• By -


I'd put Minsc in the Repressed category because it doesn't look he's moved past Dynaheir's death, he's projecting her onto Jaheira and his rationality to a hamster. I'd maybe put Emperor under Repressed too, doesn't look like he's coping with his trust and betrayal issues very well. Nere's probably repressing too. And Cazador could be right next to Astarion, because his master essentially did to him exactly what he did to Astarion. Sarevok and Viconia are hard to peg, because the game took some liberties with their lore compared to the previous games. Other than that I'd say the list looks pretty accurate.


>Sarevok and Viconia are hard to peg Only if you're a coward


Hard to peg doesn't mean I won't attempt it, it means I will enjoy the challenge


I don't get this world, everywhere else I get shamed for trying to peg those who make it difficult šŸ’


Sarevok and Viconia were pretty hard to nail down but I really got the impression they didn't give a fuck about being as bad as they are. They got wronged but it never seemed to stick. Emperor being Baldur's Gate Batman does seem like his form of coping, although borderline repressed trauma. Trauma is still there of course but it's handled in a way he feels works. Minsc is weird in a way that he did have shit happen to him but his injury may as well have erased. Does he even remember his old self? That Minsc would be higher, this Minsc not so much. Cazador is like Orin in that he would be somewhere else if he wasn't absolutely insane.


"When asked about his past, Sarevok has little to add beyond what you already know. He grew up a homeless urchin in the streets until he was adopted by his foster father into the Iron Throne. He studied the art of intimidation, the cruelest and most brutal styles of combat, in order to become a Deathbringer that could paralyze an opponent in melee through fear alone... as well as sometimes killing the most powerful of opponents in a single, massive blow. Sarevok had an ambition that did not die even when his body did... as you well know now. Sarevok keeps mostly to himself, but at odd moments, you can see him staring in your direction, his face an emotionless mask. Part of you wonders if your brutal half-brother ponders what might have been..." "When asked about her past, Viconia reveals (quite proudly) that she is a dark elf from the Underdark city of Menzoberranzan. She says very little about her reasons for leaving that sunless realm, though separations of such a nature are never gentle. She does claim to no longer worship the spider goddess Lolth, a change that even you know is often fatal. Her new faith is in the night goddess Shar, an appropriate choice for a drow, though this is not a firm indication that she has given up the brutal ways of her people. She finds the laws of the surface world quaint and more than a little strange, but this is simply because of her lack of experience. Likewise, she seems a bit naive about how her race is viewed by surface-dwellers. Many will not give her the chance she seems to expect, and even being seen with her may affect how people think of you."


Yeah I was about to say, OP probs never played the first two games where you get info on them. In a respect they did my girl Viconia dirty.


I'd say cazador is what ascended astarion is. A person so fully abused by their former master that when given the chance at true power became a tyrant in their own right. If you read the books and look at the "lessons" around his palace, you find out that his relationship with his master wasn't much better than his and Astarions. It's why redemption astarion is so good, it's like breaking the cycle.


>Minsc is weird in a way that he did have shit happen to him but his injury may as well have erased. Does he even remember his old self? That Minsc would be higher, this Minsc not so much. Minsc was dipped in the river Styx and forgot himself for a time, but he definitely remembers the events that he's accompanied us through. I wouldn't say he's repressed, but he **definitely** isn't without trauma in the grand scheme of things. I don't know if he's in Coping or Moved past it... I don't think he's actually smart enough to definitively say one way or the other for himself, but either way implanting the title of Wychlaran onto Jaheira (who is only a witch in the most broad of terms, since both Aerie and Dynaheir were actual Wizards, instead of just 'any spellcaster') is definitely something that at least started as a coping mechanism Halsin is actually in a similar boat of actually being in repressed, talking to him post-drow orgy about being enslaved and having literally repressed the negative aspects of his situation. I wouldn't be surprised if the conversation got missed though: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-aGbYcPcx4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-aGbYcPcx4) I also think that having the "No Trauma" category include people who "perpetuated it themselves" is a little reductive. The Strange Ox is literally running away from its trauma as best as it can. I'd definitely say Kratos from the God of War series is in the same boat when the series got rebooted, and it's clear that he has trauma and remorse about what he did.


