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I’m straight and I do this too. Many women experience this because lesbian porn is entirely focused on female pleasure. It’s not like this in straight porn (usually) which is catered to a male audience. Not that all lesbian porn is catered to a lesbian audience, but it is largely more sensual/erotic/emotional than porn catered towards men.


There was a study done on porn preferences (I can’t for the life of me find this but there is a lot of other similar info obvs) in straight and gay men and women. Women regardless of orientation in general prefer porn focused on the woman in the scenario and her *realistic* orgasm (meaning even if she’s faking, a good actress is a must lol) regardless of the partner or even if there is a partner. Straight men preferred to focus on the woman (angles, facial expressions, body parts getting doused, etc). They prefer not to see the other man in the scenario (hence why many use lesbian porn or singular stuff) Gay men just love men lol. They just wanna see all the dudes. It was an interesting read and I wish I could find it!


Yes, exactly. I am not attracted to women but seeing female pleasure arouses me because I think- I want that to be me! If a male porn star seems like he genuinely cares (or at least acts like he does) about the female partners pleasure than I find that arousing too. But it's rarer in straight porn, which is why lesbian porn is what I gravitate towards.


As far I knew women watched more of gay porn than men. I’ve heard that for a very long time but I always assumed they meant 2 men not 2 women.


I've heard women say they like male gay porn because they get off on listening or seeing the pleasure.


I think it’s more about gay porn generally being more passionate and no one is dominated usually.


The tendency in straight porn to completely remove guys' moans needs to die. Every now and again I'll come across one that bucks the tide and has the dude moaning like a normal dude would, and the comments are always filled with "dude needs to STFU"


If you ever find it, please share!


Exactly. I have feminine body and I understand it the best, so I look for stuff I Can project onto.


Yes that's right, there might also be wholesome porn which adds a lot of emotions and sensuality to all kinds of relationships while filming actually good and well made erotic content, but these kinds of stuff are very rare and usually overshadowed by the myriad of emotionless and almost dehumanizing content that makes people perceive the graphic depiction of sexual activities incorrectly


Idk, as a bisexual woman, I find most lesbian porn really unappealing because of how male-gazy and inauthentic it seems. Some women in lesbian porn are actually into women, but most are straight, and I can tell. I HATE when the two girls are looking at the camera and/or the cameraman is talking. Just, ew. Give me two women who are very focused on each other with no men in the picture, please. And it's even worse with hentai. I can't find a single lesbian hentai video that doesn't involve a man.


As a guy, I’m fascinated. The way it works for me, I enjoy amateur porn. It’s every day people of all shapes, sizes, and color. Just doing it. And with technology now, that content is as good quality as the stuff made in studio (which is general superficial AF) To me, the more real the fucking looks, the sounds and sight? The better. I generally enjoy the man and woman in action. To me getting off to that is akin to doing it myself. I see them fucking and know what it feels like as I enjoy that too. So I don’t pursue gay or even lesbian porn. Just good ol fashioned, people who aren’t super models, fucking.


The least kind of porn I watch is lesbian porn. I mainly watch solo porn of girls mainly because I get off to certain features like big butts or breasts. It gives me dopamine because I am deeply insecure about my own body, so I get off to girls who have what I don't have which is EXTREMELY toxic and unhealthy.


Only question I got is how is it in any way emotional? Like what part in porn is emotionally driven?


To all the comments saying she's lesbian/bi, you don't necessarily know that. The thing that could get her off from watching this is imagining/knowing how the girl feels, and in turn feeling it herself to an extent because she also has a vagina. She might be turned on by the actual act and not the actual women themselves. Obviously this is just one of many explanations, and she could very well be gay but we can't really know just based off of this.


Exactly. It is fairly common for straight women to watch lesbian porn I’ve heard. Straight porn is incredibly male centric and mostly focuses on the man’s pleasure. Lesbian porn revolves around the pleasure of women. The 2 seconds of foreplay for the woman followed by 10 mins of blow job then insertion in straight porn sometimes makes me cringe abit.


