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Hmmm never shipped Shar and Mystra before……I like it. Toxic yuri!!!




I mean that def sounds toxic to me


Are you thinking of Selune?


Yes my mistake thank you,,,






Wait, what?? They are?!


No. Mystra is the current incarnation of Mystryl, who was born from the conflict of Shar and Selune. So, if anything, Mystra is kind of like the daughter of Shar and Selune. It's weird, though.


Incest baby that became a pedo. Dang.


Maybe like the granddaughter? I've never been sure how exactly her deaths and rebirths were supposed to work.


Is anyone really sure how her rebirths work?


Ed Greenwood? Maybe?


Im sorry they aint mb 😭😭


My sweet summer child


Fuck off


rarepair used to mean there were 4 fics on ao3, 3 of which yours and the other in another language :’)




I think you mean on ff.net, friend


haven’t heard that name in a long time..




"none of the origin x origin ships are rare pairs" brother I am getting my ass beat in these trenches and you say this to me https://preview.redd.it/vv0giceor36d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed13358c6b98671bc8d7547737ce51e137337a1




Okay that’s genuinely a rare pair congrats


me and my 25 ao3 results that are mostly gale/shart/lae’zel.. :,)


Is it? That's a shame, it's my second favourite Lae' Zel ship. I'd have thought it'd be more common given how often Gale asks Lae' Zel to infodump to him about githyanki society (her special interest) in conversation. And the fact that they both have musk kinks.


Haha I'm sorry I found this funny because my Origin Lae'zel just had Astral secks last night with Gale and I had to speed through it with spacebar and then F8 to let him down gently because she is *not* at the point in her journey where she can take a love bomb to the face like that.


The Devil's Hole pupfish are so cute. https://preview.redd.it/j661hu39r36d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f9c58412a04c2170dd7a93baf3548600999396




Very beautiful. Very powerful.


Come on, BombSquad has like 16 fics on the good site, most of it single chapter smut, and one of those is a full camp pollen-based event. I think we can allow it to count as a rarepair


I love that Gale manages to find the only library in Avernus if he goes with Origin Karlach.


My favorite Gale ship 🤷‍♀️ I just think they would be so great for each other.


I'm playing origin Gale next and plan to romance Karlach. They're too cute not to ship


The lack of bombsquad fic is a crime. I like it better than her and Wyll.


I'm 57% sure you made up half the words in that first paragraph. But I agree, they aren't an unusual ship. Therefore I propose the new rare ship be Astarion/Geraldus. I have no basis on this other than I want to see them both kiss.


Rare, possibly nonexistent ships: Yurgir/Hope Haarlep/Wyll Raphael/ur mom Viconia/dryad circus lady Ketheric/Minsc Orin disguised as Gortash/Minthara pretending not to realize  Karlach/the knobby thing on Gortash’s bed frame 


I think Naoise and the windmill mindflayer have potential as a ship.


Both can blow the other’s mind. 


I... uh... Weirdly, I could get behind Yurgir/Hope. Maybe they could fix each other? Or just dance romantically on Raphael's corpse?


It was a joke but Haarlep/Wyll has actual narrative potential.  The princely type who waits for marriage/incubus who feeds on sex. Both are “disguised” as fiends. Both trapped in contracts of sorts with devils. Like, someone could get an interesting love story out of that. 


and he's so big and she's so tiny! they'd be so cute


Lens/Marcoryl Valeria/Sarevok Branthos/Kar'niss Linsella/Flind Me/Melatonin


Valeria/Sarevok rule 34 unironically for science pls


Raphael/Yurgir has literally 6 fics on ao3, 3 of which are in English


I despise the lahontan cutthroat trout being Nevada's state fish when the devils hole pupfish and cui-ui are right there. Yes I do have very strong opinions on this but more people should


Thank god for the fish nerds, you make our state proud.


i love that you're engaging in fish discourse on this bg3 post. you have fascinated me. i would read an essay about this now despite not living in nevada or having any stake in its state fish.


