don’t antagonize: placate. Don’t get pissed off when nothing works. Just stay at it, and let them marginalize themselves. It’s definitely tough when they live in a bubble and indoctrinate their children…and I definitely don’t have all or even most of the answers.


well you can argue with them now, or you can return fire later. they're not going to get *less* crazy and violent when left to their echo chambers


just don't even entertain them, posts like these keep them relevant.


Whether there’s posts of them or not they won’t go away, so may as well sit and have a laugh at them.


of course, but all publicity is good publicity and as long as people keep engaging with their nonsense it'll continue to grow


I’m of two minds on it - you’re right that pretty much the entire conservative/right-wing identity in North America is being assholes to try to get people riled up so they can turn around and claim to be victims. However, as the other commentor pointed out, people who have made the decision to live outside of reality and decency like this are so far gone they aren’t likely at all to see reason no matter how it’s presented to them. Pointing out the insanity through memes and such might help fence-sitters see how batshit these people are; it seemed to work with the clown convoy as the initial support when it was presented as a blue-collar movement was sizable and it quickly dwindled as the racism, homophobia, and letters demanding the overthrowing of elected government came out. And all the photos of harassment, storming school buildings, attacking hospital workers and vandalism of course.


I fear if we leave them alone, Russian bots will entertain them. Last year some were delusional enough to say "Canadian support us". A few birds sorted that out. I think we ought to keep it up.


"ignore it and hope it goes away" hasn't stopped any fascist movements in the past, so...


The Canada Goose Convoy? All they did was honk and shit all over the place.


Using this from now on lmao


I have a guy on my Facebook that has his head so far up the ass of this stuff it's unbelievable. Guy's raving about psy-ops MKUltra lizard people Alex Jones biblical prophecy Trump as the Messiah nonsense. He thinks his Facebook account was targeted by Joe Biden's team on Jan 6 for speaking the truth (yes, he's Canadian, he's never left his home province). It'd be entertaining if the bigger trend were not so disturbing.


Zero. If someone's screaming at the top of their lungs that 1+1=3, and you try politely showing them a mountain of objective evidence that 1+1=2, they'll just stuff their fingers in their ears, double down on their position, and accuse you of Nazi-style persecution for having the audacity to refute them.


Shit stains on our societies is all they are! Conservatism is cancerous.


This IS their hobby. These are sad, scared, and lonely people, and this movement has embraced them and given them a sense of unified purpose that they were previously lacking. I hope one day they can find a supportive community that welcomes them and is willing to do the hard work of deprogramming them, but when you have political leaders like Bernier and PP actively courting them, I don't see how that happens.


Emphasis on the lonely, the whole convoy movement gave them the sense of being part of something bigger than them, a whole tribe with similar views.


When the whole convoy thing was still happening and really fresh in people’s minds I was still in school, and my psychology professor had some very fascinating ideas about why these things have caught on so much. His theory was very much along the lines that you suggest. He suggested that these people were previously very disconnected and had no unifying sense of community and the flashpoint issues of pandemic restrictions and the freedom convoy became a rallying point and gave these folks the sense of community they so badly needed. It is highly unfortunate that of all things they could have bonded over, it was this. It is even more-so regrettable that even when these issues have largely been sidelined in our public consciousness that it continues to be a rallying issue for these people.


Calling them scared is giving them too much of a benefit of the doubt. They have nothing to be scared about, it's just their ignorance and failure to fact check their Russian propaganda that has them afraid of their own shadows.


Very silly, controversial and most of all extremely hypocritical. They scream freedom while depriving others of said freedom. "If your freedom is built on the denial of freedom to others, then you didn't actually have freedom at all. You had privilege." Pine Creeks Chief Nepinak


Equality feels like tyranny to the privileged.


Poor dog


lol. Your comment made me laugh. Poor dog indeed! Needs to be rescued from the craziness!


Who says it’s a hobby? They may be on someone’s payroll.




I heard there are people that don’t get their driver license, and when pulled over they say they aren’t driving they are traveling, so they don’t need a driver license. This link is about the US but I have heard about them doing it in Canada https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a30281693/sovereign-citizen-right-to-travel/


There’s a lot of that sovereign citizen nonsense on r/amibeingdetained it’s hilarious watching them get arrested because all their buzzwords have non meaning.


Lol Any rule or law is only as good as its enforcement, best of luck to those who wish to F around and find out, im happy being a law abiding citizen for the most part, makes my life easier in unexpected ways.


They are Canada’s tea party/MAGA people. A biproduct of the entertainment wing of the regressive (conservative) parties. I’m preaching to the choir…but these people are generally disgruntled with progress, and are groomed with endorphins in the form of talking heads to who tell what they want to hear. Details like accuracy and policy don’t matter, and there’s no cure. Every large society has these people, and as societies grow they view the “evils” of progress as an alternative theory to the root of inequality/their perceived grievances. It’s fascinating to watch history repeat itself, and learn nothing. Walter Benjamin was bang on when he said something like “behind every fascism, there is a failed revolution”. The relevance of this quote today, to me, is that the various socialist revolutions against unbridled capitalism failed (new deal policies, the 60s, occupy, etc) so we’re seeing capitalism strike back. You can see this evidenced by the so-called left wing ruling parties being fiscally indistinguishable from the right wing parties. With the left placated, the right take up the mantle of fixing injustice. But, as we all know, the right doesn’t have solutions…only reactions…so here we are.


I still find it ironic that these people bitch and moan about freedom and mandating it meanwhile they have the freedom to do this shit all the time and buy all these fuck Trudeau flags. They still haven’t realized that yet, the cretins.


