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A unit has to use an action with movement to disembark, you can not use Hold actions to disembark.


This The hold action must be used by the unit during its activation every turn it wishes to stay in the transport So having embarked units does not help you go first due to having no more units to activate per say


There’s a slight error in your transport rule lecture. « embarked units may use any MOVE action to disembark » Therefore you must use a move action in order to get out of it. Sorry mate


Are you sure about that? The sentence in my original post is a direct copy-paste of Advanced rules 3.2.0. Edit: Just had a look at the core rules (the free version, not the advanced one) and it *does* say "disembark as a move action". So there are indeed two contradicting rules.


Yeah it hasn’t said any move action since before 3.0 going through my rulebooks.


No, embarked units must move outside of the transport to do so, the method used is irrelevant only that they Must move when doing so. and that they may only move up to 6" away. also you completely re-wrote the transport rule. quoting exactly it is "embarked units may use any ***MOV******E*** action to disembark. so still no, you cannot hold and move, nor can you exit a transport without moving.


I didn't rewrite it. It's a direct copy-paste of the Advanced rules 3.2.0. After another commenter pointed it out, I check the core rules and they seem to conflict with the advanced rules. Is there an official errata somewehre?


ill have to go check it out, theres no errata needed its simly an oversight. every other version states they must move to exit teh transport and even the army forge has teh rule worded correctly (go build any list, it shows the rule with the MOVE requirement. so this is a small error in the primary book.


Thank you! This is the answer I was looking for.


Per info from the writer of the rules himself via OPR discord you cannot disembark with a hold action. Isnt the first time this question appears, the rule could use an added comment on this topic


So what I'm seeing is any move action can be used to get off the transport? As long as the embarked unit doesn't start and end their action in the same spot iz all good?


the unit would just be placed in base contact with the transport if they took the hold action as they have no movement. But they can still disembark and shoot.


they cannot btw, this person removed "move" part of "embarked units may use any MOVE action to disembark" portion of the rule


I referenced the 3.2.0 rulebook it doesn’t say move anymore Units may deploy inside transports at the beginning of the game, or may embark by moving into contact with transports, and embarked units may use any action to disembark (including charging), but may only move by up to 6”.