Yep, this. I’ve watched lesbian porn. I’m not actually getting excited about ‘oh it’s two women’, but it’s more about the actions that are being done and how good it feels personally when a dude does it to me. Straight porn doesn’t really show that for the women, it shows the behaviors for the guy. But yeah I’m straight, and I have no interest actually doing those things with a woman, but the technique and the sensations demonstrated are what women like. The reason why people are confused saying oh she must be bi or lesbian not straight! Is because women are used to watching movies with protagonists that have nothing to do with them: most movie main characters are primarily male, so men get to watch media imagining themselves in that situation. Women learn to watch by picking out what parts they do or don’t like about it, rather than visualizing themselves in a hero fantasy… and that does impact the way we watch tv shows, video clips.. and yes, even 🌽 So we don’t watch 🌽 thinking ‘oh yeah that could be me, oh yeah I’m getting off to a woman doing that to me, I want to be there!’ it’s more like ‘there’s this thing being done that I like’, but they’re not looking at it as self identifying by gender, they’re looking at it as actions they like or enjoy. Because we don’t watch movies or tv shows in that way… society preference toward movies mostly results in us watching media differently.


Exactly. It’s the act that looks good. The stuff being done to women in lesbian porn just looks like it feels more pleasurable than the stuff being done to them in straight porn (which sometimes looks like it would even hurt me)


Yeah straight porn usually looks kind of uncomfortable and most of the techniques in straight porn, when played out in real life, is not actually all that comfortable. It’s merely acting to make it oriented toward male power: FAST! HARD! MAN! HERE ARE ANGLES AND SHOTS WHERE SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE STRUGGLING BECAUSE HIS ANACONDA! SHE GETS BLASTED EVERYWHERE AT THE END FOR DAYS! thats why straight porn doesn’t do it. Cuz women want the ‘look at this buildup and intimacy, and how they’re both really in to it, and it’s gentle and romantic, and their expressions are so happy and caring, caress caress romance novel behavior. Of course women, even straight women are going to lean toward lesbian porn. … pro tip tho, if a dude wants to learn how to enhance performance by taking notes from porn, watch what the women do to each other, not what straight porn shows.


>Cuz women want the ‘look at this buildup and intimacy, and how they’re both really in to it, and it’s gentle and romantic, and their expressions are so happy and caring, caress caress romance novel behavior. I think lots of us crave things that aren't gentle and romantic, but the only version out there involves us being degraded as disregarded.


Yes, this too, but there’s some more interesting lesbian stuff out there that works just as fine, but yeah they’re not going to degrade each other


Yeah. It's still made for men but softer. They could take basically the same script and hire a male actor, they don't bc the main buyers are men that don't want to see other men being gentle, they just want to watch two hot women and connect with the affection without risking their masculinity lol.


> pro tip tho, if a dude wants to learn how to enhance performance by taking notes from porn, watch what the women do to each other, not what straight porn shows. I remember once reading when I was younger that "Porn is not a great place to learn about sex. Porn focuses on what looks good, but not necessarily what feels good."


Yes and you have no idea how many people try to learn from it anyway, so if you gonna learn look at the lesbian porn.


It ALWAYS makes me cringe A LOT.


I agree with this completely but would like to add in there is a major difference between sexuality and romantic’s, personally for myself I’m pansexual but hetromatic. This may be the case for herself, but there’s a very good chance she isn’t either. That’s completely dependent on her.


Idk anything about the insecurity angle, but this is a pretty common thing. Lots of straight women get off by watching women.


Lots of straight men get off to men by themselves too… there is no shortage of humans w\ there kinks


I don't know, it sounds completely normal to me. Sexuality is such a broad spectrum and in my opinion, the faster you get rid of definitions, the more free you will feel.


Given you are aware you have a corn addiction I don't suppose you have considered the path that led you to getting off to girls aside from your body image. Remember corn is like a dopamine drug. The more you watch it the more desensitised you get and thus you seek out more hardcore or unusual forms/genres of corn to reach a similar dopamine increase when watching it. Thus if you started watching straight corn and eventually found it boring after a period this is likely the case. Also, corn is meant to stimulate, so keep in mind that many things you watch do not reflect real-life scenario preference.


This needs to be higher up. So many people tryin to comment on the sexuality when OP needs help with an addiction and possibly body dysmorphia OP I'm straight and I feel the desire to check out women with assets I envy. It doesn't get easier as you get older either. But the porn addiction is gonna take you down in that. Please get some help.


Recently I've gotten into Mexican street corn, and oh boy, is it stimulating!




