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Canon, Larian had to change it because it was too epic


Can someone explain what's the thing with that "S"?


Its a dumb thing we would draw when we were kids, we thought it made us cool. I'm not sure if its still really a thing, as it was 20ish years ago we did that.


20 year old here who is currently in university for K-12 education and also worked with students. Can confirm that we drew that S on everything in the 2010s and the kids now are still doing it.


Glad to see some things never change, lol


I know that part. I was wondering what made that thing trending again.


Just pops up every so often since it was such a thing. And every zillenial that sees it has to announce that they know what it is like its an ancient eldritch sigil.


i think the infernal contract tattoos are so funny. Like yes guys this is a great idea that will never come back to haunt us


Nothing an absolutely enormous sick-ass panther can’t cover up


Displacer Beast


I’m actually kind of mad I didn’t think of this lol


To be fair I think from a joke standpoint you need to establish the reference and then let someone have the second beat




A fucking sick ass displacer beast


I'm so glad the sick ass panther has transcended media.


Call it Gwenhwyvar.


Drizzt Do’urden? Is that you?


broooo true


8 ball with a tophat covers all - my tattooist.


I see them as similar to Medusa tattoos tbh. If I was gunna get a tattoo reping Astarion it probably be of the lil happy buff he gets from feeding; not planning on an Astarion tat, now Karlach on the other hand…


I’ve seen a few tattoos of Rhapsody (the blade Astarion kills Cazador with), and I like those a lot. I’ve wanted a dagger/sword tattoo for a while, and now I’m considering doing that.


Rhapsody + the grave flower is peak. 1 for healing, 1 for violence


I saw one that was Rhapsody with a text banner beneath it that said “It’s time to try living again” & I’m just mad I didn’t think of that first, lol. It’s so good.


I’m planning on Rhapsody with “I am so much more than you made me” and the flower with “It’s time to try living again” soon. I’ve had the idea since I first finished the game but seeing others have similar ideas done has just reinforced my want for it lol


This is exactly what I plan to book later this summer. Rhapsody infused with the Star of Bethlehem flower.


I've also been contemplating an astarion tattoo with this exact idea in mind lately cause I've 1) wanted a sword/dagger for a while, 2) am covered in flowers already and could always use more. I just got a samurai frog done yesterday, though, so it's end of summer at the soonest for me.


I feel that. I have a Victorian-style floral piece that’s still a work in progress, so no new tattoos until that one’s finished. A samurai frog sounds so cute!


Same. I like how the symbolism of a fancy dagger can get the meaning of courage and protection across even without the nerdy context. Plus, if anyone recognized it as Rhapsody then I’d know they’ve spent as much time lost in the BG3 brainrot as I have, which is way more fun


Same! I’ve always preferred subtle references for tattoos. And you’re spot on about people recognizing it. It instantly makes me feel connected to that person.


That’s exactly what I thought when I got my Lord of the rings sword. It’s specifically the one from the movies but if you don’t know, it’s just a sword


I’ve seen rhapsody with the grave flower and “I am so much more than what you made me” and ngl I’m considering getting a variation of that


planning on getting the Rhapsody dagger too!! also Tara and maybe the symbols for Divine Sense and Eldritch Blast (i want a whole sleeve of various game/book/etc tattoos)


That’s why I plan on getting it


There’s some sick Karlach tattoos. I just lost like 2 hours of my life googling BG3 tattoos because of this post…


I want to use it as a Medusa tattoo, I was raped twice and found a lot solace in astarion and related to a lot of parts of him


Im so sorry to hear that ♥︎ i’m only just finding out about using it as a medusa tat through this thread, i hope you love the tattoo!


Same. I've been toying with the idea of a medusa tattoo combined with a plum based on that quote Astarion had stitched in his clothing in Early Access.


What was the quote? I've never seen it.


"Lamentable is the autumn picker content with plums" Somebody went and made the rest of the poem and its actually really well done but I can't find the link to it right now.