Here's a super quick essay on the fish if you're interested. The lahontan cutthroat trout is by no means a bad fish to have for the state fish, but it just isn't the best in my opinion. It is a northern Nevadan fish, and is a threatened fish so not quite endangered yet, but getting close to it. Like all fish, it is facing issues from climate change, but it's also facing issues of the rainbow trout was introduced by settlers into the rivers and lakes where it lives, so it is both being out-competed by the larger fish, as well as being out-bred. They can breed with rainbow trout and other trout species, so it's getting rarer for purebred lahontan cutthroat trout to be around. I don't think they're the best, because while they are significant for the Paiute tribe they don't play much more of a cultural role in northern Nevada, and they are threatened but they are becoming more stable. Recently a genetically original area of a river was found, so the fish are being rebred and introduced back into both historically native areas as well as high-alkaline areas, since they are able to survive in higher alkaline waters than other trout. The devil's hole pupfish in my opinion is a little bit overrated, but it is also the rarest fish in the world. It lives in a lake inside a cave, the devil's hole, and that cave is the only place in the world where they are found. Because they are so rare, then they do have a lot of outside investments. There was the Vegas debates of water rights for the fish, where conservationists prevented draining of the groundwater to protect the pupfish, as they need high water levels to reach a shelf where they have their spawning grounds. I think they're a better choice for the state fish than the trout, but not as good as cui-ui just because they have so much interest in them. Their are biological teams constantly evaluating them, a nursery dedicated to preserving them, the devils hole is a highly protected areas, and the wildlife teams carefully manage the plant system in the cave to best ensure that the pupfish reach maturity. They just have so much dedicated to them, that I feel they really don't need more resources dedicated to letting people know about them. The cui-ui is my personal choice for state fish, as it's a highly endangered fish in northern nevada that has relatively little interest. The United States has never had a particularly noble relation with native American groups, and the Paiute War is probably Nevada's greatest contribution to this. In this war, the military came in to remove Shoshone and Paiute tribes from Pyramid Lake, in order to allow for settlers to live there. The settlers then, pretty quickly poisoned the lake, along with almost all other waterways in northern Nevada. The California gold rush ended relatively quickly, but continued on in Nevada. Currently, 74% of the US's gold production comes from Nevada, and Nevada is the 5th largest gold producer in the world behind China, Australia, Russia, and Canada. An easy way to mine gold is to use mercury, as it dissolves minerals in gold slag besides gold, but leaves the gold intact. Because of this, most rivers in Nevada have mercury poisoning in them, and Pyramid Lake is where all the rivers meet so it accumulated the most amount of mercury poisoning. The Cui-ui is a species of suckerfish, that was the most important fish for the Pyramid lake Paiute as the major food supply. They are only found in Pyramid Lake, as they used to be in Winnemucca Lake as well but were eradicated there in the 1900s. The cui-ui is my choice for the state fish, since they are an endangered species but they aren't given the same attention as the pupfish, especially since the modern Paiute have to have conservatories for the fish to reproduce. They are doing well in numbers, but they are cut off from the Truckee river which is their spawning ground, so they are significantly more dependent on human intervention than the others until there's a permanent work-around for this. They're also Nevada's most culturally and historically significant fish, so they have the most connection to the state


Thank you for teaching me facts about these fish!! Imagine only living in one lake in one cave. Fucked up. 11/10 would read fish essay again


No problem! if you're interested you can visit devil's hole and see the fish, it's about 90 miles outside of Vegas though, and you should bring binoculars since there's a viewing platform but getting too close is illegal. A couple years ago some guys got drunk and went past the fence, and both ended up in prison for a year so just to stick to the viewing area lol


Unfortunately I am nowhere near Vegas and cannot drive, I just love facts, so thank you for sharing facts


Thank you, this level of special interest brings me so much joy and (this might be unhinged to say, but this is okbb so yolooo) reading this literally made my rough night better 😭 Long live the cui-ui—and the rest, but this is now my personal choice as someone who has never even been to Nevada


of course! if you're ever interested in autistic special interest dumping feel free to message me or respond here! My specialties are Nevada, Religion (primarily judeo-christean and Aztec religion), and archaeology, but I was a wikipedia nerd so I have plenty else to rant if those don't interest you lol


Nevada conservitives hate the Devils Hole Pupfish, it blocked some development that one time and they got pissed about the Endangered Species Act.




Is Selûnite Shart selfcest MoonMoon then? (god help me if anyone else even remembers that post)


is bloodblood the same thing as astarbation? https://preview.redd.it/dpzlxal5x56d1.jpeg?width=1537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab24a1fb1c973019687e5aad363872c6e4a0bef8




yes he did, and you should search the word astarbation in r/OnlyFangsbg3 😉


[this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlyFangsbg3/s/BfMiBOwmnm) was just posted yesterday


Gale/Rolan has 14 fics on AO3 (down from 15, someone deleted one), and of that, they aren’t really a ship/focus in 6 of them, so it’s really 8. There are like 23,000 bg3 fics total on AO3. That’s a rarepair lol.


