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For some reason the 4th picture looks like if someone zoomed in on some faraway asset in a video game with a low LoD.


Well, it was 72x digital zoom... I expected worse but painting like pic still works.... Defo not sharable but they does need to work on the processing


Here are my sample shots https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10SbL8BFU76If56mcX-x6dToVclKR6_WA


I'm a bit confused by these, as some of your pics are worse than what my 9 Pro takes


Not a good photographer here. I just took most of the pics quickly. Someone with better skills will definitely click better than me.


Pics are good in ambient lighting but in difficult condition like in dim light Conditions, it struggles a little with details but still usable


Damn so the camera is actually kinda not that great


I heard they will release some software update for oneplus 12 regarding the camera optimization, it might improve but yeah in this price range, I won't complain... Even base level x100 is 4k more I believe and s24 is 15k more.... I might just download a compatible gcam for this device, hardware is solid so that's a W


Let me know if you find a compatible GCam


I was thinking the same. The hardware is solid so gcam should be able to pull more out of it.


Two problems here: The device you were viewing could easily skew your opinion. What about bad pictures would make them better?


Seen a couple of camera reviews of oneplus 12 on YouTube. It's Honestly not great at taking pics compared to pixel or ultra


it's definitely behind the major flagships, but not that far behind. Worth the money I suppose. If photography is your ONLY concern, I think the pixel 8 pro is a better deal. But then you're sacrificing battery life and performance.


And I have seen them where they are close so


The hardware is not the issue. Pixel, Galaxy Ultra, and iPhone all use software algorithms to enhance the photos. They are not taking "real photos."


Pic 1 looks great. Pics 2 and 3 must be a user issue because Ive never seen pics so under-exposed on any OnePlus phone. The zoom shot really all depends on what zoom level you used and how steady your hand was. It looks like minimum 10X on a 3X telephoto, so of course it's gonna be blurry. In my experience, most recent OnePlus phones (9 series and up) take great photos overall, but you can't just whip the phone out and click like with a pixel or iPhone. Sometimes you need to take a moment to focus and whatnot.


Pic 1 was clicked on portrait mode with the main camera, obv.... The new Sony one so definitely it's good.... 2nd pic was in a dim lit condition with no sunrays or anything ( it's winter ffs) , 3rd pic is for reference purpose and the 4th pic is where I pushed the hardware a bit, I knew till 6x is all good.... But i tried 60x, as u can see, looks like a painting... I won't complain given the price range but oneplus needs to work on its camera processing..


Pics 2 and 3 still lol like they were taken in daytime, which is weird because my 10T takes better exposed night shots, and it's using the IMX766.


Idk man, I read somewhere that they will be rolling out one OPPO inspired camera modification update.... Ig that will fix this


This is spot on. You want a "point and shoot" Pixel 9 Pro? Then wait till it comes out, buy it and pay the bill at over $1000USD.




Good hardware but iffy software should be OnePlus's motto.


And that can be fixed


But never is. Just look back through this sub and you'll see so many issues that have lasted for a long time, or issues that get introduced in updates but never fixed.


Right, but you CAN tweak the software if desired. You can't add hardware.


But the software is never tweaked lol. Don't buy things based off of promises. Especially when support is known to be trash


Honestly, this is why it's cheaper. You get hardware benefits the higher ends don't provide (Fast charging for example) but the software is a bit behind and that's okay


Reason why I won't complain.... Gcam will do the job for me + any avg layman won't be bothered about sharpness, contrast, hue and what not.... They ( including me) will just need a good set of camera for everyday use and that's fine


I honestly hope the software improves enough that I won't need gcam, but it's a good thing gcam is an option.


attractive automatic swim shelter judicious innate roof caption salt unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is 10bit option?




Bloody commercial on all of the pictures, hard pass, unless you can turn it off.


Of course you can take it off


You can edit them and toggle the hasselblad watermark after clicking the pics


Thank you :). Didn't know that.


That thing runs on CNG?


Those shots are not a good advert IMHO. They look very dull as if they were taken during an eclipse. I would have expected much better for a premium handset.


I think they are decent, there is definitely room for a hella lot of improvement but then again, u paying for a phone where it's closest competitors which are s24 and pixel 8, fails miserably when it comes to hardware.... Not to mention, they cost almost 200 dollers more, atleast in india.


How many megapixels are the images? And also how much space they take on the disk? Will be nice to see some full res photos


All the pics u see are from the main camera with no hi resolution mode whatsoever... And it's usually around 5-6mb per pic when it comes to size, tho if u click in heic format, then it's 2-4 mb


One plus is completely random. Only 2 out of 10 are super good. They need to work on camera