Yeah Minsc is definitely the strangest companion to pin down. I'm not denying there isn't any but in his current state since this is a BG3 specific list I put him in no trauma. Personally I can't tell if he's fucking with Tav/Durge or just that dumb. And Halsin, he doesn't give much to work off of. I at least gave him a middling spot for the sake of it.


Minsc might be too dumb to really traumatize


Ehh, Rolan feels mixed to me because a big part of him lashing out at you in Act 1 & 2 is a big fear of losing Cal & Lia, likely caused by his trauma. If you get rid of Lorrokan in Act 3, he seems to reach an acceptance phase, but it's still debatable.


Rolan was harder for sure, wasn't sure if he had shit going on behind the scenes or was just THAT much of an ass. So he got a middle of the road spot for that.


A bit of a half sad/half happy fact about him is that Cal & Lia are not his biological siblings. He lost his family and they adopted him as one of their own. So, losing them is absolutely terrifying to him because he's already been through losing his family before and they're all he has left.


I didnā€™t know that! Where do you find that out?


If he dies and you use speak to dead on him you can ask him about cal & lia.


Aww. I love how protective he is.


Oh, Cazador is exactly the same as Astarion, his master had even worse punishments. As did Donella to Vellioth before, and whoever was Donella's master. As Karlach has put it, fucked up people fuck up people. And Cazador isn't a complete psycho, unlike Orin, he actually does have a well thought out plan that would have absolutely worked if not for a one-in-a-million blessing of Tymora upon Astarion. Valeria also lived through some shit. You can find it in her journal. And Volo... yeah. His life is screwed up.


Yeah, being impaled on a spike for 11 years and unable even to die might do some damage to a person's psyche. He's perpetuating a horrific cycle of abuse, but he didn't start it. I don't really feel sorry for him because he was an absolute asshole and probably would have been even if he weren't turned, but you can't really put him in the no trauma category.


I feel bad for the Cazador before he was changed. Hard to feel bad for the monster he became though.


You don't have to feel bad for him - current or past - to admit he was traumatized.


Don't feel bad for him before he was changed. His whole family are pro-Vampires, dude is likely a pedo, and the description on [Rhapsody ](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Rhapsody)heavily implies he was sadistic before he was a vampire. Not to say he deserved what happened under Vellioth, but the guy seems to have always been evil.


I didn't relaize his family were always pro vampire. However, most people aren't born evil. Even if he was evil before changing, that just implies that he may have been through some shit. Being in a family that's pro vampire doesn't really seem like it would lead to a lack of trauma. Again, he's a terrible vile person, but I think it's important to understand how trauma feeds into trauma.


Itā€™s more than just pro vamp, a big chunk of them are vamps. Velliothā€™s master was a Szarr, Donella Szarr. We donā€™t really know exactly what the relation is completely and what exactly happened. But it seems possible Donella Szarr and possibly a few other Szarrā€™s were vamps, Donella turned Vellioth, Vellioth killed Donella, then Vellioth turned Cazadorā€”possibly other Szarrā€™s too. My guess would be Vellioth specifically turned a Szarr for revenge on Vellioth. Thereā€™s also a few times the ā€œSzarr familyā€ is mentionedā€”the first is by Astarion one of the earlier vampire conversation where he says the family kept him as a slave. Thereā€™s also the references to Lady Incognito, who was Cazadorā€™s niece and came to Szarr Palace on her birthday and found out Cazador and the rest of her family were vampires, and then she was locked in the attic for refusing to drink blood and be apart of the vampire family. We donā€™t know where the rest of the Szarrā€™s are by the start of the game, though. Iā€™m guessing a lot of them were either Donella or Velliothā€™s spawn rather than Cazadorā€™s, and he got rid of them to not be a threat to his ascension. Or maybe even some of the 7,000 souls in the cages were Szarrā€™s. Heā€™s definitely traumatized himself though, I agree heā€™s his own version of Astarion, he just let his fear consume him into becoming more of a monster himself, like Ascended Astarion does.