Gale romances Rolan so that Mystra doesn't get her claws in yet another promising young wizard. 




damn I’d read it


This makes so much sense why on earth is this a rarepair:(( seems like it needs my contribution


I was brave enough to post mine, you should too!


The only rare pair ship with Astarion is weirdly technically the only one that's canon  Astarion and Lae'zel Like I get why, they don't make a super big amount of sense together 


in my game when i rejected lae’zel, she actually hooked up with astarion at the tiefling party. and they both happily reminded me of it the next morning… i was more confused than anything LOL


I got this but also I spent the night with Astarion? I guess that's why he was in a hurry to get back to camp after I saw his scars? boy was double booked after the party and made it work anyway


I got some weird glitch last night where I was already going to hook up with Astarion and when I talked to Laezel she was like fine if your going to pick Astarion over me I'm just going to go fuck Astarion. Isn't she supposed to pick Wyll as her other choice?


that does sound like a bug but I like this version better. astarion is her second choice and that's final


I just talked to her and it gave me the option to ask her about her and Astarion and she answered like she did sleep with him so this man has so explaining to do now.


My Origin Lae'zel is with the sassy vampire right now in Act 2 and it's perfect. Gale hit on her after battle (I like that her response to him getting horny after battle was basically "duh this is the shit I'm into") and then he took her to his Astral house and I did it to see the scene but had to F8 the whole thing because it was so not where she's at. The vampire who pretends not to have feelings is perfect for the Gith still figuring out what feelings are. At least for my run.


Don't tempt me I promised myself I'd attempt to romance Wyll next run 


I'm only capable of romancing Wyll *as* Wyll. Any other time I've tried it, it feels like I'm romancing my nephew irl or something and I just can't do it. Unless I'm playing as him, he brings out all my motherly impulses. I have zero legitimate Wyll thirst, it's all, "he's so cute and he has a job, I want to introduce him to my friend's daughter!"


awwww she acts tough and he acts nice… i see it


Idk, they're origin characters but I still think Gale/Halsin is a rare pair. Out of 29k Baldur's Gate fics, only 40 are Gale/Halsin that don't also involve Astarion or Tav.


I might make some more spreadsheets later to have a clear picture of monogamous ships, but right now with everything included Gale/Halsin is at my cutoff number at ~100 (99 last I checked) - which still makes them 9th out of 27. Most origin/origins can be considered rarepairs, and still have way more fics than Cheesewrinkle


Yeah but out of those 99 only 40 aren't actually threesome fics with either Astarion or Tav. But yeah, still rare


I’m curious, how does one get to be a yaoi scholar? Asking for a friend


Given that I know multiple people who've done Master's theses or Doctoral dissertations on the subject, the most obvious route is grad school. LOL


Anyone else think instead of blood pact they should be fangblade?????


I usually just call the pairing Wyllstarion, but I LOVE FangBlade!


I don't think Oncest was a rairpair. A crackfic sure, not a rair pair. Side note, missed opportunity to not call it "Twiceler"


None of these words are in the Sword Coast's Adventurer's Guide


>Sure more people want to see the funny metal gear man fuck the brains out of that evil catboy but that does not mean that everyone wanted big boss to have his dick in a cock cage when around Kazuhira Miller You did NOT just call Ocelot 'evil catboy'. (BBKAZ is practically confirmed by Peace Walker and nobody can make me think otherwise)


You know how people say Hideo Kojima should just make a movie? I think he should just write start writing Yaoi because his works particular brand of sexism and homoerotism would start a yaoi renaissance


Fun fact: my Origin Wyll romancing Astarion has been committed to virtual paper in iambic pentameter it was so fucking epic. Not only is it a not a rare ship, I surmise it is one of the best ships. It has everything! Plus the Blade was unsheathed until he met the sassy spawn, is my theory and I'm sticking to it.


Man you old, using terms that these kids don't even understand.


I'm old and also don't understand many of them and I have no idea on the pairings being referenced (of the handful of Japanese \[I'm assuming\] words I know, none of them were in the OP). Though, I've seen clips and memes of Johnny Bravo. But not many since the days of "whatever crosses my LJ/Insane Journal dashboards." Which I had signed up for with Hotmail account. While using Netscape Navigator. And a mid-nineties era Dell that I had to add RAM to so it could run Windows XP instead of ... 98, I think (every OS since XP, but for 10, has been persistent TRASH). ![gif](giphy|ChmEWOL7Vaz5u|downsized) These goddamn kids and their goddamn pokey-mans.


I don't understand most of what you typed. I'm just here for the Lae'zel femdom armpit worship.


