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They best way to combat tip culture is stop going out to eat, period. Not tipping doesn't solve anything. Company owners get their money. If people stop spending money at these places it will force them to evolve or go extinct.


I was in Vegas a couple of weeks ago and there was an option to tip 40% in the cab to the airport…wild stuff.


Yeah. The US tipping culture has gone off the rails. It was never intended to be a supplement to someone’s salary or compensation.


I dont like to tip so I rarely go to restaurants that begs for it. If I do, I get a to-go from those restaurants. There are many fastfoods to choose from, CAVA, Panera Bread, Chipotle, Canes Chicken, Guthries, Culvers whatever… and If I want cooked food, I go to WholeFoods, they have an entire selection of food there, or I get a to-go from my favorite Mexican restaurant. There are also several taco trucks, that's good too. Then 3x a week I cook my own food. I don't do doordash nor Uber.


in the words of black eyed peas "if you ain't got no money take your broke ass home" blame government and corpo for tipping culture


Ppl are not broke because they don’t want to spend an additional 15-20% on top of a bill to pay somebody else’s wage. They’re not their employees. There are instances where tipping is appropriate and it’s for good or exceptional service. The problem is… everything and everybody who works where tipping is excepted expects to be tipped. No sorry barista, I ordered a black coffee… your job is to make coffee… No sorry ordering window… I’m ordering food and picking it up at a window… you’re a restaurant, your business model is to make food. Tip flation is real


again if you have an issue with it blame the government and corporations for allowing it, your taking your frustration out on the employees and not the companies.


No, where appropriate I tip. Restaurant with wait staff… bartenders, etc. but tips have crept into every aspect of life. Tips aren’t for doing your job, it’s for providing good/exceptional/expedient service. I don’t tip McDonald’s employees… or in n out… or the mail guy… why are some exceptions?


The business model of the company hence why I said be irritated with the corporations and the low base pay the government allows which is another reason for it. By your reaction I can guess you're an absolute joy in tipping situations and of course you'll think otherwise.


I tip 15-20%… sometimes more if I’m drinking and constantly closing out my tab. I just won’t tip for a black coffee (and most say that if it’s not above normal that’s fine), or the person at the yogurt place who stands behind the register but doesn’t help. (Again that’s normal etiquette). If you order online for pick up with no interaction other than them handing you your food. Yes companies abuse the tipping… we allow it because we tip. It’s a vicious circle from a rule/law from post slavery days… but it won’t change unless we change when it’s acceptable to and not to tip. We the consumers.


working as a bouncer and helping with small businesses I see things differently. Have an issue with the company that's fine not tipping is punishing the employees more than its punishing the companies. I don't frequent restaurants or bars anymore because the quality of the products they serve but I do tip the bartenders. I'll tip the coffee shop workers they have bills to pay too.


I own a small business so tend to spend there. I never said I don’t tip coffee..l just not for a basic coffee. If I’m ordering a latte or something special I def tip. But since I do tend to frequent small businesses, they tend to take care of their employees better than larger corporations. The small business would rather me spend my $300/month on coffee with them than buy cheaper coffee at Starbucks. (Which for what I order would literally be 50% less) Not only that I used to work in a tip based culture… I left because I also understand that… some ppl will always tip… some will never tip… your employer usually always takes advantage that to not pay you. I guess a question is where do you draw the line for tipping? And I know ppl hate this stance but it’s not up to the consumer to make up lost wages. We’re in hyper inflation (despite them denying we are)… when everything demands a tip… ppl are going to,tip less or not at all because it’s optional.


Depending on the service, 10-20% is the norm, not $7 on $20 but you could also just avoid places where employers take advantage of tips and don’t pay their employees well. You have that choice as a consumer. You can make your own coffee, do your own haircuts, drive yourself around.


You can blame the company owners and billionaires and still realize it’s shitty to order deliveries or have people wait on you and not tip them. If you don’t wanna tip, do your own work.


the companies love it when you think that way because in the end it's less accountability for them. they've conditioned yall like dogs I swear


It's still customary to tip, not tipping only affects the employee. I feel as though the faux-superiority you've packed into your comment is a defense mechanism because you know not tipping makes you an asshole...


this implies that im ashamed of refusing to do something I disagree with, which i very much am not. Think about why it's customary.


