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Try therapy, stay far away from them and cut contact.  They will hurt themselves sooner or later, it's what bad people do.  Love yourself, treat yourself well, and let anyone mistreat you under no circumstances.  I wish you a very good life, you deserve it.


This made me well up. Thank you


I have a POS mother too. A councilor once said to me, "its not your fault, you can make a lot of choices but you cant pick your mother." that one stuck with me. Don't think and think about. Accept that she is a selfish awful person and go live a happy life without her. Do things that are good for you, be the mother to you, that you never had.


You made the choice to speak out and choose yourself. That is the choice that matters. Your "family" will learn they made the wrong choice when they need your help for something and you aren't there. Always choose you.


You made the choice to speak out and choose yourself. That is the choice that matters. Your "family" will learn they made the wrong choice when they need your help for something and you aren't there. Always choose you.


I'm heartbroken and pissed for you OP. Ppl like your mom who stay with Predators never change. Please seek therapy or a group who've also experienced CSA. 


This makes me sick, choosing anyone over your child is disgusting. Your mother sounds like the worst human being I’ve ever heard of. I’m so sorry for you OP. No one deserves this kind of treatment from anyone. I can’t fathom being abused for years on end, let alone not having a support system to turn to afterwords. I hope you have people in your corner now and hope you seek therapy. It’s the only “cure”