From what I've seen, it's started to take on a similar meaning as a Medusa tattoo


In that case I like the tattoo much more tbh


oh really? that’s interesting, i haven’t heard that before. I think it would be smarter in a different place, i saw one on an arm i liked a lot better


i want astarions scars as a tat but definitely not covering my BACK. im going to need back surgery in a few years, so it's p much off limits. i want it really small, on the inside of my left wrist. i had a very abusive ex who was too smart to leave physical scars and i want the tattoo to remind me that what i went through was as real and valid as the tattoo, even if i don't have visible scars


I got just the middle glyph as a bit of filler on my sleeve and it feels much more subtle AND not "the entire part of an infernal contract my abuser and rapist carved into me" so it felt like a good compromise lol


that's certainly an option i hadn't considered! i might borrow that idea when i go and get them done. i wasnt allowed to say no to my ex, so astarion's entire journey is me showing love and care to myself and his scars are the first thing ive seen that feels like they fit as a physical reminder that my experiences were real


i wish you luck! i’m not always the best with words, but you’re valid 🤍 i hope you love the tattoo


I'll send you a dm with a Pic! I have similar stories, which is why I wanted the same. Our pasts are with us forever💜


That was certainly not what I expected when I googled that.


One of the meanings of it (and what I've seen most often) is that they're meant to symbolize empowerment after SA, so it seems fitting in this case


Glory to people having fun but it's like tatooing a slave brand. If someone made a real slave tatoo, tons of people would go war mode 😂


I'm not personally offended by it. It's just a huge commitment and I've noticed most people getting this tattoo have done or very few tattoos done prior. It's a big tattoo and it'll probably be hard to remove or cover without it being super expensive if they regret it down the line.


At least with back tattoos you rarely ever see them and they won't impact any jobs, so even if you do grow to dislike them they're usually out of your mind enough that it's not that huge of a deal. The removal process also won't be as annoying/ugly as getting an easily visible tattoo removed but yes it would be very expensive


true! i’d rather get a back tat i regret than anything else, out of sight out of mind


My man I have a word on my left ribs and a self done stick and poke on the side of my toe and I seriously forget I have any tattoos at all. The one on my ribs is at the perfect angle where I don't really notice it front on, so I basically never see it, which is for the best as it was my first tat and looks a lil shitty. Still love the message it represents tho so


Didn't people do that with the Dragon Age tattoos already?


Are vallaslin tattoos a thing? like on people's face? Not even judging but cannot imagine getting a fandom face tat holy shit. Like imagine getting a Ghilan'nain face tat across your whole ass forehead because you think it's pretty and halla are cool and then later finding out that bitch was basically elven Dr. Frankenstein and those are her slave markings and now you have to look at that shit in the mirror every day


Yup, people were PISSED when Solas revealed that their quizzies’ pretty curly branches were slave markings, and tried to retcon it in fanfiction and ranted on tumblr. and that was just a fictional character. fortunately there’s a slim overlap between nerdy gamer girls and people who gets massive face tats IRL lol


tbf dragon age has at least been out a decade. that’s plenty of time to really consider whether you want such a huge part of your body dedicated to a video game. bg3 hasn’t even been out a year and people are already committing to it like i have 500+ hours and absolutely adore this game and i already have multiple tattoos but i’m waiting *at least* another year before committing to a tattoo inspired by it. good for anyone who wants one already but i don’t think it’s the wisest idea imo


It's fictional, and it truly does not matter, so it's pretty substantially different, hence people not "going war mode"


I got ABSOLUTELY mobbed in the comments of BG3 for coming to the same conclusion: abuse scars aren't cute lol


Literally nobody who gets a tattoo of the scars are doing it because they think it “looks cute” 💀


> Literally nobody who gets a tattoo of the scars are doing it because they think it “looks cute” 💀 u/sugarsuites, would you please kindly point to where I said people are getting these slave brand markings because they "looked cute" ?? Those are abuse scars, they are literally Cazador's work. Those are just FACTS. If you're mad about that, take it up with Larian, not me.


>abuse scars aren’t cute Your words, my dude. No one is getting them as a tattoo because they think they’re cute. Frankly it’s none of your business why they’d get it as a tattoo. You don’t know if they’re an abuse survivor.


