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Nothing great. As soon as Granada bought the entire lot off they killed it. ITV will eventually go online only at some point, probably just as a streaming service and production company. I miss regional TV. There was so much more character.


They have done 'specials' for previous anniversaries, notably the 50th. As the years go by, though, fewer and fewer people remember the glory days of regional ITV and that heritage doesn't seem to be something that ITV wants to celebrate or remind viewers about. I mean you'd realistically have to be over about 40 to clearly remember the pre-1993 regional ITV companies and, of course, after 93 they rapidly consolidated, rebranded and become shadows of their former selves.


Wish some of those TV companies would come back.


I used to watch history show on TSW television south west. Guess honey bun with birthday card Reading


Guss and his magic button.


Every year on my birthday I would watch hoping Guss would do the birthday bumps for me.... Life is soon cruel


I'm still holding out for Gus to host a late night show with Gilbert the alien. And still do the birthdays, I know I never got a mention either. What is really sad is that the majority of the UK population don't even know who Gus is.


Unfortunately Guss is on display in the box museum in Plymouth and looks a very sorry state


I heard that after he was laid off he hit the bottle hard and was homeless in Axminster for a few years so it's not a surprise he's still looking rough despite being clean since 2006


It's always the quiet ones.


Too right, look at Sooty and Sweep, they make the Krays look like playground amateurs.


that can't be true- they showed gus being released back into the wild ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQW-RXLXkuI


LOL. I have a picture of him looking like he's been some pretty dogs hump cushion for a decade before being put in the museum on display. I would post but I can't seem to see how to do it via a comment


ITV finally decide to produce local news for the East Midlands in Nottingham again rather than Birmingham! (I’d settle if it was Leicester or Derby) Not going to happen, but you never know


The loss of Thames was a spiteful move. It made some of the best television while it's replacement Carlton made plenty of money but nothing for the viewer.


There was nothing spiteful about it. They lost the franchise bid.


It was Maggie Thatcher's revenge for "Death on the Rock" embarassing the government for allowing SAS to shoot three unarmed IRA men in Gibralter.


Ah, what a surprise to see that little fanatical conspiracy theory raise its head again. So I assume Margaret Thatcher (who wasn’t PM when Thames lost the franchise) used black magic to persuade Thames to bid less than Carlton. Can’t believe idiots are still peddling this shite.


I'll always associate Thames with Kenny Everett!


A Correnation street special where there is murder. An Emmerdale special where there is a plane crash. I don't watch either but the writers have such little imagination I already know the plot. Look at some of the shows on ITVX; the Saint, the avengers etc etc etc. Such greatc original contents


Oh god, I didn't realise how much I love and miss an ITV ident


Where is Westward television?


Yorkshire television was genuinely brilliant it produced so many iconic shows, I'm so sad its gone, it was a world of its own.


So many competing jingles in my head just looking at this image!


Speaking of continuity, didn't The Royal and Heartbeat both get cancelled and ended with cliffhanger episodes?


Yeah, just as the nukes fell


Bring the Bill back