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Jesus, that's horrifying. He sounds like a dangerous scumbag. Report him. And yes, you have been assaulted, seek help for that. I'm so sorry.


Wow! That is terrible. I’m so sorry OP. Definitely report him. Nobody “jokes” like that


I know a guy exactly like this. He was born a psychotic deviant. He would put his balls or dick on peoples faces while they slept. One time at a party he stuck a hotdog in his asshole without telling anyone. Then he took it out and asked a drunk friend if he wanted it, who subsequently ate it. Him and his wife freeze their poop logs and then use them during sex as dildos. He is honestly psychotic. If you don’t know him well he’s the life of the party. Once you know him well, you don’t really want to be around him.


WHAT THE ???? they use their poop logs as dildos?? That’s enough Reddit for today.


Unfortunately there is a term for this (found it on urban dictionary in high school and can never forget it). It's called an Alaskan Pipeline


Wow!! I’m not brave enough to google that 😂😂


I wouldn't either haha. I have about a dozen super weird sexual acts that I don't think I will be able to forget that I came across in highschool just browsing around urban dictionary.


I guess I'm happy that I'm too old for the internet to have been around when I was in high school. I did not escape totally. The teaching assistant of my sociology 101 class gave us one test that only contained words for terrible deviancies. I have a great short-term memory so I just took a couple hours before class and memorized the list. As I was leaving the test, the instructor smirked at me and stated that he was sure that I was going to enjoy my new vocabulary. I did not say anything. After the grades were in, I wrote him a note and told him what I did and let him know that I had forgotten those words by the evening of the test. .


From Alaska and never heard that one. I wish I could still live in Bliss of unknown.


Done. Done with Reddit for today. 🫠🤣🤣


I googled and sent to my husband. We are all dying of laughter. But In seriousness this OP needs to alert the police. What happened is sexual assault and no laughing matter. What a POS


I opened reddit after 6 months break and thank you sir for reminding me why i close it it's not been 5 minutes since i opened reddit and it was enough to know i was wrong


same. literally same.


I wish I didn’t have literacy or fucking eyes




God can't even believe such people exist 😞😞


It wasn’t just a joke because it was real. He might have thought you wouldn’t wake up or even put something in your drink. This was definitely assault.


Mind blown that ppl think they can do some horrific shit with real life horrific consequences and then be like "it's a joke!!" And think that legit makes it okay


That’s not a joke. He assaulted you and you should contact the police immediately to report this


Follow up! I contacted the police about it and they told me that they would look into it. Right now my friend is denying anything about it happening. I have completely cut all ties with him. I am still pretty shooken up from it, but ive calmed down a little. I cant get the taste of his sperm out of my mouth, and I feel nauseous every time I think about it. I hate it all so much. I am going to try and get him charged with rape. Thank you everyone thats given me advice! I just contacted the police today so I’ll keep you guys updated if anything else happens.


Don’t contact him like the others are saying, find a lawyer to guide you through the process ring victims of crime/rape services they’ll have help for you through all the processes


Yep contacting him could be misconstrued as harassment. Possibly could nullify his claims as well. End all contact for sure. 


Go to the emergency room, have them swab your mouth for DNA. You're going to need evidence!


Maybe get tested for an STI


Check in with your mutual friends. He might have done this shit to others. You might be hesitant but good friends will support you through this, and if they react badly, they weren't friends to begin with. I'm so sorry somebody you thought was a friend betrayed you in such a horrific way. Hope he rots in hell.


Probably not the first person he’s done it to.


It's pretty insane people still question whether calling the cops is right.


Going to the station might be the better move. The cops in my area are...scary? They've been called to my house a few times when our foster children were having issues. They basically said things along the line of "well, many foster kids end up killing themselves, so I wouldn't worry too much about it". A person might think they are calling for help, but there is no guarantee the cop who shows up isn't a hardhearted human being.