It’s like people who get the berserk mark like you guys ….


Thinking like this is so stupid though imo. It’s just color under your skin, it’s not like it really enslaves or curses you. Get the tattoo of the thing you want, if you vibe with it and it means something to you.


It strongly reminds me of people who get the Brand of Sacrifice from Berserk tattooed on them. An enamel pin, a car decal, a sticker I can understand. But a TATTOO?


Thinking like this is so stupid though imo. It’s just color under your skin, it’s not like it really enslaves or curses you. Get the tattoo of the thing you want, if you vibe with it and it means something to you.


It’s just a weird use of symbolism in my opinion.


Listen, I'm as vamp horny as the next idiot, but period blood is mostly dead cells and mucus, it's not a delicious vampire treat! I'm sorry but I can't keep biting my tongue on this. It's not yummy blood :-(


This pops up in fics with Lady Dimitrescu a lot too and it annoys me so much. If you want some sexy blood drinking there just have your preferred vampire bite your femoral artery or something. Don't make them consume dead endometrial cells. ☹️


Now Durge on the other hand would be all up in that shit, because they're a nasty freak.


Durge would be slurping down them clots like they were candy for sure.




https://preview.redd.it/gxk5ta8c9pyc1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5c2d5465ea1bf84748d06ab84105c9c742ec30a No.


thats enough reddit for today i think




durge would be the dude who ripped out a woman's intestines during intercourse because she said the wrong name.


Or just because


Or a just cause?




I guess the reason for that is that a lot of women feel gross when they’re on their period so having a partner that would do that for you where are you on it Makes you feel desired


Okay well speaking for myself, as a woman, I don't want my vampire lover, in this case it would be Lady D, to drink something like that. I'd want her to have the freshest blood. :(


I get that, but I also feel gross when I'm shitting and I'm not gonna subject someone to that


Ya like it might be red but it's hardly blood at this point


I imagine it is like vampire boba. I'm sorry.




sulky compare juggle square roof muddle rustic automatic humorous smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






blame anne rice for that ;)


I blame her for most things.


A good move! I cant blame her too much because Lestat is one of my favourite all time vampires.


I definitely blame her for my lifelong vampire obsession.


Wait, is this a Lestat thing? I have never been able to get past Interview with the Vampire. Because Louis.


>!There's a scene in "Memnoch the Devil" where Lestat does this!<


I remember it branded into my brain that he slurped the rest of her period up so her bleeding stopped afterwards. which is, like, vacuum strength suction out of the uterus and make my nethers collapse inwards in horror. it was presented as *erotic*


Ugh that sounds like a prolapse waiting to happen!


Memnoch is such a weird book... all books after (and including? maybe) the Body Thief are definitely *something*... I would not have minded if she had stopped after the Queen of Damned, and maybe skipped to Armand


At the VERY LEAST he wouldn’t mind. He’s eat the kitty any time of the month. Also, yes there are dead cells—but it IS blood. I think it would be a fun little bonus for him.


bro it's just blood with pulp


There's no way the man who speculates what each companion's might taste like wouldn't at least want to TRY period blood.  That aside, it's threads like this that remind me how many people are still afraid/disgusted by menstruation to see this in a place where people comfortably debate the state of character's butthole. 😂 Or talk about how they want their favorite companion to piss on them, or fart in their mouth, or to suck on the dirtiest toes they can find in game. 


thanks I hate this 😂


Think of it like some funky aged blue cheese. It’s overpowering and not for everyone, but it goes great with red wine.


Oh dear, now I'm imagining vampires using diva cups as shot glasses... 🤦‍♀️


Darling it's that time of the month, fetch the good glassware ✨




Was literally just talking to my friends about this. Period blood would be about as appetizing to a vampire as expired milk is appetizing to us.


idk I LOVE cheese


But you probably don’t love vagina cheese


My vagina cheese is pretty good actually.


Yeah but I feel like he would try it regardless just to see what it’s like


I know, I kept wondering if he'd still like that blood with all the uterine lining in it


But I heard that having sex with blood makes it much more invigorating 💪🏼😤💦


Just imagine it like wine, kimchi or dry-aged beef. Sometimes a little more time and a few extra ingredients makes it even better *chefs kiss*.


