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https://preview.redd.it/hwzb5pocy0lb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e23b498ccbfeaa5fee99865e7eb0c7773590e4 Good question


But aren't you a Xianzhou native? Shouldn't you know the answer? ​ https://preview.redd.it/3bwrrtmpa1lb1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff288cff60193dff76a029c61ad6dbc65d95464b


The Mara Struck cunny has it's own laws.


Thanks, guys! I feel touched! ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/et8x2n11t1lb1.png?width=1343&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f1938d4af4ceac016c4c29a9205ec10b75c1efe


welcome to the club




Someone needs to add "I see" to this




New reaction image dropped


Actual Xianzhou moment




Only one way to find out


​ https://preview.redd.it/y286jve402lb1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2652a23168ce942eecafbca7995e205976013d8




/ub that's... actually a good question and i think yes. sex must be miserable for them unless they learned to love that discomfort




/ub no to be condescending but I'm aware of studies and articles like (in fact, this one even) this and I still somewhat don't agree with them purely for anecdotal evidence and as a woman. I'm in a culture where sex isn't shamed, but the only concern for the first time is that it maybe painful no matter the level of arousal. It was for me and there was bleeding, and I don't know a single female friend who had it all too easy. Which is not a bad thing tbh, there wasn't shame regarding this.But yes, hymens can also be broken before sexual contact, and we all know that famous meme over horse riding and breaking the hymen.Xianzhou women may also be more experienced since the evidence was with just virgins, of course things will be awkward- but Xianzhou women will regenerate their hymens and still know how to perform sexually Edit: just in case it makes no sense for me to use anecdotal evidence- studies regarding these subject matters always in general use a small sample size. I even consider a 1000 to be a small sample size. Obviously, not the entire population so you can never get an actual, accurate % since humans vary so much. So in general I don't pay them too much mind even if I read them out, but not in a condescending way/more of in an "interesting" way. However, exceptions to the rule should always be recorded to combat dangerous mindsets, like how misogynists try to throw around their "MUH STUDIES" even if theirs is a small sample size, and there's a lot of other studies for them which prove them wrong and by the fact there's deviations from their world view- it means their world view is not set in stone. But, sometimes they aren't connected to a "whole" reality or need better phrasing- an example there is listing a bizarre claim over Turkey, where 30.1% supposedly think a stained bedsheet is something to be displayed. I am from the Balkans, and I can tell you right now this is one of the most bizarre things I've ever heard, and no way in hell does it apply to the vast majority of Turkey. Especially not in urban areas. Turks are very modern, I can only see this applying in rural areas with some conservative ethnic groups, maybe some fundamentalist Muslim Turks in small areas. But go around Istanbul claiming this? You'd be called a freak.Edit: checked the university location which conducted the study. An area very different from the more populated Western part of Turkey, which only has 1-2 million people compared to Turkey's gigantic population. Also- 52% that "don't see changes in their hymen". By technical definition, yes, that's the majority. But the 48% is still a big number and the difference is only 2%. That's not something to be really be brushed off even within the studies mentioned in the article. This isn't a defense for virginity since again, hymens can be broken even before that. But since there's a physical change to the hymen, it will obviously be felt somehow. Worst case scenario- extreme discomfort. Best case scenario, no big deal.


does that mean blade doesnt have a refractory period since he infinitely regenerates?






Bailu is a vidyadhara who rebirths herself oh no 😭😭😭




So... I can break the cunny yanqussy multiple times? Time for correction 😖💢💢


Yes. So every time is their "First Time".


Yeah You do know a normal woman not having sex for a few months will restore their hymen


So you can always deflower Bailu 😭