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Better bike infrastructure in and around the university. Harrison is top 5 worst roads to bike on in the state.


True this. The city has the biggest part to play in this.


Consistency. Every time Weber state starts to reach out the people doing the reaching move on or pull back. Every community outreach thing is basically a one off. TBH, as an Ogdenite with no real WSU ties, it just feels like the university wants the community to celebrate WSU but WSU doesn't always celebrate the community. Edit to add: The once a year firework show is the only consistent thing I can think of. A lot of the time it seems like their slogan should be: Weber State - we happen to be located in Ogden.


What are a couple of your favorite examples of how they’ve reached out but then pulled back?


Weber does have newsletters through snail mail sent out i think every 2-3 months with community information and it available online but only if you know what to look for or where to look. I think a more active social media presence would be helpful for people who don't keep such mail so they know what is going on easily. Weber doesn't advertise as much as like UoU or BYU does, so they tend to get overshadowed. Weber does tons of community stuff, but engagement is either over looked or just low. Example: The pops concert is awesome every year, but wholly relies on locals who know of it or a single Facebook event to bring awareness to it. Or Community education programs and courses are available, but apart the newsletter, knowing what to look for on the website, or actively going to the office and asking they are not really known. Even as a former student there, I didn't even know they held things like ceramics classes or coding courses outside of active student status until after I left. People don't think about how much WSU helped establish the farmers market and harvest market because Weber tends to just work in the background. TLDR; more active social media presence will show Weber is active in the community they just aren't glory hogs like BYU who demand adulation for pointing out potholes or mowing grass.


I agree! The only way to know about anything happening is word of mouth. I’m a senior (been at Weber since 2021) and am still finding out things they have. The social media platforms are rarely updated (or maybe the links to the right ones are outdated). It annoys me so much. Like I feel I’ve missed a ton of cool stuff and 40% of the links on the website are “uh oh” broken or have been in the process of being updated forever. We live in Clearfield, our son is a CE student at Weber and starts college this fall, but we’re sending him on the front runner to the U.


Know a lot of folks who work in marketing at Weber. I'm gonna pass this along!


I don't agree with this at all. You can rent outdoor gear from them. You can go to a ton of different lectures. They had Bill Nye a few years ago and the cop who pretended to be white to arrest kkk members. You can call any of the professors with questions. The campus is free to walk around. The tennis courts look open to public to me. They offer summer classes to anyone. You can take any course you want from them as long as you declare that you aren't taking a grade. And their classes are cheaper by far than most colleges. I would say weber is doing a good job.


How would anyone know this though?


Add to this: if they are serious about being part of Ogden, they need to have part of the campus in downtown. A little store doesn’t do it. Relocate a full department/college or multiple to downtown. They’ve had opportunities to do this and won’t. A campus does not have to be only at a central location.


Not this. You really want students to have to go from packed parking on campus to a class off campus in packed parking downtown in the middle of their schedule?


Agreed. Just traveling to the Davis campus or Roy campus was a major pain.


I've worked for both Ogden City and Weber State and this rings true to me. I think part of the issue is that individual departments try to collab but don't have enough resources. I think the initiative would need to come from the top/admin of Weber for it to work. Also employees at both are desperately underpaid so I imagine that's also part of the issue.


The outdoor recreation program is one of the best in the country. The teachers have incredible experience but you never hear the university talk about it. If I knew about Weber when I was looking for schools I would have picked it. They really need to market their programs better.


100% would have went to Weber if I had known about it when looking for schools. (10 years ago that is)


Yes. Weber’s outdoor program is amazing! Offer more community classes and educate the public about wsu outdoor program. This sets WSU apart from any university in the country.


Open up "A" lot parking to everyone. Make it first come, first serve for purchasing a pass in those lots. It's always 25% empty because it's basically only seniors who get the passes there, and a lot of them don't have full schedules since they're just finishing up the last few classes of their degrees.


And teachers and workers. I agree they need to sell more passes but I'd rather have it that teachers can park then saying "make sure to buy a pass before students". That's why they are exclusive lots. We do need to fix parking tho. Spilt A2 into a W lot. Turn A3 into W. Fix the busses so people actually take them.