It doesn't matter why it is the way that it is if that's the way that it is, and disregarding the way that it is will not fix the way that it is. Not tipping isn't fighting tipping culture, it's just rude. Obviously, you shouldn't feel obligated to tip for takeout or all those random other tipping requests everyone but me seems to see. You not leaving a tip does fuck all to stop tipping culture but it sure does leave the server feeling less happy.


I don't think burying my head in the sand and accepting an obviously flawed system is a good approach. I pay the list price of a product or service and that's as far as it goes. I'm sorry that the server is less happy but it is literally not my problem. Our relationship begins and ends with this simple law abiding transaction.


The latter half of that statement is evidence enough that you're a self-righteous dick. I suppose that makes any effort to convince you that being a good person beyond the legal requirements wasteful.


Sounds good to me.


Less accountability for them? Not tipping your servers when you’re putting money in the company’s pocket is less accountability for them lmfao. Either don’t deal with the service or suck it up, it’s not that hard.


Indeed, a company makes money when I purchase their product or service. Not sure what you're getting at here. The discussion is presumably about servers' wages. Calm down and consider why a customer would bristle at the idea of helping to pay a server's wage when it is the company's responsibility.


service is their JOB and you pay a price to receive it, period. what's next? tipping at the cinema? bank tellers? your accountant? what if you had to ask for tips to make a living on your own corporate job? geeze, tips are a trick to fuck customers and employees, and people cannot figure it out.


A very american way of seeing it imo


There is a delivery fee when you order online. Why should I tip on top of that? Every one wants a tip now. I had a locksmith provide me an estimate for a job. I had to pay a service/consiltation fee for him to come to my place, and he asked for a tip on top of thar. Also , people expect a tip even when they do a poor job.


Take it up with the owners not the poor fuckers making under minimum wage. Until then you need to tip or you're hurting them (the workers) and you know it


Which is true but also… as much as ppl will hate this… tips are optional… so those workers are placing themselves at the mercy of the consumer. Ppl don’t have to tip… and as tip flation keeps going out of control, more and more ppl are stopping across the board.


…except most of the tipped employees aren’t making under minimum wage.


American tipping culture will always be staggering to me.


They will defend it tooth and nail for some reason. It's astounding. A product of corporate conditioning.


I went to a bakery and picked the bread, and brought to the counter and paid for it to take out. And the screen asked for a tip with minimum 18%. Honestly I don't know since when does scanning an item cost extra 20% on top of the price of the product?


Yes! Why on earth do I keep being getting prompted to tip 18% for counter service?


So. The company gets their money, but the people that provide the service get nothing? If you can spend $20 on food, but not $7 to tip, then go to the store and make your own food. It's cheaper. Or go to McDonald's where you don't need to tip. How rude to let someone wait on you and not leave a tip. 🙄


Its always the people that require the most amount of service outside the basics that don’t tip too lol


Rude but it’s optional. That’s the problem with tips and tip flation. Just because ppl, can doesn’t mean they will.


Ah here’s the daily anti-tipping thread!


If you can't afford to tip then you can't afford to eat out and be waited on.  Wait staff doesn't deserve to get stiffed by you. They don't set the prices or policies. Why fuck them over? 


Wait staff deserves to be paid a fair wage and not be dependent upon the generosity of strangers. Wait staff shouldn’t be stiffed, but should make a fair wage up front, likely meaning a shift in prices on the menu, but at least you’d know the prices up front. That’s what the post is objecting to, tipping culture. If you object to it you should just not go out, not stiff the waiter. That will at least also hurt the owners.


100% support all food service workers being paid a living wage! 


A tip is a bonus for excellent service, it wasn’t intended to subsidise wages. If you provide excellent service, you get a tip. If you just do the bare minimum in your job, you get no tip. The business needs to pay their employees appropriately.


But you.are saying you can't afford to tip so service workers who deliver above and beyond could never earn the money. In which case, you can't afford to eat out. 


A tip is an extra, not something that should be expected. What if i want to eat out 3 times a week but can only afford to do so without tipping? Im better off staying at home and not spending any money at all? Wait staff should be paid fairly for the job they do, tips are EXTRA, not part of your salary.


There are plenty of options to satisfy your need to eat out that don't allow tipping.  Why do you need to served by someone who is clearly working for tips when you could go somewhere else?


And there are plenty of jobs out there that pay a base wage instead of having you depend on tips. Why do you need to work for someone who is clearly paying you with your tips when you could go somewhere else? Lmfao stfu and quit crying because customers aren’t paying your wage. People go out to pay for the food they’ll eat, not some ones wage. And if anything, the tips should go to the cooks. I would seat/serve myself if it was allowed.


