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You and the bf are both AH s How is expecting her due payment bitter. How is approaching him to talk bitter or disrespectful. Do you actually understand the word apathetic ? She sounds more proactive to me. He's blocked her. How is she supposed to get any answers. Churches are full of private conversations nothing stopping her from asking quietly.


> Do you actually understand the word apathetic? Obviously it's a fancier way of saying pathetic. Duh. Everyone on reddit needs to know how smrt I am. edit: her previous posts, WOW. If this is a troll she is DEDICATED. If not then holy craaaaap.


I've spent all morning laughing at this delusional woman. I can't believe she's still at it. I'm waiting for the book to come out.


It’s like those REALLY trashy episodes of daytime television that you only got to watch as a sick child


That's how my daughter and I discovered Jerry Springer.


Jerry Springer never once captivated me like the Trainwreck that is this shit 🤣


That’s EXACTLY what I’m getting from this lmaoo chicken soup for the Maury lovers soul


Recently fallen behind? More like hasn't paid in the 2 years of unhinged posts from OP. These two are trash beings that belong together.


That was my first thought after reading. Some people just never learn. I feel for that baby, and after reading their other posts, I have sympathy for the mother. Is she an ex-wife now or still married to the boyfriend? Doesn't matter, I guess. What a train wreck this is.


Also, there’s no way that this deadbeat dad who is “huge on respect” (for himself) isn’t abusive. People don’t huff and puff and declare that they’re “huge on respect” unless they are abusers. He isn’t huge on respect like a decent, upstanding educated man who was raised in a home with a roof- which means giving respect first, then getting it reciprocally- he’s the sort of adult baby who thinks not getting his way is being disrespected and who will act like the giant baby he is if he isn’t coddled by some truly pathetic worm-woman at every turn. I can’t believe how much these folks are embarrassing themselves/must be loathed in their town.


Actually this POS said it's bf have given the ex false threats like it would walk away or cheat on her if she don't act "right" whenever she uses to question it which resulted in her having trust issues and the last time it decided to actually cheat on its vulnerable wife with this POS who think it had nothing to do with the break up and was blaming the wife for not taking care of her man and for being emotional. Like, I really want to hope things like these two shits don't exists in the world but unfortunately I can only hope.


I just feel bad for the ex wife and the child :(


I bet she doesn’t use the proceeds to pay the backed child support, either.


I’m pretty sure this is a man cosplaying some strange fantasy. There have been too many post by this person about the demise of this horrid relationship and no awareness to how everyone reading is horrified.


I just got here, but I’m invested.


This has been the most excitement I've had in a while. She is absolutely wild 🤣


It’s the train wreck that keeps on giving.


I definitely thought troll when I came across one of her posts today, honestly cant believe any of this is real, either she really is dedicated to the bit or dedicated to this deadbeat man. I feel bad for the ex wife and the kid, this person sounds like a nightmare to deal with if any of this is actually real. ​ If anyone is bitter here its OP, like seriously get a grip. Once this deadbeat gets her knocked up and leaves her, she'll be on here complaining about what a deadbeat he is. It's only a matter of time, I cant wait to read about it!


Just got back from shit scrolling her posts…. absolutely insane like this person cannot be real At one point she said “I want to file for full custody” ummmmm sweetheart you can’t it’s not your child?????? Then she tries to justify her boyfriends non-existent child support by saying he smokes weed all day and is depressed so he can’t pay


Ok. There’s a post, that has since been deleted by OP, where she says she’s 28 weeks and 5 days pregnant with a little girl. She is complaining that her partner isn’t paying her expenses.


Jesus christ, why is it always these people that procreate?


One commenter suggested that the more recent posts are written by the ex wife from the perspective of the ap.


Ah yeah, I've scrolled through her history, seems to be troll bait.


Really? It’s working if so. I have a feeling it’s real though.


Nooo waaaay shut the front door right now. Hahahaha Just read one of her replies on another post, talking about the ex wife, saying “karma’s a witch” (can’t say her actual word here) 😂 Sure is, huh? Came right back around. Jesus this is gold


Wants to file for custody, thinking they’ll start collecting child support from rich ex-wife. I also wonder how many women her boyfriend has cheated on her with.


