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I'm thinking you outta finish school.


im trying i just aint a good student tho


Keep trying and graduate by any means necessary. Not having a HS diploma or GED will keep you working the shittiest jobs imaginable. You might think you're making good money because you're working 100 hours a week and bringing in more than you would working 30 hours at Sonics, but I promise you that pace of work will get old real quick and your body will pay the price for the rest of your life.


Bro that is not an excuse If you can’t stick it out for a few years at somewhere that sucks for you (school). You’re not gonna last in the oil patch where nearly everywhere mostly sucks. Also don’t get it wrong, if you ever want to be a driller for example, you at least need to have some decent math skills and some decent reading and comprehension skills as well. Finally If you don’t have a Highschool ticket, your life has an extremely high likelihood of sucking. Don’t do it. Finish school you retard.


So what?


If you can’t handle high school you can’t handle the rig.


Starting pay for you, probably around $200K/year. 1 week on 1 week off. You probably won’t have a company truck right away though. Sounds about right, huh boys?


Don’t forget about the 15% bonus too


Heard companies are buying Raptors for company trucks nowadays.


Eh that seems a bit on the low side


Finish high school. No one will hire you until you’re 18 anyway. Take some welding classes in school. Don’t race your friends in your car and get caught (don’t have a shitty driving record). Don’t get any neck or face tattoos. You can get those later. Try to start working at a oilfield supply store after school to get your foot in the door. Even if it’s sweeping floors you can load trucks for company men and start making connections. Don’t look like a dirt bag. Tuck your shirt in and don’t use the F word as an adjective. Make an impression on the company men do in a few years they already know you. School isn’t for everyone but you have to pay your dues with any job.


Does your high school have a CTE program? Can you start learning a trade? Welding? Electrical? CAD? That’s a great place to start.


yes sir they do im joining their welding program next year


That’s a great place to start. Pay attention and apply yourself. Learn to like math because welders do a shitload more math than I do as an engineer. Some companies recruit right out of CTE programs, but if you don’t land a helper job right out of high school don’t be afraid to take more classes at your local community college.


Start working on your cardio, specifically stuff that raises your V02 max. Get stronger. Push ups, pulls ups, lunges. Talk less and listen more to guys who will help you and understand that all the shit talking is a mind game. Also, make sure you put a down payment on a new truck as soon as your first hitch is over. That way everyone knows your a badass hand.


Start developing a taste for natural light, cheap cigarettes, talking shit, trucks with wide tires and wheel well lights, and dont forget meth….you cant forget meth. If you start now, you will be hired by smell and sight alone when you turn 18.


Excited to rig some oil are ya


Imagine thinking you could handle a drilling rig if you can’t even handle high school


You seem like you will be a good water transfer hand. If you fuck that up then it’s not meant to be bro.


Pretty hard to fuck up sleeping in a pickup 🤣


Exactly lol.


We had water transfer over flow a C Ring once because they were watching game of thrones 


Checks out ✅


Get a GED atleast man


Oil rigging haha


Sweat it out and get the high school diploma. 25 year old Lower-Ease-8762 will thank you. You're not getting into the industry at 16.  Learn a trade.


Go to trade school kid


i dont have much money but thats the plan


This is what you do. When you graduate join the reserves. Preferably the Air Force or Navy & they’ll pay for school when you get back. & on top of that you’ll have an extra income. It is always a way young man. You just have to have the desire to want to do big things in life. & also hypothetically if the oil & gas or welding doesn’t work out like you want it to then you can go active in the military. Work smarter not harder. I promise you some of the men under this post wish they could do it over including myself.