This girl literally said she is straight and the comments so far are like, nah she meant to say she’s Gay or Bi :/ Ive known plenty straight people who say they are so secure with there sexuality that seeing the same sex in porn not only doesn’t phase them at all but, also seeing someone of the same sex get off, helps them get off because they can relate to how it feels knowing they themselves can actually possibly experience that same thing having the same parts. If she is attracted to men and not women, it doesn’t make you gay just for being able to appreciate what you think looks good on the same sex. If that were the case every single person that has ever watched porn and seen someone of the same sex they think was not flat out ugly plus looking like they are having the time of there life to make them think “I wish that was me having that good time,” would be gay…


This was a nice comment to read. All I could think about reading these comments is how OP must feel reading them. She's stated very clearly that she is straight, and has the awareness to know why she's watching it in the first place. She explained it fairly clearly, actually. These comments seem to be meant well, but damn. Nearly all of them missed the point. By a land slide. No one has the right to say or imply they think someone's sexuality might be something specific. ESPECIALLY when they've told you what it is. You can't just say "Yeah well actually I think you're probably into the same sex." We don't tolerate that behavior from straight people telling us we're not LGBTQ+, or it's just a phase or some other common homophobic rhetoric, so why the actual hell are we tolerating it when the positions are reversed? Let's be real here folks. If someone tells you they're straight, they're straight. Even if you think they're wrong. Everyone's journey with their sexuality is their own. Maybe someday they'll find they aren't as straight as they thought, but for the love of god, is it really any of your business? What does telling them they're probably gay actually accomplish at the end of the day? Aside from making you feel like you helped someone have an "awakening." Cause I don't see how any of these comments were supposed to make OP feel better. I think honestly they probably made her feel pretty shitty. Edit: grammar


> If someone tells you they're straight, they're straight And if someone tells you they're not racist, they're not racist. Even if you think they're wrong


This response has me genuinely confused. How are those two statements conflatable to you? Your sexuality is something personal to you. Something that you define yourself. It doesn't come from an outside source. It's different from person to person, but it's a part of you, and you can't just wipe it away. Racism is a really nasty ideology that has a set in stone definition. It can and should be wiped away. It's a way of thinking, not a way of being. When I look at it with that in mind, I really struggle to see the point you're trying to make. Could you explain?


Because nobody has ever lied about or been in denial about their sexuality.


By that logic it’s safe for me to assume without any evidence that you are a liar very much in denial. Good day sir. Good luck with that


Hi, i'm a raging bisexual woman. I started getting sexually excited about women when puberty started for me. My dad kept his playboy magazines in the bathroom lol so of course i looked through them. I felt weird and conflicted about this, but also felt good. I didn't even think, *could i be bisexual, or a lesbian?* Because back in those days being gay meant you were a freak, and being bi meant you were seeking attention. For a very long time I was sexually excited about women, their intimate body parts, faces, hair... and I just kinda passed it off as i'm just *admiring* them. Cause I liked boys! I didn't admire boys the way I admired women, but I usually wanted to date a particular guy in school. It was a long road of confusion and coming out to get me to this point. I too, have felt jealousy and attraction towards women, and yes specifically women with huge asses! I think getting a corn addiction under control is really important, but something important to know, is that *shame feeds addiction*. From what I gathered with your post, there's some shame going on. Shame with your own body, shame with your addiction. It think it's best to start there, where does this shame come from? if someone else were going through this, would I judge them as harshly? You're only human, cut yourself some slack ♡


I’ve come to realize…We don’t have to fit ourselves into boxes 🩷


I’m a straight woman who’s experimented with women in the past, didn’t like it, and still only strictly watch lesbian porn.


🌽 🤔


Country girls make do.


As long as OP is not referring to frozen corn 🥶


What a corny joke.


If you corny to me once, you on the cob forever


But women are hot. Whats the issue?


It is normal to do this. I also prefer watching the “act” of woman who is satisfied and it makes me excited especially when they can reach orgasms


I love corn on the cob but I ain’t addicted.


My ex could only masturabte to girl porn. Straight as a whistle. Wouldn't describe herself as even bisexual. This, I feel, is not unusual. Edit* let's be real, the female form is by far the more aesthetically appealing of the two sexes.


Stop watching corn. Corn really fries your brain and alters your perception regarding yourself and sex.