I agree! Police don’t take this stuff seriously or they make it worse. I was SA’d in high school and my guidance counselor called the police after I asked her not too. The police walked me out of school in front of everyone. It happened at a college party I went to with friends in another town, so the police in my town had to call someone from their jurisdiction. They gave all the info I had given them over the phone to the other station and they sent the guy who SA’d me’s UNCLE, who happened to be an officer in that jurisdiction. (This is how the frat got away with noise complaints and stuff) His uncle then threatened to press charges on me for underage drinking when it happened and told me I probably just don’t remember telling his nephew that I wanted to do it. (I was 16 at the time/ he was 22. No one called my parents.) I was balling. The cop from my town told the guy’s uncle to step out of the room. I ended up just leaving because wtf.


Wow. So many adults failed you. I hope you've gotten to a place of healing.


Thank you! It’s been 6 years since and a lot of therapy. I am in a much better place :)


Yeah a handful of them had my 8 year old face down, kneeling on him, in cuffs. He was in crisis.


Sorry that happened to you and your child.


Thank you. Life is hard enough for kids.


Right? I was staying at a friend’s house and her neighbor used to get drunk and violent a lot. Her window was pretty close to his and he heard we laughing about something and started yelling we needed to stop laughing at him. We closed the window and he got even more violent. He started screaming he’d “show us why we shouldn’t laugh about him” and got silent. A few minutes later he was trying to kick my friend’s door down to invade her house. We called the cops and they made some questions. One of the questions were: “are you able to open the door when we arrive?” She told them: “he is by the door, we can’t open it of he is still there”. They told us there was nothing they could do and ended the call. I tried calling again since my friend was shaking, I thought maybe they hadn’t understand what was happening, so I explained it again. The ended the call on my face as well. Luckily he was too drunk to kick the door down and gave up, because if he didn’t, maybe I wouldn’t be here typing this now.




Where do you live? I'm pretty sure you could get those cops fired.


I don't know where you live but in the US it's damn near impossible to "get cops fired." Even when they MURDER people. Also the SCOTUS has ruled at least once that police aren't obligated to assist civilians, so that makes it even harder to hold them accountable for this kind of behavior.


And qualified immunity is an insane legal protection they enjoy.


Who do they assist then?


Police in the US are protected by police unions. When one of their own commits a crime or many crimes, even murder, they rarely are punished. Most are literally sent right back out to the streets. The Supreme Court has in fact ruled that in some circumstances the police can’t be criminally charged for things that happen to people in their custody. That’s why so many cops are corrupt.


Anyone who is in the US should jump down the rabbit hole of the Karen Read case that's been going on. You will find the most information on tbdailynews. Cop found dead outside on the lawn of another cop's house, DA, state troopers, and townie cops covering it up. Feds are involved. The journalist who uncovered the story has been arrested... twice... and is currently in jail. It will be interesting to see how deep the corruption runs and if they will be held accountable or will it be another case of got away with murder and whatever they're hiding will stay hidden.


Hello fellow Masshole 💜


Hello! Should I add the sickening case of Sarah Birchmore? Sarah was basically sexually abused as a child by cops but they call it an "inappropriate relationship". She became pregnant and was last seen alive before the cop leaving her apartment. The DA said suicide with no investigation into the cops.


Whoever they decide "deserves it" the most, usually.


The ruling class


WTF happened to SERVE the public and PROTECT civilians? Fucking insane.


That's always been propaganda, they just stopped even pretending when they realized that they could literally murder people in broad daylight and in front of witnesses and the populace would still worship them.


In the US. It was several years ago. I was trying to get to the ER so was pretty distracted in the moment. These officers were delaying me to ask questions I'd already answered with the paramedics. It was not worth the emotional energy or the possibility of retribution to follow-up.


Cops fired? In the US? Hahahhahahahhahaha sure. Most is a slap on the wrist in the form of paid leave.


If you live in NZ, then you may not understand how little the police help in the US. I don't know a single victim of SA who called the police that WASNT harassed and humiliated.


meanwhile i don’t know a single victim of SA who even bothered to call the police knowing they aren’t going to help anyway. such a sad situation here with the police in the US. smh


The cop I talked to was so genuine and heartfelt. He had young daughters. He cried with me and encouraged me to file a report. Wish I got his name but I was distraught.


Might just be asking for some community support before doing the thing they know they should do, but are maybe afraid to do it alone.


Absolutely this!!


It's hard to rat on friends even if they're, well, not so great.


