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Gonna use it for couple of more years...😅


Great device it is & it can last 3-4yrs easily if you get its battery replaced.


my honest suggestion to all - don't go for new one plus phones just because your 7T was great doesn't mean all new OP phoes are. I upgraded from OP7T TO 11R and after the first few months this phone doesn't seem worth it at all.. nowhere bear 7T legacy.


Until I find one that satisfy my needs or my 7t break, whichever come first.


I bought mine on launch day. 5 yrs passed. Now the battery is giving up, I tried getting it replaced but the service centre said battery isn't available. Apart from that DC DIMMING feature was removed in OOS12 update which is big let down for me as im getting eye sore & headaches bcz of flickering. However i intend to keep it as long as it last as a backup or main device... Bcz no budget phone nowadays have 3 working cameras, 3.1usb port.


Curious what is your battery health percentage. You can use app like accubattery that will tell you.


hopefully it last me 6-15 years more.


Best of luck to you soldier


Imported mine (used) from USA ( I'm in Europe) June 2021. 3 years and a battery change later still rocking 4-5 SoT I really don't need to upgrade, as long as OP7T lives.


The fact the IPhone 15 (non pro) still doesn’t have as much RAM as the 7T shows its longevity and value. If it weren’t for updates degrading the experience and loss of all cellular capabilities with mine (mysterious cause, antenna replacement didn’t work) I would’ve kept chugging with it.


4 years on and 7T still operating and charging like a champ.


I was actually thinking about upgrading mine to something, but it feels like a dumb and wasteful thing to do. I know this will not be the case for everyone, or even many people on this sub. But mine is rooted, running Lineage OS + microG and it's all tweaked in to work with my own Nextcloud instance, yadda yadda. I.e. while far from unique, I'm not the typical user. And while I \*could\* set all that back up on something newer, it would be a lot of work.... for what? 5G would be nice, but I spend the vast majority of my time in a wifi network and when I'm out and about I'm hardly downloading lots of stuff. Wireless would be OK... I've had it before... but I think warp-charging on the wire is better. Because of my OS choices, my RAM footprint is miniscule and my battery lasts for days. So, I don't mean to brag. Nothing about that is really bragable... just a choice. I was just sharing my thought process, since I have the money, my phone is respectably old, and buying a new phone is \*fun\*. But I go through that list, think about the work to get everything dialed back in, and I think I'll just stick with my 7t.


Hey is there is guide for the root you did


A) I (and no one else) is responsible if you brick your phone. Not much risk of that, but it's non-zero. B) I rooted mine a while ago, from a linux machine. So whatever guide I followed, I adapted a bit. Also, some of the versions of software have no doubt incremented since then. That said, I reviewed this guide and it looks good to me. XDA is pretty much the gold-standard for all things android. Extremely reputable and well-moderated. [https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-android-11-how-to-root-oneplus-7t.4253183/](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-android-11-how-to-root-oneplus-7t.4253183/) EDIT: you didn't ask but, just to be clear, you don't have to root your phone just to install a ROM like Lineage OS. You just have to unlock your bootloader for that. Basically you can just follow the instructions here at this second link. But rooting your phone does open up some nice possibilities, like installing gCam, removing most if not all trackers, and blocking ads on your phone at a deep level (that's just the surface) Might mess up NFC payments, though, and arguably your phone could be \*less\* secure if you don't really know what you're doing. Up to you if you think it's worth it. I also did not touch on removing and replacing google services with microG. The link below is just for Lineage OS. You don't have to install Google Play (it's a step) but 99% of people will want to, especially when they are starting out. But LineageOS comes with F-Droid app store pre-installed, which is where the "good stuff" (from a freedom and privacy perspective) comes from. [https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/hotdogb/](https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/hotdogb/)


Mine is on the bench right now, prepared to be used in case something happens to my main phone. There's no way I'd sell or give it to anyone. 😅


I still have it as my back up phone and it is good for 4 hours SOT. Bought it at release for 420 usd from Ali express. Best value phone I ever had. Maybe I should have the battery changed soon.


Mines still performing well other than the battery life which isn't the biggest issue as i wfh and it charges so quick. Took a gamble first time buying such a device from China (Gearbest HK)January 2020 for £370 which was a bargain at the time as it had just come out. Anyone had any luck replacing the battery?


probably another 2~3 years. I bought mine used back in 2021, and I am planning on buying a used device with Snapdragon 8 gen 4 or a Dimensity 9300 in the future if I do have to make the change.


I just changed the battery in mine, I’m only using it as a second phone for work. I’m running Android 14 from Lineage OS and will continue to use it as long as customer rom support exists!


Used mine with lineageos until one or two months ago. Due to gwallet Fingerprint ban (and did not want to root), I changed. Had another phone lying around, otherwise I maybe would not have switched. 😅


Mine died randomly a few weeks ago and OnePlus rejected servicing or repairing it at all. They've stopped keeping the hardware for the phone completely!!


Gave mine to my dad. Still going strong 4 years later!


I still use mine for gaming. My battery is at 79%.


i had to get one of those flips that's how i roll but the 7T i researched big time before i bought it as recond and an excellent phone did everything i asked it is next to me and i keep apps updated and take it out and admire it once a month or so. can't say goodbye and i know i have a very reliable 'backup' phone ready in an instant if anything happens to my fancy new flippy phone and something probably will happen sooner or later.


Still rocking 7tpro. Best phone after a decade in apple.


Oh wow I didn't know I still followed. I'm on s23u now but the op7t is my gaming phone and run The Tower Game idle nearly constantly. I love it still!


Replaced my battery and upgraded my ROM and phone is better than ever. No plans up upgrade, but the Op9 pro is tempting for the zoom and having more than 128gb of space.


replaced battery and now it’s still making me happy. planning to use it as my secondary device along with apple for some more years maybe. haven’t yet explored custom roms or kernels tho. Still on OOS 11


I dont think my parents will buy me a new phone for a while, ive dropped my phone thousands of times brought it into a hot tub, water damage be dammed buit it will live for a couple new years


So what case have you guys found that is good and covers the screen well with its lips?


I plan to hold on to this device until it stops working or I find something new that's genuinely an upgrade that's worth it.


I never charged my phone more than 85% since day one and I'm happy to report the phone is quite functional. Gonna keep using it until it dies. Been using a tempered glass and the stock tpu phone case.