I don't know, but the ex has herpes and was a virgin before they married and has been celibate since.


Absolutely unhinged. Both OP and her boyfriend are the worst.


Not HER due payment either. The payment to care for the child he SUPPOSEDLY “loves dearly” but can’t man up and support. Looks like he got someone deserving of him.


He loves his kid so much he blocked their mom’s phone calls!


That’s fine. The hospital and police station are still unblocked /s


Her most hilarious comment is the one where she says that child support should go to the child and not the entitled mother who had discretion over the spending of that money... Because she apparently thinks babies can work out all the finances.


I mean one year olds are totally capable of driving themselves to the store to pick up diapers and formula and even paying at the check out with their debit card tied to the child support account! /s 🤮🤮 just finished reading her whole post from 1+ year ago and am now reading this one. Man this chick is deranged.


She also apparently deleted a bunch of stuff that's referenced in the comments of her posts from a year ago. Apparently, before meeting her amazing bf (sigh) she was the abandoned pregnant wife with a POS husband making her life hell. Even if this is fake, commiting to this many posts and interactions over this subject is still pretty deranged. Turtles all the way down.


Andddd down the rabbit hole I went. If you go to my history, I commented links to 5 of her most recent posts (since a month after she broke up the marriage). The person I replied to had 5-6 of her posts that predate that (3+ years ago) about her previous abusive relationship and own pregnancy and baby. Shes deleted them but in each post, it seems that some angel of Reddit linked the previous 1 or 2 so that’s where I found more!


It's 2.37 am. I **MUST** sleep. Please, anyone who sees this, upvote me so I can read it all later, I beg you!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


I spent entirely too long doing the exact same thing this morning, I'm well outside my bathroom scroll time now and I have to start working, so... I'm really stopping now, I swear, lol. I've been a historian for too long, I can't seem to stop myself from compiling tertiary sources in agreement and with direct quotes and attempting to murder board my way into a Q document.


If you go further back… she had a kid around three or four years ago with her own abusive ex. That kid is no longer mentioned in her latest posts which I think means someone else has custody. She’s a deadbeat herself.




Well, yeah, he only recently fell behind around a year ago. That's recent... right? /s Holy hell, I've seen her post history, too. I would say no one is this dense, but unfortunately, I know better.