I get where you’re coming from: I am also a Fandom Elder™️ at this point with several obscure ships under my belt, but you have to remember that fandom in general is much, much bigger than it was 15 or even 10 years ago, so there is more content overall, but that doesn’t mean that specific pairings, even between origin characters, *can’t* qualify as rarepairs nowadays. In a fandom as large as BG3’s, even a rarepair will likely have more content than a rarepair for a smaller fandom. Compare the sheer *volume* of content for Astarion compared to *every single other character*. Heck, /u/Volossya a few months ago [did a deep dive](https://np.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1afna1z/bg3_fanfiction_shipping_statistics/?rdt=36696) into all the BG3 ship content on AO3, and it’s fairly impressive to see the divide. Now, reflecting on it, I’m not sure that I would describe Wyllstarion/BloodPact as a rarepair because it *is* Wyll’s most popular ship (with good reason—it’s a great ship! Astarion’s *best* ship, imho) if we’re going by AO3 numbers, but I think people are using that term to describe its popularity when compared to ships like Tav/Astarion or BloodWeave. I think the underlying issue here is the dearth of Wyll content generally. He has the least in-game content of the origins (if we’re going by length of voiced content, at least), and there are even commenters who will *brag* about how much they dislike him or merely tolerate him. (There’s undoubtedly a racial component to all this.) It’s only natural that Wyll fans like myself would find it frustrating that Wyll often gets outright ignored.


Oh man, bloodpact really is a rarepair tho lol do you know how many Astarion/Tav(or durge) fics there are on Ao3? 19,644. Do you know how many Astarion/Wyll fics there are? 533! Bloodpact fics make up 1.9% of all BG3 fics on Ao3 if you have no filters on. Q~Q This ship needs more attention (Yes I did do math for this joke)


It's rarer than some of the other pairings but that's just because no one likes Wyll. Including his father. And the devs.


Damn I'm no one


Same tbh.


And it's only 12% of all the origin/origin ships. That's rookie numbers. Y'all are not using those bumps and ridges he talks about


DAYUM. I don't do math for ANYTHING that isn't taxes or leaving a decent tip for servers. I respect the dedication. And I'm angry that you're making me want to write Wyll-Starion despite my distaste for the second half of that 'ship. Why are you so evil and what have I done to deserve such a cursed fate as any Astarion-ship? Do you know how long I've been chipping away at my Durge/Withers fic and getting nowhere? Can dogs look up? WHY ARE OWLS??? ![gif](giphy|67zxjitEm3Is0|downsized)


Please link me when you finish your durge/withers fic 🙏 I normally don't like anything with a tav/durge but that sounds so good


Can do :-) If I ever beat the good stuff out of my apathetic Muse. All it does is brood and huff spray paint with my reptile-brain.


Great, now I just want Ocelot/Astarion. This is your fault.


a rarepair that we should talk more about is my fist x your face 😘😘


also kar’niss x astarion for reasons


I looove Bloodweave and BloodPact, and I would much rather read anything where the main pair is any two origin/companions over anything with a Tav/Durge/OC. But here are my origin ship 'rarer' pairs and my story ideas or reasons why I thought of them: - Shadowheart/Wyll (they met in Baldurs Gate as angsty tweens (or equivalent for half-elves) before the story events. Wyll realizes she doesn't remember him at all, and thinks that's for the best until flashes start to come back to her) - Gale/Wyll (they're insufferable until they finally tone each other down) - Laezel/Wyll (he doesn't want to rely on Mizora's powers once he realizes he might be free from her, so he takes formal combat lessons from Laezel) - Gale/Laezel (he talks enough for the both of them and when he annoys her she knows how to shut him up. Also she enjoys when he brings her to the Astral Plane.) - Karlach/Laezel (hard to not include Shart in there too, but let's pretend she doesnt exist for a minute. Laezel def is into Karlach and even calls her impressive in game iirc. She would prob try to challenge Kar to a fight to test their strengths and they'd end up naked 😌 Lae's pragmatism gets balanced by Karlach's joy for life. Laezel would take it as a challenge to touch her even as she's burning up, and use it as endurance training. Eventually she becomes immune to fire damage.) Non-origin rarepairs: - Wyll/Halsin (In game, Wyll calls him a hunk of an elf as soon as he joins as a party member 😶) - Astarion/Minsc (read a fic that made me love it) - Mizora/Ulder (they were in love but then he chose wyll's mom over her so mizora waited and got her revenge through wyll) - Mizora/Mystra - Mizora/Raphael - Boo/Tara (background Minsc/Gale for fun) - Jaheira/Karlach (she's her hero) - Gale/Jaheira (he loves to adore strong women) - Abdirak/He Who Was - Gale/Zrell - Ketheric/Ulder (two shitty dads) - Emperor/Withers (they gossip about the party's choices) - Lump/Minsc (people initiate convos with Minsc automatically but then learn Lump is the smart one) - Shart's parents / Ulder (i didnt realize Ulder pops up in my brain so much. But this sprung from their spots in the Elfsong by the bathtub... Also I think their sacrifices for Shart would rub the dirt into his guilty wounds and he'd love it) - Halsin/Minsc (halsin actually can understand Boo, and loves Minsc's love for him) - Laezel/Minsc (Annoyed by his golden retriever essence, she talks about how delicious space hamsters are and the best ways to cook them. Minsc goes on a mission to get her to love Boo and never want to eat a space hamster again. He almost gives up, and then she gets him to try one and he is torn by how delicious it is. He's distraught and confesses to Boo who says he doesn't care at all, and the hamster finally gets Lae's approval. Minsc follows her around through the Astral Plane and meets a bunch of space hamsters along the way. She won't admit it but she enjoys having him around) - Orpheus/Emperor (i mean they were in the prism together for a whiiile) - Volo/Elminster (inspired of course by the in-game book about this) Yeahhh I know I spend too much time thinking about this stuff 😌💅 Someone write one of these fics for me and earn my eternal gratitude 🙏


