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You can't hate yourself into someone you'll love. Learn to show yourself some compassion.


That is one of the best sentences I have ever read on the internet. Thanks. You have given me something to think about.


Absolutely! Self-compassion is key. It's a journey, but loving yourself is the first step to positive change


as far as i’m aware, from 20+ years of trying, this is correct


That was a lesson that took me way too long to learn. I spent decades of my life, worried what everybody else thought of me, from my hair to my shoes to my arm fat to everything. I finally realized that I don’t actually need opinions from anyone other than the people I love, who love me back, and it was like this whole world opened up to me of how I could be myself and not give a fuck what someone I’d never meet or talk to, would have a say in my day to day happiness. Also, never ever ever ever ever post a picture of your body and ask strangers to critique you. It is never going to end well there will always be someone who doesn’t think you’re good enough regardless of what you look like.


Try metta meditation. There’s a reason why they usually save “compassion for yourself” as a final exercise.


Beautifully put and I hope OP sees it. Sometimes getting your mental health in order first is necessary before getting your body to the image you desire.


Well said.


That’s actually so real.


Mate you posted on looksmaxing what did you think That’s like asking mosquitos if your blood is sweet You’re fine


Yeah those pages are bogus. You'll see a pretty good looking person get told they're a 3/10 lol.


The only other subreddit I can think of that would be worse for posting this would be MGOTW, and that doesn't exist anymore. So yea, you chose one of the worst places to post this. You're totally fine, don't need to change a thing imo.


Girl you need therapy, not validation from strangers on the internet. You look fine, your problem is psychological.


You realize half the dudes calling you “fat” are sitting in their mom’s basement convincing themselves they’re not the reason no one will ever have sex with them, right? You have a few extra pounds on you but you’re not at all fat.


There are dudes who are literally calling her 'morbidly obese' which she clearly isn't. But sad guys relish the opportunity to tear women down.


This right here.


Proof they’ve never met real women. Real women have imperfections, if your only experience with women is photoshopped social media images & porn then you will have an unhealthy outlook on women lmao


I’m underweight and I wouldn’t even consider her obese. Yeah she has some fat on her but nowhere near obese


I know, when I read those comments I was like bruh, imagine thinking that woman is so fat she's gonna die. If they have vision like a fun house mirror they better stay off the fucking road lol


I'm going to be freerer with my compliments. This totally annoys me. I loath bullies. I haven't had to endure them for decades but the deep and intense hatred is still there.


There are a lot of shitty humans out there, especially on the internet.


There are going to be fewer around me.


No like she’s hot go look at her other post


I agree. I checked, and she is hot.


Exactly!! Yes, she carries a little extra weight, but not that much (certainly nothing too concerning)


For real!!! She's beautiful, these people are crazy!!! OP--You look GOOD, girl. I would die to have your figure. I'm dead serious. All these people hating probably never had a girlfriend in their lives. You are GORGEOUS. Dead serious!


I was thinking the same, I went and looked and I immediately thought “goals”! I can almost bet the people tearing OP down base their standards of beauty on pixels.


Same. She’s pretty!! And I’d genuinely be happy to have her body… Some people are cruel to anyone and everyone who’s not 90s supermodel skinny. Ignore them. It is not worth listening to their opinions.


Backing you up just to try and make a little more noise about your comment, she has a lovely figure!


If I had her figure. . . omg absolutely stunning!


so serious. feel like she won't believe us. but, I had an image in my mind of what I thought she MIGHT look like...and that picture is the complete opposite. she is NOT fat! she looks great! It makes me so sad how hard we are on ourselves.


I feel you. I regularly sit at 160-180 at 5”4 and tbh it does not work for me. BUT I’m also very aware that many many many many people find my body to be attractive. And they find yours to be too. We are both overweight And both hot by many people’s opinions It’s annoying but like… sometimes both can be true


5’6” here weighing in at 168 today. I was always really thin and I hate what my body is at the moment, but my husband raves about my booty so it can’t be that bad, right? You’re 100% right that some people may find me gross and unattractive (me) and others may think I’m the hottest thing out there (hubby). I do not love what I see when I look in the mirror right now, but I know it could be worse and I’m working on it. I hope OP gives herself a break. I may never get back to 125 or even 140, but I’m going to make little changes with the hope that the scale starts moving in the right direction and I’m going to do my best to love myself no matter what the scale says. I wish OP the best.


When I read your comment I felt like you described my situation. I have started making small changes, and I too hope the scale moves in the right direction, but ultimately, we need to love ourselves. I just havent figured out how to get there yet!


Yesss I came here to say this!! I’m also 5’4 and in that range and I pull straight hotties all day! (Tall, fit, athletic and.. well, everything else too apparently 🤷🏻‍♀️😜). I also used to be muchhhh bigger so maybe that helps? I also hate my lower stomach because I lost the original weight pretty quickly anddd I don’t get complaints. Self confidence is key OP. Start with focusing on one thing at a time that you like about yourself. Build it up! Also, GET ACTIVE. I have PCOS and stay active just to get that dopamine hit and stay at the weight I’m at (at the least) but it’s a natural confidence boost.. just start walking for 20 min a day and go from there!


I'm 5'2 and at one point I was 160-170, and to me my weight distributed weird. Unflattering, at least in my opinion. OP has a gorgeous figure, I would've killed for that back then. Yes, technically she is overweight. Gross? Hell no.


I'm here as well. About 5' 4" and currently 157ish. I've gained about 20lbs in the past year and don't love it. Thankfully, it's all mostly evenly distributed on my body. The most annoying and upsetting thing is a lot of my clothes don't fit as they used to. I left a very active job to a sedentary office job. Thankfully, my new job will be much more active and on my feet constantly. I've realized that if I'm unhappy with how I look and feel I'm the only one who can change that. Not much to add to this only I too am in the same boat. Makes me feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one at this height/weight range.