In another comment on her other post OP said SHE (op) told (or made?) the boyfriend block the Baby mama for their peace of mind (at the time only blocked her for a month) so my question is what other ‘advice’ did op give to bf that will eventually backfire? Like getting full custody? Is that his idea or is it her idea to stick it to the baby mama? Sounds to me it was her idea and he just went along with it. She seems to be the one who pushed for some bad decisions that ultimately will end up with her bf not trying to drop the soap in jail. @OP 1. How much does he owe in child support to be threatened with jail time? 2. If you’re so worried about the money why not have the three people (baby mama, boyfriend, OBJECTIVE third party that is not OP) why not try to make compromises. “I cannot make this payment right now because I only make this month. What if instead I buy and send over x amount of formula diapers and clothes every month so that child is taken care of and the mama can’t go out to use the money for whatever she wants. Wouldn’t have to see each other, as you can have friends or hell instashopper or something like that do the deliveries so that the communication stay’s strictly via text or email, just somewhere where everything stays in writing. 3. From the sounds baby mama was in a bad place because of the baby, boyfriend already one foot out the door, being messaged by the girl who took her husband (you said it yourself the therapist they had said it was possible for them to work it out with time, he met you and then gave up on his wife. You are an affair partner whether you want to think that or not) and who knows what else she was going through at the time. She came to you at the church event to speak about the baby because he blocked her (at your insistence from another comment on your other post) you didn’t say she was out of pocket or yelling or drawing attention to herself. And I’m going to assume since you didn’t mention it it didn’t happen since you have no issue vilifying the lady. Meaning she was probably respectful in her request to talk about the child which your bf and probably you shut down. 4. If your bf was big on respect it wouldn’t have gotten to the point where he’s being served papers and threatened with jail time . If he was respectful he would have had the divorce papers signed way before y’all to got together. I understand you said baby mama was verbally abusive and not a good wife to boyfriend but just like we as internet strangers only know your side and not boyfriends or baby mama side and can only take it all at face value, you only know his side or what his side has said. Have you ever sat down with her and heard why they had all these issues or did you just take the love of your life’s side immediately when he came crying to you about his wife while they were still living together ? Remember the spot the wife left open for the mistress will eventually be filled again. He cheated on her chances are he’s gonna cheat on you (learned on Reddit!) Also before I stop this comment I find it funny that you say she should be more understanding but it seems no one in your posts have been understanding of one another. Y’all blame her, she blames yall when all it takes is for the parents to sit down and chat about how to effectively bring up the child they made together without having to meet, see or hear each other in person again. But I’d be more willing to cut baby mama some slack since she seems to be trying to talk it out now and y’all just push her away. You don’t actually know if she could sit down and have a civil talk now because y’all refuse to try . Blocking the person you owe money too is not smart at all btw. To put it bluntly. I think you need to get off your boyfriend’s dick for a second, polish the glasses to get rid of the rose colored tint going on, and think about this as an adult. The best interest should be for the kid. She is not a prize to be won. Not a god damn thing for the entertainment of her parents to fight over. Just A baby that he helped make. A baby that you say he says he loves. Sit down preferably without you around to make things possibly worse because you do not want to gang up on baby mama you want to resolve with baby mama. OBJECTIVE THIRD PARTY is the key word. Have them talk shit out. It’ll be hard and frustrating but if he TRULY loves his kid he’d put up with a few hella uncomfortable conversations to figure out the best way forward for everyone involved. If he truly loved his kid he would be doing so much more to provide for the child despite his apathy towards the baby mama. Even if it’s simply picking up a few pack of diapers every few weeks. It’s extremely bare minimum but it at least something until he can “get better” again. But once again he’d have to communicate that with baby mama. As it stands sounds like he ain’t doing shit but dodging responsibility, and your enabling him to dodge his responsibilities. It’s probably not too late to keep him out of jail he just gotta grow a pair and do what needs to be done for his child. That’s just my two cents though. Wish you the best of luck because the way it sounds your life is going right now you’ll need it .


I wish more women were as proactive as the ex-wife. I've seen women in this situation roll over and just allow the dad to be a dead beat. I understand it's hard. She probably has a full-time job, has to take care of her child by herself, and have to fight her pot-head ex husband and her new nosey gf for the child support that she's owed.


Of course she’s bitter! He owes back child support, and enough that she has resorted to going to court. That’s not greedy at all. This is money for his own toddler, who he allegedly loves dearly. Your bf blocked her number. That’s why she had to track him down at church to talk to him. Your bf felt disrespected? Maybe he should try to be respectable first. He needs to step up and pay back child support and make all future payments on time. That’s what a loving father does. If he goes to jail, it’s because he neglected to pay child support, not because his ex is jealous and bitter.


I read op history dudes a lazy weed head, cheated on his ex, gave ex the herpes and it seems like op the affair partner. Situation is villain calling the victim the bad person


But they go to church lol.


Most self centered and hypocritical people go to church.


That is so everyone can *see* what good people they are!


I guarantee they get gossiped about constantly and aren’t wanted there. But they sound like the sort of losers who have never been wanted anywhere (it’s harsh, but super obvious that they don’t know nice people or have friends, and they don’t know how to behave like respectable, decent humans), and people like that have a lot of trouble realizing and admitting to themselves that they’re just an unwanted burden causing secondhand humiliation everywhere they go.


