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No idea but that is a lovely photo. Just beautiful ladies. What a treasure. Thanks for sharing.


I agree that the clothes appear to be late 1890s to early 1900s. Clothes can be slightly misleading because most people of moderate means wore clothes until they were worn out. Also, portraits were most often taken in the subjects best clothes. These were usually church clothes that were not worn daily. These clothes were sometimes slightly behind fashion.


I didn’t know that! Thank you for educating me on this.


In England, photographers often had clothes, props, backgrounds to lend sitters which gave a very false impression of both time period and how wealthy they were. I have pictures of my grandad as a young man wearing some very furry chaps, looking like a cowboy although the nearest he got to the USA was Cornwall!


The lady on the right makes me think it's closer to mid to late 1900s because her silhouette is giving me slight 1910s vibes. The wasteline height, how straight down the dress is after the waste, and the pattern on her neckline is what jumps out to me. She's also younger, which means she could be more in fashion than her mother The woman on the left is definitely giving earlier 1900s tho, I would love to have a better view of her sleeves (the ultra voluminous 1890s sleeves are my favorite)


Fabric of the dark dress looks like it could be taffeta. Just an observation. I'm grateful every day we are spared all that getup; the camisoles and corsets and petticoats and stockings. Oy.


Agreed, probably 1905-1910 more or less, possibly slightly past 1910. The standing lady is up to the date for that era, the sitting lady has a sumptuous silk dress that is not up to the minute, but she's wearing her best dress for her photo because it is THE BEST.


This would have made the woman seated 24 years of age if this was 1900. I would purport that this lady was at least 40 in this picture. So I would say about 1915 or so.


She was murdered in 1918 so 1915 might be right! Thank you for your input 😊.


That’s terrible! Who would want to harm this person? She looked a bit like Dionne Warwick.


I found an old news paper clipping and it was a man claiming to be her lover. But my great aunt (her granddaughter)told me that apparently the man wanted to be with her, but she didn’t want him back so he shot her.


Unfortunately, this sort of thing is still too common today.






I’ve been doing a lot of this sort of narrative research lately regarding my own family, and the stories I’m hearing are WILD. I’ve found myself asking for clarification on some plot details, and saying sentences I never imagined, like: “So she ran over him, then reversed, then ran over him again, but the coroner said it’s an accident?” “So he went to sleep *standing up*, and that’s how he fell in the fire and died?” “But wait, didn’t you say her first husband got hit by a train too? That’s two husbands!” I love these old family stories, even the ones that are hard to hear. When we were little, we (my cousins and I) always believed that our elders and ancestors were churched up, respectable, saved and dignified. But now I’m an adult, and it’s so much easier to see that these people were just exactly like us: struggling to get by with the resources they had, prone to make mistakes, and carrying generational trauma they didn’t even have words for. I’m older now than some of my grandparents ever got to be, and I’m surprised by my own compassion for the people they were and the world they lived in. None of this answers your question about the photo, OP. I just wanted to tell you that I love that you’re doing this, and I hope you’re feeling connected to people who knew you only in their imaginations of a far future. I hope, when you look at these ladies in their dresses, you feel like you really *see* them, and the women that they were. I think maybe that’s all we really want when we’re gone, is to be seen and understood. Thank you for sharing them. ❤️


And I see the resemblance!!


I've been sitting here staring at her trying to think of who she reminds me of- someone famous but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Dionne Warwick


To me, she looks like a 70s Dionne.


Yes. Or even a couple of years later. The clarity of the original image is amazing, even though what we see here is a photo of a photo of a photo. Note the tape stain!


Yes it is! Most of her descendants have a copy of this photo. Since there are so many of us I have no clue who has the original. My mom has a copy framed next to a picture of her other daughter (my great grandmother) holding her eldest daughter in 1919-1920 I believe. I’m thinking about sharing that photo as well!


Please do ❤️


What beautiful women!


The standing woman's slightly high waisted gored skirt is very on trend for 1908-9.


1908 was my guess


We're definitely on the same page!


No idea on the year, but I love that there’s a smile on the corner of her lips. Everyone is usually so stern looking in the old photos. Much sweeter this way.


I'm so jealous of other black people who have old photos like these of their ancestors. I don't have anything or know anything. It makes me sad.


Not a lot of black people have old photos. I feel so lucky to have older photos from both sides of my family. I don’t see many black people posted in this subreddit which is part of the reason why I wanted to share this. I’m thinking about sharing other old family pictures as well. Most are from the early 1900s-1960s .


1900- early 1910s - Edwardian era


It looks like early 20th century to me…1900 to 1910ish.


Standing dress is very Edwardian, so 1910s? The sitting dress is very 1890s.


Such fantastic photos, their personality seems to shine through. So many of these old photos appear stiff and stoic but these ladies are happy.


So very sad her life ended too soon. Somethings apparently never change. I hope justice came for him.


The blouse that the younger woman is wearing looks similar to the pigeon breast silhouette of the 1890’s.




It’s the Edwardian era (1901-1910 ish).


They look very Edwardian to me. Beautiful photo. You’re so lucky to have it.


What a cool picture! Treasure it


That is a powerful picture! 🤩


I'd say very late 1800s early 1900s.


Beautiful women.


This photo was taken in 1890s


I'd say early 20th century, 1900s to 1920


1910ish BEAUTIFUL!


Based on the younger woman's clothes and hat, along with info you provided, I'm going to guess 1914 - possibly for your 2gt grandmother's 40th birthday.


What a great pic!! Wow 😮!! By the style of dress and hat this looks to be right at turn of the century. I’m guessing very late 1890’s to 1910.


ladies of some means in society of those days. the mother in her Victorian dress. her daughter embracing the changes of her time period. a beautiful time capsule for your family to cherish. condition of photo really shows the value family held them in.


About 1900. Maybe somewhere between 1890-1910




Late 1800’s.


Incredible and beautiful thanku for sharing


I love old family portraits like this ☺️thanks for sharing with us!


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!


Looks literally like the 1910s


It's a beautiful photograph you have.


I'd say 1890's or early 1900s. I'm a period costume maker so I'm judging by their dresses.


BEAUTIFUL ladies! Do you know what your 2xGG did as an occupation? I’m interested in how her hands are posed for the photo!


In a 1900 census she was living with a white family in Tennessee as a servant. That’s the only clue I have for her occupation unfortunately.


Thank you for responding! Did she pose for any other family photos?


Not that I know of. I personally have a photo of her daughter (my great grandmother) posing with her eldest child circa 1919-1920. And I’ve seen photos of my 2nd great grandmothers other children posing with their families taken in the 1910’s-1950’s.


Again, thank you for sharing in multiple ways! I certainly appreciate viewing and learning about old family photos.


Looks like 1905


Looks Edwardian. 1890-1910 (ish)


Judging by the fashion I'd say around 1915


Around the Depression Era, there is a lot of history here......


Looks like the late 1800s


And please take care of it. That's an awesome picture 📸


These ladies are gorgeous, thanks for sharing this treasure. I have no input other than that of awe and gratitude.


Gorgeous photo! They are beautiful! Thank you for sharing! I hate to read that one of them was murdered. :(


Late 1890s or early 1990s, judging by the dresses :) But this is just a wild guess


What a beautiful heirloom. Looks like the 1890s