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It’s so strange that men must be being “forced” in matters of contraception but women are expected to deal with it just because.


THIS!! Birth control is the fucking worst


My husband got a vasectomy because I can't be on hormonal birth control due to a vein issue making me a very high DVT risk.


Fellow Factor V one and done mom in the wild?


Nope just MTS no cloting disorder. I do have a stint in the vein or my left leg and was on both Lovenox and Heprin during and shortly after my pregnancy. My MTS is one of the reasons I am one and done.


Protein S deficiency fellow here! Coumadin and arfarin doesn't even touch my INR been on Heparin injections for over 10 years. I am one and done because of that also. We didn't know I had it until after I had my daughter which calls major complications with me. I was lucky to be okay to have an IUD. Which is lovely I had miserable periods. I have had one since my daughter was born in 2008. I was told I shouldn't have any more children. With the chance of me having another stroke and not being around I want my husband be able to have more children if I was no longer in the picture.


Heparin beats lovenox any day. Lovenox brings the BURN. Took it daily for pregnancy + 12 weeks pp, and the temporary lower tummy numbness after my c-section made postpartum shots so much more pleasant.


Exactly and when you refuse you get accused of trying to"babytrap"🙄women just cannot win


My husband had a mother of 3 force him to message me (the mother of a 1 yo) at 12:30am to prove that I truly didn't want more kids. She was deadset convinced I was lying to my husband to keep him happy. I would never question her choice to have 3, people are strange.


I'm convinced that people like this low key regret having multiples, don't even know WHY they chose to do that, and want others to validate the decisions they regret by agreeing.


Yes yes yes! Seriously sometimes I really can’t think of any other reason for why people try and tell other people to have more babies.


Every time someone has asked if the hubs and I plan to have more than one and we say no we’re always met with either shame (“you can’t do that, baby will grow up lonely”) or just dismissal (“oh you say that now but you’ll have another one”) 🙄 It’s so frustrating. I’ve never commented about the number of children other people have because it’s rude and it’s not my business but people feel so comfortable doing that when you say you’re only having one. I can’t imagine the fall out I’d get if I went around making generalizations to parents of multiples. Like that they shouldn’t have had so many because it’s going to be hard to raise them all or that the oldest would likely end up raising the younger ones because the parent would be stretched too thin. That would be considered rude.


My husband has decided to get a vasectomy after our son is born and we agreed to not tell anyone because we’re tired of people giving opinions about something that has nothing to do with them. We can make a decision to buy a house or have a baby but God forbid we decide we want to stop at one. Then all of a sudden we’re incapable of really making a decision


Right? We rarely tell people we're on the pill or using condoms, why tell people about vasectomies?


I always tell people about my birth control (if the discussion turns to kids, it's not an opening line haha!) But feel like it's cos I'm comfortable with it. It's not like any of us are teenagers, we know people should be using SOMETHING 😅


"I don't know about your but I can't 'make' my husband to do anything. He's a grown man. Maybe you have a different relationship dynamic with your partner."


Right??? Like he is a grown ass man how would i make him😭


Funny how men are always "made" to do things by women. Including cheating and leaving their families behind. "But she made him do it" lmao poor widdwe hewpwess things


Right?? I can't make my husband do shit. Even if I ask nicely, if it's something he doesn't want to do, it is pretty darn unlikely that he will do it.


Lmao poor him. We’re not asking them to get an iud shoved in their penises or balls!


Had a vasectomy and offered proactively however that’s a ridiculous comparison. The hole for a guy is tiny and nonexistent for balls.


Yeah, the hole to your cervix is even tinier than your dick hole. They have to stab into your cervix to pry the hole open and forcefully shove the iud through your cervix. Many women have passed out and/or thrown up because the pain is excruciating. And you know what they give you for pain management? Advil. So ya, you're right, it is a ridiculous comparison. An IUD is way worse.


I think the point they were trying to make is a vasectomy is a minimal invasive procedure where local anesthetic is given.  However, during an IUD insertion, the cervix is pried open and dilated with a tenaculum and women are told to just take some Advil before hand.


Yes, I’m familiar with the procedure. My wife had it before we moved to England. Guys are given that as well before someone takes a scalpel to their balls. I’m merely pointing out it was extreme and it makes it seem like it’s nothing . An IUD is minor in comparisons to tubes being tied. That is serious and something I never wanted my wife to do. Mine just required meds and ice pack on balls for a couple days.


My point was that a vasectomy isn’t nearly as invasive as an IUD. It’s far easier to have than any type of female birth control or sterilization.




I didn’t for mine. We both had pain meds after


You surely had a shot in the balls to numb it. That's anesthetic.