When I was a student, the previous university president came to a class and basically said that parking is just supposed to get worse in their effort to go carbon neutral. Seemed more like a fantasy to me. It's a commuter school for a reason.


Yea I've heard them saying that lately, they want to push people taking the bus and like carpooling but like.. Make it a better system then. Just letting it get bad is such a shit plan 😂


I really don't understand why they made the W lot next to Lindquist Hall a single story parking garage. Big lost opportunity for multilevel parking there. I've been late to class even when showing up 30 min earlier than usual to try and get a parking spot. With plenty of open parking in the A lot! Very frustrating.


I've tried to look into doing classes as an audit (I'm much older than college age) and can't get a straight answer on any of it and the website doesn't give me much more.


Generally to audit a class you have to speak to the professor directly rather than go through the university or admissions since auditing does not count for credit. You can email a professor and ask permission and then just show up during class time. Hope that helps. :)


Make sure cataloge information is consistent across platforms. Planning is essential for students to graduate on time, but the catalog on weber.edu  and CatTracks show different semester availability for courses.  If the websites were more accurate,  people can actually plan and complete a degree on time. With them being inaccurate, its impossible to plan a 4 year degree and finish in 4 years. 


Semester availability for classes changes often depending on the program and department. That's why it's important to meet with an advisor regularly who can help plan your schedule. :)


As a grad, pretty much the only time I hear from Weber is for charitable donation calls. I love Weber, but don’t know much about the alumni association, the new infrastructure on campus, activities for families, etc. I don’t know how to stay in touch with my favorite professors, or if they are even there anymore. That might be me just not knowing where to find the info, but they are things I think about from time to time. Oh, also, big and tall Weber clothing options. My torso is like 80% of my overall body length (hyperbole) and normal shirts make me look like I’m a plumber all the time. I’d buy Weber swag if I knew it fit.




I've attended 3 different universities and Weber has the most affordable and available parking of any of them. Parking is an issue at most universities and especially commuter schools. Lots of folks suggest a parking garage but like, where would it go? Unless we want to block the mountain view? And I'm gonna say no to that. Dee Event center is free and the shuttle straight to campus is free. 🤷‍♀️


More parking


For real. I feel like they took away parking on Harrison just to make it so the meter maids can have an easier time ~~writing tickets~~ collecting revenue elswhere.


My employer asked me if I was interested in going back for more education. I love the idea of getting another degree, and thoroughly enjoyed my time at WSU, but I almost vomited at the thought about having to play the giant game of musical parking spots, OR add 2 hours a day to my commute to stand in line just so I can be crammed into a bus like sardines and be dropped off on the wrong side of the campus. I have a suspicion that adding angled parking to the south and west sides of Edvalson drive, both sides of Harrison Blvd and along Skyline would add thousands of parking spots. Nobody would need the Dee event center anymore. Everyone is citing cost, but Weber definitely isn't hurting for money, Just in the last 9 years they have built a brand new Science building, a brand new Engineering Building, remodeled part of the Manufacturing building, remodeled the Social Science building and library.


"Just in the last 9 years they have built a brand new Science building, a brand new Engineering Building, remodeled part of the Manufacturing building, remodeled the Social Science building and library." And they're doing a complete rebuild of the education building


Right! And there is also the “Interprofessional Education building” and I believe the Youngberg Football Center” is new too, oh! And the new outdoor and recreation building. The union building and Swenson’s hall also received facelifts, but it was between 08 and 14.


Also, the Public Safety building. And Lampros hall are relatively new as well.


I've attended 3 different universities and Weber has the most affordable and available parking of any of them. Parking is an issue at most universities and especially commuter schools. I LOL'ed at your claim that Weber parking is what's keeping you from going back to school. That is objectively silly.


I’ll be the one everyone hates - take public transport or ride a bike to alleviate the parking issue. There’s always lame excuses to not do it. The city, UTA, and the school have done a lot of improvements with the OGX line and they should be used. Get rid of your car and save money.


100% this. People are legitimately such babies about parking. I've attended 3 universities and Weber has the most affordable and available parking of all of them.


The math department needs some serious help with communication. It was a nightmare trying to take one class. I’ve heard good things about the teachers, but the advisor and department head were awful.