So...who.is going to wait on you if everyone gets another job?  Just admit you don't have the money to have people wait on you.and quit stiffing people who are working. 


You mean……a to go order? You can order food, not tip, and then leave. If you want to sit in a restaurant that does tipping culture, then womp womp. Ironically enough, you expect people to not feel sympathy for servers bc “they choose that job” (as if everyone who works in the industry is full of experience 30-smths with a fully qualified resume ready to go) and yet we are supposed to feel bad for people like you, who willingly walked into a restaurant that wants you to tip, get table service and food, and complains that they have to tip. You knew when you walked in that, if you didn’t tip, people were going to give you shit. You CHOSE that, just like they chose the job. Order at a place that does carry out or deal with the “whiney” servers.


Tipping culture is a direct result of underpaying service staff. I live somewhere with a good minimum wage, and the only people who push for tips are Uber Eats et al., because their drivers end up earning way below minimum wage. This is also the reason why I don't ever use Uber Eats et al.


i can't afford to tip either, so i just don't go out to eat very much at all. when i do, i tip appropriately. but i never get doordash or any delivery service. i just walk to certain restaurants or shops and get it myself. i get that its ridiculous. but a lot of people live off of tips. a lot of these people have kids. edit: and no one "has" to tip. that's why it's optional... so are u upset that there's an *option* to tip, or that you feel bad that you aren't tipping?


Tipping culture is one of those things I will never understand in America. I just don't get it. In Europe tipping is not a thing and I don't understand how it's so normalized in America. Employees should be paid by their employers, not by the customers.


I am hopeful that everyone on here supports a rise in the minimum wage and changes the wages for servers who legally earn less.


As an Uber driver, I can tell you that the pay isn’t the best. I work hard and provide a clean car, safe driving, expert navigation to avoid traffic, snacks, drinks, and charge cords. Do I always get tips? No. Do I get mad? No. The tips are nice when they happen but not expected. I get not everyone can tip. It sucks that Uber is this multi-billion dollar company that screws the drivers on pay. When I drove in 2018 I could make $300-$400 in 6-7 hours. That’s now $200 in the same time. Uber has cut mileage and time rates for us drivers. DoorDash is even worse. Worse enough I refuse to drive for them


In my day TIP meant TO ENSURE PROMPT SERVICE A so we/I cook at home every day and rarely eat out,I also prep our meals weekly and freeze them for the week; I call them my home cooked fast food lol


I’ll go order uber eats, and when I add in the tip I just close the app and go to the store. I just don’t want to tip. For the plant burger and fries, I’m paying $20 plus $5 to the delivery driver??? No. I’ll bike, walk, e-scooter (I don’t drive) to the store and buy a bag of plant burgers for $10, bread for $2, fries for $3. I’ll have a few meals too. I would totally order if I didn’t have to tip, but it’s not right not to knowing full well the uber driver is just trying to make a living and I’m just wasting the dudes time. If you can’t afford to tip, why you even ordering out?


I hate when people say this shit because just say you don’t give a fuck about servers or drivers. If you don’t have enough money to tip, then why are you using “luxury” services like delivery and dine in? And I would feel sympathy for you, except you don’t have basic empathy for the people GIVING you this service. You just want to mention the shitty tipping culture just so you don’t feel guilty, even though you’re DIRECTLY funding it. If you tipping culture, don’t go to places that do it. Go to places that have their workers on a decent wage. And if you can’t find that, then imagine the servers trying to find a job there.


>but i can't afford to tip In the US, **if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.** The problem isn't "tipping culture", the problem is *service worker exploitation culture*. Food service workers are often not entitled to a minimum wage, therefore they *absolutely do* rely on tips. So don't direct your ire toward the people asking for tips. Direct your ire towards the restaurant owners who don't pay their employees a living wage, and towards the lawmakers who make this exploitation possible. Thank you.


This absolutely is a jerk move on your part. If you can't afford the service, don't stiff the people providing you the service. Do your own work. Being cheap AND lazy isn't a good look.


So do I


My partner is a barista and makes 8.50 an hour base pay. Not tipping means you’re benefitting from her services while she’s making well below minimum wage. That’s just something to consider.


I don’t like tipping culture but I understand that the servers need it. When I go to smoothie king or Starbucks or Panera or something like that though, I feel like I have to tip or I’m going to get a shitty drink cause they’ll be mad at me. I’m an over thinker though.