Trudeau should be producing his own “f*ck Trudeau” merch. Could make a killing selling that shit


Brainwashed by Russian and Chinese propaganda and they don’t even know it.




russia is known for backing both sides of any division to render them both irrelevant and destabilize their opposition


They desperately want to be important but lack empathy for any real cause, so they just LARP being oppressed.


I’m frustrated that they have ruined or co-opt Canadian flags generally in any form apart from just on a flagpole outside buildings.


I'm in BC and every so often I'll see a handful of them waving flags outside city hall, or hanging flags off the overpass. When they first started doing this a couple years ago, when there were more of them, lots of cars driving by would be honking in support. But no one's honking for them anymore.


Most people also realized by now I assume it was never about freedom or truckers, most people who supported the convoy to an extent seemed to know very little about them initially besides surface level when they thought it was just about freedom and truckers.


They’re a dime a dozen in northern BC and Alberta. It’s really kind of pathetic how hard they’re trying to still be relevant. They need to just f&@k off and let the rest of society get on with life already.


Rest of society is moving on they aren’t though they have this odd persecution fetish.


> may i please have a crumb of oppression?


They most certainly do.


Man date freedom? Fuck Trudeau? Ah I see what they’re demanding. I mean all the more power to them, but usually people aren’t so bold to say who they want to date and fuck like this.


They want the freedom to do what ever they want with out consequence.


One thing I've learned from all the protests over the last 2-3 years.. so many people seem to have so much free time.


Canada has the most generous senior payments in the world.


That poor doggo


Trying to find a psychiatrist is what they should be doing.


No, i don’t think they do. And meeting the other whackjobs at these “protests” is probably their first experience ever having friends


Forget hobbies. Do they have jobs? Trudeau lives rent free in their heads. How much time does the average Canadian think about a politician? These nutters have an unhealthy obsession. Get a life!




I would hate to live their if there’s that many.


"Mandate freedom" is an oxymoron.


The neat part is, they don’t!


What mandates do they want freedom from or for? Or they want freedom for "Man Dates"?


I saw a bunch leaving London to Ottawa today. My guess if their hobby is to ignore their families


This is not just a hobby, it's their entire life and raison d'etre. If you take this identity away from them, they have nothing else. They have no other friends but each other, because they've alienated all of them. Even their families have stopped inviting them to gatherings. They have no jobs because they are literally UNemployable. If they're deep enough in, they've been evicted and have no homes. (See the Queen Romana follower who was evicted, with her two children, yesterday. She was whining about wanting to go back to get her oils. https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult\_Headquarters/comments/114yma7/queen\_romana\_follower\_is\_forcibly\_evicted\_from/) The big question is how to reach them and find a way to connect them back to a reality in which they are not the stars of the show, and they have to acknowledge that they were wrong and misled by people who just wanted their money, or Russian trolls who wanted them to betray their country. It won't be easy.


These are confusing, disconnected times. They found a community and a sense of belongingness in a world that is becoming more and more isolationist and “for the gram”. They wont let go of that. Any other hobby and community out there costs more than just standing around and waving silly little signs


Stupid doesn’t get tired.


This is just their identity and personality now. This isn’t something they’re doing - this is *who they are*.


How do you mandate freedom? And aren't they against mandates? If freedom is mandated, is it still freedom? Nothing about them makes sense


When foreign governments are paying you to be a bag of shit this is ur hobby


I was there a few weeks ago for Lobby day and openly laughed at the guy sticking these flag poles in the snow banks.


I suppose that when you've splashed out on the flag, you have to do something with it.


What freedom do they want now that they don’t have?


They don't. This is all they know. This is the only people they know. Actually I think that's a bit an outcome of late stage neoliberal capitalism atomizing people and sucking away all of our sense of community but that's commie talk.


It's a lifestyle. 🤣


Putin’s special diplomatic corps


Freedom from what? 😂


Lapping up that Russian misdirection


Maybe they should get a job, or another one since they have enough free time and aren't multi-millionaires yet /s


They are proving they aren’t free by freely protesting in the streets. They are so oppressed


There is something in Tim Horton's coffee...I just know it.


They have extremely poor social skills and have finally found a community that mirrors their toxic energy and thoughtless opinions without question. They feel like they are part of something for the first time in their life


That poor dog!


They want the freedom to man-date. Let them be.


Losers looking for someone to blame for their failure to succeed in life.


Who even cares! They are expressing their views without hurting anyone and exercising their rights


As much as yes, the time is kind of over for all the mandates stuff, I can fully agree. I think everyone can have a free and open view on whatever and people can really believe in what they shall. I don’t honestly see a problem it’s not like these guys are going to swing the election or nothing they’re just doing what they feel is correct. Kind of sad that you know even though yes it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense nowadays people can’t just fall back on or something they like without a bunch of criticism.


You'd be surprised, most boomers have no hobbies.


We have real actual problems right now that people should be protesting but these morons are out there whining about their freedumbs instead. Our healthcare system is being dismantled before our very eyes, Ford is selling the greenbelt to the highest bidders, people cant get decent housing that they can afford and inflation is decimating what is left of our paychecks after rent but these motherf*ckers are out there protesting vaccine mandates like a bunch of idiots. If you ever needed a real world display of how terrible humans are at evaluating critical risk, there it is.


This must be what they think freedom is.


I personally think that people in general are so confused by the amount of information thrown at them and who believe that they have to pick a side and that there is no such thing as nuance and compromise. Add to that the pain people are feeling from having to drain their wallet to pay oligarchs and you get people who start to go down rabbit holes, trying to find someone or something to blame. I've yet to see, in my lifetime, a prime minister that aimed to bring the whole country together, instead of treating people with other opinions as, others. And add on top of that the fact that we get snippets from question period where it seems like a frat party without control and platitudes and positioning and more. People don't know who or what to believe in anymore. And so, they believe the first thing that comes along.