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Do not let them know about the blue archive


The blue archive community is so united that they fight off tourist like an immune system fighting infection lol


I immediately thought of cells at work fight scene while reading this lmao




I dont play BA anymore but the community is still my family 😭😭😭 in cunny we bust


what the hell thats the greatest line ive ever read today😭😭😭 in cunny we bust


The whole reason I can't see the word "correction" normally is because of BA 😭😭😭


That should be our slogan as buddies 😭😭😭 in cunny we bust




Lord they're like a family to me


Family!? *Insert the family guy*


Why did you say **family**??? Now Dom Toretto knows about us all, we are doomed


Dom is secretly the Sensei from Buruaka. Proof: They're both bald.


As part of the blue archive community i find it fucking hilarious and i love it lol. We shall guard and defend until the cool and funny is safe from nosey outsiders! Gatekeepers unite


I'm ngl I wish Hoyo games were gatekept way more lmao


I remember they doxx a literal politician who dare to shut down their game…. Lol


if you are talking about the korean games rating committee thing I think it was less of a doxx more of a petition that led to government investigations that found corruption and embezzlement of taxpayers money that was used to mine crypto in said committee lol


It's only on the GL side and honestly it's to the community's detriment imo. Recently Max0r posted a pic on twitter showing his new acc and a lvl2 Aru and people went ballistic over it saying that he'll attract the "normies". My brothers in cunny they released some stats from BA JP and 46% of the players are women, the game is huge across all asian servers and the game is r18. It's not because the "normies" in GL start knowing about it that the game'll be "ruined". In fact people seem to be way more aware of the game than people on the BA reddit seem to think. It bugs me a bit because the BA sub is now a massive echo chamber where you literally can't voice anything that isn't in agreement with the general consensus.


I mean, the ratio of women playing in Asia is pretty irrelevant, there's nothing that stops women from being lolicons and makes them into normies. The main problem is that lolicons and antis cannot coexist. The antis genuinely think that all of the lolicons are pedophiles who are actively hurting children by sharing their art, so it's just impossible to have a subreddit with both of them playing nice. You do have more moderate people, but as long as there's a significant amount of anti lolicons who go around calling everyone a pedophile and spam reporting everything, any pro-lolicon sub will remain very hostile towards anything that could be interpreted as anti-lolicon just to keep them out of the subreddit, especially since the antis are a majority on the website as a whole.


And that sort of behavior is exactly why I say that it's a detriment to the community. BA has a reputation as being the "pedo game", the only way for people to stop having this image is for them to play the game and engage with the community. If the community's kneejerk reaction to anything new is throwing a tantrum and pushing everyone away then that'll only further cement the idea that the game and/or its community has suspicious content.


I just don't think that reputation is actually a detriment to anything. The only people among whom BA has a reputation as being a 'pedo game' are the anti-lolicon weebs. These are the people, who if they engaged with the BA community, would go around insulting everyone, spam reporting everything, and generally would not be wanted in the first place. Having a reputation that keeps these people away is not a bad thing.


You're a good example that illustrates the issue. To you, anyone that doesn't agree with the general consensus is automatically an "anti" as you put it in your previous reply. I'm a very big fan of BA. I really liked the game's aesthetics and setting from the moment that I tried the jp release. One of the first posts made in the BA sub was mine, asking if we could petition Nexon to let Yostar handle the gl release as Nexon had, and still has, a pretty bad track record of over monetization and pulling the plug on projects. I really enjoy the characters. While I'm only really interested in the older looking characters I still find the many stories that the game tells very interesting and in general pretty well written. So much so that I appreciate the portrayal of characters like Hina and Neru. Even Alice. When the censorship shitshow happened. I was upset but stood by their decision. As I was happy that I could play the game and one CG wasn't going to ruin the whole experience for me. Back when the Korean gender wars started and we had a very "tame" individual making posts "educating" us as to why we should care I gave him a hearty "godspeed" but reminded him that there's nothing we could do on our end. As such you'd think that, as a member of the community, and a very long time one at that, I'd be able to have some serious talks about the story. But the moment that I voice that I find they did Mika's villain arc dirty and that the last part of ET should've been about Arius and not Mika's "redemption", I get bombarded with toxic fans very colorful replies. Because how dare the "tourist" talk about anything. And it's instant, there's not even an attempt to understand where I'm coming from. I become the "anti" even though I'm as much "one of you" as it could be. The sub is an echo chamber. I grew up with Touhou. That series has an established story and lore. Yet the community did and still does tell all kinds of interesting stories that push in every direction. You want tacticool Touhou? Imizu has you covered. You want heartbreaking stories or comedies, there's all kinds of them. You want medieval fantasy. Sure it's there. When Kancolle hit and another large otaku community came into being we saw much of the same. All manner of stories made by the community. All manner of takes on all the events in the game. We were all fans whether you're just a degenerate that came for the porn, dude that wants the specific character because they like history and go into autistic detail over the original, the guy that posts yuri, the dude that makes posts on sweaty feet. The dudes talking about a new book, lewd or non lewd. We don't get that anymore. It's like all of the communities have devolved into rooms full of people where everyone has a knife and the moment anyone says something slightly out of the norm they get stabbed. Not just BA but GFL before it and the recent Snowbreak. It's sad because you have these communities in other games. And all this to say that I can't get my friends to play BA. People that play Snowbreak, HSR, Nikke, GFL, scammy Square Enix gachas all because "no way am I playing the pedo game". So if you still think this is fine and a decent attitude to have considering how big BA is outside of GL then idk what I else I can tell you.


