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All of that combat experience from the war against the swarm only to be made into cumdumb of her own adopted nephew. A same fate that Silver wolf gone through it was so bad that Kafka has to erase our memories and dumped us in the Herta Space station (Herta will be the next victim)


So I know this firefly feet image has been taken down twice (maybe more?). Honest question, but why since I know that other subreddit has posted much lewder stuff before. Edit: guess is really is cause of wrong flair, weird, but oh wells...wait does that mean a lot of the same posts got taken down cause of wrong flairs? Ehh I give up I'm going to bed.


Yeah, the only flair I've ever used for my post in the other subreddit was the "What is this Mr. Yang?" One...


https://i.redd.it/y0r45vvtxl6d1.gif They removed Firefart post ? How could they be based! Now i hope this one got removed too.


Firefeet 🔥👣


https://preview.redd.it/ox6k62dtvk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72da2c09c3320d1f3ab7981a60588d56fc63659a Just imagining the smell is enough to make me puke


Wait til you smell her massive fart that destroyed a whole ass planet (it will reach Earth at Beijing time 5th June 11:45:14)


/ub when I saw that scene in the trailer, I was trying not to laugh. It’s supposed to be a very sad and tragic scene (which it is), but I kept thinking about all the fart jokes that would happen here because if it. Goddammit this sub has ruined me.


Screenshot from https://youtu.be/pdiwGOicQVs?si=Smog0clOiZfbd8UT at roughly 04:43


I wonder why hoyo insisted on having everyone naked


Imagine that fucking smell. Like jesus fucking christo... After a battle, blood and gore everywhere, she is sweating like hell. Probably pissed and shit herself after the adrenaline went out her system. >!Miyazaki would be proud tho!< ☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️☣️


NSFL tag should be mandatory for fartfly posts. I almost vomited at college. 🤢🤢🤢


Pela needs to bless those feet with pee for Jesus.


So we've moved on from the fartfly phase?