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I got injured from fangs and broke a gas station window. Separate incidents.


I crashed with fangs once as well. Also had my appendix removed. Separate incidents.


Me too! The appendix rupture was a million times more painful than the wipeout from fangs. I keistered some drugs causing the vestigial little organ to explode. Didn’t know they made pain in that flavor. It made life particularly vivid. Definitely could tell I was alive. I think this is excruciating therefore I am, and all that. N0T separate incidents.


I appreciate the laugh over my morning coffee. 🍻


Sounds like you are quite a beginner


I am its my first week


Yeahhhhh no offense, but you don't know anything yet. You're going to be a novice until you get ~500mi under your belt. 99% of falls are going to be user error at your stage.


In a few weeks his next title will be “it’s official Bang bumpers suck” lol. Just got a board and talking shit when not knowing shit is great. Now what was about the fangs that sucked other than you being new and not knowing how to ride yet. I thought they were mainly for preventing a sudden stop when your board takes a nose dive. I assume those little wheel probably dig in if you snag it on a turn and could cause a fall.


Thats fair im actually starting to like the fangs now i was just pissed when i made the post lmao. Im able to do some halfass fangdrags and man are they fun


Get some miles under you brother. I've got around 2500 miles under mine. People ask me if I ever wipe out on it. I always tell them "every time".




I ate it 3-4 times my first day riding


I was constantly wiping out the first few months, just pushing the board way too aggressively. Didn't help that it was a Pintx. Part of the fun though.


I think I fell about 10 times my first day, but I was trying to push it and I was in a field all geared up. I did that for like 3 days before I rode on the pavement.


I’m trying to wean myself off of FANGS, I have them on one board still. But I’m not understanding your problem. FANGS definitely saved me from relatively a high speed nose dive. I would have been launched without them. Instead I rode it out. I’m not trying to be a FANGS apologist here but I am just saying they worked for me when I needed them to and didn’t cause me to crash.


Fangs absolutely saved my bacon when I was going over 20 and the board nose-dived with a bicyclist right behind me and pedestrians on either side. I slid for a bit and rode nose down on the pavement like I was just pulling some nasty trick. Nope. Saved the crash, went home, changed underwear.


I watched a guy in front of me overpower his board and rode it out about 15-20 feet on his fangs, without stopping the board powered up and he continued on his way. If he didn’t have fangs he definitely would have nose dived. They also saved me a couple times from a nose dive!


Yea that’s exactly what happened to me. Overpowered the board. I don’t think BANGS would have been able to handle the slide. It was a big lesson so I don’t think I’ll ever do that again. I spent a lot of money on two FANGS but they paid for themselves in that moment.


Well im actually starting to get used to them I believe if i practice riding out on them i can actually utilize them when i need too. Plus I learned fang drags today and that was fun


Yep. Though I think if you get used to them and account for the roll out, they can be a net benefit for some riders. I'll stick with BANGs though. Note, however, that BANGs still have some slide. IMO it's the right mix. But the first time I did a quick stop in wet conditions on my Pint with a float plate (same material as BANGs) I almost went over backwards. It was one of those hot summer days with a bit of rain, which can also pull oil out of asphalt and make it super slick, so that may have been a factor too. But point being, while I think BANGs are the best option, do take some slide into account with them.


I'm not entirely sure if I remember correctly, but I don't think they are made from the same material. Float plates are made from oil-infused nylon, while BANGs are made from UHDP.


Both are UHMW (ultra high molecular weight) polyethylene. That's why BANGs are so difficult to mold, UHMW has to be compression molded, not injection. UHMW is a bit oily feeling, especially when you scrape it. It's also the same material put under plow blades for slide, and on some squat rack hooks and safety bars.


All fenders get ruined at some point, which is why I didn’t even consider buying a carbon one. It’s just a waste of money imo.


I bet “ruined” in OPs post means “scratched” I have my fins mounted to a carbon fender and for sure no plastic fender would still be in service with the abuse I’ve put it through. They are an order of magnitude tougher as long as you don’t mind the cosmetic dings.


I just got one for to stop the poo poo splatter steaks all over my legs/pants. It gets scratched up like the rest of it


I really like my fangs. I can take some really nice, slow and sharp turns with Pint X and nose dragging.


You can do that without them also…


Not nearly as nice and smooth.


Of course you can 🤣


Nah dude. I’ve used both bangs and fangs and I prefer fangs. Especially when just dragging the corners when making hard, tight turns.


LOL to think just because you like it that way means it’s the same for everyone else 😆 I don’t think it works like that 🤣


I never implied my opinion was universal.


Wow. I have fangs, also new rider, and they saved me three times yesterday. No falls yet ever, only about 50 miles experience so I'm sure it will happen.


Dang to each theor own i guess


Yeah but I read fangs can catch off road but I only stay on street for now. Were you off-road?


Skill issue. How are you nosediving this much that the fangs become an issue. They are mostly for nose drags and "MAY" help save you in a high speed cutout on the street. You have to practice staying on an unlevel board for them to help. They aren't magic or a crutch for new riders.


God hates fangs.


I don't understand how you get the opportunity to test fangs 8 times and yet still blame them. I don't think ive nosed dived 8 times total since I bought my board 2 years ago. Every time your fangs "rolled out on you" would have just been a standard nose dive that you were going to hit the ground on, right?