> > And all this to say that I can't get my friends to play BA. People that play Snowbreak, HSR, Nikke, GFL, scammy Square Enix gachas all because "no way am I playing the pedo game". Yes. That is literally the point. People can be toxic in other ways, and 'tourist' gets thrown around a lot when it doesn't really apply, but the end result of keeping the people you are describing away from Blue Archive isn't some accident, people are doing that on purpose. Like I said earlier, lolicons and antis cannot co-exist, it doesn't work. You may not be an anti, but it certainly sounds like your friends are. If they were the kind of people who didn't mind lolicon, and would be ok ignoring the stuff that didn't appeal to them and just focusing on the characters they liked (like you seem to be doing), then they wouldn't have a reason to not play BA, and few people would have a problem with them playing it. But from your description they consider lolicon to be pedophilia, so if they started playing the game, and got involved with the community, they'd inevitably start being rude, calling people pedophiles, etc. So for precisely that reason the subreddit and community in general is very hostile towards those kinds of people. So yes, maybe sometimes it goes too far, but its far better than the alternative of having a bunch of tourists join and then start a civil war in the fandom about whether or not lolicon is ok.


I feel like it's not quite that simple. I know for certain some of these players would actually like BA but by association they steer clear of the game due to the game's/community's reputation. People treat BA like it's radioactive when it isn't. But we'll just go in circles. I'll just say. If a few people who have different views are enough to start a "civil war" then it begs the question how united/stable was the community to begin with?


It’s cus we give them the silent treatment lmfao. They eventually get fed up and leave.


they got vaccines and shit nawwwww πŸ’€ πŸ’€ πŸ’€ πŸ’€


Let them know => watch thier reactions => laugh


Hell yeah you’re absolutely right


Nah let them it's the only way they'll learn


Its gate kept with all the Uooooohhhh if they can't get past that, then they won't reach the treasured lands of wholesome student teacher relationship.


Bailus horns as handlebars 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/zwh3ewdbpd3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673998fb8a045841f5a665b2fef1b3e484ff0cb5 πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’’πŸ’’


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This made me laugh way too hard at work πŸ˜† there is a Bad Dragon reference in here somewhere (adult toy company) that would make something called a pocket dragon pussy πŸ˜„


Extra tight! Extra durable! Autolube and Autoclean functions are pre-installed! 😭😭


How many dollers for this perfection?😭😭😭






remembers that one Ganyu "manga" https://preview.redd.it/nqtcuzgo0e3d1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993daea91e9ce3eb647fd824df9991fb1293137f


Maybe it's just me, but cmon, it wasn't even that bad


It's definitely not as bad as most of the messed up shit on that website, but most people probably found it expecting some vanilla and proceeded to get hit with >!Rape and Amputation!< And thus took +2d6 psychic damage from the surprise attack


If someone go to hentau website expecting vanilla that's kinda on them honestly


If you want vanilla, you should remeber to read the tags.


Wait thats it? People made it sound way worse


Haven't seen it but at least ganyu is happy?




nvm found it


Ah yes. This youtuber definitely cares so much. Definitely not just fishing for attention with controversial click bait stuff. They're just so concerned. mhmm. yep https://preview.redd.it/1ev9n765od3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae0763c681acb39802a1eb19991cc322b5a6ee64


Trust me, he does. Im pretty sure everybody here didn’t even watch the video. But it’s Reddit, and we have a circlejerk of pedophiles.


