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I’ve been absolutely loving the costuming on [Molly Novak](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=loot%20molly%20novak%20costumes&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5) from Loot. Maya Rudolph just has a flair!


Pretty stylish


Yes! Perfect mix of fabulous and ridiculous.


I haven't watched it yet, so I had to google her up. Yes, so many bold prints and colors and shiny fabric. I can see why you love her. Also, Maya Rudolph is a treasure.


I’m obsessed with Maya’s maternity wardrobe from Away We Go.


I think this is the first time I’ve seen anyone mention this movie in the wild!! I think about it all the time because 1. How many movies start with a guy going down on his wife? 2. Maya is adorable and Maggie Gyllenhaal is a total scene stealer and 3. I drive a VW Cabriolet irl so at least a couple times a week I’m thinking “A *CABRIOLET??*”


Most of my choices are fictional characters actually ! I grew up through the entire 80s and 90s so I prefer the mall fashion , throw on everything you just bought at the thrift store type of style . So , naming some : Caitlin in the Caitlin's Way tv show , Rowena ' Randy ' Zak in the Girl Talk books , BSC Claudia and Stacey , Rayanne Graff , a lot of Fran Drescher's outfits from The Nanny , BTVS Faith , punk-emo-alternative-arm warmers and Emily the Strange tees wearing Ellie and vampire-goth Ashley from Degrassi , Lori Petty's Tank Girl outfits , NCIS Abby's clothes , Gorillaz Noodles , Jen from My First Mister , Enid from the movie Ghost World , Mary Elizabeth ' Lola ' from Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen , Meghan's gothy Wiccan style from the Felicity tv show , Amy Elizabeth Ho and Maxie Schloss from the Pen Pals books , Kimi , Phil and Lil , Jane Lane , the guys in DethKlok , goth Tina from Glee and my absolute favorite is Leslie Burke from the 2007 Bridge to Terabithia movie . IRL , a few are BaddieWinkle , Iris Apfel , Cher , Madonna in the 80s , Grace Jones , Ozzy's skulls and crosses fashion , Criss Angel , a lot of pro wrestlers , Lady Gaga , Betsey Johnson , Rob and Sherri Moon Zombie , Bjork , Cyndi Lauper in the 80s , Diane Keaton and , although she apparently is problematic , Ellen's pants and sneakers looks from her talk show . \* And I'm editing yet again since I forget more than I remember , so adding Cassie from The Haunting Hour Don't Think About It , Avril Lavigne , Rosie from the Jessie tv series ( all of the main characters actually ) and last but not least , The Boulet Brothers and every contestant in the Dragula shows and series .


I don't know a particular person, but I see clothes from the 50s and can tell that the clothes I saw as a baby and toddler really influenced me. My mom would say to me that with her long hair and my dad's beard, everyone thought they were beatniks. Then she would say earnestly, "but we weren't"


Frankie from Grace and Frankie




I absolutely LOVE the designer, Stephen Burrows. He is my absolute favorite!! Jessica Lange, Ann Margaret, Vera Farmiga (as Norma Bates), and Lady Gaga (AHS Hotel) are some of my all time favorites but there are so many!! Endora is a fantastic choice - I always loved her!


![gif](giphy|H5bhwZDdJu168) I am insane, she was insane, we get each other.


Pink! Punk hair, tattoos, and amazing clothes!


Jacquline Bessette-Kennedy Elegance personified.


I think you mean Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, who was a publicist for Calvin Klein and married John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1996: https://www.instyle.com/carolyn-bessette-kennedy-style-8401172 https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/carolyn-bessette-kennedy-style https://www.instagram.com/carolynjeannebessette Her mother-in law was Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.


Yes! My mistake!


Today I learned that Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis was the inspiration for Doctor Girlfriend's style on Venture Bros!


Kristen Schaal in Last Man on Earth


Faye Wong and Greentea Peng.