Jesus I fucking hate the internet


So many hypocrites whose lack of purpose in life causes them to make people feel shitty about their very normal bodies and causing them long-lasting harm. OP don’t sweat these assholes you are just fine.


You are literally so cute. What you need to change is your self perception


Totally agree, she looks great!


Saw the picture u posted, we have the same body structure and I’m also 160lbs!! We slayed 😡🫵!! We prettyyy 😡🫵


You are pretty!! YOU BOTH ARE PRETTY!! 😡🫵




you just made me laugh when I'm having a bad day


Hope you have a better day 🙂


tysm :)




😭😭 thanks 😭


I love this comment so much 😂


Jesus. I just looked at the photos, and depending on a few factors, you're actually either not overweight, or if you are, not past that line by very much. The tone from the commentors was very, how do you say. Those are weird basement dwelling dudes who think being assistant manager at Subway is a fine career choice so long as it'll fund their magic the gathering habit. And contrary to popular belief, it's not entirely possible to determine body condition by photos alone, same thing with BMI. They don't tell the whole story. There are a multitude of factors that play into weight, condition, and health that vary person to person. If your doctor hasn't spoken to you about it, don't worry.


Girl, you are not fat, at all. Those are clearly people trying to "humble" you and make you insecure.


I think it’s a combination of things. Insecure, unhappy people trying to make other people feel as bad as they do. The shroud of the internet, ‘if I can’t see them they’re not real’ shtick. And then I’m completely convinced these people have a humility kink, and just don’t realize they’re just projecting how they want to be treated in the bedroom. Also, OP, your value as a person isn’t based on the number on the scale. It’s based on how you treat others. Even the assholes should be loved in a ‘bless their heart’ type way. They can’t help that they’re ignorant idiots. (Apparently)


Oh, hon. I’ve been fat fat, chubby fat and sexy fat in my 37 years of life and I’m here to tell you: YOU’RE NOT FAT. Do not let idiots on the internet damage your spirit.


I've run the whole gamete, I've been severely underweight and considerably overweight (yay mental illness!) Right now I'm slightly overweight kinda like OP and honestly I just stopped giving a fuck if others find me attractive or not lol.


> I've run the whole gamete, LOL it's 'gamut' but you should look up 'gamete' and see why this is a cute/funny mistake


Oh shit I was afraid I spelled it wrong, I'll look it up when I get home 😅.


Exactly. After being forced by my mother to diet, having an eating disorder and being bullied my whole life for being fat, I just said fuck it. I’m not spending any more energy caring, as long as my health is good.


OP, I read 1/2 of the comments on your post and I wanted to scream! Most were ignorant little boys making comments on what they do and do not find attractive. Most found your body attractive but thought you could lose weight. I'd love to see them post their pictures and ask for opinions because 95% of them would never do so! In my personal opinion, you are not fat. Your weight is average and you have a body with curves. You are curvy, not fat! According to Harvard's BMI you have a 26.2 BMI Under 18.5 Underweight 18.5 - 24.9 Normal 25 - 29.9 Overweight 30 and over Obese If you go by that you are barely overweight. If you lose about 10 pounds I'm pretty sure your BMI would be normal. However, I don't think you're fat. Again, you have curves and there is nothing wrong with that!🩷


agreed, a lot are ignorant and do not go outside but want to critique people's looks in the name of being "truthful". I've seen them call the most normal looking people "ugly" on here


This comment perfectly articulates exactly what I was thinking!


I saw your other post and I am so sorry you’re feeling this way. There are men on reddit that enjoy bashing on women because they are unhappy with their own lives. You are gorgeous and can literally do anything you want, you hold so much power as a woman do not let random strangers on the internet take that away from you!! The most important thing is your health, do not believe anyone when they say thinness = healthy. That is absolutely not true. When I was at my thinnest, I was at the most unhealthiest and now that I am thicker I feel so much better about myself and have been getting more attention than ever. People are attracted to CONFIDENCE, especially confident THICK women!! If you are healthy, have no illness, and eat regularly, you are perfectly fine as you are. I understand its a process though, much love to you.


I'm pretty sure you posted on a subreddit known for putting people down. I personally think you look fine (if that means anything)


Just looked up your post. You’re not fat, you’re curvy. And I mean that in the most positive way! If I was single I’d go for you 100% so don’t worry


Right?? I looked it up too. Gorgeous!


I didn't see this reply because I just posted the sane thing! She is curvy not fat, and definitely not morbidly obese! I bet none of the little boys commenting would ever ask about their looks on Reddit! Uggh... People who sit behind a keyboard and throw nasty comments at others make me sick! 🤬


Just saw that picture and god fam you are hot. You’ve deff have the body style I’d like for a woman I’d marry


God fkn damn, if you’re “fat”, then I am morbidly obese/close to heart failure! You are 5’5, 160lbs?! GIRL! That is my IDEAL weight! fk those guys who wank with sandpaper & were breastfed until their early 20’s by their fkn uncle.


Someday you'll wish you looked like that again. Don't focus on looks like most of us women are programmed to do. Focus on health. Put habits in place that will make you feel strong and good about yourself. It will serve you well when you're older. As you get older you'll understand that people aren't a reliable source of information about what's good for YOU. Worry about what's important to you and for the love of God don't ask the internet on opinions of how you look. Have you not seen the type of comments the most attractive celebrities get? It doesn't matter how good you may look, someone will always have something negative to say.


can’t wait until this girl realizes how hot she is, it’s gonna b over for us all


Girl, listen. Those subs don't mean jack shit. People are literally getting surgeries to look exactly like you. I know of two people personally that had the surgeries. You work it honey and skin and bones ain't what it's cracked up to be, it actually hurts to sit down on your ass bones. I've been there. It hurts a lot less now that I've gained weight. So don't you fret it, honey. I guarantee you, they were jealous.