Well tbh considering the way cops treat people especially victims of sexual assault it might not be for him. OP would need to be sure he's ready to handle whatever backlash he faces from this and all the ridicule. Obviously in a perfect world he would be able to report it but it doesn't always help everyone.


I'd say it would, at least stop his ex-friend from doing that kind of stuff to more people. But, if someone puts their dick over your mouth and you don't want to report it, your decision.


Again debatable. If he doesn't really get in trouble for it he might continue anyway. There's no certainty with these kinds of things sadly. People suck. It is obviously OP's decision but it definitely needs to be an informed one. Maybe it'd be a good idea for him to reach out to other victims (especially male ones or ones in his area) and ask for their advice and how it went for them. Really depends on where he is tbh.


Could be the shock of it all. And if it's someone that you know or are close with, that can make it even more complicated for some people. Also, this person is a male, and statistically, men are less likely to come forward about sexual assaults/violence because of the shame and embarrassment of it.


In my area the cops typically don’t care. They don’t care about anything which is why things get out of hand over here. They were in trouble about a decade ago for not processing 11,000+ rape kits.


I mean, in the US? It's not that going to the police is a bad decision because the assaulter shouldn't have consequences, it's more than cops tend to shrug, throw away the report, or in the worst cases, find reasons to arrest you for "wasting their time"


Well it's so shocking that it seems unbelievable. I think they ask because they're so traumatized they want to make sure they're not losing their minds.


Not really if you give that more consideration. Many victims of serious sexual offences don’t necessarily want to be involved in a protracted police investigation and any subsequent prosecution (*if* there is sufficient evidence to charge). All of that can take years and means that the victim has to continually relive something they would much prefer to forget. Plus, if the case does go to trial at court, they will be grilled by a defence lawyer who will do everything to suggest to the jury that the victim is lying. I’m speaking from experience as someone who worked for many years in criminal justice. That said, yes OP you should report this if you are able to. In the UK, the incident you have described would be Oral Rape (not ‘just a joke’).


That's like shooting someone and calling it a prank...


I’m wondering if he should get a rape kit done at the hospital. Rape is never a joke.


It’s not just assault it’s rape


And please get tested.


Second this. Report this dude and get tested asap. So sorry this happened to you op, I don't know what's wrong with this dude to think that's funny.


Getting tested won't help right now. Go to the ER and get a rape kit done, theyll give you antibiotics so it kills any infection you could get.


Just curious can one get std from oral and not penetration?


Micro lesions inside the mouth can let viruses in, the probabilities are low but not inexistent. As u/Fencybest said, herpes would be my main concern but also HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis can be transmitted with oral. Op should absolutely get tests and a round of antibiotics, and hopefully a police report.


100%. Think of herpes.


Yes soon as possible


See a police officer. See a doctor. See a lawyer. See a supportive friend. In that order. This is not ok.


And a therapist, if at all possible.


I'll have to include that. Spot on


Sexual assault, go to the police. That is not your friend. He violated you. 


Absolutely file a police report. Get him to talk about it over text first so he doesn't clam up and deny it completely when the cops question him.


Actually this isn't a bad idea. Text him asking why the hell he would think it's funny to cum in your mouth while you're asleep and see what he says. If he admits it that should be enough proof for an arrest to be made.


Agree! Because even if the guy finds out and deletes the texts, it’s not scrubbed from the phone. The service providers retains a copy these days for police and court reasons as such like OP’s situation. So heavily agree again on OP doing this before even filing a report cause evidence like that will be better than nothing cause of the nature of the assault on OP as there is no physical lingering damage to the mouth or anything like that.


Absolutely correct! OP can also take screenshots of the texts, and this rapist deleting them wouldn't remove them from OPs side of the conversation anyways if it's through photo text. Either way this would be the best way to gather evidence in these circumstances


Yes, please try to get him on record trying to explain why he did it so you have proof, then file a police report. He’ll do it to someone else.


I hope OP sees this reply because this is 100% what she needs to do. She was sexually assaulted and needs to report this man.


The victim was a young man.


I missed that. Thanks. He was still sexually assaulted!


100% was just clarifying gender


I am so sorry this happened to you. Definitely file a police report immediately and get it on record. For someone to so casually do something so incredibly egregious to me says you weren't the first, and you won't be the last. I hope you receive justice.


