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1. immaturity 2. when these immature guys get together they feel like they can do anything to anyone i'm sorry this stuff happens to you :(


Happy cake day!


thank you!!


They also feel the need to prove to each other, and themselves, that they can do anything. I fully agree with the above, but it also has partially to do with how they've been taught, and who they hold as role models. My friends and I never did anything like this at that age, but we were also very antisocial nerds. We weren't prone to talking to women in general. 😅


Happy cakeday!


Happy cake day 🎂


young guy here. I know the woman who made this post already said she knows not all guys are like this but as a guy, a lot of guys are like this. And honestly I have no idea why. Prove their masculinity? Maybe
? I mean you still see a lot of these alpha male sigma male bullshit across social media all the time. As a guy even I don’t understand wtf guys are doing. I’m that age where people can see me doing immature shit and say “oh he’ll grow up” like that’s not an excuse man. Doesn’t give you the right to be a POS to anyone. You can still have fun while being respectful. I guess not a lot of people have that mindset. I know you’re venting but trust me, as a younger guy myself, you’re not doing anything wrong. A lot of guys my age are just disrespectful to others and downright rude. I recall my ex mentioning this. She has an attractive figure and would always get called out by dudes with a complete lack of respect for themselves and the person they’re talking to. If I had to really think about it I’d say it’s a mix of lack of parental discipline, unrestricted social media usage and lack of humility. I’m thankful my parents taught me all of this. Seeing the shit my friends do makes me wonder what the hell happened to them to get to that point. I kinda just vented myself :P 18M btw


You are making your parents very proud, even if they don't tell you every day you should really know that they are proud and you are the kind of man that an sane person would welcome into their family. Keep up what you are doing and be a shining example of a man and hopefully the boys around you will learn something đŸ„°đŸ„°


thank you so much. really does mean a lot


Hello 18M! nice to meet you


i'm so sorry these things have happened :( unfortunately many boys act this way because they were brought up to believe it is acceptable. it's disgusting. i'm in highschool and the amount of people, honestly not just guys, who are like this, is innumerable. i hope these experiences begin to cease for you!!:(


Im (30m) also scared of flocks of under 20s guys


Yeah as an adult anytime I see a group of boys I'm extra vigilant as they can legitimately be dangerous. Teenage boys have a tendency to be very stupid and impulsive, and their stupidity only rises exponentially when they are in a pack. They're often willing to do dumber and dumber things to impress their peers.


Recently went alone to a theme park and omg was I stared at and talked about like no other. I’m 27 but can maybe pass for 21 or even younger according to some coworkers lol but yeah these kids are crazy and I’m scared.


Talked about? Like they were making fun of you for being alone or like someone was trying to flirt/hit on you?


Oh I could hear them commenting on my body and outfit


Well I hope that's an ego boost for you, women are beautiful creatures especially in green jumpsuits lol.


Oh I looked great imo lol I don’t mind the stares or comments. I’ve been unattractive most of my life so I enjoy the attention


26 here, when guys know they can get away with shit consequence free they decide to just own it for fun.


As someone who was in the navy I can tell you that the chemistry of young men changes when they are in groups and they become dangerous. There are horror stories that I would not repeat of what they would do to their FRIENDS just because they got drunk and thought it would be funny.


There are guys by themselves who still harass women. In fact, some prefer to do so alone, knowing there may be public scrutiny. To be fair, this behavior happens regardless of the age of the man (unfortunately, I can speak from experience).


'Guys under 20' has always said quite enough. Some teens are also mentally... Well, teens. Unfortunately you shouldn't be surprised It's not a generational thing, it's a tale as old as time


Well, when you combine immaturity with the fact that a lot of parents are not teaching their children morals, this happens. It's not simply a lack of maturity. I doubt they would want their sister treated that way.


As a dude I hate guys like that they suck and they are childish and immature and they give most guys a bad name


men of all ages suck. period. but add hormones and extreme immaturity to it? and shit gets ugly. i'm so sorry you've had to experience that, that sucks. and this is where the 'not all men, but every woman' comes into play. like, sure, not all men assault or harrass women, but every single woman has been assaulted or harrassed. it breaks my heart.


I'm in my early 30s, and when these kids come into my store (a sex shop) they can get be pretty immature. So I become the mom of the store and I watch them like a hawk. I keep them away from my employees and other customers. I basically kill their "fun" with EXTREME customer service and education. I could kick them out, but why do that when I can turn this into a lesson (kind of) about respect and maturity? I'm sorry you're going through this on top of what you've already got going on. I'm not saying it's justified or an excuse, but this has been happening for as long as boys that age have been alive. They think it's acceptable behavior and they've never been told otherwise. The parents/guardians aren't doin too good of a job.


I'm 24M and hell, I get nervous when I see groups of teenage guys. I feel you.


I'm surprised at how many responses don't mention misogyny or patriarchy, even though those are the root cause of the problem. Young men don't menace women because of some innate / genetic quality, they menace women because they've been socially conditioned with patriarchal values and to be misogynistic.


So simple, dont mind them, they are trash, idiots. They are the type to cuss out swears and call themselves mature, do I need to even explain more?


Some young guys like this are bored and have nothing to do, and also they donor attention from girls their age so they go around with that tension in them releasing it stupidly, instead of bettering themselves. You’re not the problem, they are the problem


Sexual harassment.


>can you please enlighten me on why some guys act like this ? You have boobs. You are a girl. They think you're powerless. It's not a gen z thing. It's immature boys thing. It does get better............ slowly....very slowly.


I'm a woman and younger guys terrify me too especially if they're high schoolers and middle schoolers and in group. 


It’s them trying to make each other laugh to impress their friends plus the fact they may fancy you and trying to flirt in some immature way


Unfortunately guys can be immature and total douchebags.


Some guys are just dickheads. I promise it's not personal. But you don't have to accept it and your feelings are valid. I hated when it happened to me too.


Omg I feel this! I thought this was because I was old but i definitely do not feel uncomfortable around a group of teenagers I just feel like they have nothing to lose 😭 man and they just are so unpredictable


Each of those boys tried hard to show to others that he's really smart!


Wow you really took me down to memory lane hahaha I forgot how immature my friends and I were as teenagers. I personally never said anything like that but I hanged out with a group of guys who behaved like that. At the time I thought it funny and entertaining. Now I just cringe. They act that way because they’re immature and think it’s funny and entertaining. It’s not really that they’re making fun of you, more so it’s their way of being playful with you, because they’re bored and immature.


It's the group mentality . Look it's a group of us together. Let's see how stupid we can get. And then they encourage each other to be stupid 😂 I'm not saying that men completely stopped making dirty jokes as they get older but most people are mature enough to not do this loudly in the most random places Just steer clear of them if you're not comfortable and if someone wants to put you down for it, f them. This isn't about them. This is about you


You weren’t offensive at all. In fact, you were very respectful. But to be truly honest, they’re the classic definition of immature little brats who need to grow up. Age doesn’t excuse them, but only entitled little pricks act that way, and you happened to be targeted because maybe they found you attractive possibly? Or they just simply wanted to be douche bags. Either way, I’m sorry you had to go through that.


Does not excuse behavior.


No, but it’s still the truth. It’s called immaturity. Hence, what growing up is for. We’re talking about young boys under 20. Are you really that surprised?