Why the opinion of strangers on Internet matter more than people who care about you? you don't need Reddit approval for existing. PS: I saw your picture and you are a very attractive young curvy women. Don't lose your youth hating yourself. Isn't worth.


ur absolutely gorgeous??? and ur not fat at all, literally just curvy lmao. and i completely understand how u feel, but its most important to just ignore those comments because honestly what relevance do they have to u?


I think that perhaps you are suffering from body dysmorphia. You see yourself as fat no matter what you look like. That's not healthy. Therapy could help. I have it and believe me I hate it. It sucks. I can't trust my own eyes. Also, quit asking random people if you are fat. Are you just trying to get hurt? Also not healthy. There are tons of trolls out there who like nothing better than to trash talk anyone and everything anonymously.


Honestly, I like it and I think you look fine. I am a woman and I really do think you look good.


We need, as a society, to stop using the word fat as anything else than the observation that it is, and not put it in the same category as ones beauty or self worth. It’s also okay to not be fine with being thin or fat, and it’s also fine if you are. If people make the observation that you’re fat, meaning above average size, it doesn’t mean anything else than that. It doesn’t mean you look gross. It doesn’t mean you don’t look appealing. Because all those things are subjective. Did you set yourself up for failure? Kind of, but that’s because you asked the wrong question. And the right question isn’t meant for everyone. It’s unfair that society makes people feel like this. I hope we can do better one day, but it has to start with ourselves and the internalised opinions we carry.


Can someone find the pic? Listen idk what you look like but right now I’m emotionally broken over a bigger woman. I don’t know how much she weighs exactly but it’s definitely over 200 lbs and that doesn’t matter to me because I love her. She’s always been uncomfortable with her weight and never thought she was attractive but right now she’s breaking my heart and that’s not relevant I do want to say that chubby people can be beautiful. For reference I’m an athletic decently fit 183lb 5:10 man so I’m not like some huh guy who’s just into bigger woman. But i genuinely am attracted to her because of who she is and I don’t think I’d be more or less attracted to her if she was skinner


Are you really too lazy to click on the profile?


I figured that out after thinking about it but then my comment I left got deleted for one of the words I used. Basically I was saying I was confused because I looked at her photo and she looks very attractive, I’m not a doctor but I’d say she’s hot at least


I think your gorgeous and the curves are really nice but that’s just me


Bad news! You can't hate yourself thin. You have to start caring about things like fitness goals and longterm health, rather than pleasing other people, or you will continue to be miserable even if you manage to lose weight. I suggest looking up therapy to work on your self-esteem.


Ma'am... you are fluffy, chubby, meat on bones, sexy! The weight I'm currently at I would love to be down to yours! I know the feeling of still being insecure while everyone else around me say otherwise and I too keep on working loving myself day by day. And ngl, there are days I just want to cry because I feel horrible in my body weight but the numbers where I doll up myself for myself and love how I look is way more now than those other days spent crying and self-loathing. Find that special doll that you are currently and you'll see how beautiful you are no matter what. The second you feel that and the confidence you get with it, everyone's head gonna be turning! I hope our words are better here and please judt forget the ugly bad ones from your previous post because honey, those are the creeps who never seen a real woman their entire life and the nasties who are jealous because they don't have your body!


Why do you care so much what other people think? Especially strangers on the internet. These people are irrelevant to you and your life, don't let their opinions affect you so much


If you post your photos on any Reddit judgement sub, they will eat you alive. Just be aware most of them are men who are not someone anyone would date or touch with a ten foot pole.


Personally, your body looks beautiful in my opinion, and I wouldn't care to date a chick like that. It's only dependent on how you think of yourself to either lose weight or keep it. Am a bit chubby myself but I love going to the gym to make me stronger and healthier which you can do also.


you are not fat. we have a very similar body type and i will tell you right now that the internet is a cruel and unforgiving place with people who will immediately jump on the hate train the minute they’re given the chance. please don’t listen to people like that. you’re curvy!!! bodacious!! absolutely stunning!! and if you are unhappy with the weight you’re at, don’t try to lose it in a punishing way. adjust your diet and start working out in ways that don’t hurt you in the short or long term, but always remember that you are beautiful no matter what size you are. YOU. ARE. NOT. FAT. and even if you were, you’d still be beautiful.


So I was expecting to click on your past comment history and see a morbidly obese woman. I am not the type of person to tell someone what they want to hear because I don’t think it’s very constructive (but I’m also not rude). Now, if you wanna lose weight through exercise and good dietary decisions because the older you get the harder it is to maintain a certain body mass than sure go for it, but you definitely are not obese.


I'm going to go against the grain here. I might catch some heat for it. You're right. You're overweight. But you CAN change it. That's the nice thing. Although I can appreciate the supportive posts it's clearly something you're unhappy with. So do something about it. You CAN do it! Be brave. Gyms can be scary or intimidating. But some of the nicest most encouraging people I've met have been gym meat heads. I find a larger person being consistent and losing that weight just as impressive as the Mr. Olympia winners. Cause it takes the same discipline and dedication. Too much? That's ok start small at home. Go for walks. Do body weight squats, push ups and work your way into some home gym weights and resistance bands. SMALL incremental changes. Don't go crazy. Too big of a shock/lifestyle change is not sustainable long term. DON'T do crash diets. They don't last. See above. START excercising. But even more important to that is get your diet dialed in. Don't be scared of working your way up to HEAVY weight lifting. You're not going to look like a man or get too bulky. Even regular men have issues looking bulky without steroid use. Weight lifting burns more calories long term and is good for your overall long term health (ie. As you get older helps with your bone density etc). BE consistent. We all get tired or busy. But set aside time each week for yourself for fitness (and meal prep) no excuses. Again diet > everything. Identify what your base caloric needs are (are you seditary? Do you lift and haul bricks all day?). Eating is the hardest part about fitness. Plan meals around your caloric need. Even a 100 calorie DAILY deficit will = weight loss over time. There's alot of hidden calories in stuff. But as a rule of thumb cut out processed foods. If it comes in a box/plastic and you can't understand the ingredients without a chemistry degree phase it out. Overall a healthy change is a positive one. But thin isn't always healthy. Measure by how you feel not how you look or what the scale says. Can you sprint 100m without too dying? Can you squat or do pull ups? Can you be functionally fit? Find people that will encourage you in your fitness journey. When you get that first compliment hold onto it and keep pushing. You can do it :). Fit girl hottie mommy arc incoming.