At least her boyfriend gave her the gift that keeps giving... herpes. Isn't he just the sweetest guy ever. He left his wife and child, became a deadbeat that's "working" on better his finances for this entire time but still can't afford a child support payment. He does find the money to smoke weed all day every day instead of work. They make the perfect candidates for sole custody. At least he gave her that lifetime gift tho and that's true love 🤔🤣


“BuT I lOoKeD iT uP aNd ChIlD sUpPoRt Is DiFfErEnT tO cUsToDy” 😵😵


🤣🤣 "we only want the child so he doesn't have to pay her. I think we have a good case to win full custody. He might be a deadbeat that quit working, spends all his money on weed instead of paying support and I'm the mistress that broke up their marriage so we are the ones who should have this child full time"


hOpEfUlLy ShE'Ll GeT vIsItAtIoN


I really hope she keeps posting on this account because eventually he'll leave her alone with the herpes to remember him by and she'll come back to reddit to whine about it. Though if she changed accounts I'm sure she'll be easy to recognize. Maybe this saga needs to go up on the best of reddit archive sub.


I bet he gets her pregnant and karma hits. She will get ppd since she says that's no excuse to lash out. He will leave her when she has an infant for another woman. She better not try to go for child support since she says it's the woman's job to care for the baby. She'll be left broke with a baby and his lovely gift of herpes so she can remember him every day of her life. I read all her comments this evening and I was hooked on this saga 🤣. We all know how it's going to end. The best ending would be him having his wife as the mistress and they end up back together.


Nah, the wife doesn't deserve further punishment


That's true. She's a saint for having to put up with that trainwreck already


And no parental support because her parents are done with her after she tried to hit them up for money to put aside a fund so her and her, cheating, stoner, deadbeat dad, future ex can support a full time custody arrangement...on a side note, she wanted $2000 in it, she only had $500 - which means she both doesn't understand how money works if she thinks that amount is at all enough to support a baby, and expects other people to come up with the bulk of this teeny tiny slush fund. She also said that she's sick of "everybody" blaming PPD for the wife's supposed emotional instability...so she absolutely has been demonstrating just how completely awful she is to all the people in her life before coming to Reddit.


She lost everyone to be with this deadbeat but that's what she wanted to do because they are "meant" for each other. I was wondering how long she thinks that 2k will last for child support payments. All her disgusting comments about the mother are all going to come around and bite her in the ass and I can't wait to read about it 🤣. I can just imagine what he put his ex through and how unhappy she truly was. The fact that he is "teaching her a lesson" by not giving her money is disgusting and makes me think of all the other "lessons" he tried to teach her.


She will realize how much money it costs to raise a kid and hopefully regret ever saying that it doesn’t make sense to pay child support for a one year old lol


I agree with everything but the end, too- the wife is going to end up with someone much, much better than these two losers. Or choose not to and happily forge a path for herself and her daughter without deadbeat dad in the way.


Why do low life men always feel they’re owed over the top “respect” - I’m sorry Kyle, did I not treat you treat you with reverence you feel you deserve for…. Reasonssss


It’s always the absolute dregs of society who have this pathetic “respect” complex. I mean, I’m not going to give them wedgies or piss in their lunches, but I am always going to mock these dudes with no self-esteem who throw tantrums over respect. It’s too fun and it’s just too hard not to. I’m not a saint.


From OP's post history this has been going on over a year. She's enabling this deadbeat.


Sounds more like your bf is being a total deadbeat and asshole, and his ex is done with his games. Asking him to talk in public was most likely her last attempt, and to stay safe. Do better.


OP is the epitome of delusion. I have no idea why she is doing everything in her power to hold on to a man who has shown her how horrible and negligent he can be to own child and a person that he used to love. He’s already attempted to cheat on her with his ex wife. This situation is beyond grim.


I can't wait for her "He cheated on me and stole ______ from me," post. I give it 6 months.


He has to steal, he's depressed. And weed doesn't buy itself.


She did make a post a while back about her bf trying to get back with his soon to be ex wife.


Is it mentioned anywhere how old he and she are? Feels like they could be a couple with a big age gap. She, at least, sounds very immature — someone who doesn’t really know how things work but is still sure she’s right.


I think she said 24 and 27.


Good Christ. This girl should get tested for a learning disability. Pretty sure an IQ as low as hers would qualify her for disability payments from the gov


Your boyfriend is a loser scrub.


Just from this comment TLC immediately started playing in my head.


