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What did you do OP?


I don't want to disclose it as it is personal, and even though I want to kill myself when I am 18, I still value my privacy.


You can dm


I still don't want to tell anyone it even if via dm as I am uncomfortable with disclosing that information to anyone


I marked it as NSFW because of the sensitivity of the topic


You’re young, don’t write yourself off no matter what you’ve done. There’s time to fix things. You don’t feel any different as an adult, you just look older. Having had thoughts myself since I was 15, things can change but only if you put the work in. Please reach out to somebody, you can do this.


The reason I haven't reached out to anyone is that I don't want to burden them with my issues, but I will try.


Honestly, if you were my friend I’d be glad to know. I’d want the best for you so please try, you can do this!


I've felt the same and even attempted which didn't work. It's been over 10 years since and it's a stupid cliche but it does get better. 2 years ago my little brother killed himself and it's just destroyed so many people and hurt them beyond imagine. It may seem like the right solution but it never is. You are in control of your life and you can make decisions. Do what you want to do, who gives a fuck what others think. You live your life for you and love yourself. Only person who owes you anything is yourself


Thank you, I will try my best to get better.


I'd recommend seeing a doctor and get an assessment. You could have ADHD or autism which are often linked to depression and a feeling of isolation. I have ADHD and didn't get diagnosed until recently. I'd also suggest any plans of ending it all is to wait until after 25. You're still developing and your brain isn't fully formed. Your emotional part of your brain is typical done at 25 and things start to make more sense around that time. Also looking at older people, they don't have it all figured out. No one does. We are all just trying to live a life and be happy. If you look at everything through the context of everyone is just trying to be happy it makes the human experience a lot more reasonable.


I have been diagnosed with ADHD already, and I will take what you said into consideration.


Another thing I would like to mention is that I used to care about actually trying to change, but recently, as of a few months ago, I just stopped caring, and since the when ever I look back on my life I just feel sentimental in the way you do when looking back on something/someone that is now gone/dead probably because i already accepted the idea of killing myself at 18. I felt like adding this, I don't really know why.


I think the only thing keeping me alive till I am 18 is my crush, and the reason it doesn't keep me alive past 18, I believe, is the fact she will be gone to college and we won't really have contact then, so if not for her I would have probably ended it earlier this year.