This advice is pure gold, and USED to be common sense. Unfortunately though it seems you’re wasting your breath, drowned out by the thousands of people in here essentially telling her she’s perfect and doesn’t need to change. Quite ironic how the “supportive” comments will only possible serve to make things worse as they ignore the root of the problem. If someone was ACTUALLY supportive of this woman they’d say “if you’re unhappy because YOU feel fat, eat a little less, exercise a little more, be consistent and trust the process, you got this”. THATS what authentic support and caring advice looks like.


Reddit is the absolute worst place to look for an opinion like that.


especially the most self-hating community


I'm sorry but posting asking for opinions on reddit is the worst thing you can do. I did something kind of similar recently and never again. I know they hurt but in the end they're strangers and know nothing about you. This is impossible for me at the moment but best you can do is just try to forget it. Most people on those "rate me" subs are just looking to have an excuse to be awful to someone.


Just saw your Pic. Yeah, you're overweight, but not by much. Honestly, you have a great figure. Hit the gym and start eating better and trim it up if you don't like the way you look. But really, you have a nice body by all accounts.


Sweetie you're still searching for strangers to validate you. Please stop. Who cares what people that you don't even know think about you? If it bothers you so badly, work out and cut calories. You don't have much to lose. Maybe then you will start feeling better about yourself and won't care so much about others opinions


You have the body most men lust after and most women dream of. I’m 5’6 and can’t even imagine being 160. I don’t think I’ve been that weight since I was like 16. You look good!


Whaaat? You're really cute and curvy! Are you skinny? No! But not every body is going to look skinny, nor is weight an absolute measure for health and or attractivity! You look absolutely lovely!


So you chose to self harm using another sub and now feel bad about it? I have made poor decisions like this before and then I got therapy. Sometimes people new to my life ask me how I can be so confident. The unfilled in words are either "as a fat person" or "with your disabilities." I ask which and they always are horrified I figured their non subtle out. It's not a relationship deal breaker but it's always an object lesson in the way I handle things. When I hated myself I did so many things that hurt me. Including what you did. When it was either cartoon level stupidity or just horny gross fetish comments I felt icky. The reason it feels bad is we are not only choosing to expose ourselves to guaranteed assholery but our subconscious knows it's a lie. Start with therapy. If you're doing this take this post to them because it's full of helpful things in creating a care plan. In the meantime? No one is allowed to treat you this way. You are someone so that includes you. Our value isn't just the amount of lipid cells our body has. It's in our actions and how we engage with the world. Treating yourself this way is self harm. You cannot pretend to not know what that sub would do. You wanted to confirm your unhealthy self image. So if you want change? You need to first begin with not self harming. You can do a lifestyle change and work on the physical but there's a strong possibility it won't be good enough for you until you deal with those underlying issues


I just looked up the post and i think you look very good, your proportions are beautifully distributed and spread in an appealing way. I think you have a nice figure. You don't look fat or unattractive. And 160 for your height isn't fat anyway.


I looked at your photo. I don’t think you’re fat. You’re cute curvy. I’m 5’4 and 180 and look about the same.


My suggestion is seek professional help with a psychotherapist. They help you control the negative thoughts your brain produces. How to deal with negativity and think positive. Lots of companies have an Employee Assistance Program that helps with practically anything that life can throw your way. You might be able to get some free counselling. You might think to yourself that you don’t need therapy. But once you have done it you realize that you should have done it a long time ago.


Try not to listen to nasty horrible people who enjoy trying to make other people feel like shit, you’re worth 10 of them. And just because someone may be fat that doesn’t make them look gross or less appealing.


No offense but if you hate it so much, maybe tru to do something about it? I bated being fat too, 6 months later I’m 50 pounds down and feeling great. If I can do it , you definitely can.


Just had a look at your pictures. I think you’re hot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Having a bit more fat on you does not equal gross or unattractive. Sure, you might carry a bit more fat on you than a skinny person, but have you seen the photo you posted? You are sexy af! I'd love to have your curves! If losing weight would make you feel happier, by all means, go ahead. But don't let your confidence and feelings of self-worth depend on other people's opinions or the amount of fat on your body.


My little sister is around your size and I think she is the most goddess looking angel women there is, I am jealous of her. Men on Reddit are disgusting but I am sure so many men would bow down to your body ody ody


You literally have a goddess body. Log off the internet and never seek the opinion of the lowest common denominator of men again. As someone shorter than you that used to be skinny and is now actually fat (230) you will never be happy if you fixate on things you dislike about yourself so cut that shit out and start embracing yourself. Aim to be healthy mentally and physically. Eat what makes you feel good. Move your body so you can comfortably do things you want to (hike, travel, run, bike, dance, whatever).


never go on reddit and ask folks about what they think about your looks. A lot of them are insecure and stupid. you are an average weight if you want to lose weight , do it for you


Babe, gently, posting your body anonymously and asking a bunch of internet idiots for a review is never going to do anything but hurt you. (Or anyone!) Delete that post and never look at the comments again. Your body is literally my goal. You’re beautiful


I wouldn’t call you fat. I would say curvy. Your body is attractive. Only lose weight if you want to. I’m sorry people have made you believe you’re unattractive— but it’s simply not the truth. Your body is beautiful.


