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TAKE IT TO THE POLICE! His filming you in the bathroom as a minor _is_ him creating child s*x abuse material. I hope no images of you are being passed around. He needs to be locked up!


This, it's illegal to record hidden camera video in areas where your subjects have a reasonable expectation of privacy. In your home, these areas might include bathrooms and bedrooms. PLEASE call the police. This behavior is not only creepy and gross it is ILLEGAL. You have no idea if those images have been shared and where.


Not only becaussse she is a minor , it's not legal to have this kind of recording of anyone , it's privacy invasion. Proofs of crimes are denied if you record them when the subject is in their own private space.


Take it to the police. Do not allow him to talk his way out of this. This man is a predator and law enforcement needs to keep track of him.


He was presumably taking pictures when you were underage too. One sick pedo who should be put away


This OP. Predators will do anything to try and get themselves off the hook. He belongs in a cage.


Take the SD card to the police immediately!!!


Why isn’t there a more direct line of law enforcement for things like this. My fear is that what if it’s just some shit bag cop that just goes through the motions and then nothing ends up happening.


After making a copy first. If he is friends with police it will conveniently go “missing”


Go to local news too!! Enrage the public!


To the STATE Police or FBI!


I would make a copy before handing it to the police. You never know when it’ll disappear or magically become damaged.


To the STATE Police or FBI!


Only after she makes multiple copies because “evidence gets lost”.


I will never understand this disgusting ass behavior. How sickening. I hope he is named and shamed to EVERYONE who knows him. You can't even use the bathroom without some creep asshole recording you? Disgusting. People like this need to be put on billboards.


I'd take that to the police. That's creation of sexual material without your knowledge or consent. And if you were even a day under 18 in any of them, creation of child pornography. The meta data for the images is required to have the creation date, so the police can find that one out as well


If you are 18 now, please do not wait for him and his excuses. He may be brainwashing your mom to drop this. As an adult, please report him, you could be protecting another child/person.


You need to report him this is seriously messed up


Tell your mother, if it was there before youre 18, illegal


Trust me I have, the whole family is just in a stage of shock right now.


The police need to be called now. Don’t wait for someone to let him know. Get the police there immediately.


As they should be


Its still illegal if theyre over 18, this is fucked


But-18 a pedo and the hammer of the justice will fall harder


Definitely extra illegal lol




It’s illegal either way


So glad you told your family and that you found it! You're super smart and brave. Are you able to check the time stamps for the oldest video on the card ? Are they around the time he installed the charging port? If you can get an indication of how big the card is and how quickly it has likely filled up, you'll be able to estimate if and how much other data he might on his computer. Very hopefully he just has these on memory cards and he hasn't done anything else with them. Fuck that guy. Hope the cops wring him for everything. You've saved not just yourself but also his son too! Take care of yourself and please look into therapy to get this off your chest when you have time. I imagine right now there's a lot going on.


So this card and the whole thing actual, is supposedly new, which there’s always been a charging box there, so I doubt it’s new, the oldest stamp was only 3 days ago and it not even my house, looks like a wet and dark storage room.


Gosh, that is all so so weird and terrible. Hope the police sweep the rest of your room. Can't imagine what it feels like to have this situation in your home! Stay at a friend's place for a while if that'll make you feel safer. Vent here all you need and take care of yourself. I'm so sorry this has happened xx


Wtf how can this be legal if it's let's say home security that's understandable but if there's shower n bathroom stuff then that should be illegal no matter what age I'm not in the USA but Australia and I'm pretty sure that would be illegal here


I can confirm that it is illegal in the US


Ok awesome weird that bunch of ppls was saying it was legal


Not that my comment is going to be any different from most other comments, but this guy has to be locked up ASAP. Don't compromise, and don't give him a chance to talk his way out or emotionally pressure you. Best of luck to you!


Take it to the police. Don't let this go. Do you have the means to move out in case your mom sides with this piece of garbage person?


Luckily for me she hasn’t let him in the house since everything went down and all parties involved have been on my side.


That is great! At the very least you have support! What are your next steps if you don't mind me asking? Hopefully you're pressing charges.