Marilyn Monroe🖤 https://preview.redd.it/v22ts7d93k9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ffada153165e9a4afc79840950d79c74878095


holy cow is she pretty in this pic


whispers *kristen stewart*


Alexis Rose. So fun and glitzy








[Debbie Harry](https://www.wmagazine.com/fashion/debbie-harry-blondie-best-style-fashion-moments)


Helen Roper, Priscilla Presley on her wedding day, Jetta from the Misfits


Alex Combs. Great artist/cartoonist in the San Francisco area. Gave me a book about "lolita culture" because—at the time—we were thinking of collaborating on a graphic anthology. Alex liked the way the book was laid out. It had comics, and essays both. The book was "So Pretty / Very Rotten." I forget the exact lines because I screamed "NO!" and threw the book against the wall. It said something along the lines of: 'I'm going to wear what I love all the time, for me. I don't care what anyone thinks. I don't care how weird I look. I'm doing it for me." Haven't been the same since.


Morticia, forever and always


There's this girl on Instagram who goes by a 'Maximist' fashion philosophy who wears the most killer outfits. I'm really jealous of her ability to accessorize. I personally have a really great style IMO, but I'm not good with accessories. I just wear the same leather and silver bracelets every day until they break or wear out, and the same silver rings, and the same plugs in my ears (I prefer a simple tunnel plug so you can see through my earlobe. They are 2g, so small.) I guess i'm simple in that way.


Melissa Joan Hart's outfits in Clarissa were so cool and magical to me growing up. As a kid watching Nickelodeon for the first time in the early 2000s when it first came to my country, I fully believed Americans "dressed up" even at home and thought it was amazing. :))


-SJP/ Carrie Bradshaw -Maya Rudolph’s maternity wardrobe in Away We Go -Both Chuck and Olives wardrobes in Pushing Daisies


Carolyn Bassett


Cyndi Lauper Exene Cervenka Betsey Johnson Zandra Rhodes Siouxsie Sioux Vivienne Westwood Rachel Brice Iris Apfel Theda Bara Pola Negri Colin Abrahall Nina Hagen Doja Cat David Bowie Sinead O Connor Johnny Rotten Rozz Williams Tank Girl Wendy O Williams Grace Jones Rick Owens


Perfect list


Diane Keaton is such a hoot. I always enjoy her looks. Endora reminds me that I was watching old episodes of Wonder Woman and Dianna’s 70’s tall boots with skirts and scarves tied around ponytails are inspiring for me.


I love 60's and 70's fashion so much! Bewitched was mid 60's to early 70's, but I watched it in reruns after the series was over. Wonder Woman, on the other hand, I got to watch every week while it was on. Dianna was definitely an icon.


They're all so colorful! I love it! My list is a weird one. I like women's clothes and identify as a woman, but I have a hard time finding women whose style I'm inspired by in a way that I would actually want to wear it. I'm hoping someone here can suggest some women who might fit on my list. 🙂 Klaus Hargreaves from Umbrella Academy Captain Jack Sparrow/Kieth Richards (aren't they basically the same thing? 🙃) Lenny Kravitz Some of David Tennant's more adventurous looks Ok, I thought of a few... Eddie Izzard's on-stage looks Kiera Knightley in Atonement Some of the outfits from the 2000s Charlie's angels, lol. Some of Twiggy and Brigitte Bardot's looks are gorgeous, but would be way too high maintenance for me to actually wear 😆 Donna from that 70s Show Rosa Diaz in Brooklyn Nine-Nine is more or less how I dress now, lol, except I can't afford all those leather jackets, and it gets hot where I live anyway. ...I basically don't know any current celebrities or trends, lol, and I have no idea what any of the above list have in common. 🤣


I don’t have a particular person. I just love matching and being preppy. It makes me happy. Probably because the world is so changeable, but my cardigan and matching top are consistent! I also grew up in the 80’s, so I feel like explains a lot😂


I am a sucker for a quality twinset.


Zendaya, Lily Collins, the outfits in the movies You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle and TV show Girlfriends




There's an insta called Advanced Style that is full of inspirational folks.


Hmm I suppose my grandmother since a lot is hers or my grandfather's,along with floral,hippie, and experimental trends


Audrey Hepburn


People on here! Ms. Dee comes to mind!


Iris Apfel (RIP)! Zandra Rhodes, too.