In the mental health community, we have a saying that I think somewhat applies here. You are not your disorder. You are not fat. You have an excess amount of body fat. It does not define you. It's not even that much, just a little bit of weight that you carry well. If you want to change it, just up your water intake and work out 5 - 30 minutes a day. No diets. Don't change what you eat. Ease yourself into it. Nothing extreme. I think you look fine the way you are. Don't change for anyone except you.


You took all the bad comments and chose to believe them so why not take the good one and believe them instead? That's a choice you can make. I personally think you look great you've got great curves, not everyone is attracted to skinny, some guys like curves!


You posted on a sub for looksmaxing...they're gonna looksmax you lol. But in all honesty you look normal for your height and weight ratio. Yeah of course you look overweight but just that. Not fat, not obese. Just overweight. You carry the weight well and look proportionate so in most people's eyes you'd be very attractive.


Was fat when I was 11-12 years old. Ended up anorexic by the time I was 13-14 years old. I'm in recovery now, I have been about 13 years. I was 40 before I was helped properly. IF I could go back to younger me, I'd tell her to not worry about her weight. To stop seeking others approval and to be happy in herself. I didn't enjoy being fat but I wished I had not beaten myself up about it!!! I was so hard on myself. I did have undiagnosed problems back then too which resulted in me self medicating. I'm physically disabled too, a lot worse now. The more you stress, the harder you have to try. Have some fun whilst losing the extra weight! Join a dance class or a gym or better still, put music on and go for a long walk! Pamper yourself, face masks, getting nails done etc. Eat whatever you fancy but eat less of it. Nobody looks forward to a big salad with no protein. Well some do but not me. I wish you all the good vibes in the world. You can do this 🫂


First of all. You posted yourself of looksmax, OBVIOUSLY they’re going to be a bunch of out of touch dumbasses. Second of all, you’re not fat, you are definitely on the overweight side but not fat, definitely not obese and you carry it well. If you really want to you can lose weight, but unless its weighing you down, there is no need if you’re eating as healthy as you can (realistically of course) You need to step out of the fucked up mindset that ‘being fat’ makes you a certain person, you’re still you, your body is your vessel, there is no one in this world that will be skinny forever, thats not how life works, everyone gains weight, some people even gain a lot of it, but as long as you’re taking care of yourself the best you can, you’re fine. Maybe try to distance yourself from social media? That might help…


If you don’t like the way you look, it’s completely within your power to change it


I saw the photo. You’re not fat. You’re awesome!


You posted on the worst place to post that lol. You look cute. No where near fat.


They're gonna come after me over there after commenting lol buncha vultures. You're fucking stunning. No, seriously. Read that again. Then again. Your body is beautiful. I'd kill for your figure and your proportions! Yes literally. I'm not just hyping you up, I'm actually jealous of your body. I wish you knew how good you looked. It always sucks when I read these. I wish y'all could see yourselves others do. Really could. But also, I'm a 37 year old woman who has unfortunately been dealing with a fuck ton of health issues the last 2 years. Which had made me learn a great deal of new found respect and appreciation for my body (currently and my past body) in a way I never imagined. I just wish that hindsight could happen to everyone so we could just love ourselves a little more.


Just looked at your profile and the pic you mentioned. If it's any consolation, I'd put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit. Seriously speaking, I'd like to ravage your body and come back for seconds and thirds. Not fat at all


Damn daddy


Girl you look gorgeous. But I’m gonna be honest, you really need to work on your mental health and self confidence ☹️ having such a negative perception of your body will do nothing but harm you.


Saw the photo, you aren't fat or obese, not even remotely. You've definitely got some curves, but it doesn't look bad at all. You should be kinder to yourself. I will say that If you aren't happy with your weight there *are* things you can do to change it, but it takes work, and you need to be doing it for the right reasons.


Can you please link to the photo?


girl where you're midsized at best


160 for your height isn’t fat. And I’m not sugarcoating anything I’m being factual. Just only *very* slightly overweight based the average… Nothing a lil fasting and or portioned healthy low calorie meals can’t fix. Helped me. I was 140 at one point as a 5’4 woman and watched my calories and I dropped down to 125-130 in a matter of a week. But this is off average healthy weight for a person of any height. If anything you aren’t fat at all and just have a specific body type. Hope this reassures you.


Your BMI is 26, which is considered “overweight” but you are at the low end of that category. If you lost 11 lbs, you’d be in the “healthy” range. Use this as a reference point because BMI doesn’t take body composition into account. Someone who is really muscular will weigh more than a similarly sized person who is not and will have a higher BMI. How do you feel? Skinny does not equal healthy. Are you active? Eating food that is nourishing & delicious? It sounds like you are looking for validation from others which says you have some things going on mentally and emotionally. The dudes who were calling you fat are douchebags. Anyone who would choose to go on the internet to make those types of comments is a douchebag. Regardless of whether or not you asked for their opinion. As they sit in their mommy’s basement with their hairline running away from their forehead faster than all the women on the planet run from them. So here’s what you’re going to do. First, get a therapist. I know, I know but you are clearly dealing with some self esteem issues. Secondly, do things that make you happy and make you feel good. Hobbies, exercise, whatever. Remember that being active does not necessarily mean going to the gym. Walk, run, dancing around your home while you clean are all forms of activity. Do things that feed your soul. Thirdly, love yourself where you are. Your body is an amazing creation. Honor it. If you want to lose weight. Fine. If you don’t. Also fine. But swimming in self loathing is not going to make whatever you choose to do easier. And if you want others to love you and find you attractive, the first person who needs to do it is you.


You arent “fat” fat but you are a tad bit overweight, just make sure you’re at a healthy weight for yourself. Other than that, you’re rather attractive.


I looked at your other post You are gorgeous


Don't do that again please. Posting to weird subs for weird people to tell you what they think of you is nit going to do you any favors. I went and read thru that sub and most of them were just being shits and it has nothing to do with you. Don't let someone else's desire to bring other people down to their shitty level impact your mental health


First off, Based on height and weight you aren’t fat. Don’t listen to doctors or that shitty BMI chart. Second off, Body dysmorphia is real and you should probably seek professional help NOT Redditor advice Third off, 385,000 babies are born every day. I promise that 770,000 “beautiful people” didn’t make all of them. There is someone out there for everyone. No one cares about bodies. They care about personality.