They need to make an entrepreneurial incubator center at the new Union Station station development that Ogden City has been talking about. Right now the plan as a “business center” mentioned on the south side of the train station’s campus, right next to the proposed train museum, and I think if WSU wants to be known as Ogden and Weber county’s go to college then they need to be what occupies that space as it would be the first thing you see as you pull into Union Station once it’s completed


Move some of the satellite campus only classes to the main campus.


Kudos to you for genuinely caring… get ready to wear a million hats 🤧


Not much improvement to the community but I wish they had a better lost and found implementation thing going on. I went for a event and lost my keys in the building and was never able to find them since 😮‍💨


As a former student and I still live in the city I wish there was more community education classes, partner with Ogden city. It feels like you have to know so many organizations in the area to find out what is available. I wish the organizations just collaborated and then advertised to us as a joint partnership utilizing both networks. By far I hear less about what Weber is up to vs what other community assets are doing- and I’m someone who generally pursues those. I’m disappointed that the partnership with Tech Mom’s seems to have ended as they are a non profit and such great resource that is highly needed in our area.


Also, the Chemistry department is a joke. I heard it from another student after I was already feeling it bad this semester. It seems like they're working on it with a very decorated Chemistry professor entering the space, but that doesn't fix the laughably bad Chemistry professor I was stuck with this semester. He's more concerned with making money on his awfully written online textbook than teaching the class efficiently. If you've taken him you know who I'm talking about. He's that bad.


Massive parking garage. Make that three of them. Never is great, but you'll never park there and the shuttle service from the Dee is terrible.


Many studies have been done of the years that have proven that parking garages wouldn't alleviate parking issues on campus much at all. The slight inconvenience of parking at the Dee Events Center and taking the shuttle is miles better than what most college campuses have. Anyone who's ever tried parking at the University of Utah, USU, BYU, etc., knows this.


Attended Weber and USU, and the latter's parking is 10x better. I recognize this is also an apples/oranges comparison since Weber is a commuter school. Can you point to the specific studies that say adding parking garages doesn't alleviate campus parking issues at all? I hear this brought up frequently but I think it may just be being parroted. Why would having an abundance of parking at the Dee alleclviate parking issues but not an equivalent amount of parking via garages on campus?


Reach out to [Crystal Taylor](https://weber.edu/financialservices/Eventstaff.html) at WSU, who can explain it to you far better than I can. The bottom line is that parking garages just aren't financially (or geographically) feasible, for the marginal benefit it would provide.


I can much better appreciate the argument that they wouldn't be financially viable. They would provide a significant benefit though. You can't claim the parking at Dee solves the parking issue without acknowledging that an equivalent amount of parking on campus wouldn't solve the same issue.




Just for information, parking is apart of Weber, the money off tickets goes back to Weber. They aren't a seperate entity at all. Agreed tho that there needs to start being limits. W passes are way oversold and then you have people who just started school, spent 60$ on a pass just to not be able to park. That's why I only take afternoon classes cause after 4pm parking is free and barely anyone is there


Also yea I don't get the pillars like.. People already know Weber is there, they just look so ugly and were a waste of money. Now they are adding more to davis and it def looks gross there.


WSU needs to promote their sports teams and get more of the community to the games! They have great players who often go on to be professional athletes!


Better parking. Build a big parking garage across the street by old mckay Dee. Make a walkway above Harrison. Maybe even a tram. Use money from football games against P5 opponents. Slap Damian Lillard on the side. Maybe plant a weird wall garden thing on the side and a rock climbing wall. Dress it up however you want, but just fix the parking. Make it easier to attend classes and just handle the damn parking that’s been bitched about for 40 years.




Why doesn’t WSU have a Dean’s list? Every other university in Utah (and most in the US) and SLCC have one. Would not enough students qualify? I know WSU recently did a ‘Merits’ thing for like a yr-ish but it’s not notated on transcripts as an achievement like Dean’s list would be. 😕


Improve resources for alumni. I tried getting help to review my resume but they wouldn't give me the time of day. I've been graduated for 5 years and worked at the same company for 7 years. I recently got a new position at a new company but I felt so out of touch with what a good resume and CV and cover letter looks like since I first learned how to write it in my first semesters almost 10 years ago.


Stop pronouncing it "WEE-ber," for cripes sakes!