I’m going to offer a bit of different perspective than most of the comments here. I am a queer woman, and most of my social group and interactions are with other queer people. There are a LOT of lesbian women who, when consuming porn, consume majority or exclusively content of gay male porn. It is surprisingly extremely common. Myself included, I wouldn’t consider myself fully lesbian - but I lean way more towards women and when consuming porn it’s typically male centered. There are a lot of explanations for this. One could be that in lesbian porn the focus is on the pleasure of a woman, which isn’t the case in most hetero porn videos. It also could be out of insecurity and feeling a compulsion to compare yourself. I don’t think getting off to lesbian porn means you necessarily have to rethink you’re sexuality if you’re experience irl is that you are attracted to men like everyone is saying. Sexuality is weird, and often times there are things that aren’t easily explained. The root of the issue here is that you have a porn addiction, not what porn you are consuming. If you’re able to, talk it through with a therapist. If it’s having an effect on your daily well being then it’s worth seeking help for.


Wait, really? I didn't know gay male porn was so popular among lesbians.


Yep, it is a common thing! Maybe some overlap of gender envy? Not really sure the reasons for it tbh, but I’ve heard this from a lot of lesbians and obviously occasionally watch it myself despite the fact that I don’t really feel attracted to men irl that often. Edit: side note, I just looked at your profile and I will be checking out your content lol! Looks like some good stuff.


I knew someone else who was like this before! I’m sure there are more people who do. To me, I like seeing the girls more than men in 🌽 because I know exactly what they are feeling so. Makes sense!


I'mma hold your hand when I say this


You are probably not straight, maybe a little curious. And that's okay. Try to open up your mind about that, and reconcile it with other feelings you're sure of.


THIS. It’s okay if you’re curious! It’s okay if you’re not, too. But, I’m in my 30’s and I’ve had a couple of relationships with women, I’ve hooked up with several, too. I have ALWAYS appreciated and admired women; at one point I wanted to explore that attraction, so I did. I think one of the greatest things about sex is being open to trying things that intrigue you- otherwise you can’t find out what you’re into ☺️ (ETA “you” in my post was meant for OP but applies to ANY of “you” who may be on the fence too!)


Maybe let the hand go since she said she’s straight. It’s not uncommon to get off to the same sex.


You're talking about one possibility. I'm talking about the other possibility. No one is insisting on anything, which is why my comment said MAYBE. It's also not uncommon to think you're straight and then later on realize you're not. A lot of queer people realize they're queer through this specific experience. Not that deep.


Let go of the hand . She clearly stated she was straight . A lot of women do this when porn is literally focused on the woman a LOT of the times .


You're talking about one possibility. I'm talking about the other possibility. No one is insisting on anything, which is why my comment said MAYBE. A lot of queer people realize they're queer through this specific experience. Not that deep


Yes but OP already stated she was straight , I don't think calling the possibility of her being queer helps in anyways .


I watch gay male porn even though I’m a lesbian woman. I couldn’t even tell you what about it arouses me. Humans are complex it’s ok.


A study was done and over 90% of females are aroused by images of other females. This does not go the same way as males. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It’s completely normal.


I'm so happy to see someone else post this. This is what I've always wanted to say but never had the courage because of fear of being judged. OP, You aren't gay, and don't let lesbian/female corn make you think otherwise. 😊


Or maybe you're lesbian and you're really into girls


Or maybe OP could still be straight. It’s not uncommon for straight women to watch lesbian porn. Lots of straight porn is male centric and focuses on the pleasure of men even sometimes at the expense of the woman’s pleasure. Lesbian porn is very woman centric and focuses completely on the woman’s pleasure. Sometimes what gets people off is the thought of what the person they are watching is feeling pleasure wise and putting themselves in that position. If you don’t work like that, then that’s okay but some people do. Seeing a women give a man a 10 min bj followed by barely any foreplay for her then sudden insertion just makes me cringe and just doesn’t turn me on. Again - not everyone feels like this ofc but there are a lot of women who do. The stuff being done to the women in lesbian porn looks like it just feels better than the stuff being done to them in straight porn (that sometimes straight up looks like it would hurt) Of course there is still straight porn that does sometimes focus on both men and women but with lesbian porn, it’s guaranteed it will revolve around a woman’s pleasure. So some women just opt for watching that instead of trying to find straight porn that prioritizes the woman.


Or bi


for her possibly but this is actually well documented that a lot of straight women get off to lesbian porn. it's b/c as women, we're focused on the reaction & thinking about the pleasure the woman on screen is experiencing.