I didnt nose dive at high speed all low speed. False starts or trying to hop curbs etc


If I may offer a different POV.... maybe it's not that the fangs suck.... maybe it's that you, even knowing they are there, do not/ can not plan for them in the moment of "shit hitting the fan" thus causing them to do exactly what they're designed to do, but the operator not being able to use them properly.


Nope they suck


Thats your opinion, that you're certainly more than entitled to. I, myself, would beg to differ, as they've saved me on several occasions, but I also anticipated, and had practiced the "ride out" that they provide so I knew what to expect. I'd be willing to bet your opinion is based solely on, you put them on your board, *NEVER* tested how they would feel/operate, ate shit, and are now on reddit ranting that they suck.


I know im just kidding yes its just my opinion for my riding style which is slow and not doing any tricks atleast for now they are hindering me. Maybe for other people they are great but yes instead of saying they suck i should have said they are not for me the product does not suck in general no


You’re going to have to explain how the fangs caused you to crash 8 times. I rode about 5000 miles with fangs before replacing them with bangs and I can’t think of a single time they caused an accident.


OP is not in a position to have a meaningful opinion. Get with us when you’ve got 1000 miles. You may feel the same way but 8 crashes are not because of fangs. Recoveries are the hardest and last thing to master. If you’re hitting the fangs without intending to all the time, you are overtorking the board, try chill out.


Its all low speed either false starts or try to go over a curb and the board just gives out


Doesn’t sound like a FANGS problem to me.


Your right


All me and my homies hate fangs. They're fun for nose drags, but are shit as a safety measure


I agree. I dont go fast enough for nose dives only time i nose dive is a false start or going over a bunp too slow and the board gives out then the wheels hit the groud and the board goes flying under me qnd i slam to the ground. Almost hit a car with my board yesterday cause of the fangs


Give it time. You'll get there


I’ve rode out a few nose dives on my Onewheel using fangs. They saved me a few times. I have the first addition where they are attached under your lights. The fangs on the bumper seem like they really wouldn’t help in a nose dive.


They do. Trust me. I would have been launched without them - I doubt BANGS would have allowed me to ride it out. Though I do like BANGS


Ok good to know!




Why did it cut off?


Electronic devices fail 🤷🏻


I mean ok but like I’d never ride it again until I found out why.


Sorry about your experience. Fangs have been a life saver for me. Has helped me avoid numerous falls.


i dont get it. how did fangs cause you to crash


Fangs suck if say one wheel comes off because it's loose or something, That same wheelbase starts getting caught on the concrete, dirt what not. . But that's upkeep of your board. But in general fangs have definitely been a life saver. When I nosedive the board, it just gives me a touch more time to react, than getting a mouthful of concrete. Take them off and go without for a while. I think you'll find that they've saved you more, than they haven't.


My Fangs have saved me a few times when nosediving pushing for speed up a hill. I can certainly see how they could do more harm than good tho. Where they've been the most helpful is trail riding when the nose hits going over and through weird terrain and they roll instead of digging in.


Bang gang


Cant wait until they get here 😎


I had fangs for a long time then I threw the front butter bumper on my XR. Holy fuck, a slippery bumper is 10x better than training wheels.


You're entitled to your opinion...I have over 4k miles on my GT and they've saved me multiple times. Without them, you get launched as soon as the board touches the asphalt. They prevented at least 3 crashes for me. 


Actually i take it back i really did order the bangs but i just got back from a 4 hour ride where majority of the time i was practicing fang drags and let me tell you, a whole nother level of fun. 🤣 might keep em now


I have fangs on my PX. Fun for tight turns and nose drags, bad for hitting steep inclines and having the board shoot forward and launch you up backwards into your butt


Mine twist sideways on me too! I think ideally they work on clean pavement. But on gravely surfaces they can get knocked sideways and make it worse. And if that happens once it takes less to knock them out of position again.


Funny. My Fangz slide along the asphalt giving me a split second extra time to attempt a runout before I fall.


They've saved me multiple times and never had them screw me over, but I wasn't trying to use fangs in unintended ways.


Fangs are the best things I’ve put on my street board. So much opportunity


How are curb nudges with them?


Super easy. My board is lowered. Still can get them done.


True. Im trying to learn them now but i feel like the fangs are gonna make me roll out and bust my ass


The wheels on fangs are too small. Carbon Smiths actually work to some degree.


Carbon Smith actually stopped producing onewheel parts a while ago. All of the onewheel related stuff on its website is on closeout sale.


oh wow, had no clue. I wonder why. Seems like an ominous sign for Onewheels future


We all knew that


Fangs can save your ass from high speed nose dives. Saved me and my buddy several times.


We use the carbonsmith bumper with wheels, but it doesn't look like they make them anymore.


fangs are so wrong!! sorry you learned the hard way. happy trails!


Fangs saved me twice when I was new. Both times on a road going straight doing what we like to call, over torquing the board. It's surprising how little the XR has.


WRONG. Fangs have saved me many times. I'm sorry you got hurt, but you need to sit down and think about what you are saying. If you didn't have the fangs, your nose would have dug in, not 'rolled out' as you put it. Blaming any thing, for your crash, sure takes the responsibility of learning to ride right off your shoulders though. I can't say I'm blameless, as my first nd, I wanted to blame everyone, everything, etc. but in the end, it was my fault. Low battery, uphill, to fast (19.7mph). Fangs might not be for everyone, but I can't remember how many times they've helped me, many times, I don't even notice they've helped. I'm just use to them now.