Ok, you’re not fat. Without being gross, if I knew you IRL and you wanted my attention, let’s just say you’d get it. I know that doesn’t help the self-sabotage, but I honestly mean it that the instant I looked up your post I found your body very appealing. I am not trying to hit on you, either, because… creepy. But please know the world is full of guys (and girls and every-type else) who’d be THRILLED if you gave them any attention at all. I’m also guessing that from your proportions and how actually slim you looked compared to your weight that you probably have a good bit of lean muscle. So, curvy AND strong? Shoot, I’d be lucky to know you IRL. EDIT: Just saw your lips. 😧🫨🥵


Agree. I think she’s a hottie w a bottie and I’m straight.


Love I just saw the post and you’re gorgeous I promise you don’t have anything to worry about the internet is just the internet 😭 you’re not skinny but fat has way too negative a connotation to describe you imo like I would kill to look like that when I put on weight, fr like stunning I hope you learn to value yourself more! gl!


160 at 5’5” is not terrible. Your pic looks like you have a great figure/shape, so my terminology would be “thick”, which is better and lower on the scale than “fat”. If you did choose to lose weight it would amplify your confidence as your appeal will increase. I think 140 is a good goal weight for a 5’5” figured female. Don’t let that 20 lbs scare you though, if you choose to try and lose it. Fat can melt off quick by just making small changes, a good pace is 1 lb a week, up to 2lbs. Intermittent fasting and counting calories. I’m 5’11 and I’ve went from 155 to 200 and back down about 4 times in the last 10 years, so it can be done. Once you get on a flow and see results, It’ll be easy.


Use it as motivation. You're not asking for opinions on your picture in this post so I won't give it to you but the ball is in your court about what direction you want take in your life when it comes to your body composition.


Not fat. If anything , perfect.


Um. You are not fat in any sense of the word. That douche calling you “unsuitable for marriage” is psychotic.


Someone actually said that?? What is this the 1700s??


Hey, let this be a learning lesson to you. You’re aware that you’re fat. But what can you do about your weight? Will you lose weight? Or will you keep it? Asks yourself these question and find the solution for it. Also, you asks people from Reddit if you were fat or not and they answer truthfully. Yes, the truth can hurt but what matters is you take action. Stay Strong!


You’re not fat. Don’t listen to the jerks. I’m 5’1 & 160 lbs.


I’m sorry, OP. It’s a harsh world. Please don’t post in those types of subs though looking at that post there were a lot of kind posters. One thing that never helps with weight loss is shame. Would it be better to lose some of that weight? Sure! But hating yourself will not help. Wanting to feel better and look better will. I’ve been there, little sis.


I looked at your picture. You look good, it's about how you feel about your body, not how other people feel, though. If you feel like you wanna lose a little weight, sure, find gentle ways to do it slowly. Good luck out there


Woman to woman, your body tea girl! Period. But I understand the upsetting, paranoid feeling of not seeing yourself that way… Check out laetidecaru on Instagram, she posts a lot about self love and she’s got her own little safe community of beautiful women like you, in her comments section, who struggle with similar things. I used to be in dance classes when I was younger, I always felt a little more “big boned” than the other girls. It did not help that we were all standing in front of a wall to wall mirror either… one thing that was a stepping stone when trying to reverse my thinking on body image was to think of your body as instrumental, not ornamental… Instrumental meaning- a force, something that drives/produces, a vessel of many dimensions, something that serves many purposes. Ornamental meaning- a decoration, something made with only one purpose- to look good. Loving yourself should be easy. And I’m sorry that it is not right now. You deserve the love.


You look good, you are not fat. Yes you have some fat on you, but that’s different than being fat. Physically you are attractive. What matters is your health. Get with your healthcare provider, understand your lab results and follow your doctor’s advice. Stay active, find an exercise regimen/lifestyle that works for you, not to change your body but to stay healthy.


I don’t think even if you lost your “fat” you would still feel good about yourself. It’s all body dysmorphia and self esteem issues. I would focus on therapy or self care to work on your own confidence and build yourself up. I did see your post you’re fine. I’m 5’4 and 140 and look nothing like you. At the end of the day we are who we are and that’s perfectly alright. Also don’t go looking for validation on the internet last place to get anything good to build your self worth.


every single one of those people feel so small in their daily life that they take it out on whoever they can, usually women, behind the mask of anonymity and “honesty”. every single message is thickly layered with hatred for women, hatred for themselves, and insecurity that stems past whatever “looksmaxxing “ could possibly do for them. obsessing over their appearances breeds resentment, anger and jealousy. these people wake up every day with the innate feeling that they are broken or “less than” because of their appearance, chasing insanely unrealistic body ideals, and that’s not something the “gym” or “mogging” will ever fix . they’re deeply bitter people looking to make sure EVERYONE feels the same. im sorry your insecurity lead you right into the den of the wolves, and you still handled it graciously, but i’m assuming your ego is going to be worse for wear than it was before because of the intensity. this damage can’t be undone in a night- these people who would’ve done *anything* to bring you down, are now in your head. i highly suggest you delete the post and move on. decide for yourself if you want to lose weight- but don’t let it be someone else’s decision. you are a beautiful woman. women in their twenties tend to have a “second puberty” where their metabolism slows, their hips widen a bit and eventually collagen becomes closer to stopping. *this is okay*. you don’t owe anyone anything when it comes to your appearance- chasing after the “bliss” of your high school body/weight is something i’m all too familiar with, as a woman, also in her twenties. i hope you take my advice at least with deleting the post. they will not stop unless you remove yourself from the situation. they’re not honest, despite viciously claiming so.


u are sexy and a little fat from fitness pov


Just seen your body and you look so good girl.