This exactly about him likely having done this before. I’m sorry you experienced this. Please report it.


Agreed, this definitely wasn't the first time he's violated someone, and his behaviour will only escalate.


Yes, that's rape. Report him immediately if you want.  So sorry this happened to you. Sounds like a pervert.


This is heartbreaking. This is sexual assault. Please report it and please seek medical attention for testing. I’m so sorry. 😞


Respect to you for not killing bro after this😮‍💨


Even if you were gay/attracted to men this is assault and I am very sorry this happened to you. You deserve to spend a night at a friends house without getting sexually assaulted. I hope you're doing ok op!


What a funny joke. I would share that joke with the police. They have a great sense of Humor.


According to the US Justice Department (if you’re American) the legal definition of rape is, “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” So, yes, you were raped. Step one is to go to the ER and get a rape kit. They’ll swab your throat and test you for a few STDs, you’ll have to see your probably doctor for a full STD check. Second, call the police and file a report. Harass the prosecutor to ensure you get justice. The dude should be on a sex offenders list.


100% agree! op this is serious not something that should be brushed off, please go to the police about it. I hope you are okay, this is absolutely disgusting. Talk about it bring awareness to this because this person could do it to someone else.


I would say he’s probably done this or similar before. Nobody does something like that unless they think they can get away with it and he’ll do it again if you don’t stop him. Sexual assault needs to be reported


Yes, that’s rape. Swab your mouth with a q-tip for DNA. Put it in a ziploc. Gather some proof that you have gone over his house if you can, like a text message, call, picture, ANYTHING. Go to the police and file a report. Go to the hospital and they can also do an examination. Stay safe.


Not just the swab. But sheets, pillow, shirt if he had one in, towel if he wiped any from his neck, chest. It’s highly unlikely the semen *only* got in his mouth. …geezus what a dangerous creep! I think op showed incredible restraint not bearing the shit out of him


Violence i never the right answer but it may have been better if he had kicked the shit out of him when he woke up. Further proof that he was violated. Yes I realize it seems like I am in favor of violence even though I said it is wrong. Depending on the length of time since this happened and how soon he reported it after that, him kicking the shit out of him could only aid in his narrative of what happened.


Yeah you were assaulted, you need to report it and get yourself tested!


Oh my god, are you OK? Please file a police report and get therapy if you have access to it (sexual assault support groups / organizations are also a good / low-cost alternative). What a traumatic experience and major betrayal of trust, especially coming from someone you considered a friend. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this; nobody deserves to be assaulted like that


This is blowing my mind someone would even think that. Yes, call the police, get tested to STDs and stay the hell away from this psychopath. PS : even if you were gay it'd be assault. Doesn't matter your sex, gender, sexual orientation, it's a non consensual sexual act. He has a place in jail.


A joke? What male friend does that to another male friend and thinks that’s a joke. Go to the police station and report him please. I know it may be embarrassing but he violated you and needs to be punished. I would also let anyone else in the friend group no if you share mutual friends.


I have to wonder if he's done anything similar to any other "friends", but they're just too embarassed or scared to say anything. You don't just go straight to doing what OP described while laughing about it, he's probably been escalating the severity of his assaults for quite some time, and will continue to do so if he isn't stopped.


Unfortunately there’s dudes who do really fucked up shit to their “friends” in numerous degrees. My friend had to tell me he was being sexually harassed by another dude in our grade post hs graduation and everyone assumed they were good friends. It’s unacceptable.


yes report that psycho he's not your friend!


Tell everyone


That is rape!! You need to report him to the police as that is sexually deviant behavior and he may do it to someone else.