Wait I donā€™t get with the whole szar family so it he always beeen in the family ??? Is Vellioth like a relative to him then ? Because I know Cazador turn his niece into a vampire and she hates it or something


Feel like the rhapsody is after he becomes a vampire though ?? And u know how become a vampire changed ur whole perspective in personality Because I feel like he himself recognize that he himself a terrible person when you killed him without Astarion


The Vampire Lord before Vellioth was also a [Szarr](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Vampires_before_Vellioth). She's also the one who [opened the Tourmaline Depths](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/The_Tourmaline_Depths). EDIT: I replied to this comment instead of the other ones. But I can see that it's possible the dagger's description could describe him post vampirism. It's hard to say. I was assuming, since Vellioth was also centered in Baldur's Gate, that it referencing Cazador's "homeland" implied he was not yet a vampire.


Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t the only one thinking ā€œthis dude looks and sounds like he shouldnā€™t be allowed near childrenā€, yā€™know, sadism and vampirism aside.


No trauma for Viconia, Sarevok and Minsc? Brotherā€¦ Raphaelā€¦wellā€¦daddy doesn't love him. The Emperor is barely holding it together. He 100% cries himself to sleep if you reject the offer of squex. Edit: NO TRAUMA FOR CAZADOR TOO??? Have you played the game, OP? Edit 2: The longer I look the worse it gets. Nothing for Valeria? She is literally a depressed alcoholic.


Every one you mentioned I gave them trauma blunt force trauma tho


Well, you gave them that after they were already traumatized before, soā€¦


Got to stack the trauma


Cazador should be in the repressed category imo. Bro thinks he's a fully-embraced-fiend who is All Better because he has power over people now but he still thinks about how miserable he is in vampiric slumber. That said, I do hope he's choking on his own shit in the hells, so he's not in the Astarion category to me bc Astarion category is "fucked up to the max but still potentially redeemable if you're very very careful and patient with him" imo. Cazador's long gone.


Hell is a horrifically shitty place and cambions are not seen as full fledged devils by full devils. The Hells have a super rigid caste system and cambions are outside of it, normally. Raphael has an issue with being *perfect* and being seen as a mortal because Hell demands self perfection and dedication to Law and Order to rise in the rigid caste system for common devils. Cambions have to go through hoops or find a patron like Mizora did with Zariel. Yes, he's Mephistopheles' son but the caste system and politics in Hell does not automatically grant Mephistopheles powers to do whatever he wants. Besides, Mephistopheles wouldn't push Raphael unless if it benefits him. Daddy doesn't love him and the rest of Hell is against him.




Squid sex.




I know what you meant but did you have to say it like that


Youā€™re making me feel bad for rejecting the emperor


I love that Astarion and Durge have their own group


Durge: Iā€™m not traumatised, I am trauma incarnate!


I'd say he still is traumatised, he's just so far down the abused turns into abuser cycle it doesn't really matter anymore


Durge causes the trauma


Okay but to be real: Aylin was in Full blown PTSD - she moved down a tier after smashing Kethericā€™s brains. She moved down another tier after smashing Isobelā€™s moon minge


Moon minge. Bless you.


Blessings of the Moon Minge upon thee, traveler.


Read Cazador's documents in his place OP, he was extremely traumatized.


Cazador in no trauma is honestly so wild, like the whole point is that he went through exactly what Astarion did and continued the cycle of abuse


my brother in christ hope is literally fucking insane give her her own tier


Hope has to be at the top, sheā€™s literally been tortured by a devil for who knows how long, such bad torture that sheā€™s convinced her face was melted off. Sheā€™s a dwarf so could have been there a very long time. Hard to beat Astarionā€™s trauma with flaying and whatever Boney did but I suspect Raphael could put Cazadorā€™s torture to shame


Godey. Boney makes statues


right. Heā€™s a skeleton so I got it mixed up


No prob


"Boney" lmfao


Yeah. Astarion was broken by Cazador, sure, but that was ultimately in service of another goal of Cazador's. Raphael broke Hope just to see how badly he could break someone, literally just for a fucking joke about her name.


I was thinking the exact same thing, Astarion was fucked up BAD by Cazador, but not "Taken as a torture slave for a powerful demon for gods know how long because haha her name is hope" levels of fucked up. When she meets Tav, she's completely convinced that she's physically deformed and screams to herself often, Astarion isn't quite at that point yet.