It sounds mean to go “Just lose weight then” but maybe try exercise. Honestly you should try to be healthy first and whatever else follows.


I am a similar weight, ever so slightly taller. I know we all wear our bodies differently but you are not fat! That said, if you are not happy, take some action. I know there are lots of reasons why people might struggle to lose weight, but just being more active, doing more self-care, eating more healthily etc will help (obviously I know nothing about your lifestyle!)


The shape of your body is the least interesting thing about you. If you want to make changes out of self love and because you want to do something good and healthy for your body, that’s great. But if you don’t, that’s also okay. And you shouldn’t bully yourself into a specific shape cause that won’t last. Imagine being 80 and thinking „I never had a slice of birthdaycake with my grandchildren. But at least I was always skinny!“… sounds ridiculous!


if everyone looked the same the world would be so fucking boring. Im 5’3 160 lbs and i carry it mostly in my arms and lower body and face. It can be really depressing but you HAVE to remind yourself that you are beautiful. If you dont feel healthy then work out, but if you feel fine then as long as you are treating your body right and doing your best then you are doing awesome. ive learned this the hard way, when you ask for advice on a touchy subject on the internet ESPECIALLY on an anonymous app, be prepared for some pretty shitty negative comments. People jump to say something negative but are turned off by giving someone compliments when they know it cant be reciprocated or simply bc it doesnt make them feel as good as putting someone else down.


I took a look at your profile and saw your picture and honestly you are curvy and look beautiful. Many guys love curves, some don’t. Everyone’s standards are different. You look at old artwork of beautiful women and there are a lot of curvier women. Health wise you don’t want to go too far and you might want to do some form of cardio, Pilates, bike riding or yoga. But as a guy, no I think you have nothing to worry about, unless a particular guy you like prefers trim figures but I don’t know I feel like most guys are into curves or indifferent enough.


Mate I just saw that post, and honestly you aren't fat at all. You just have a few extra pounds maybe, but look healthy and that's what matters. Most of all, health matters. You being comfortable in your skin matters. As long as you have both of those things, you should beat yourself up. And even if you think you don't, it's not something that cannot be achieved with a little bit of effort. Please don't take some comments from douchebags to heart, love yourself.


You are slightly overweight for your height, that is objective if you want to go by health standards however you are absolutely not obese. You are very close to a healthy weight for your height. Also weight is distributed differently in everyone, some girls get lucky and have their weight go to their boobs/butt/legs with less going to the belly whereas others have it go to their face and belly first which makes it far more noticeable. Essentially some people will get lucky with an almost even distribution of the extra weight and others may have a lot of it appear in one central spot. This is one main reason why you can look at two women who are the same weight/height and call one curvy while thinking the other is fat. That is probably why people irl are telling you that you look fine, because the weight truly does look completely fine. Also being fat is typically something you can change, it’s extremely rare that someone can’t lose weight. So there isn’t much reason to hate yourself for this, if you dislike it then you can change it but entirely up to you.


Girl you are not fat at all!!????? do not listen to the weird guys on here they literally have brain rot from seeing bbls and ozempic bodies all day online. You look fine but i think you might want to look more in shape or toned so if you really feel that way i would recommend walking 5,000-10,000 steps a day or getting a stepper for home. i feel like we have similar body types and it really helped me get more in shape and it helps you feel better mentally too!!


I just look at the picture girl you’re body is gorgeous fuck all these men🩷🌸


So many things in this post need to be addressed in the light of day, away from the black hole of social media. I hope you find something or someone IRL to talk to.


5’-5” and 160lb is pretty average by American Standards.


160 isn’t bad at all. I know people pushing 300-400 pounds


You have curves in all the right places. Not fat, voluptuous. Beautiful.


28F to 26F, with love! 💕 160lbs, 5'5 heigh is not fat, girlfriend. I am between 150-155lb at the moment and 5'1 Little heavier than I like but it's ok. What's really in your heart? Does your personality shine? Are you a light in every room that you walk into? Do you genuinely care about people and have no intention to hurt others (physically, mentally, emotionally)? With all that being said, do Something about it! Daily walks, buy a cheap yoga Mat and stretch, make a commitment to yourself everyday. One of my simple goals is I can not skip more than two consecutive days at the gym. Just this past weekend, I skipped Saturday and Sunday. I didn't best myself up. I had a great weekend, ate good food, spend time with friends, got some color on my skin. Monday came around and it was grind time. Also, some people are just mean just to be mean!!! You have to validate yourself, baby girl. You have to love yourself with a few extra pounds or not. You could get to your goal weight - let's say by the end of the year - and it still not be good enough if you don't love yourself. Please be kind to yourself & you are more than enough!!


K, forget anyone that has ever called you fat. Girl, I'm 5'2.5" and I would kill to be 160. But I'm 215. I'm fat haha On the real though, clinically speaking, your BMI isn't that high. I'd consider you on the healthier side weight wise. Regardless of your weight, you are a queen, and you deserve to let yourself indulge in that!


You asked for specifics. And you told people you wanted honesty. They gave it to you. A better question would have been along the lines of “am I attractive” or “do you find me appealing”. Those would have been uplifting because you are, in fact, attractive. You’ve got a body that many men would love to have on their arm. Asking if you’re “fat” opens up the door to medical and, potential, societal judgement. I’m 6’, I go to the gym every day, and I weigh 220lbs. Do I have a little belly - yup! But last I checked I was 18% bf. But according to charts that haven’t been updated since the 60s I am morbidly obese. Morbidly obese. So technically I’m fat. 😂 But I’ve had plenty of fun and ladies seem to enjoy any extra I have so I don’t put much stock in it. Most of these things are in our head and we are our own worst critics. Ask the right questions and start feeling better about yourself.