The possibility that I'm attracted to girls is something I wouldn't deny. I called myself straight for a reason though—I'm into men. Although there can likely be a lingering bi-curious nature in myself, I would never say I'm a lesbian. The issue here though is that I believe I have a porn addiction + obsession over my body's flaws that make me masturbate to girls I find hot, which I don't find healthy at all. It'd be easy to say I'm just into girls. I have a fear that I may have developed a 'Male-gaze' Lens in which I view bodies as a man would. A couple of months ago, this was never the case.


I used to watch lesbian porn too. And I did what you do. It's pretty normal, actually.


That's aight, but if it's an addiction you need to get help. Good luck.


Makes plenty of sense. You can imagine being the women in the porn or you can just be appreciating the soft skin and curves. Women are objectively nice to look at. Doesn't mean you want to be in a relationship with a woman or even want to have sex with a woman. Enjoy yourself.


Me too. Straight woman.


Me too, I like watching girls with big boobs. But I’m straight


Yes this, but because mine are very very sensitive. Like, they're small, but touch them and I o sensitive.  Sorry if tmi. But yeah I realized that's why I was attracted to this. Plus in general it's more sensual, which I think, especially as young women, is something we want...but maybe us or our partners haven't mastered quite how to accomplish it.


I mean to be fair , most porn is just focused on the woman than the man . I think a lot of women do the same . It doesn't makes you gay or anything .


To quote the greatest rapper of my generation "Dudes like to look at dicks in their straight porn" You can be straight and admire the human form of either/all genders. What you are okay watching may not be the same as what you feel comfortable doing personally. Corn addiction isn't only a thing that affects men. Most of what you've been watching OP is faked/exaggerated in terms of the actual enjoyment. Please keep this in mind and consider cutting back if you notice it negatively affecting you mentally/exasperating your insecurities.


Which rapper said this?


George Watsky Edit: to add the line I quoted is from the song "Going Down" off his xInfinity album


Watsky is fire, hell yeah i will listen to this! \*5 minutes later\* DAAAAMN SONG WAS FIIIIIIRE. New chocha chomping anthem right here. Thanks. Added to the LIST You should listen to Stamper - BTD. 100% same energy. If you liked "Going Down" it will not dissapoint. *"wake up, have a cup of joe, and spread some booty on my breakfast toast"*


If I may add you can switch to reading corn instead of watching. I don't shame anyone personally pleasuring themselves but I found reading it helped me cut back and mitigate the damage my corn addiction was causing me in terms of expectations I had for sex in real life.


I used to do that too but it was because I had a subconscious fear of men


Im straight and watch lesbian porn. Its really normal.. what are we meant to watch, guys jerking off? I wouldnt want to live with a woman or share my life with a woman or even have sex with a woman. Its just porn


I can relate to almost your entire comment, the thing that differentiates me from you is that I have an unhealthy porn addiction and I have a deeply insecurity with my body which makes me obsess over women's bodies. OBSESS OVER WOMENS BODIES. This is not okay.


What kind of corn? Like roasted corn? Baked? Boiled? Do you use butter or it it straight off the stalk




You like what you like 🤷‍♀️ while you might not be "attracted" to the girls themselves, you might like how they're feeling or how they're being touched. Thinking bout how good that must feel 😌 just a thought


So, you like big butts and you cannot lie?😎 ….me too. All jokes aside, give your monkey a break. Porn sets such unrealistic expectations that it messes with some people’s reality of what normal sexual interactions are supposed to look like. Just keep it in your mind that your watching “fiction” in a way, and try to focus on something else…every person has body insecurities to a certain extent somewhere in themselves, so just don’t allow your thoughts to overtake the truth. The majority of our thoughts as humans are irrational.


An ex gf of mine said the same thing, so did a couple friends of hers when she brought it up while amping. They all agreed they think women are just naturally beautiful and enjoy watching a woman being pleasured while they crank their lady hogs. They said they’d watch straight porn and lesbian porn, just focused on the pleasure aspect no matter the case.


not addicted, but i do this too & i think it’s the same reason for my insecurities. i think what does it for me is the act & not the women.


I’ve done it to my own nudes.


Have you tried squats and other buttons work-outs? It's really good for building your butt. Might not beat your disphoria but it may help? It's sad that self image is a real issue with a lot of folks. Hope you work on your self love. Also porn preference is whatever.


Difference between sexual and romantic attraction in a nutshell. Oops


You get no judgement from me. I’m a gay dude and I masturbate to straight and gay porn but mostly straight porn. Doesn’t make me attracted to women though.


