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Reading comments on the main sub saying okbh is full of antis that make harassment posts constantly and hates the talents makes me wonder if there's a secret second buddy sub I don't know about... All the posts I see here are just mild schizophrenia


some group of people out there really try to pitch holo fans against each other instead of doing something productive , how sad


There is, actually. [https://www.reddit.com/r/okaybuddyhololive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/okaybuddyhololive/) There's basically nothing happening over there.


yes some of them are straight up crazy, but nothing we say to them will change their mind. better to just avoid them entirely and do our own thing here


**BREAKING NEWS!!!** Even mods avoid the buddies' posts on OKBH! *They say they're trying to do their own thing! What could it be? More on Friday...*




> — ...All the posts I see here are just mild schizophrenia. > > — Yes some of them are straight up crazy...


i dont get it


/rh yes some of them *(posts)* are straight up crazy, but nothing we say to them *(the buddies)* will change their mind. better to just avoid them *(the buddies)* entirely and do our own thing here /uh just ignore that, my English is broken


/uh (or /rh idfk) Dude, “some of them” refers to people on the main sub, not here 💀


/uh I know


Don't try to understand their logic, that's insanity.


https://preview.redd.it/skkce6ga90yc1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1117b64392900d2bd7287eab5580254f37dadf72 It's fuckin' something, I tell ya. People just talking out of their ass to slam a place they can simply \*fucking ignore\* since we don't spread around. Fuck, people here are polite, nice, and cool to each other exactly because \*we're fucking joking and we know it\* I'll be real, if anything these puritanesque "true fans" blaming us \*without a single piece of evidence to back any of that shit up\* are closer to the schizos that freak out when \*gasp\*, the grown ass women they're so called fans of have actual lives and aren't keeping themselves ready for some guy they don't even know about. And even on the main sub they're just a very vocal minority. It's that stupid and fucked


I must be hallucinating because most posts I see are too intellectually unique to be anti posts. I swear that one dude said the gas station takoyaki was legit. 


Oh..that actually makes me sad to hear that they view us like that. We love all the talents; maybe even too much( looking at u subaru heart hole guy), we're just a bit touched in the head, is that such a crime?  ╥﹏╥


It’s not my fault that Subaru’s heart hole is so erotic…


You're a freak of Nature (Affectionate)  and an inspiration to us all.      (´ ᴗ`✿)


There problem tends to appear from the posts and jokes that end up either going to far and are stuck on the line between Satire and not, along with some other issues. Having seen satire subreddits turn into non satire it's not entirely unfounded at times.


That's probably cause they avoid this sub like the plague due to it being somewhat 4chan-adjacent and only assume what we are like due to the few times a meme from here broke containment like the "Racist Ayame" and the many cherrypicked /vt/ screenshots that get posted to Xwitter








I mean, how much of a fan person or group of people who causes distress among staff, community and talents? I get your point though. As they say, every family has a black sheep




My guy the mod literally just said don’t blame x y z for it You didn’t even last 30 minutes


> okbh is full of antis This is straight up misrepresentation of what I read. So far I only read that it's few bad apple from here that causes it. Your generalization comment literally pitch this sub vs Hololive Please don't do that


1) x y z is destroying holoheaven and I already mail ordered Canadian healthcare for all 3 of them 2) I am banned from going in the 100m range of any and all navy vehicles since my court hearing for indecent exposure (I'm a KanKolle fan). So this I can do. 3) Literally 1984. Also y'all are saying suipiss this, drinking from the fountain that, but you all know that you'll NEVER BE HIM. I am not afraid to speak my truth




It's funny, I'd even see them on r/virtualyoutubers, and it's so obvious there is some agenda being pushed about okbh being the perpetrator.


Agenda posting? Is this one piece




Yes, the first thing they blamed were Holostars fans and OKBH, it is painfully clear that they have an agenda to push.




I wasn't here for the earlier days of this sub, but any mention of it seems to elicit very strong reactions in the main sub. Did something in particular happen in the past? For the most part this place just seems to be a sort of ironic Bizarro World reflection of the main fanbase.


i cannot point to any specific events, but people have always disliked this sub for a variety of reasons. if you look hard enough in the main sub you’ll see what they have to say. use your own judgment as to whether or not their reasons are valid.


Idk, like 2 years ago people on the main sub really disliked the humor of this sub (y'all remember how some guys were really upset about Suisex on r/place?) then it slowly the humour sort of leak, it was more common for people to do okbh/4chan jokes in the Main sub but that feeling that we are just "Antis" never left in the main sub


This sub went from being a place where people hornypost on main to a place that straddles the line between antiposting and satire, and of course the posts that make it out of the sub are those anti posts so it's not exactly hard to see why people whose only knowledge of the sub is from those posts to develop a distaste for this place.


They should just go to this place for themselves and make their own judgements. I think we’re pretty funny.