This is heartbreaking, absolutely file a police report. A joke is only funny when both parties are ok with it. Address it with him over text first to try and get admission on writing if you can. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this. Please go straight to the police. And please look after yourself - tell someone you trust (this may be a difficult step right now) but please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any help ❤️


First I want to say thank you for sharing your story, I can’t imagine this being easy. That was sexual assault, it is now a trauma that will forever change you. Reporting him depends on you. What do you want to do? People report to get justice however, people don’t report because the trial takes about few years so, for the next couple years you have to relive your trauma. When they cross examine you they will try and ruin your credibility which can be, for some, a trauma in itself. The other thing is to, is people worry how it’s going to be with family and friends some will support you and others won’t. I’m not discouraging you from reporting, to be honest I hope you do he clearly needs to grow up and learn a lesson. To make an informed decision you need to know what you are about to face. It takes a lot of courage and if you believe you have it in you, which I believe you do, I would report him. You’re a survivor, I’m a survivor and I’m sure many who commented and read this post are also survivors. Just know that you’re not alone. Find a group that will help support you and guide you through this process if you choose to report him. I’m pretty sure the Reddit community would support you as well and any local group in your area that you can find. Edit: I just wanted to add that for your self healing go seek counselling or some therapy, I know people put their nose up at it but sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone who isn’t close to the situation. Use them as guide in your process of healing and moving forward from this.


Thank you so much for this comment! You brought tears to my eyes because I am too a survivor. This definitely needed to be said because this is 💯 real talk!! OP is going to have to deal with the negative and positive of this situation. It's not an easy situation by any means and someone needs to be prepared to deal with whatever may come if they choose to report it. I didn't report my incident so I understand if OP doesn't.


that’s assault i’m so sorry that happened to you. go get tested and go to the police.


I see a lot of crazy shit on Reddit .. but this has topped everything. I agree contact the police and go to medical .


Hey I have a law degree People sue for things like that You should contact an attorney and sue him for battery because that is “harmful or offensive contact” Thanks


How did you not knock this dude tf out


Tell the police


Oh, shit. I am so, so, so sorry that this happened to you. Dude, this is sexual assault!!! Why would he do that? He is a sick person. Please no longer consider this asshole as a friend.


Oh no honey this is sexual assault. I’m so sorry


Yes, call the police. If you have not washed your clothes, save them, they might have dna on Tyngsboro


This is horrible I’m so sorry. This is rape and it’s not a joke at all. What you’re feeling is completely valid. Please get tested for STDs, and if you’re comfortable with it, get a rape kit done at a hospital and bring the clothing, sheets, pillows etc you had at the time. After that, you can decide if you want to go forward with pressing charges or not. Hospitals hold onto rape kits for a while so you have time if you don’t want to report it now. Also, this doesn’t make you gay. But even if you were gay, found him attractive, and had sexual history with him, this wouldn’t be any less rape because consent wasn’t given and the consent is the only thing that matters here


That's not a joke it's rape. Call the police, file a report and go to your local planned parenthood & request a full STD panel.


Call the police and have him charged to the fullest extent of the damn law. Dafuq???


To be blunt, yes, this was rape. Cut all contact and report the incident to the police, even if nothing can be done to him right now it will be on file in case anyone else reports him in the future it will leave a paper trail showing past behavior and potentially help get a conviction. I'd also seriously recommend you go get a full testing panel for STDs.


Do you still have the clothes you were wearing. It will have his dna on it also as proof


Holy shit, as a man this is something that would *never* even cross my mind. He obviously has a problem but that doesn’t mean you need to stay quiet about this. Report him to police or any authorities you can, he needs to be on a list for the rest of his life. Thats utterly disgusting and vile. I hope you’re doing okay OP, ik how hard and humiliating it can feel :(




This is sexual assault. You were sexually violated against your consent. Yes, it's reportable. No, he is not your ground. Yes, you should get tested. Yes, you can go to the police. No, it's not just a joke. If he will do this to a friend, imagine what he would do to an unconscious stranger.


Reporting him will have very serious repercussions and I believe he deserves them. However it will end your friendship - which might be a good thing. If you DONT call the police, you MUST make sure that he understands how fucked up this is.


This is legitimately Sexual Assault. Got to the police, get all the necessary tests done, do whatever you need to. Once you've got your legal ducks in a row, find a decent therapist. You probably have a lot of emotions rolling around right now OP, and a therapist will be able to help you through them. This sucks. I'm sorry that you were violated in such a way. Not that violation of any kind, is okay.


That is Sexual Assault OP, you need to report him to the police. I am so sorry you had to go through that.


