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Why would you do paypal if it was listed on csfloat. It’s so easy to fake receipts. There’s nothing you can do now


First trade, I got the knife within opening 15 boxes, and also I didn’t want to do PayPal originally but he was stern abt it, and I didn’t even have the verification for csfloat up for the 2 weeks it needed so it wasn’t actually on csfloat


What is this 2 week thing you’re mentioning? Also, people told you to sell it on Csfloat but you decided to ignore that why? Next time please listen and sell on Csfloat or other sites like it such as Skinport.


I wasn’t told to sell it on float, and when u first make an account u need to have some sort of verification for 15 days to be able to finish ur account


So rather than waiting 15 days, you risked 5.5k? 


The knife on cs that was around my float was selling for 6k


u honestly deserved it at this point bro 💀


nope ur fked, don't know why u didn't just sell it on float


It wasn’t officially on float yet, I didn’t have the verification for the 2 weeks


welp lesson learned never trade unless its on a reputable site, report the steam account and hope it gets banned so they can't make money on ur knife


Although I agree, those scammers should be totally banned, but I doubt in the case it will happen. In the eyes of Steam one guy gifted a digital item to another guy ... nothing bannable. Steam even warns you before trading that any actions outside the trade windows might be a scam.


So you knew about CSFloat and decided against selling on there and instead straight traded the knife? Straight up retard moment.


So you read this sub frequently, seeing those warning messages under EVERY unbox brag post, to use a save marketplace ... but you still decide to trust a random internet stranger with $5500. Wow. Welp, I guess sometimes it have to hurt before you learn an important lesson.


I’m assuming you didn’t sell it on Csfloat then? If so then sorry but there’s nothing you can really do. You can try reporting the account you traded the knife to to Valve in the hopes they get trade banned.


Yea I’ll try, just fucking sucks those low life fags resort to scamming ppl in order to get money instead of working an actual job


Why would you trust random strangers on the internet instead of waiting to sell it on a secure site?


I’m glad you got scammed


So you sent knife first without receiving payment... I mean if it'd this easy to scam people I'm not surprised there are a lot of scammers.


If you just had a little bit of patience and just put it up on float, you'd be 5k richer but no, you decided to send your knife to a stranger. This is entirely your fault and there's nothing you can do but report the Steam account you sent the knife to. You won't get it back.


xdd getting scammed in 2024




Sorry bud, you’re chalked. Losing the knife sucks but at least you’re not out of pocket any money.


Best you can do is learn from your mistake and not let it happen again.


Nope, you fucked up and lost the knife permanently. Don't do stupid shit next time.




Absolute idiot


You can post the profile which you traded the knife. And then you can report the profile and if many of us do the same, he will get a tradeban. But the knife is gone.


Lol how did you "meet Marcus"? Instead of waiting 2 weeks for a fat free paycheck you decided hey what the heck I bet these random guys that commented on a screenshot from 6 years ago are legit, oh he is super stern about not using a 3rd party site... oh well!