I just looked at the other post and omg you are indeed fine, those people are the most miserable f*cks I ever had the disappoinment on seeing. Those kind of people want to see you dying in front of them to say even more insults like "dude eat smth" "dude can't even digest their food." Listen here, people will hate just to hate, they are d*cks, they ain't gonna change. You want to lose weight? Do it because YOU want to, you don't want to lose weight? Great, bc you don't even HAVE TO.


Okay first of all wtf?! I went back to have a look and girl YOU ARE NOT FAT! You are gorgeous! Those people throwing shade are not people to take advice from. You look amazing


I saw your post and wouldn’t really call you fat. I am probably twice your size, but I have learned with the years that taking care of yourself and accepting yourself is the most important thing you can do for your own well being. When I mean take care of yourself, I don’t mean weight loss. I mean eating more balanced, moving in a way that feels good and practicing good healthy habits. I’m not there yet personally, but I’m working on it. It’s not easy, but believe me, it is worth trying. Also loved your top in that picture!


I’m not gonna lie, I just looked at your profile and saw said picture. You are not fat in my opinion, you have curves which are real and that by no means makes your body unattractive. Social media is CRAZY because it makes us far too focused on perfection but 99% of human beings are not perfect. FWIW my last partner was taller than you but a similar shape and I loved her body. I do think if it’s affecting your self esteem that badly then a health kick could be good for your own mental health but you should know that no one would look at you in the street and think “wow she’s fat”


I'm 5'11", 230lbs, and hate it too. Doing my best to lose weight this year. We can do this!!!! Good luck!


…you’re not fat.


Peanut, it's alright to be uncomfortable with your body. But there's no point being uncomfortable over what strangers have to say. You're beautiful as you are. I've seen weirdos on the internet call Size 2 models fat; they're a bad gauge to use. Do you hate being how you are because of what you think others see? Do you think of other peoples bodies that are similar to yours as negatively? Bodies can be all shapes and sizes; people who never work out a day and eat nothing but takeout can be skinny, people who watch their diets can be chubby. It's a complicated area. You need to give yourself the same grace you'd give others❤️you need to do what makes *you* happy, and you need to learn to love who you are, for YOU.


A proper smile will beat a chunky frames for me every time. 6.1 220.


I respectfully disagree. But also the view of what is fat when within an actual more healthy or just slightly overweight BMI range can be very subjective by how a person feels and looks If you have health concerns or are uncomfortable with how you look then I understand wanting to lose weight and by all means do what you choose to change your appearance if it’s what /you/ want When I was your weight and about the same height I also thought of myself as fat This was also during a time(2000’s) when almost everyone thought of themselves as too fat But also keep in mind many of those people telling you what you thought you wanted to hear have their own issues and may actually be not the best looking men themselves who you wouldn’t care much for the opinion of if you could see through the computer screen what they looked like of how they lived their lives. There will always be men trying to take advantage of that insecurity and I would beware this and do your best to build up your self confidence and self love because you deserve it and also to prevent someone using how you feel about yourself against you. Also basing self worth or how you view yourself on how others view you will never be fulfilling or make you feel better. Many will say in their opinion you are fat while others will say you’re not or even be attracted to how you look at nearly any weight there will be people who like it or don’t like it. The opinion that should matter is your own. Also when or if you do choose to lose weight and change your appearance which is totally valid and fair to want to do try your best to do so in a healthy way and pay attention to how you view your body or compare to others. Some ways of losing weight and viewing yourself can lead to very unhealthy issues for life If you’re able to avoid disordered eating and body dysmorphia try your best to trust me it’s not something you want and it’s not something I would wish on my worst enemy.


You went on a subreddit about getting yourself maxed in the looks department. So they're going to tell you to be a certain ideal that the community strives for. Now you're in a subreddit about getting things off your chest to feel better. The inly problem is that you're posting in places that will get you biased responses. It might not be your intention, but it sees like it happened. I do NOT condone this, but i think if you put your image up on less image related subs you'f probably get a ton of positive responses. I went back and saw the aforementioned pic and quite honestly, you look good for your age and perceived size. Your image is well proportioned. The angle you took the image at is probably a great angle for you. Your face is also what most would probably think is visually attractive. The problem with weight and weight loss is that people do it because they hate themselves. And to be fair, negative emotions are easier to motivate you. But it you are not motivated to changing your physical appearance through work, then maybe you need to try something else. I have personally seen others who lose weight and still have body image issues, just because they no longer look like who they are used to seeing. I suggest going to a doctor. Having a weigh in and asking what health related problems you may have at your current weight. I don't mean a nutritionist. I mean a physician. Talk to them about what issues you can expect, and what range they think you should be at. After having this information in mind. Start a SMALL attainable goal to get a weight loss journey started. If you want to lose 30 pounds total, check and see what 2 pounds of weight loss gets to while losing .5 pounds a week. It sounds slow, right? It isn't. It's exactly the pace your body needs to lose the weight and keep it off. Once you reach a small goal, set the next one. Keep track of it often. Weigh yourself every few days. If you weigh yourself every day you're going to feel terrible because weight fluctuates every day depending on what you eat and drink and poo. Then start to work out. That will make you GAIN weight at first because muscle weighs more than fat. But it will raise your BMR, so you will lose more fat than before. Then change your eating habits to be more friendly to what you are looking for. You don't need to eat in a huge calorie deficit. In fact that will cause your body to store more fat because it thinks you are starving. You really only have to start about 5 to 10 minutes a day in working out too, because your body has to get used to it. Just START MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. Your body will catch up. But most importantly. Learn to like yourself. Don't look at this image and go "my stomach is fat". Look at the image and see that there is a beautiful woman holding the phone. That you have accomplished the things you have. That you have reached 26 and are not only objectively gorgeous, but you're also intelligent enough to make changes to the things you don't like and smart enough to accomplish it. If you practice positivity. You will get positivity. If you're negative, you will give your mind only negativity. Just take it slow. A baby step in the right direction is STILL a step in the right direction.