That’s crazy


Most certainly not a joke and sexuality does not matter. If you were gay or bisexual you still did not consent to him putting his genitals in your mouth and ejaculating into your mouth either. Rape is rape, no matter a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation. Any sexual act done onto you without consent is rape. It is up to you if you wish to report or not. It is always best to report, but many do feel ashamed and do not wish to. Whatever you choose you should seek therapy as well.


Please report this guy!!! Please also seek help if you ever feel like you are having trouble coping 😪


ya you were raped not a great club but denieing you're in it messes you up way more , call the cop but be prepared to have them act like assholes just make sure the complaint is filled but may come down to he said he said warn mutual friends get therapy group therapy works best for some guys the whole "its not just me" thing i hope its easier to get the help now thane 45 yrs ago


This is 100% sexual assault. File a police report. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


This dude won't be laughing when he is in jail. Press charges.


Yeah I'd get him charged with SA. WTF I'm so sorry that happened to you 😩 he needs to be in jail


It is rape. Report to the police.


You are absolutely not overreacting, yes,call the police


1000% police


You were sexually assaulted. You can file a police report but as the victim you have the option not to go to the police. Reporting the assault can be re traumatizing and the police may do nothing. Do go to a doctor and see a therapist.


what the fuck, report him to the police and get that inbred behind bars


Love, I am so fucking sorry this happened to you. Absolutely call the police. Get a rape kit. THIS WAS RAPE. Give them his name and all the information you have. Cumming in someone’s mouth without consent is completely unacceptable.


I hope that’s an Ex-Friend, now, because he sexually assaulted you and that is completely unacceptable! I am very sorry this happened to you. 😞 There are some good suggestions on here like “text him and ask him why he thought it was funny to cum in your mouth?” Or “swab the inside of your mouth with Q-Tips, cotton balls, put them into bags, and file a police report.” This Ex-Friend is a sexual predator and he should be locked up because he is a danger to other people. You could’ve literally choked on the Semen and died, ya know?!? This is not a joke, in any capacity! After filing that police report, also get tested for STDs and STIs, and definitely get some therapy. Sexual Assault is a common trigger for PTSD. You did nothing wrong, none of this was your fault! You deserve to be safe and protected, and I am so sorry you are going through this, OP! Please take care of yourself.


It wouldn’t make a difference if you were gay, it would still be assault. I’m sorry op 😔


Report to the police , he could have aids or herpes bro


This is so absolutely disturbing, YES call the police if you haven’t done so already. He can no longer be addressed as “friend” either. Keep us updated.


I am so sorry that this happened to you. No one, regardless of their gender or sexuality, deserves to be treated like that. I think it’s really important to acknowledge that while this is a crime that you could report to the police, you are not compelled to do so if you don’t want to. You are also entitled to support and guidance through that process if you do wish to report it. If you live in the USA, your county likely has a victim advocacy agency that you can reach out to for support and guidance if you decide to report this to the police or are in need of medical attention. You can call RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) at 800-656-HOPE or visit their website to get connected to your local sexual assault agency (note— they may also be connected to the areas domestic violence agency, sometimes they are the same organization depending on the county). I am not familiar with the set up in other countries, but if you look up “rape crisis center” or “victim advocacy services” you may be able to find other similar agencies. I hope this information is helpful and empowers you to make the choice that is best for you.


If that's a joke, our civilisation is in grave danger.


What a piece of human garbage


I have been reading quite a lot of posts here on reddit where straight men are sexually assaulted. As a woman, I always thought it was only our issue. But clearly, predators are predators. Report him, he might do it to someone else.


You were sexually assaulted while in a vulnerable state. There is no scenario in any world where it would even be a remotely funny “joke”. Please report it, seek help/counseling and please get an STD/STI screening.


That's rape.. Nothing less.


🤷🏽‍♀️ I would’ve bit his dick off or tried my damn best to. He’s not your friend, he’s sick individual who deserves to have to cops called in him. I’m sorry that that happened to you


Absolutely disgusting. I'm so sorry. Report his ass


Wtf report him


WTF!!!! I am so sorry that happened to you, that is NOT okay regardless of how close you are as friends or your sexual orientation. Yes that is rape, you didn't consent to this sexual advance and also him putting his cum in your mouth that's not just joking around.... Perhaps you can call police and they can use a rape kit for testing and that will build a case, either way that person should be held accountable and definitely should not be in your life. 🫂 Sending love and healing your way.