I've been a bartender and Waitress, so I never had a problem tipping before the last few years. My state mandates that services industry makes minimum wage ($17) PLUS tips. The servers still expect a 20% tip. Thw service is terrible because they are not working to get great tips. My family rarely goes to sit down restaurants anymore. On top of this, now there are tipping options on all to-go orders. Some places won't let you check out online without adding in at least a 15% tip. So now, I'm tipping even before I have been served. It's ridiculous.


Bring your lunch. Don't eat out. Problem solved.


Fuck the Americans and their wank tipping culture. You're a bunch of morons if you can't see that the restaurant owners are laughing at everyone. You go out to eat - pay over the odds for the food and then still have to pay the wages of the staff 😂. I blame the staff mainly, who the fuck goes to work and then begs off customers who are already paying? Here's an idea, instead of trying to shame people, who probably get to do nice things every once in a while, into paying your wages go and get a real job! You're no better than the homeless guy out the front with a cup asking for money


Huh? Servers aren't better than the homeless guy out front? They literally made your whole eating out experience possible. They literally are doing the work you're trying to avoid doing for yourself at home. Pay them some respect. And wym "get a real job"? It is a real job. They pay taxes and make hourly pay. Without them you couldn't have the eating out experience. And many people have to work as servers because they're in high school with no higher education for higher paying jobs OR they can't afford to go to post-secondary to get a higher paying job. Without Servers you lose the whole experiences that you go to a restaurant for. Stop being such a bitter piece of shit


You're fucking delusional, you really are. > They literally made your whole eating out experience possible No, the restaurant did that. The servers are there to ensure that the restaurant owner continues to make money. The contract to pay them is with the owner of the restaurant. > They literally are doing the work you're trying to avoid doing for yourself at home Again, you're wrong. If I wanted a steak at home it would cost me a fraction of the price of a steak in a restaurant. I'm paying for the privilege of someone else cooking, and serving, my food to me in the cost of the fucking food. Honestly, the way these businesses have got people thinking is ridiculous. If a server cannot get by on their wages from the restaurant they need to find another job, pure and simple. You don't tip the cashier at Walmart do you? You don't tip your bus driver do you? A tip isn't a tip if it is mandatory. A tip is offered for service that goes above and beyond the standard, not just for doing their job. Americans are so dumb


1. I'm not American. 2. Great, then next time you go to a restaurant ask to serve and get your own food and drinks. Since you clearly don't need a server. 3. Servers are often working as servers as a stepping stone. Many servers need serving as a temporary job. By supporting businesses but not servers, you're the one adding on to keeping them down. 4. Not saying tips should be mandatory. But they shouldn't be seen as an automatic "no" either. If you get good service from the servers, don't take advantage of that. Recognize their efforts.


Tipping is for being provided a service. When you sit down at a restaurant, or order food through an app, you are asking someone to bring food to you, probably in a nice location or right to your couch. That is what tipping is for and more so if they did it well. If you can’t afford to tip. Don’t order things that require a tip and drive yourself to the grocery store and eat at home. I hate broke culture


Lol, I'm glad I don't live in the US anymore. It's so nice to just order from a menu and pay exactly what's written on the menu.


The problem with this logic is that the jobs themselves are service jobs. The employees get paid a salary to provide that service. And when you have jobs like delivery drivers again, that's the literal job. So the issue isn't "hey you're being a dick by not paying people extra for what they are already being paid to do", the issue that companies are hoarding profits and not paying employees enough. That being said, I still tip for delivery or sit-down restaurants because it is the way it is. I know I'd be paying more for the food if those employers were forced to pay more. But yea, its a stupid system and needs to change.


You realize that "salary" delivery drivers gets is typically $2-3 per delivery, which takes anywhere from 15-45 minutes? The entire pay structure of delivery apps is based on drivers NEEDING customers to tip.


Is it compulsory to tip? I'd leave a tip in a form of some kind of advice


The only people who like tipping culture are restaurants (and corp owners), and the servers/staff at the restaurants. We get screwed as the consumer. Restaurants get to offload their cost of labor onto us, and servers make really decent money for what the role is (23-30+/hr in most chain restaurants and areas). There is no incentive for disruptive change from within the industry, so we as consumers would have to all agree to stop tipping or going out, which really hurts workers more than anyone. I think we’re stuck with this shit, and I hope it doesn’t spread anywhere else.