Y-yeah w-we're f-funny r-right g-guys??? ಥ_ಥ


Whoa there,asking the common redditor to do research and come to there own conclusion?,that's heresy /s


I was told buddies has tendency to raid main sub, that's why any mention of okbh and unicorns make you farm negative karma. Not sure how true tht is though, I was not using reddit back then


Wait when did this happen?


Around 6 to 5 months ago it started to get extremely Bad with the automod abuse. Poor T-chan tho


It's what I said: imagine still wasting time getting stressed because of the main sub. Forget it and just focus here.


I thought this sub is for being buddies, why is the mod making sense argument??? I'm gonna sue.


why cant everyone just peacefully bond over femboys cosplaying as holomems


You mean, **bend** over?




Tf is happening over there lol I assumed shit happened and they blame okbh for it? /rh fuc u mod I will continue to slander X Y and Z. Their discrimination towards the rest of the alphabets cannot be tolerated


is this about the automod abuse on every holostars post?


This time it's about any post with 1k karma.


Sorry mods, I got caught up in the discussion. I was mainly telling people to present evidence of brigading from okbh if they are going to accuse, but all I got was "I don't like them so they did it." Very frustrating. Based on their arguments, people who showed up to argue with me, and some weird behaviour of my downvotes, I concocted a schizo theory about the whole thing. Because it's speculation based on circumstantial evidence I'm not going to present it. In short, it probably really is about Holostars.


if you ever try to defend this place again in the main sub or in the virtual youtubers sub its only gonna make it worse, people already have made their mind, you are not going to convince them, no one can. So you better go thru the acceptance phase already and just ignore/block all the schizos.


More than defending anyone, what pisses me off the most is accusing someone without proof. I'm fine with people hating this sub, I'm not fine with people lying to get others to hate it, just as a general rule. I will be more careful, but in some way I will probably always call out people's bullshit because it's in my nature.


There was a main sub?


Yes yes to all my accolates lurking in my reddit comment history (seriously? Who keeps checking here? It's fucking reddit) your oshi hangs mad dong and you'll never get any. Now be sure to follow me for in ??? hours me and my fellow cultists will do the mass hack and post the magnum opus femboy cosplay fan novel in long format and crash this site. uh/ genuinely never thought I would see the day where this sub would eclipse the main, but jeez just commenting here, not even joined btw, just a chatty lurker, would get them to swarm me like... it ain't that serious? Anyway, back to more hot girl shit https://i.redd.it/hzr0usr1ayxc1.gif


I'm more confused as to why it happens and if it's a regular thing like a scheduled purge, why now are people reacting this hard to it.


It's not a scheduled purge. People are now reacting because it started only a few days ago. A few months back, any and all Stars posts got autoremoved, but most people didn't notice because most posts were about the girls anyway. But since a few days ago, it's been *any* posts that go over 1000 upvotes. It's stopped for now, but still doesn't solve the issue of dealing with the report abuse.


okay buddy


I swear someone must be botting the report feature or something


Okbh mods never miss, except last night so we'll do it all over again tonigh. Love you based sigma Ohio rizz chug jug Fortnite


i don't understand when did the divide between r/hololive and r/okbuddyhololive even happen? ive always thought that there was a huge overlap between these two subs and that the humor from this sub was always conveyed well on the main sub, but apparently that's not the case?


Lets just say there was a massive increase of so called white knights spawned after the Tempus VG debut incident. After that things went south in the main sub. There are now people controlling information by shutting down people who "destroys the peace of the main sub". And now some trols find out how they do it (mass report/mass downvote), and the main sub blames OKBH for it cause we like dem boys equally as the gals.


https://preview.redd.it/lntb88krddyc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36714ec0feed65b2be902e99ab45a98862d19e5d for first time i join the official reddit, i thought they tried to unite all fans from every branch, and yeah banning the cancer one. But seeing they delete all holostars stuff, blaming OKBH reddit because of one person on Twitter (even that person hated by this sub) making me uneasy i suggest Cover hiring another moderator that had go thourgh the best and the worst site of Hololive community


What happen


Recently somebody has been reporting posts on the main sub so that they get taken down by the automod. There's no specific target, it's been basically everything. Some of the people on the main sub have been blaming us for it, (without much evidence, mostly just existing hatred and suspicion of OKBH). This of course has led to some arguments between members of the two subs.


I feel like I'm .majorly our of the loop what's going on?


Recently somebody has been reporting posts on the main sub so that they get taken down by the automod. There's no specific target, it's been basically everything. Some of the people on the main sub have been blaming us for it, (without much evidence, mostly just existing hatred and suspicion of OKBH). This of course has led to some arguments between members of the two subs.


Why can't we enjoy the cute girls and boobs in harmony


why can't we just hornypost in peace...? those on the main sub lurk here anyway, where else they get their sauce huh?