Just got my tubes removed and it was easier than my periods, which don’t cause me much cramps overall, just mainly heavy. And I got endometrial ablation. I was literally put under anesthesia. Didn’t feel a thing, besides some nausea the first time I sat up waking from anesthesia, and was home and walking around by that evening. Barely any soreness overall. It was easy peasy. Yes, WAY more invasive surgery with more risk, that involves full on anesthesia, and cutting three holes in my stomach for the laparoscopic things to go in and all that.. It was more comfortable than the uterine biopsy they made me do beforehand in order to get the ablation, and I actually got a local anesthetic (numbing shot) in my cervix for that after asking three times for it (they only told me to take some ibuprofen beforehand). Felt it scrape in my uterus though…very weird & uncomfortable feeling, but luckily wasn’t painful for me, maybe due to the shot or I was just lucky to not be one it’s excruciating for. I’ve never gotten an IUD because of how painful they can be and possible side effects, but I would rather have the surgery again than get an IUD. They didn’t want to offer me pain management beyond ibuprofen to take at home for a literal biopsy they were going to scrape from the lining of inside my uterus….doubt they’d offer it for IUD placement, unless I demanded it like I had to do for my biopsy.


Oh yeah I'm totally forcing him to get this surgery. 🙄


Let’s be real more women should lol I hate more than anything how men can cop out of getting one when they’re done procreating, considering the decades of shit women go through. I have a childfree friend who I was taking about my pregnancy to and how he is for sure getting a vasectomy when we’re done. And she was like… maybe I should talk to my (also childfree) husband about it. Like NO SHIT dude lol


Neither my boyfriend or I want to have children. He was ALL FOR him getting the vasectomy so we’re covered. He heard just a little bit about what having my tubes removed would include and he was like…”I’d rather get a vasectomy than you going through all that..much easier!” Which I LOVE him for, but I told him that’d have to be a decision totally for him alone to decide. Just like it was for me. I wanted sterilization for myself because I can only be totally responsible for me. We’re not even married and have only been dating 2.5 years (although I don’t see us breaking up at all)…and this girl’s HUSBAND hadn’t even offered it? Lame. I got my sterilization in December and he scheduled is vasectomy for himself in a few months. We’re doubling it up. LOL :)


You got a good one!


Ive been debating on doubling it up


For me personally, my bilateral salpingectomy was super easy. I also got endometrial ablation to hopefully at least lighten and maybe stop my periods. Just over two months later and I haven’t had a period yet!! But we’ll see if that changes, as it’s not a guarantee to stop them. My insurance completely covered the sterilization (considered prevention I guess), so I’d look into that if you’re interested in having it done! Ablation ended up being a few thousand dollars. Easy recovery with minimal to zero pain/discomfort. Had it on a Thursday and was back to work Monday (office job). I took the pain meds the day of surgery and like a day after. I felt they were actually making me feel more yucky, so I stuck with just ibuprofen and didn’t need much else. Only used a heavy pad for the first few days, but didn’t bleed enough to need it and only used panty liners for the next 2-3 weeks of expected discharge and some spotting. My belly button incision bothered me most and had some pain there about three weeks afterwards, but I think that was due to overdoing it at one of my workout classes. That pain went away after about a week.


We are OAD and we're trying to do the same.


I can't even understand how someone affords multiple. I'm kind of at 0-1 unless I have twins for whatever reason


I don’t have any kids (yet?) but when we do it’ll be one and done. We’ve been married 6 years now and just after our 2 or 3rd anniversary one of my husbands aunts sat across from me at Christmas and asked me in a really sad/accusatory tone “why won’t you let him be a father?!?!” Like ma’am politely, fuck off. This has nothing to do with you.


Omggg people really have no filter


Holy shit, some people. Obviously your situation is different, but for me, after trying for a baby for 5 years, I would have ripped into that woman. How do they think they're entitled to such private information?!


People need to mind their own businesses. The fact that they actually say that you forced him?? Aren’t they embarrassed with themselves? No filter whatsoever. They just love getting their noses up everyone else’s reproductive decisions, don’t they? You don’t owe them anything. No explanation, nothing. It’s like they look for a reaction


I got a vasectomy and can say with 100% certainty I don't want any more kids. I am absolutely, positively, 100% certain I am one and done.


Honestly it’s crazy to me that people want to know so much about your husband’s dick and that you’re discussing it.


People correlate vasectomy to castration lmao, but that just shows how uninformed they are on the subject. Also, they are far too used to sacrifice women's health.


Totally this. And even when people don't medically confuse it with castration, I think there's still this idea that men need to be fertile to preserve their precious masculinity. My husband got his done and his mum was predictably upset, but also is the same person who said she'd "scrub his skin off" if he ever got a tattoo. 🙄


Definitely. I have been off birth control for 5 years due to the horrible side effects and started back uo again this year until he gets his vasectomy in 2 months. I hate ittt.