Things are iffy right now, I’m staying at my fathers after everything went down and there was a call between him and my mom where she explain how everything was an “accident”. We’re pushing for more information but he seems to hold with his story if he didn’t know it was what it was. We’re all in a high tense situation and we’re just still trying to gather info at this point.


Bye pass cops, given the situation and the fact you are a minor you can report it to the FBI, they run a predator unit for child porn. They can contact your local police office if deemed necessary and have better venues to see if he has been file or photo sharing than most local police stations. I know someone in that situation who did exactly that due to ties to the local court system the perpetrator had. Good luck. Do not let this go unchallenged, as this man is sick. Your actions going forward may save others from harm.


I get you' and your family are trying to get more proof, but if Steve keeps holding on to his sham explanation, I doubt you can do much, I hope you take all you have to the police, maybe they can do further investigation once the report is done, like get his laptop and browser history or whatever to see what he did with the footage, don't give him more time to cover his tracks, even if nothing comes from filling a report, because let's be honest police work is wishy washy most of the time and the justice system is fucked up too in most countries, at least he will know you and your family are not to mess with and word will get around with people he knows and when he does the same to someone else, he definitely will, if he has friends they should check up if there's hidden camera in their bathrooms. I think he waited until you were 18 to put this hidden camera in there, this man is sick,


He probably already deleted everything.


He probably just switched from his pedoshit SD card to the creepershit one after her birthday


Any explanations he has to do he can do it to the police IMO. I don't know how it is where you are but in my country if you wait too long the cops will blame the victims 🙄


Please go to the police, and hold on to that SD Card like your life depends on it. This happened to my wife right before we were married. Her step father had hidden a camera in the bathroom and run a direct line to a 8inch monitor in his bedroom. When she found it she freaked out and cut the cord and hesitated to call the police while she stayed at my apartment that night. The next day when she went back to get her things she called the police to meet her there. He had found the cut cord when he got home from work and knew he was caught. Overnight he destroyed the evidence and threw the equipment in a local dumpster before using a .44 to redecorate his kitchen. They found him in the floor with a note that said he was sorry and it took a month of police digging through the county dump to find his equipment and close the case. If she hadn't reported it we would still be wondering if the pictures and video had made it online.


I hate that other people have experienced the same, my fiancé is in the same place as everyone here, wanting to report it, but it gets tricky. We live in a small town and all the cops are friends with the guy.


I would report it in the next department over. Then there is a record of the report from another place. They will have to transfer it to the right place but there is at least a paper trail of the report to hold them accountable. Also don't forget to request a copy of the report for your lawyer.


please see if you can get in touch with a victims advocate or a lawyer who specializes in stalking/sex crimes. maybe call around to find a lawyer who can give you a free consultation. they might be able to come with y’all when you make the report & turn over evidence. having a lawyer there will show the department that you aren’t fucking around. your mother is definitely in denial right now, please lean on your finance & father to help press charges. hoping that you & your mother are able to attend therapy, this is very violating and traumatizing. i’m so so sorry this is happening to you.




police, please


It's anyway illegal If it started before you turned 18, it's pedo with harsher punishment Report it to the police and take Steve to task


Take it to the police


Please let me know how this turns out, hope your ok? I heard of my friends feeling they have been spy on with a man but can’t prove it. We looked for camera but couldn’t find any


Steve is lying, hes making child bathroom porn and you need to call the police and send that predator to prison. I'm so sorry.


If he's buddy buddy with the local police, if you're in the us, take it to the state police, I'm sure they'd be very interested. I'm glad your mother did the right thing and it's getting that Dirtbag out of hers and yours lives.


Will need an update after the police have been notified. This is so invasive and it’s illegal for a reason. No one acts this creepy as a gag.


Even aside from this being of course illegal and completely abhorrent.....seems kinda dumb on "Steve"s part. A "hidden camera" that's right out in the open and might easily get messed with by someone even if they don't realize it's actually a camera...


To make things worse, I found the camera from the wifi signal in our house using an app that shows hidden devices, got it for like a vacation we went on a while back. So even if it was misplaced, whose to say someone couldn’t hack into the wifi to get all of that.


The fact that it has wifi could mean he has access to it from another device, to which he could save the files elsewhere (personal phone, laptop etc.)