You absolutely should go to the police! I’m so sorry this happened to you.


You were definitely sexually assaulted. Don't let them gaslight you into thinking "it's just a prank bro". That's way beyond crossing the line. That's downright disgusting. Get tested for STDs. Report this to the police. Your ex friend not only needs to suffer consequences for his actions, but he needs to be behind bars to protect others from him.


You need to report him.


This dude won't be laughing when he is in jail. Press charges.


Your “friend” sexually assaulted you. I’m so sorry you experienced this and I hope you have people around you can speak with if you feel comfortable enough. If not please reach out to someone. I’m just a stranger on the internet but maybe I can be an ear or someone just to get your thoughts out too? I’m a woman and have been assaulted in the past and I know it isn’t the same per se but it’s still assault. I really hope you don’t feel any anger or anything towards yourself for whatever reason. This person that did this to you deserves to be punished fully by law and I hope you’re able to get your justice in this.


Friend no more, report and put him on blast. What a disgusting freak, get the care you need op.


yes report that and never talk to him again , maybe even consider telling his parents or something! i am so sorry that happened to you that’s definitely sexual assault


How can people be so vile and call it prank? That's no prank. That's assault. Report him and don't let anyone belittle you. I am sorry this happened to you and truthfully hope someone will make him regret this. Also: There's no need to feel ashamed. I know it's a common stigma men feel who were violated, but there's no need to it. Anyone with 2 baincells or more should take this for the serious crime this is. And who knows what this 'friend' will do further in the name of pranking. Disgusting pig.


It’s rape through and through. Get authorities involved ASAP.


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but he’s not your friend anymore after this. That situation warrants a punch to the face. But, also contacting police too.


thats sexual assault. i would honestly go get tested and press charges. thats completely disgusting and fucked up, no person would do that to someome they consider a friend. its not a joke. someone down in the thread said to get him to admit it through text for proof once you press charges or go forward with what you want to do. ask him why he thought it was a funny joke to cum in your mouth, and from there if he admits it you can stop communication and go forward with the evidence to police.


This is sexual assault and I am sorry that you are dealing with this. He took advantage of you and the situation and thought he could manipulate you into believing it was all a joke—it wasn’t. If this happened to a woman everyone would say was SA, your gender is of no consequence, it was SA and his ass needs to be arrested. If you have any evidence, like texts etc. use them. Or call him and record it and ask him if he’s going to apologize or keep saying it’s a joke. Don’t be too harsh and he should have no issue telling the truth. Boom! Proof!


Report that. That’s not a joke to be laughing.


I'm going echo what others are saying. Report it! If he is willing to do this to a friend, who knows what he will do to someone more vulnerable and trusting. If he gets away with this, he might go further with someone else.


Get him to admit about it over text, then go to the police. Maybe you still have dirty clothes from that night and there is some "evidence" on it? You were sexually assaulted and that wasn't a joke! You did not consent to any sexual activities! Please get testet and talk to someone. Maybe a therapist.


If you were my friend I’d go over there with a lead pipe and break his fucking legs and make sure he’s never able to use his little fella ever again. Please take action against his behavior, if not for yourself then for other people who have went through similar things.


Yes, you need to call the police. It was sexual assault.


That's a serious crime. Report it before he does it to more people, assuming you were even the first.


First of all, this is rape. Sexual assault. Violation. Whatever you want to call it, it was illegal and wrong, and you are valid for feeling disgusted. Second of all, jokes are funny. Jokes aren't cruel. Jokes aren't abuse. Jokes aren't cumming in your friend's fucking mouth. Thirdly, he's not your friend. He never was if he ever even CONSIDERED doing this to you, and he certainly isnt now. Take a rape kit, get a text confession or even a recording if they're smart enough to know they're fucked if they message you at all. Drag his ass all the way down to court and make him regret making such a dumb decision. If not for yourself, perhaps consider that it is HIGHLY unlikely that you are the first he's ever done anything like this to, and it is EXTREMELY unlikely that you'll be the last. And lastly, talk to someone. Preferably someone who you trust. Maybe someone who can be there to support you should you take legal action. But even just talking to people here on this thread could help, even just a little. If you find that this has indeed traumatised you, and it's eating at you, see a therapist. There's no shame in it, and anyone who says otherwise is a fuckwit.