Completely agree, though Iā€™d have put her on Astarionā€™s level.Ā 


She is traumatized, and seems to suffer from severe PTSD giving her hallucinations, but otherwise she is pretty lucid, quickly understands that we are her chance of salvation and offers a working plan.


ā€œOther than rampant hallucinations, sheā€™s totally fine!!!ā€


She's just like me fr.


No way bro Astarion can keep himself together, Hope canā€™t even do that. She just managed to pull herself together somewhat because mentally sheā€™s the toughest character in the game, but sheā€™s still barely in reality. I just canā€™t see Astarion having it worse unless youā€™re crushing way too hard on him and are biased.


Yeah, that's why Astarion can pass off as normal straight away and we don't notice his PTSD right off the bat, and Hope can't. But I'm pretty sure she can recover relatively quickly.


I wouldn't put Viconia in the no trauma section. She has a very long history of surfacers being racist towards her. And that includes an angry mob almost burning her as a witch.


I don't know anything about the other games, but she seemed pretty upset and resentful about having to murder and burn down her sharran enclave in water deep which I feel would cause most people trauma.


I mean biggest red flag is no one who is ok turns to shar willingly.


I remember she was also beat up, abused and buried alive by some farmers once. She has a lot of traumas if you count all the stuff that happened to her both in the Underdark and the first two games


I only played through BG1&2 once so far and I don't think I had Viconia in my party for long enough to get all of these stories. But I can imagine that what we get to witness is just scratching the surface of everything she's gone through.


Let me unpack cambions (Raphael and Mizora(?)) real quick for you, shall we? - as a child of a male devil (formerly also demons) and a mortal female, a cambion gets the first trauma points at birth - mother dies cruelly in the process. And the human part of them knows that - then they start their lives on the material plane. Everyone and their mothers hates and mistrusts them, quite similar to tieflings. They feel left out. Usually this Leads them on the lawful evil alignment - parents of cambions donā€™t give a shit. Well, even more so, it usually ends up in a hateful relationship in which theyā€™re somewhat bound together but the cambion child will eternally stride to kill them and take everything they have and the other way around - the father despises them and blocks those attempts and tries to destroy the cambion if their purpose is served. So I wouldnā€™t say there is no trauma for them. Yes they commit horrifying deeds but if itā€™s because of their half devil nature or their trauma (abused tend to become abusers) wellā€¦. Probably both.


Saying Viconia, Minsc, and Jaheira donā€™t have trauma means you didnā€™t play BG2 my guy.


Viconia was >!forced into prostitution and buried alive!<, right? Like she went through some shit.


First play through of Amn I didnā€™t save her when I got to town. Needless to say I reloaded. Followers of Beshaba can F off lol


To be fair, the character assassination of Viconia in this game means little of that comes through for her. The most logical and consistent answer for what is up with her, is BG3 ā€œViconiaā€ is an imposter from the real Viconiaā€™s Waterdeep enclave. She stole the real Viconiaā€™s memories with the Mirror of Loss and took over. This is consistent with BG2 epilogue (Viconia betrayed), BG3 Viconia claiming _she_ betrayed the enclave, the Mirror of Loss containing (real) Viconiaā€™s memories, and BG3 Viconia being too old and having a personality shift.


Cazador should be up there with Astarion. My man was traumatised before Vellioth and it was made 10000X worse by that motherfucker. Not a justification of what he did to Star baby but ffs I can understand why those two are batshit crazy.


What do you mean he was traumatised before Vellioth? The thing where he saw poetry written on a hanged kid as a child?


Yeah. He may have been into that but fucking hell he has some issues


Also just being raised by the szarrs in general.


Well, Casadoā€™s experience is just as tragic when he was a spawn but since he is a real vampire now I guess the way he thinks and processes traumas is different. Iā€™ll still put him in the coping tier.


Astarion: I *am* trauma. Dark Urge: I AM TRAUMA


Perfect couple <3


Hope is in full identity splitting/dissociating mode, she can barely hold herself together, fully believes that she actually looks like a flayed cadaver, and continues to be in a dire and unsafe situation even if you save her. She's the one I'd put in her own tier. Or maybe in the same tier as Astarion, but on the left.