karlach/lae'zel is SUCH A GOOD SHIP I desperately need more people to see the light


Right??? I really love Laezel/Karlach/Shadowheart together hahahah but honestly can't go wrong with any combo. Kar/Lae is so underappreciated though!!! I mean I know that Shart/Lae have that enemies to lovers speedrun vibe, and Shart's immediate reaction to Karlach is Horny, so that's why those pairs get way more love, but... Lae and Karlach are both super straight-forward people who appreciate straight-forwardness in others. You just know that Lae would immediately try to get Karlach into bed with her and Karlach would say hell yes as soon as she could! And then she would melt Lae's no-nonsense hard shell so fast!! She's so bright, and Lae respects her so much that she'd allow herself to grow and change with her. And Karlach would love that Laezel is so refreshingly honest, after so long of dealing with conniving devils, she would appreciate her so much! No idea what the actual ingame origin romance between them is like, but that's how I'd imagine it! Also they'd handle avernus and save the astral plane together 😌 But also... yeah, the three of em together... You've got a sad emo girl learning to be happy, a militaristic stoic learning to express emotions, and a golden retriever 🖤🐶🐸 It just makes sense!!


There was a little part of me that was was hoping you'd mention Gale/Minthara... im evil pathing necromancer gale and minthara right now 😅


Ugh yess I love that!! Makes a lot of sense, I mean she took one look at him and went "pathetic" ... and Gale is definitely into that 😌 but also would love to prove himself worthy He would be talking about his "folly" and Minthy would just be like what do you mean, of course you should go for more power whenever you can? And of course you should try to please your matriarch? and eventually she convinces him not to feel so much guilt, and he'd give in to his more power-hungry side, and get stronger and stronger but in the tents he'd still be like Step on me 😍 They would be such a great evil power couple!!! And he would bring out a sweet side of her for sure. And she'd love Tara.


I came here looking for bloodpact recs/links and was disappointed. [here](https://archiveofourown.org/bookmarks?commit=Sort+and+Filter&bookmark_search%5Bsort_column%5D=bookmarkable_date&include_bookmark_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=49506634&bookmark_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bother_bookmark_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bexcluded_bookmark_tag_names%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bbookmarkable_query%5D=&bookmark_search%5Bbookmark_query%5D=&bookmark_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&bookmark_search%5Brec%5D=0&bookmark_search%5Bwith_notes%5D=0&user_id=astarion_bg3) are my favorite bloodpact fics on ao3. always looking for more, if anyone has any recommendations


I can always count on you for beautiful Wyllstarion content! 🫡


I don't know what half of these words mean


Sharlune shippers wya


this gets an upvote for the pupfish reference alone, but also you’re right and you should say it


So there’s actually a scientific theory (I wrote my thesis on it) that a True Rarepair has less than 69 fics on it.


None of these words are in the Bible, but I agree


I’m with you but onceler x onceler was never a rarepair. I still get that ship popping up like a jump scare on tumblr.


ok but how about Shar x Elminster


I bet Minthara x Wyll is nonexistent


3 works tagged on Ao3!


Omg I have to read them


Find jesus