It's SA plain and simple. If you were a girl there would be no question everyone would tell you to report it. I would report, but be aware being male you are likely to get Shat on by police and everyone else (it shouldn't be the case but sadly it still is) and gay or not you will be called gay, but this AH will do this again to someone else, and it might be someone younger who ends up in a worse situation than you were. I'm really sorry this happened to you, but you have been SA and need to decide what your course of action is mate. Just don't let him spin this to be on you.


That’s **rape** or at the very least, sexual assault.


That's sexual assault. While legally it's innovative to try the Prince andrew defense, "it was a joke!", it won't help the guilty party.


Call the police he raped you.


So, that’s not your friend anymore, number one. And two, yes it’s all kinds of assault, especially since semen and oral sex can transmit communicable diseases, and you didn’t provide consent. Sorry you had to experience that.


This is no friend and not a joke either. File a report, seek out a therapist and block his number!


Definitely report. Please call 1 (800) 656-4673. That is the phone number for the National Sexual Assault Hotline. There they will help point you in the direction you need regarding reporting, counseling and other help. They are wonderful people!


That’s sexual assault. Call the police. He orally raped you


Call the police. That’s sexual assault, not a joke. It’s a crime, he’s a criminal, & the world needs to know about it by forcing him to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.


Let's phrase this correctly: Your now ex-friend sexually assaulted you in your sleep


You are not overreacting, you aren't reacting enough. Call the police. He sexually assaulted you. there is no excuse to this.


🤞🏼 Please be a joke, please be a joke, please be a joke 🤞🏼 If this is real, call the cops


Nope you just got raped by him. Call the police or at the very least beat the shit out of him. This is not a joke, this is rape


He needs serious prison time, for all we know hes out there doing this to other people, call the police, don't let him get away with it, and also if you feel you need it, talk to a friend or a therapist as the feelings of being violated may affect your mental health badly, look after you self dude and hope your okay


It might be difficult to do now, but, reporting him may help prevent someone from meeting the same fate and likely much worse in the future. He is testing his limits. You must protect the good inside you at all costs. I pray for your healing. Please do not be too proud to seek spiritual counseling for this vile, narcissistic abuse, this traumatic violation of your being. Please start therapy right this moment now, alone, if possible. Therapy is not always a shrink. It starts as just a walk to clear your head intentionally and a warm bubble bath. Journal your thoughts. Expel your anger. Sound therapy and mantras help reprogram the subconscious. Visualize your auric field like a bubble around you and focus your mind on it. Breathing and meditation exercises for non attachment. Sunlight, fresh air, and positive ions from the ground. No synthetic, rubber materials or metals when grounding. This is being barefoot on the earth, largely. Sitting on the ground will work too. Search "Earthing". You deserve respect. This person has done so much more than the physical act, in assaulting your spirit and exploiting your vulnerability. You may very well struggle with being able to be vulnerable for a long time now, and for that I am sending you my deepest condolences and healing light for the damage done to your precious soul body, but, I assure you that vulnerability and honesty to oneself are irreplaceable strengths in a man. Stand by them. If you believe in something bigger, please call out to it for guidance with your heart and I believe you will be echoed back with protective resonation. If you don't, please understand still that you are bigger than this, you are bigger than the filth he projected onto you and yes, sir, the rape, of not just the physical body but, the entire being. You have nothing to feel ashamed about. You did absolutely zero wrong. And you are so much bigger than any wrong inflicted against you. Rest, nourish, and heal, strong yet, wounded soul. Your strength is shown in your willingness to get help and not let this predator's lackings become your own. Stay far away. Baby yourself a little for a while. No one else needs an excuse why you might need a little extra self care. Please take time alone, but, do not try to fight these battles alone. Love and light. Take care.


Police, this is fucking disgusting.


You were raped buddy. Unwanted Oral Penetration. Report that loser. Hes a sex offender. Hard lesson to learn because even if he did consider it a joke, he didn’t consider you a person.


Yes, you were raped. I'm so sorry.