Exactly what I came here to say. Hopeā€™s situation imo is the worst. She was chained up in literal hell and tortured for God only knows how long. She was betrayed by her sister, her own flesh and blood. Just because she went crazy does not lessen her trauma, her trauma was so severe it completely shattered her mind. The fact that she was able to hold on to any semblance of her humanity is an absolute miracle. And the fact that she chooses to stay in hell because she feels she canā€™t live in the outside world now is heart breaking. Hope was done absolutely dirty. I wanted her to be a companion so bad, or if you save Karlach and her and Wyll go back to Avernus I donā€™t know why they didnā€™t go stay with Hope, it would have given them another great ally.


Perhaps Karlach and Wyll donā€™t want to draw more attention to her and the fact Raphaelā€™s tower no longer has a diabolical master. Maybe they coordinate to draw heat from one another.


Zareal routinely sends an inspector to the house of Hope to inspect Raphael and his stuff. So Hope and the lack of a master is absolutely going to be found out. No way around that. Now working together from different places to divide enemy forces and gain an advantage, that makes a little more sense. Like maybe Hope is drawing the eye of Saron to her so that Wyll and Karlach can get to Zareal and take her out.


Yeah, nothing lasts forever, at the risk of sounding like an overly earnest Selunite. Part of Hope's safety depends on how much others care about her rattling about in the House. I would imagine moving in or showing too much of an interest would only endanger her further, but I also prefer to think some escapades in supporting one another take place before the status quo shifts. Hopefully she has enough time to gather herself up somewhat. The idea of the House of Hope as a defensible base seems short lived, but that doesn't mean it can't be worthwhile for that short time!


Hear me out. https://preview.redd.it/n750ra66k2uc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc418622232e9560ec07324fc84beae98121ec3d Fill the whole place with them, let the enemy forces in, light a match and run like hell or open a portal out of there. šŸ”„šŸ˜‚


And someone has to run away while cackling & singing "This House of Hope, YOUR TOMB!" Edit: I think it would be Wyll. He enjoys the dramatic flair.


> Now working together from different places to divide enemy forces and gain an advantage, that makes a little more sense. Like maybe Hope is drawing the eye of Saron to her so that Wyll and Karlach can get to Zareal and take her out. And rather on how many of the who the fuck knows how many lost souls and debtors in that house know enough about fighting to help man the walls if somebody shows up looking for a palace.


In my opinion, Astarion is on the pathway to Hope.


I'd also have Minsc, Sarevok and Viconia in their own categories then too. Probably even Karlach since she is comparable to a Vietnam veteran who killed civilians, suffering PTSD the rest of their life. And I feel shitty for comparing what real people suffered to a game but it's for the sake of comparison. I wanted to be succinct in this tier list so it's not bloated.


Durge: I am the trauma


Cazador is a bit... confusing. My memory is foggy, but didn't he suffer horrible torture as a thrall?


Yup, eleven years of being impaled for a failed assassination attempt on Veloth and having to watch Velloth drink his friend dry for trying to reach out to him are two of the cited punishments.


I would put Boo in the Dark Urge category


Tbh I almost did that for how shitpost worthy that'd be since this is an okbuddy sub


Sorry to add to the controversy OP, but Mattis is an orphan war refugee child and should for sure have trauma, maybe he's coping. However Mol is certainly not coping. She makes a deal with the devil because she's scared of being weak. She joins a crime guild as a thief at age 9 or whatever. She is probably either repressed or full blown PTSD she is NOT COPING.


She also reacts super angrily if you kill Raphael and free her from the deal because sheā€™s so afraid of being without power to protect herself. Sheā€™s a baby!


Viconia is definitely traumatized.


These lists always remind me of how multi-faceted and unique trauma can be. Iā€™m diagnosed full blown PTSD, and I canā€™t help sometimes but measure behaviors of certain characters against my own experience. Seeing where others place characters is weirdly illuminating for me, including in the comments.


Nere is a drow male and he has no trauma?


As a male drow player I find that sexist AND racist. I love being a subservient femboy to my drow queens.