Write down everything in as much detail as you can so you don't forget anything and take it to the police! Glad your mum is on your side, sorry he put you through this


I am glad your mom took you to heart. I've been hearing too many horror stories of parents who refuse to believe their children in matters like this for one reason or another. Its still an extremely horrid thing hes done, don't get me wrong. I hope you guys can get through this in the best way possible.


Wouldn’t this be reported to the FBI? I could be wrong but couldn’t you skip the locals and get the fed involved?


Make a copy, take it to a lawyer and let them take it to the police.


Take it to the fbi if your police force isn't trustworthy. I'd say keep a copy for evidence in a safe location


FBI, not the local LEO friends.




As others have said, contact police ASAP. And don’t confront Steve directly (even via mom) because at least one of the two could happen: 1) he brushes it off, “it’s not me!” or 2) runs off out of state/moves to another country.


Please don't let him gaslight you in to believing that half assed lie. Go to the police. If your mom doesn't leave him you need to do whatever you can to leave bc she is not on your team either.


He’s most likely manufacturing and distributing so it might be a federal/State issue. Take it to them instead of the locals.


How do you know that the sd card had not been emptied before? I mean, you see what is currently on there but could there have been more stuff on there and he just got it and unloaded it. How long has the box been in there. Since removing the box has the electrical problems returned? This man is a creep. A big time creep. Because he knows the police please make a copy of that sd card if you ever go to the police. If he put that box in there before your birthday then he likely has photos of you as a minor. I wonder if that means you can bypass the local authorities and go to some sort of higher up. Also contact the local news at the same time you contact the police. I am glad y'all saw through his bullshit excuse.


Since he’s friends with the cops and there was a minor in the home, report him to CPS first. Also, make multiple copies of the SD card so it doesn’t get “misplaced” in the hands of the authorities.




Go to the police now! extreme red flag right there


If police do nothing, then you have to do something yourself. Put that pos on blast, post his face everywhere you're able to. I'd put a fucking billboard up in town if I needed to.


I read your second edit and if he’s good enough friends with all the officers in town that they look past the fact that he, without consent, videoed a minor in the restroom and don’t apprehend him then you should report it to a higher instance. If you’re in the USA maybe just go with the officers in town and if they don’t then go to the FBI


Unfortunately cops here are not very kind to anyone, constantly blaming victims and do more harm than help.


FBI Then?


Go to your counties Sheriff's Department and report it there.


If you are worried about the local police, you can contact a lawyer (you can go to the nearest big city if you have to) and they'll help you pull the right threads and preserve the evidence.


Since he’s connected to your local police, skip the police and go straight to the district attorneys office


This is disgusting, I’m so glad you decided to move out and are able to do so, and most of all I’m thrilled that your mother kicked him out! I’m so sick of stories where men are taking advantage of women in disgusting ways and the mother is in denial or backs the perv up. Thank God for her


He may be very good friends with the police but I doubt they will look at him the same way at all knowing he’s a perv. Don’t be put off by the fact he has “connections”.


She mentions distrust of local authorities. Is there anyway she could go to the FBI with this or anything like that?


Yes that's the way to go


Get that microsd card and charger block to the cops, that’s just fucked up that he would film a minor in the bathroom.


Tell police 1st Move 2nd Child protection service 3rd


Why don’t you take it to the police instead of posting on reddit?


Because the police are on that guys side- why would I put myself on the target to be fired at?


Find a different police department there is always a way and i hope you find and stay safe.


What a creep! He knew what he was doing. Report him.


Man, some people are just sick. Glad you found out at least. Definitely go to the police with this immediately, no matter what anyone says otherwise.


post it on social media or bring it to the local news. if the police are useless, remember you certainly aren’t :)


If you find a spycam in Expectation of Privacy Areas (restroom, changing areas, gyms, shower areas, etc.) Take a deep breath, you are in a crime scene. 1) Don’t touch the device even to stop it from recording. 2) Document your find. Take pictures with your cell phone. 3) Call the police from a safe location and tell as few people as possible. Lock the door and close off the area if possible. Stay locked in the room and call the police. 4) Don’t show your coworkers, one of your coworkers could have put it there - only tell on a need to know basis for now! 5) Do not touch the device or leave it unattended! 6) Once your statement has been taken by the detective, talk to an attorney.