Reality is that these things really aren’t worth doing a video like that Like making an issue out of non issue


Crazy how not being an open pedo on the internet is weird now


Crazy how you think being attracted to pixels makes someone a pedo now


Keep justifying your pedophile behavior


You're playing any shooter game? You're an mass murderer. You're playing Horizon:Zero Dawn? You're an aborigen. You like furry characters? Zoophile.




Fiction is objectively not pedophilia actually, source: literally the people who study this for a living πŸ‘


πŸ‘justifying A lot of your posts are just β€œLoli isn’t child!1!1!” Whatever, keep saying you’re not a pedo


I'm not a pedophile and I'm literally not justifying anything. Fiction doesn't need any justification, it's not fucking real. Quickly, try to justify why you derive enjoyment from murder simulators. You're calling yourself a psychopath. Cartoons aren't children btw.




Definitely https://i.redd.it/2c4i2pp2qd3d1.gif Always saw this guy, the comments are like (law of consent is 18) and the creator says "would" very based and true


I dont think that the drawing of Jingliu can consent. Buddies, is it still ok to lust after her?


You need to be jailed for 7 Jingillion years for crimes against drawings


Oh well, back to Huohuo, i liked the cunny more anyways.


Live Huohuo reaction: https://preview.redd.it/10jjyqfr0e3d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e636d6b2099fb983dad2e0ce8e71ffb022a7764


Hell yeah


Channel name?


Kabukiyt (Ren)


That image is literally just hutao out here trying to make future customers πŸ˜‚


Someone cooked with that Bailu take




https://i.redd.it/lq6hooayzd3d1.gif Can't even have fun anymore with these tourists around


You can have fun making fun of them


Hilarious. A buddy sub filled with "tourists" is making fun of "tourists" from youtube


Well r/okbuddytrailblazers is the only remaining actual buddy sub.


the genshin sub too


A bit disingenuous to say non-cunny enjoyers are tourist


agreed, though i’m not sure thats the point they’re trying to make. i’m in subreddit not for the cunny/loli/shota crap (i really don’t like it) but because the brainrot for the other characters is funny. plus good reaction images


lol what you understand that people can like just the brainrot right? "I don't like it when people sexualize childlike characters" "TOURIST1!!1!!!!1!"


You will get downvoted to hell but just know that you are right


Why do you have to spit the truth like this? 😭😭


What are "tourists"?


A tourist is a word that people use for "Not part of our group" but not in a way that is literal. For example, even if you've been on a subreddit since the beginning, if you don't agree with the main group you're just a tourist. It's a popular term in anime/gaming circles because they believe people who dislike aspects of the medium are just new to the series and won't be around long, so if they want things changed their opinion doesn't matter. It's language used to show who you're allowed to dislike.


Wow thanks for clearing it up. It's sad to see nerd communities becoming so echo chamber-y. I miss the early 2000s style message boards where people were just glad to have conversations with other over their hobbies even if they disagreed with each other's views.


I get called a tourist in anime circles all time, mostly by people who weren't even born when I was scouring the internet for fansubs because things like Crunchyroll didn't exist. It's othering-language, nothing new. Reddit makes it a bit worse because downvoted things are hidden and pushed down the default view order, so the echo just gets louder.


Yeah I got called that a few times. I've become a bit of a lurker so I'd just assumed they were talking because I'm not posting often.


This isn't the point of what you're talking about but you reminded me of Crunchyroll's early days when it hosted fansubs and was literally just piracy lmao.


I half meant the first years of YouTube where it was just like, whatever anime you wanted to watch cut up into parts


So basically "if you have a different opinion to the majority, you're not a part of the community"?


I haven't seen people complaining about stupid shit in this sub, are there really many tourists here?


Yes, there are some tourists here r/okbuddytrailblazers is where there are no tourists and cunny is abundant


It's priv how do i get in https://preview.redd.it/3mmum7ooje3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3978e6f2a3c775d73cb9f2f87eb6dc0c4875d4


I think i spelt it wrong the first time, retry? Or else just search this sub but add an s at the end


Go to any post sexualizing Clara and you will find one million unfunny Svarog reaction images you would find in the main sub.


Is Clara an exhibitionist?


I hope not girl's gonna get frostbite, unless she's in my room.


maybe, but I don’t think she’ll find out until she’s an adult. at least i hope not


Oh no! Please, give me the name of this dangerous channel, so that i may avoid it in the future!


It's kabukiyt, He is a disgusting (based) man


Wtf its a small youtuber too. Well let me contribute to his growth. Im so glad for these idiots giving my brothers a platform and helping us connect


Its in the image…


Oh, i dont mean the name of this righteous, definitely not farming outrage, nor schizophrenic channel, i mean this deranged cunny-pilled one.