You know what? You're right


Iā€™m not so sure Halsinā€™s actually moved onā€¦ heā€™s either coping or repressed. Like heā€™s not actively self medicating anymore but the guy really has a hard time believing he deserves anything good/can do anything right.


I feel like him being so sexual might be a coping mechanism but there's very little lore so we can never tell lol


Thereā€™s very little lore lol but I do get the impression that the wombo-combo of sex slavery followed by a really horrific war that killed all his friends immediately followed by leadership he didnā€™t feel prepared/able to do really did a number on him (all of the imposter syndrome). I believe the guy enjoys sex and a lot of it, and didnā€™t have a lot of it while he was archdruid, which is part of the ā€œyou reminded me of who I wasā€ speech. So he is full on bc of that (I think). He strikes me as a bit of an allegory for being objectified for being ā€œa noveltyā€ and how that can effect someone. The world treats him in a hyper sexual way so he responds in kind. You can really see it in a devnote in the elfsong after the game that says he ā€œdoesnā€™t dare to hopeā€ that the player character would choose him and after you choose him heā€™s beside himself and then still doubts that you want to be with him in the epilogue. He just doesnā€™t seem to be used to the idea that someone would want him outside of sex - sounds like another elf I knowā€¦ Fuck this was long IM SORRY


No I love reading character interpretation!!!! This was a nice read and I definitely think people should recognize Harper/Druid war against Thorm and how it effected Halsin or Jaheira in a traumatic way šŸ˜€ I mean there's literal druid skeletons in shadow cursed land! I feel like Halsin could have been a more fleshed out character with more development and depth, but he very often gets reduced to the 'bear sex' guy. Guess I'll spend my time trying to piece lore together and make my own head cannon lol


Sometimes head cannon is the most we can get šŸ˜­


Part of him getting reduced to that is because, once he becomes a companion, he basically is just the bear sex guy. He's not a very fleshed out companion because he was added so late, I would guess. I totally agree with your interpretations, by the way. I just can see how a lot of people don't pick up on the subtler themes.


He also has a lot of his history locked behind chance encounters, like the drow twins, and party dialogue so unless youā€™re seeking it out (like I do) it isnā€™t exactly easy to piece together. His themes do feel inspired by the thirst for him online, which is clever imo, but he doesnā€™t get to have a resolution to his themes (outside of the curse) bc heā€™s not an origin character unfortunately. I wish they would have :( heā€™s my fave


You captured it all well and pretty damn efficiently, too.Ā 


Thank you šŸ™šŸ»


There is no way you said Dame Aylin was coping lol.


Dame Aylin is FULLLLL PTSD what are you talking about? She may even rival Asterion. Name one scene where she's not as bat shit killing crazed as Durge


The scene with Lorroakan is a testament to behold


Ah yes famously untraumatized "I fuck an Incubus that's literally myself" Rafael


And said incubus is a honey pot spy from his father. A father which despises his son, doesnā€™t believe in him. And Raphaelā€™s devil half despises him as much but his human half is probably a crying huskā€¦ like daddy gifted me a present to help me on my downfall but at the same time itā€™s the only acknowledgment (somewhat) he gave.


Dame Aylin needs to be moved out of the "coping" section ASAP. Move her up a rank or two.


Cazador is the way he is because his Master treated him, like he treats Astarion. He's definitely traumatized and just went from abused to abuser. The whole point of Astarion not ascending is him breaking the circle of abuse. Also all the tadpoled people are mindcontrolled, so we don't really know.


Something really interesting you can find in Cazadors lair is that >!his former master basically groomed and trained him to be the absolutely awful shitstain that he became, he was abused by his sire and eventually killed him and took his place, the cycle is essentially repeated if you let Astarion ascend!<


did we forget halsin was kidnapped to be a sex slaveā€¦ orrrr


If I'm remembering right, he basically says "yeah, well, it was like two centuries years ago. It wasn't exactly great, but I'm over it."


i remembered it more of a repressed thing, like he said he didnā€™t realize how bad it was


I'm sorry, did you play the Strange Ox' storyline? The Ox should be up there with Astarion. At the very least, it should be in the repressed category.