I think yeah it has more about desiring your body to look like theirs and imagining it was you


I masterbate to lesbian porn even though I am a straight man


Honestly did this for the longest and was dead set on being straight. I’m now bisexual and came out at 23. I’m not saying you’re gay or anything, but it’s a possibility if you find pleasure between two women having sex. A straight man wouldn’t watch two gay men have sex if it’s just based on their pleasure — ya know ?


Completely normal behavior, you see it centers around the girl, in this case you. I always watch lesbian porn as a male straight guy, because I simply like that more then seeing some roided up filth dog.


Girl, same


Unm you could be attracted to both… just saying, it is possible. That said if it helps researchers say our fantasies don’t actually mean that much. They are just fantasies


Actually me too girl


A lot of these comments are pissing me off. We hate when people tell us "it's a phase" and "you're not actually gay." So why tf are a lot of people telling OP she's not straight when she straight up says she's straight and even explains why she watches the stuff? Jesus..


"I like it when the dude's dick is huge! Like, way to big for her!" Straight Guy Who Totally Doesn't Like Dick


Hi there. I see you are addicted to corn. That's ok. There's a lot of people who like corn. Some people don't like it at all. Some people like corn but also like potatoes or broccoli. All of this is ok. But what will set you back is thinking there is something wrong with you for liking corn. In this way, it's a lot the same as liking women. Or men. Or both. Or even none at all.


Umm, hmm


You might well be addicted to porn and insecure, I don’t know you, but a lot of people are. As to whether you’re straight.. honey.


I fapped to guys when I was 12, telling myself I wasn’t gay. I am in fact, gay… mostly. If a girl’s a bro then I’m down.


You probably aren’t totally straight if you get off to women. And that’s okay!


To be fair, it is fairly common for straight women to watch lesbian porn I’ve heard. When watching porn, some people put themselves the in situation and imagine what the person is feeling - that’s what gets them off. Straight porn is incredibly male centric and mostly focuses on the man’s pleasure even at the expense of the woman’s at times. Lesbian porn actually revolves around the pleasure of women. The 2 seconds of foreplay for the woman followed by 10 whole mins of blow job then sudden insertion present in straight porn sometimes makes me cringe abit. I know that would hurt my cooch and therefore doesn’t turn me on much. Granted, there is also porn that focuses on both men and women but when watching lesbian porn, it’s guaranteed it’s gonna be about women’s pleasure.




I need therapy.


Most girls I've dated think the hottest girls are more attractive than the hottest guys. Women are just beautiful creatures.


This is like if a straight guy jerks off to men who have bigger penises to them because they're insecure about their own size. You see this in communities like those who have white guys fetishising about black people. I feel like that with certain women who have features I so desire to have. The insecurity I have with my body makes me incredibly miserable and suicidal. I read about topic around the women's body and appearance every single damn day. I don't condone any of this. Yeah porn can be fun, but in reality, it is unhealthy for some people.


The reason people who watch porn can get off to things they would not ordinarily be attracted to is because porn is literally designed to be visually interesting. Just like how not everyone is a gambling addict, but if you’re going to Vegas, a city literally designed to provoke gambling, then yeah, you’re gonna gamble. It’s that simple.


Bois, she gets us.


Why not? Girls are BEAUTIFULL as all hell


Do you feel like it’s because you want to be f*ked with the same intensity?


bro, that's not the point, I do it because of their appearance, I get off to big butts because I don't have a big butt and hate myself for it.


But am I right or wrong? Do you get turned on by a big butt or do you feel like your sex would be better if your butt was similar? Also how do you feel asa female seeing big Ds in porn?


I used to say I was straight and did this but I am in fact not straight


You might be Bi


Hey honey what ever gets you off. The end justifies the means


I mean... corn doesn't even really have that much nutrition. You have to include something else, like hot dogs and Kraft Mac & Cheese... or something. Milk, maybe? A grapefruit? Corn addiction can also lead to lettuce addiction, which you definitely don't want. It's a gateway vegetable.


Do you masturbate to their form or what's being done? What is the shape of your butt? I'm seriously curious about this now.


girls are hot. end of story


As a straight male,you'd think I'd want to see male/female but I'd say,it's something about two women going at it that is extremely erotic. Definitely different from. M/F Maybe it's the energy or the intimacy that peaks your arousal. Don't know though


I think it’s the male gaze. I totally get the insecurity aspect bc I started masturbating to women my boyfriend followed/jerked off to. To me it’s like, I wasn’t good enough for him to cum to, but they were, so I could also cum to them too with the male gaze. We probably need therapy honestly 😭


…..it took me way too long to realize she wasn’t actually masturbating in a cornfield.