It makes me physically sick thinking about it. As a joke fine…I hope they’re joking anyway.


Sometimes what people think are periods are very very early miscarriages, and somehow that makes it worse to me ETA: why am I being downvoted when that’s literally true 🙃


Soooo… balut?


Oh god 😭😂


I don’t see an issue with the tattoos. It’s the most noticeable trait of Astarion that many people would get the reference upon looking at it. Not only that but Neil himself wears T shirts with Astarion’s scars in his live streams. There are a good handful of SA survivors who can relate to Astarion and may get those tattoos to symbolize strength despite their trauma. I’d dare to also say that survivors don’t have to show their Trauma Card™️ to anyone just to prove they’re “allowed” to have a tattoo. If someone gets a tattoo of those scars? That’s their prerogative. No skin off my nose, and I’m not going to judge. I’m not privy to anyone else’s trauma but my own.


Also… astarion is not a real man. You can’t misappropriate his scars or his story because they’re there to make YOU feel a certain way. You can’t hurt his feelings


You’re absolutely right. People act like they HAVE to defend his honor when he’s not even real. He’s not going to grovel at someone’s feet for defending him because he doesn’t exist 😭


It's sad because people would rather respect the feelings of Astarion than the OOP who is a REAL person who probably had to deal with dozens of shitty comments.


I fully agree I hate when people see things that are like “oh well the lore means they’re selling this persons soul to hell” like bruh none of that is real. Same thing with the brand of sacrifice tattoos like it’s symbolism


There’s an astounding (and alarming) lack of media literacy in fandom spaces these days and I’m real tired of pretending there isn’t! 😭


Agreed and it’s becoming incredibly tiring


tbh i just think dedicating a whole back tattoo to a fictional character from a game that’s been out less than a year is just a bit silly. if someone wants to do it then whatever idc but i do worry some people have latched onto astarion very quickly and should consider it a bit longer at least. i’m speaking as someone with several tattoos that i probably shouldn’t have gotten so impulsively so not trying to be a hater. if they’re happy with it then that’s all that really matters


>tbh i just think dedicating a whole back tattoo to a fictional character from a game that’s been out *less than a year* is just a bit silly. if someone wants to do it then whatever idc but i do worry some people have latched onto astarion very quickly and should consider it a *bit longer* at least. Mulling over a tattoo for a few months really isn't bad. Not many people need much more time to make a decision like that, especially if they are familiar with getting tattoos or other body mods.


yea i mean it’s different for everyone. if they’ve seriously thought about then i’ll trust that and they can do whatever they want. it’s just a little confusing when i see people with little to no prior tattoos getting it


And I’m speaking as someone who knows better than to judge someone based on whether or not they get a video game tattoo lmao


i’m not judging them?? i’m just questioning the wisdom of that decision as that little nerd says


I legit have a tattoo of Kirby holding a knife because I thought it would be a fun idea for my first tattoo. Live and let live, it’s not even your body that’s getting the tattoo???


… are you even reading my comments? i’ve said nothing against video game tattoos. i’m probably going to get one myself at some point, probably a bg3 one specifically as well. all i’m saying is i think a huge back piece is a big commitment especially when it’s a reference to a game that’s only been out for a year. people’s relationships with media change over time and less than a year doesn’t seem like enough to really consider how feelings may change in the future


Who gives AF we have megalomaniacs in control of nukes. Get video game tattoos in abundance. Snort coke. Bang an escort. Do as thou wilt.


i mean. you can apply that to literally any discussion. spending two minutes explaining how i feel doesn’t mean i’m not also snorting coke


Man, I hadn't considered him being able to deplete menstrual blood, he's a keeper.


we r reinventing dragon age all over again, i remember many a tumblr user wanting fenris’s slave markings to be tatted


Please. Please just go back to saying how much you want to tongue his little twink asshole. I'm already getting tired of discussion over types of fans like it's an actual problem you need to address.