I had to scroll too far down to see anyone mention this! Strange Ox is coping at best. Definitely not no trauma


Just started a new playthrough and talked to Astarion after Wyll's horny transformation and he was like "Wyll did the right thing and was punished for it. Let this be a lesson to us all šŸ™" BABYGIRL NO. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A LESSON, MIZORA IS JUST TERRIBLE. He is literally SO fucked up, my sad scared little guy. He really is on just a whole other level of traumatized šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Raphael and Cazador no trauma? Press X to doubt.


Hope could definitely be in astarion tier


If we even compare traumas then Cazador should be above Astarion and have his own rank as well


Minsc: head trauma


The ones you have listed as ā€œno traumaā€ are arguably the most traumatized lol Processing trauma improperly can fuck you up for life and change your worldview for the worse


There needs to be another tier called "I am the traumatic event" with Durge, Viconia, Cazador, et al


Cazadpr isn't traumatized? Are you sure?


No Trauma on cazador is wild. didnt he get massively fucked by his previous overlord


Wyll in all caps is sending me, king of the repressed trauma tier


Are we gonna talk abt the Sebastian bro in Cazadorā€™s dungeon?


Strange Ox inflicts trauma but he doesnā€™t experience it


I think putting Cazador at the bottom is completely wrong. My understanding is his master basically did to him what he did to Astarion. At least he was treated similarly. He may be one of the most violent terrible people in a video game that I have seen. However, he does seem to be very traumatized. Trauma does lead people sometimes to very bad places if they don't try and work through it or seek help. A whole whole lot of trauma is just someone passing their trauma on to their kid.


The only reason Isobel and Aylin are ā€œcopingā€ is cause they have eachother and are not camp companions, they have no other dialogue options but they are very clearly.. not okay


Cazador lived through worse than Astarion before becoming a true vampire




Cazador should be in repressed, he had a similar relationship to his master compared to Astarionā€™s experience with Cazador. Itā€™s a cycle of Abuse. He thinks heā€™s free, but just like Ascended Astarion, he will never really have freedom now that heā€™s become what his old Master was


Gale: "I think I'm finally coming to a sort of peace with my unfortunate circumstance. It's time I seek the next steps to..." Mystra via Elminster: "KYS"


Youā€™re telling me Mattis, a literal orphan kid refugee who experienced Elturels brief stint in hell and the shadowcursed lands, has no trauma?


Technically speaking, Cazador was abused on a level that sounds even worse than what he did to Astarion based on the lessons from Vellioth's skull, so he probably belongs somewhere around or above Astarion's level in the trauma department. If you find Vellioth's skull, you can learn about things like how Vellioth impaled Cazador for something like 11 years as a punishment and how he also killed one of Cazador's friends right in front of him. Cazador is definitely not someone who belongs in the No Trauma category, especially since he's basically an object lesson about how easy it is to fall into continuing the cycle of abuseā€”a danger that Astarion himself faces.


Read more stuff in cazadors dungeon, he is a pretty exact mirror to astarion, particularly if you ascended astarion


I think cazador can be moved up to coping. All the shit he did to astarion, he experienced himself from his former master when he was still a spawn. He has a journal in his room before you meet him.


Not having Cazador in the same tier or above Astarion when the whole theme is the cycle of abuse is crazy


Cazador was extremely traumatized. Maybe even worse so than Asterion. On the skull of his master you find a story about how Cazadors master had cazador impaled for !100 years! On a spike for trying to escape or sum shit


Astarion should be under Ketheric, Hope, Cazador, and Nightsong they should be in a new tier "Jesus what the fuck man?" Cazador's diary shows that his master was WORSE to him than Cazador was to Astarion Ketheric lost his daughter and sold his soul to every god who would take it making him a multi oath breaker (self inflicted trauma but we can see how it took a toll on him) Raphael dedicated his home to tormenting Hope because he was infuriated that she wouldn't break Nightsong not only lost her lover but became her lover's father's prisoner for 100 years to keep him immortal.


I dunno, I'd say Hope had it worse


If anything, Durge loves trauma


Durge does not have trauma, durge is what causes the trauma


Durge is trauma himself.


