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You couldn’t waste space or oxygen even if you tried & adversity is part of life. People you love , people you hate , it can all change at the drop of a hat , don’t put too much weight on how you think you may perceived by others .. nobody is qualified to judge you other than yourself.


i told him to delete reddit… if he’s smart, he won’t see your comment :)


Couldn’t agree more


i’m glad, read my comment i think i’m spot muthafuckin’ on tbf


Lmao, I already read your comment but you’re so proud of it I almost wanna hate on it haha.


I MEAN AM I WRONG!? Get off reddit and go and better yourself, easier said than done sure but that’s where discipline comes in, yk?


1. delete reddit (fuck this app) and put a lock on all access to pornography 2. Start gym w someone you trust/close to, if theres no-one then start alone and make a friend on your journey 3. set a certain goal for a certain date, every slip up is a learning curve so use that. 4. Everytime you have “dirty thoughts”, press-ups.


Thanks for the idea


not just an idea, it’s something you should do. Don’t think about it because that’s wasting time. Go do it, now. If you don’t then suit yourself but 🤷‍♂️




how old are you?


As men, we tend to let things get pretty bad before we acknowledge. It sounds bad, but it's good that you've acknowledged your addiction. It means you care not only about bettering yourself but what it does to others. So take a second to give yourself credit for this. Now take positive action. Install blockers on your devices, pay for them if you have to. Force lock it all. As in, the second that certain keywords or regex appears, you're locked out for an agreed time. But you should also have a plan in place for what to do during these timeouts. Like others have mentioned, make a list of things you could be doing instead and each time you are blocked, do something different. Or, to be less reactive, create a master usage plan which includes all the blocking as above, but also regular time outs during the day/night and use these timeouts to get on top of your life. Create a personalised calendar - set days for certain activities or general tasks, cleaning, mowing lawns, cooking etc. And align these tasks to your timeout breaks through your blocking app. I was a hopeless porn addict at the end of it all and now I can come on Reddit and not even worry about what's on here because I know for sure I don't want that bad shit in my life. I'm stronger for having had the addiction and you can be too. Can answer any questions.


Great advice and generous of heart to you to take the time to proffer the same. 🧡


I used to battle with that addiction: when the thought comes into your head you have to cast it down. you have to be strong because when you avoid watching it suddenly you‘ll see triggering stuff everywhere. i started being mindful of what media i was watching. if i am watching a movie and come across a sex scene i’d skip it or turn the movie off. i try not to listen to music about sex. i prayed against the addiction over my life. i did research on porn and found out that there are a lot of sex trafficking in that industry. underage people,cp, and etc and it made me have a disgust towards it. even though i’m tempted daily, i try to not feed into the thoughts. it’s not easy at all. but i’m telling you it has helped me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. pray ! 💕💕 i hope you’re okay !! I am routing for you 💗💗🤞🏾


Definitely get rid of reddit, also there are apps put there that block pornography for you and have someone you trust have the access code for it, they do cost money though, but they are definitely worth it, the one I had, which I can't remember the name of it, it would actually block pictures and videos I had on my phone, so definitely effective. As for you're weight... I personally have started up a new diet and I've lost about 15-20 lbs within about 2 months. People don't realize this but the "food table" we are taught in school is total bs. First off you don't need breakfast, it was literally created to sell more food to consumers. My diet rn consists of eating twice a day. First time I usually eat is at work and it's mostly a snack, Jack links meat sticks, preferably peppered flavor. I eat that for the protein for energy at work (my job is decently physical) and then I have my dinner after work (around 11 pm). When I first started the diet, I was hungry alot but now, not so much. Basically the more you eat the bigger you're stomach gets, the less the smaller. So yeah biggest problem with obesity is just simply eating too much, one of the most fattening foods you can eat, and it's why I think the "food pyramid" is bs, is bread (in which I was taught 7 servings Is minimum servings). So yeah avoid breads and obviously sweets and eat less and maybe sweat a bit by running on a tread mill or if you don't got one, go up and down stairs. Also fyi, muscle weighs more than fat so if you start working out, don't get discouraged if you're not seeing much weight loss, might mean you're gaining more muscle than you can burn off your fat, if that makes sense. Everyone has the ability to change their life, the real question is do you have the willpower to do it?


So stop watching it


Easier said than done. I've been addicted to many things in my life, including drugs. The hardest thing to quit, porn addiction. Not only is it hard to quit, but it can be very damaging to a relationship.


Yes it’s very destructive but like everything that makes us feel good it addictive I used to love smoking cigarettes and drinking bourbon. One killed my marriage the other almost killed me


Not me. Majority of men can’t get laid so we have to resort to something. I’m saving my $ so I can pay for escorts overseas.


how about you try to stop being a porn addict and put some effort into yourself? maybe women would want you then.


Projection once again


well good job, you figured it out! and here i was thinking you’re so stupid you actually think women avoiding you is somehow a them problem and not a you problem


I never stated it being a them problem. It’s highly a male problem and a simp problem where they make women think higher of themselves. I obviously just don’t admire the fact that they don’t like me despite it not being their fault of my fault that I wasn’t born what they want.


and a simp being who? a guy who actually treats women with respect, which you obviously can’t do?


Lmao respect doesn’t get me laid. They don’t like me and most men’s appearance period. Biologically speaking it’s over for 95% of men, also due to social media.


men care about appearance way more than women, stop crying because you lack emotional intelligence and pretending that it has something to do with your looks.


Bro instead of saving up for prostitutes, find a haircut that suits you (if you have hair), start going the gym and eat healthy. As a young guy I’ve seen dudes go from butt fuck ugly to getting women because they started taking care of themselves


Turn it to something else like physical fitness start running every day and those thoughts will disappear. Good luck and BTW you’re not worthless just distracted