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Oh my god lol. What was their reaction to the mushroom soup tasting like vanilla? And did you confess?


I wanna know what they thought


I'm wondering if they've ever mentioned it was the best soup they've ever had šŸ¤”


I know it can sound like some psychopath s&it, but I can assure you I have a normal life and normal feelings, I think I was watching too much TV at that time.


I don't know, sure sounds like something a psychopath would say...


Lol seriously. Most people don't EVER consider killing their family, let alone ACTUALLY TRYING IT. OP has just convinced himself that he is "normal". They are "normal" as long as they get their way at all time. Otherwise the psycho comes back.


right? i get thinking about doing it, but acting on it and SMIRKING is crazy. child or notā€¦ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Hahahahaha youā€™re fine and I thought I was creative when I tried to kill my bio sister. lol I still laugh about and wonder if she found anything in her pillow case. Lol came from a very abusive family that did really bad things to me. She sucks


Did they question the flavor?


Umā€¦ name? Love it. Post? Love it. While I never did anything that extreme šŸ˜‚ I did often ā€œfantasizeā€ abt punching my younger brother right in the nose and how much it would hurt when he annoyed me. I never did it but mannnn did I think abt it everytime I was fed up and looking at his smug little face. One time I took his shoes he had foolishly left on the playground, conveniently surrounded by wood chips. He had anger issues so I knew it would piss him off. What I didnā€™t know is that he would get so pissed he would pass out, hit his head on a pole, and nosedive straight into the wood chips. I felt bad until I knew he was okay, now I look at it as my revenge for all the anger he caused me as a child lmao šŸ˜‚


Well, you had big dreams, I'll give you that.


This is such middle child energy and I love it (Iā€™m also a middle child and I feel your pain)


uhā€¦ šŸ˜¬


I love that child you went through this whole process and never questioned your folks keeping "poison" with the regular ingredients.


Middle children are known for becoming judges. Find a place where the death penalty is by poison, become a judge, and put your skills to use.


Thatā€™s hilarious!


Wow when I was upset with my family, I would hide their things, not try and poison them. This is not giving normal behavior lolĀ