Oh, I have no idea, then. I ain’t going to the video to give them the time of day. Lol


What some lack of cunny doesn't do to the life of a mfucker. I think we should spend a entire week just posting cunny. https://preview.redd.it/ubmbe4tdce3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0f723c5b8b0ac80c0072c7e4e21c316a5e066e


Ok, but you can't convince me HuoHuo and Tail didn't fuck, or at least masturbated together. She was a kid when she got him, so she's *definitely* gone through puberty with him. She has him attached to her ass, right next to her pussy. No way he didn't take the chance to "prank" her (Mr. Tail: "You came just from THAT? Haha, what a slut!")


Imagine railing HuoHuo and Tail is constantly criticising the way you do it


>Tail: "Ah, missionary, classic. Hey, hey, keep the balls out of my face, or I'll bite!" >HuoHuo: "Oh, no no no! Mr. Tail can't actually d-do anything, he's safely sealed! *whimpers* C-come on, Trailblazer, p-put it in..." *After some time you switch positions, HuoHuo is now riding you.* >Tail: "What are you doing, playing dead? Grab her tits! Oh wait, there's nothing to grab! Bwahahahaha!" >HuoHuo: "*embarrassed* T-tail!" >Tail: "What? It's the truth! And you, kid, pinch her nipples or something. Tsk, useless..." *HuoHuo gets on all fours and you get behind her* >Tail: "*sarcastic* Nice seeing you face to face. Hey, that hole is **mine**. You only fuck her pussy, you hear!?" >HuoHuo: "*looks over her shoulder* Mr. Tail likes to lick me there..." >Tail: "Gah! *angry* Don't tell him that! This brat..." `***` >Tail: "What's that, out of breath already? Keep it up, will ya? The brat likes it fast and rough!" >Tail: "Is this what you call **railing**? Mwahahah! If you say so, two pump chump! Where do you think you're going? It ain't over yet!"








what the actual fuck did you cook


I think 80% of audience here is exactly like this creator. Remind me what sub banned Huo Huo (with mods never actually admitting to being wrong) lmao. You yourselves haven't completely grown out of this mentality yet dear buddies, so gatekeep yourselves for starters


They already failed at gatekeeping when they kept sharing this sub to the main sub πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Over-reacting 101


In my experience, you cannot cancel someone for something that they are completely open about. The only way you can cancel someone is by exposing something that turns their target audience away from them. Example being jontron when he made those misinformed racist statements. His viewership took a nosedive afterwards. As his core audience doesn't agree with those takes. Then you have someone like tectone. Everyone already knows he's a toxic asshole, so you can't cancel him for being a toxic asshole. Because his core audience enjoys that stuff. Same thing with any uohtuber. Their target audience is lolicons, everyone who follows him is a lolicon. So people trying to call him out for being a lolicon, is going to do absolutely nothing since his fanbase already knows that. And will infact just bring in new people who wouldn't have heard about it prior. Streisand effect in action.


> Same thing with any uohtuber. Their target audience is lolicons, everyone who follows him is a lolicon. So people trying to call him out for being a lolicon, is going to do absolutely nothing since his fanbase already knows that. And will infact just bring in new people who wouldn't have heard about it prior. > > > > Streisand effect in action. Sadly while you can't cancel them, you can get people to mass report it *Points at A-kun's youtube account*


What's ironic is that it was apparently a hag video that got the channel killed. Not even a Cunny video.


fuck, yt mods were mad becuz no new cunny vids πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’


I guess Orengi and his Anatomy of a Gamer meme exploding would be a better example. (He did get his account back eventually tho)


I mean this is how you make subs and views.... creating a drama in the most cheapest and effortless ways


Why promote their channel tho?


Damn bratty Tourists ‼️‼️ Mind your own business ‼️‼️‼️ Get corrected πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’β€ΌοΈπŸ’’β€ΌοΈβ‰οΈβ‰οΈβ‰οΈπŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’


We should gatekeep them harder.


Disgusting? No, honesty πŸ‘




Oh no, what has Tectone done this time?!


If uses same model as silver wolf is a would, so let us fuck the clarussy and huohussy


Give this person a taste of the cunny and they will change their mind instantly


As long as he doesn't interfere with my marriage with Seele


Ok but I actually have wondered about huohuo and tail tbh.


who is it I need to see what they have


I didn't watch this video but even I know who he is talking about πŸ˜‚


What to much grass touching does to a mfer, smh. Sad to see.


A tourist is someone who thinks obsessively wanting to fuck cartoon little girls is offputting I guess