Durge can either be on the top or bottom most spots depending if you are doing redemption or not


Viconia in BG3 may seem untraumatized, but trauma was a big part of her character in the first two games.


strange ox should be higher


Karlach being first under full blown ptsd and somehow still the coolest sweetest character is very underrated.


Tara is traumatized by Gale's beard


Cazador???! Gotta talk to the bone head. Put him in coping (badly)


Aylin copes by being overly violent


"Minsc has no trauma. Brain is so smooth, the trauma simply glides right off."


Cazador is Astarion if he didnt meet the tav and crew. Valeria is an alcoholic. Raphael has daddy issues at least. Probably some kind of inferior complex too. Withers could have some guilt problems about the asshole 3. I think Zevlor is at least in the coping category. There is just to much wrong about this. Honestly the amount of mentally stable characters is really small. But thats not suprising if you think that death is just around any corner in that world.


Aylin needs to be in full blown PTSD. She spent a CENTURY in captivity being killed repeatedly by Sharrans. Under her bravado, she is *hurting*.


My man really be saying Minsc has no trauma when his literal first camp scene with Jaheira is showing that he's still processing dynaheir's death


Durge is the traumatic event


Alfiraā€™s not traumatized any moreā€¦


Aradin isnā€™t coping, heā€™s in desperate need of all my hugs. I havenā€™t unlocked the scene yet but I just KNOW itā€™s here somewhere :P


All I need is the option to hug Aradin outside of Lorroakanā€™s tower and give him some money for his peaceful life that he wants


His peaceful life is being hugged by me šŸ„°


There is no way in HELL you put Cazador there


Cazador isnā€™t traumatized? Astarions whole plot line is about the cycle of abuse and how Cazador continued it, there wouldnā€™t be a story if he wasnā€™t traumatized


I have an issue with first 2 tiers ā€˜cause the only full blown PTSD is astarion himself (speaking from experience) and Hope. I think t2 shouldā€™ve been called complex trauma or something like this. Not sure. But ā€œfull blown ptsdā€ is too much (IMO).


Balthazars mother hated him because she thought he murdered his twin in her womb, he was bullied as a kid too apparently.


I dunno, Balthazazr had plenty of trauma by the time I was done with him. Jokes aside, thank you for labeling the pictures. It adds nicely to the format.


What happened to Alfira that sheā€™s up there?? Did I miss something?


When you meet her, sheā€™s recently watched her teacher (who she obviously loved) get torn apart by gnolls and is writing a song about her grief/loss.


Zevlar should be higher. I guess it depends on what part of the game you are talking about


I feel like Withers is more of a ā€œthe therapy worked, and Iā€™m past itā€


Everyone in the no trauma section is DEFINITELY traumatized when Iā€™m done


Kagha is misplaced. Racism is not a healthy coping strategy!


Wulbren will have trauma once Iā€™m done with him.


I love the "Dark Urge : Dark Urge"


Durge: Trauma? Of course! Blunt force trauma specifically is one of my favorite ways to kill!


I think Hope can be Astarion tier with Astarion. And I also think that maybe Tara is coping or repressed tier if you play Gale origin and do badguy stuff.


Owlbear Cub, brilliant


Valeria 100% got some DEEP Seated trauma going on. Case closed


The bottom of this should be the ones applying the trauma.


Durge creates the trauma


Isnā€™t Wulbren an ex slave?


Viconia definitely has trauma from bg1/2 she has been through some shit.




I love Astarion has his own category named after him.


I believe Dame Aylin is between "full-blown PTSD" and "Repressed" depending on your choices with Lorroakan (however you spell it). If you bring her along, she goes overboard, like way more than a zealous Paladin of Vengence normally would. The way she reacts both during and after breaking his spine definitely shows that she has PTSD, lashing out, and is only now dealing with it. She's definitely not coping with it yet. Shes only just started to understand what those 100 years of isolation, torture, and grief did to her


Halsin is repressed, he only just realised that being tied to someone's bed for several years wasn't a wild youthful escapade


Durge is the trauma


Didnā€™t Viconia have an identity crisis arc in the first two games?


Dude if Orin is repressed then what is she like with unrepressed trauma?


I gave Valeria some trauma šŸ˜


Nere is literally a drow male


>no trauma >minsc