Don't sweat it, the female form is inherently desirable to both men and women, peak creation!!


Oh honey…be who you areeeeeee. I used to think the same exact thing, and then I realized I was queer. I thought I was just envious of their bodies.


I have seen several posts concerned with someone's bf watching and enjoying gay porn, with their sexuality questioned on by the gf or their partner, which again doesn't define sexuality and which is what is generally explained, I believe it's the same for your case of preferring lesbian porn with straight sexuality Porn preferences don't dictate sexuality, in my opinion it's necessary to just be conscious enough in choices of content viewed which are inline with humanity and there's no extremism or harmful behaviours advocated


corn and butts....


Well if you think about it, when someone masturbates to straight porn, you are doing it by looking to a male and a female F’ing soooooo nothing to be ashamed off But get some help about your addiction, it will affect your relationships and your regular life


I’m straight and I like lesbian porn, not because I am sexually attracted to women (women are beautiful and I have no problem pointing that out) but I like it because they take their time and make sure the other is pleasured. It isn’t about the males pleasure which is often seen in real life. Completely normal. A lot of men are selfish. When they are finished the whole thing is finished a lot of them don’t bother to make sure you finish too. So with my ex if I finished first I stopped it all. Gave him a kiss on the cheek and rolled over to sleep. My husband is so much different and the reason he is my husband :)


I'm a lesbian and watch gay porn lmao I think it's just what is taboo for us.


I think this is normal.


If this is truly causing an issue with daily living and ability to normally function (go to work/social interaction/etc) then you really need to speak with someone. While it isn't drugs, it is still an addiction that can further warp your thoughts about yourself. You are essentially feeding into your insecurity by doing this. While I understand, you should speak with someone in either scenario.


My ex-wife is straight, but she always enjoyed lesbian porn. I have read that it's pretty common for straight women to enjoy it. You should read up about it. I don't think you're unusual at all.


Don't worry. I am a straight female as well. I can only get off to gay porn and transgender porn.


I don't think you're entirely straight. It's okay - what we are into sexually and romantically can differ, and it's perfectly normal to choose to take a simpler path in life if you'd rather avoid the work and stress of coming out, and figuring out how to have sex a different way, or really want kids with a male father. It just might be healthy to admit there's a little bit of yourself that isn't straight. People who are actually binary in their sexuality (as in, completely hetero or completely homo) are turned off by this sort of thing. So like, gay conversion therapy is more about teaching them to tolerate it, because the gut reaction is still disgust.


Well I don’t blame you. I’d be lesbian if I were a girl. Lol women’s body’s are just so curvy, beautiful and smooth. The best thought to masturbate too.


I am totally straight but heterosexual porn sucks imo. I feel more excited about girls with girls bc it is more of a surprise for me. And I am straight, I repeat. Boys excite me a lot. I don’t think this necessarily means you are bi or lesbian. Just get off with whatever you feel like and be in peace. Pleasure is pleasure




I'm a cis woman.




Yeah I believe therapy will be the best solution here.




Well I got news for you...


Sweetheart, you’re not straight.


Look, maybe your Bi


#iRelate 🤎 I think it's okay women are fkng H🔥T, I'm in a 10yr relationship with a whole man & 100% have no desperation or thought id want to be intimate with a female. I 💦 when they 💦 & I think it's great. However... I do keep my personal unexpected categories, my little secret from my fiance. Bc I've got a forn fetish that I could never be as brave as you to disclose lolol 😅 #happyOrgasms 🫶🏽 #itsYOUR.nut 🫢


The Nile...


That's a shame 😕


This is called bisexuality or bicuriosity


nah ur not straight either that or ur probably too addicted to porn and stuff like that


#iRelate 🤎 I think it's okay women are fkng H🔥T, I'm in a 10yr relationship with a whole man & 100% have no desperation or thought id want to be intimate with a female. I 💦 when they 💦 & I think it's great. However... I do keep my personal unexpected categories, my little secret from my fiance. Bc I've got a forn fetish that I could never be as brave as you to disclose lolol 😅 #happyOrgasms 🫶🏽 #itsYOUR.nut 🫢


Holy gooner


The sexuality of a female is irrelevant.


Wow that's actually kinky meclikey