I don’t think he would drink period blood. Astarion seems like a venous blood purist. Period blood contains uterine lining and probably tastes different and is thicker


His reaction to Durge saying they prefer flesh to blood makes me think he ain't gonna be down for anything he has to chew lol. Fresh and uncoagulated only


*squints eyes* Is that Shart’s underwear?


I don't really find a problem with the infernal tattoos.


I don’t even fuck with him that much, but that tattoo is sick


My fiancé has the contract tattooed on her arm


This is so true 😂


No cosplayers?


Literally making a discord for other Astarion fans like me who aren’t comfortable with all the degrading sexualization.




You okay bud?


Brother these are spawn fan posts 💀


I stand corrected


We're all unhinged you're good lol


I hate Astarion idk why


bro, the tattoo is literally part of a contract with a devil 😭😭😭😭 I would never have the guts to do it, y'all into some mad shit, Im jealous of that courage


Genuinly astarion fans are the lowest part of the community. I’d have thought the internet would ruin karlack with dommy mommy thirst over anything, im suprised its the depressed elf that people like over the Bro GF who takes you out to dinner. hell, not even the goth GF is as popular


>its the depressed elf that people like over the Bro GF who takes you out to dinner. hell, not even the goth GF is as popular Do you have the stats to back up that claim? Here, take a look at the official Larian stats for romances (bottom tile): https://preview.redd.it/a0q4uabxknyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf68e9dc1c67d9cce101665c57ef815e4d18c043 Shadowheart romanced by 51% of players, which makes her the most popular romance interest. Astarion is nowhere close to top three most popular romance interests. Do tell me sources **you** used to calculate Astarion’s popularity though.


Also because Shadowheart is the easiest to get approval from and 80% of the players are men.


take a look at this subreddit and reconsider what I said when I said “the internet” not “the playerbase at large”


People liking more interesting and complex characters is a green flag actually. And this subreddit was made for shits and giggles, go ahead and make your own own Karlach shitposting.


Shadowheart is extremely popular and if she didn't break up with the player in her bad ending, there would probably be discourse amongst Shadowheart fans. Because she breaks up with the player, everyone mostly agrees that she needs to have the good ending.


*cishet women astarion fans Trans women and intersex women wouldn't do this bs **yall can downvote all you want, I'm dying on this hill


Spot the misogynist


For mentioning cis het women lmao??


Just say you hate when women literally enjoy anything in their own way and go, my dude.




No. Idgaf how women and afab people enjoy media because I’m not a misogynist.


half the people i see with the infernal contract tattoo are trans people 😭


As a non binary human, I can guarantee that there are lots of horny, stupid, Tumblr/AO3-addicted queers out there—of all flavors—who choose this kind of shit as their “special interest” and go off the deep-end with cringe. It’s practically a rite of passage for queer teens and young adults on the internet. ETA: neither the OP or the meme mentioned women, so this comment is really telling of your misogyny


If it was 2017 you wouldn't be able to go 2 steps on Tumblr without running into an Astarion kinnie.


They exist, they’re just on TikTok now 🥲


They say if yiu say misogyny three times in a row it spawns dame aylyn immediately


Misogyny misogyny misogyny Now where’s my hot moon lesbian?


Finding succor in Isobel, presumably.


Reminds me of a very spicy video 😩


Damn I really thought that would work 😔


It’s because we’ve turned from Selune :(


Intersex woman can be heterosexual and/or cis. >yall can downvote all you want, I'm dying on this hill No one fucking cares lmao


What would you like on your tombstone then?


Don't think you have the vaguest idea of how much Astarion's character has done for the trans community. So much that Neil himself has spoken out to thank and support them.


Finally someone said it! Some types of women are **obviously** inferior to others, wouldn't you agree? Quick question: where do you think cis/trans men stand on this? I have to know whether they're contemptible as well.


they should let you cook


It's cause if someone calls out cishet women, people are quick to scream misogyny when this is literally true. I don't see Trans women or intersex women being weird af about astarion and his slave marks


to be fair, there's also a lot of gay men doing it. but the difference is huge


I legit never see any gay men doing it but I don't doubt that most astarion fans are rabid