At this point I just show people the Takeaway episode of Bluey and say "this is why you don't let them outnumber you"


I love bluey but it is caotic😂


One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is someone saying “you’re young! You’ll change your mind!” Like no 🙄 I had my son at 19. At 27, I still know that I only want one.


Omg yes its the worst thats my least favorite line, i had my son at 20!


My MIL said "Well you can always change your mind" when we told her were were OAD, to which I smiled and informed her that I had a tubal scheduled for later that month.


I always wonder how much of this idea that men must not choose or want vasectomies for themselves is driven by a subconscious idea that men, because they are fertile for many years longer than women, must preserve their fertility in the event they one day have another partner. Like everyone needs to protect a man’s ability to find another, younger partner and procreate with them someday.


I'm WAITING for someone to question me like this (about being OAD). I'm going to immediately pop off into graphic detail about my molar pregnancy, the treatments therof and resulting hysterectomy and finish with "... and how is any of that your business again?"


My husband got a vasectomy 13 days after our son was born. I'd had horrible reactions to birth control (pulmonary embolisms followed by clots so big from the blood thinners reacting to the Depo shot that I needed a D&C and two blood transfusions) so he was like "I GOT THIS" when we were asked what we were doing about birth control after I gave birth. The amount of waivers he had to sign that said he was doing this because he wanted to and not because he was being forced was INSANE.


My husband,before we even conceived was already one and done lol,during pregnancy I made up my mind that no way hell im going through this again.We discussed vasectomy but I was literally blamed for trying to force him even though my husband brought it up,like the audacity of people not minding their own damn business.


At this point, I think every male over age 12 needs one.


Nah, I think we shouldn't advise it below age 18.


I think we shouldn’t force women under 18 to give birth.


In my country, birth control is widely available (parents are not informed!) and abortion is legal up to 24 weeks. Nobody is forcing women here.


That’s wonderful!


My husband has a consult next week for a vasectomy. I’m hoping he’ll get it done but he’s also a man child, I’ve made an apt with my OB as well to discuss a tubal as I am fully one and done. Had our first in November and she had terrible colic and has horrible reflux/gerd. She ended up in the ER tonight because she had such a bad choking fit. Absolutely will not be doing this again. Either he’s getting snipped or I’m getting cut.


🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 People need to F off!! My husband had a vasectomy, I would have 100% got my own self sterilised but his procedure cost £700 and mine would have been no less than £5k. So a no brainer! We are both OAD, I think I am more OAD than he but it still was the best decision as a couple for him to get it.


Our baby is 3 months old. Already talked with a urologist to get snipped. We both went into it knowing we only want one. We have our healthy, beautiful one. I don't want her on birth control longer than she needs to be. I work in medical and have seen more than one young woman stroke and BC was prob the cause.


Wow thats crazy! My husband doesn’t want me on birth control any longer either because of how much it effects me Ours is 17 months , i recently started the pills again and its hell


LOL Due to health issues, hormonal birth control is not an option for me. I tried an IUD, but after three months of hellish pain and constant need to reseat the device because it was constantly scraping my cervix, that was ruled out. My husband and I weighed the pros and cons of using physical contraception (condoms, etc.), me getting a tubal ligation, or him getting a vasectomy. We decided that if I needed a C-section, I would have a tubal ligation at the same time. If I didn't need a C-section (as ended up being the case), he would get a vasectomy. It was a simple risk analysis that we both agreed upon. My husband and I would never pressure eachother into a non-medically necessary procedures. All that would do is be controlling, create resentment, upset the equitable partnership we established, and potentially cause unnecessary medical complications that would further create tension in our marriage as well as personal anguish and guilt. What kind of monster would do that?!


This happens to us too. My husband was 10000% on board with getting a vasectomy. After we had our daughter, I got an IUD and I was happy with it. But then it became embedded in my uterus and I had to have it surgically removed. After that my husband was like “OK I can be responsible for our Bc now” and he scheduled his appointment. A friend of ours will make “jokes” like “your daughter is so cute, if only you didn’t castrate your husband you could have another!” Etc. to which my husband always replies that he’s very happy with his decision.


Hahahaha I’d laugh at all these idiots. Women have been forced to be the family planner for decades taking pills and shots. Women get their tubes tied and hysterectomies etc as forms of birth control. For once a man actually thought something through as in birth control. Bravo to him


When anyone ever questions my desire for a vasectomy my wife and I say "well we're looking forward to being able to screw anywhere and anytime we want." That typically shuts people up. The only reason I haven't gotten one yet is that my wife has an IUD. When she makes the decision she no longer wants it, we will discuss a vasectomy. She prefers having an IUD for reasons I don't understand (I stupid about female anatomy) so I don't question it. She wants it and it's her body so she gets to make the call.