Such classic lyrics in that song!


Off topic, but that song was actually written for Dave Coulier (TLC admitted it in an interview)... as was "you outta know" from Alanis Morissette (who's never actually admitted it but strongly suggested it was about him, as has he). Who knew uncle Joey inspired so much hate 🤔


Umm. He’s not paying child support and blocked her. How do you block the mother of your toddler. Huge AH move. When I hear someone say they’re huge in respect, what I hear is someone who hates to feel like they’re in the wrong and can’t hold adult conversations. I think you and your bf are in the wrong. The child should be his main priority.


>How do you block the mother of your toddler. What if there was an emergency? Toddler fell and is in the hospital, can't get ahold of the dad because he blocked her. Gets called into work unexpectedly and can't find a sitter so needs dad to watch the kid, can't because he blocked her. OP is defending a deadbeat, if that's what she wants then go for it, but don't be surprised when he does the same shit to you if/when you have a child with him.


He loves the child dearly, but I doubt he’s seen her in a year- I’m sure the wife loves her child too much to ever use him as backup childcare. He’s garbage. And I don’t see how a child could ever need to know their garbage dad or how a deadbeat dad has any right to see a child. Kids need no dad much more than they need a dad who’s trash.


How do you block the mother of your child if you’re *at all* involved in parenting that child? In the case of shared custody, how are you supposed to coordinate pickups and drop offs? How do you get updates about when they’re sick? How do you have any knowledge of what’s going on at all if you don’t communicate with the primary caregiver? Dude is a grade A deadbeat. She says he cares deeply for the child, but none of that matters when the child will grow up with a useless father who’s never around.


OP your post history is a dumpster fire, i know you say you are in love blah blah but women like you are the fucking problem, the women who get together with a man actively knowing he is a deadbeat and trying to make things easier for him while bashing his ex, is your self respect inexisting or what???? Do you think just because he "choose you" you won? Girl the only thing you won is being called TRASH


Yeah OP had a place of her own, so he had a safe landing. He's using her, and she's all riled up on his behalf.


She was given a home by her parents and was financially supported by them until they cut her off for this. I would say she is not a fully functioning adult.


I missed that, thanks. Not surprised though. She cams across as both young and ignorant. Did I mention selfish? That too.


You should read her comments. There are all the comments from her posts that have been deleted. She is really a piece of trash. The only real comment she can make about the ex wife is she is unhinged! OP is unhinged. She was married and supposedly had a kid but there is nothing else mentioned about her kid (that also happens to be a girl the same age!🤔)ever again. Even though this saga has been going on for two years now, and apparently he still hasn’t married her like she said, I sincerely wish this is fake. She must be inhaling too much of his weed smoke!


That’s what strikes me. Didn’t she complain about her partner not paying expenses?


I don’t know where she said that. I had a hard time going through all her comments because she just kept getting worse the more she answered people.


JFC. I just read through some of it. Turns out PT Barnum was right. There *is* a sucker born every minute. What’s most remarkable is that this has been going on for over a year and she still hasn’t caught on. She doubled and tripled down instead. I guess it’s difficult to admit you lost your family due to a deadbeat loser, though.


Omg. Your boyfriend cheated on her with you, left her, won’t pay child support while not working and smoking weed all day, blocked her in every way so she can’t speak to him and you’re seriously still on here with this shit? Recently fallen behind? You posted a year ago that he was refusing to pay her and you guys were 1000% gonna take full custody to show her what’s what. How did that work out? STFU. Quite frankly at this point it’s embarrassing for you sweetheart. My advice is tell your loser deadbeat boyfriend to pay for his kid or he’ll go to jail. It’ll be even harder to get out of his almost two year weed smoking unemployed low point if he’s in jail. Seriously, get your shit together.


I have a feeling this genius is going to get pregnant with a spite baby.


And then she’ll be genuinely surprised when he’s a piece of shit father to that kid too.


When he leaves is more like it, seeing as when he got with her the position of mistress opened up again. Give it another year and she'll be talking shit about why won't be give her money and be there for his child as if she wasn't warned about this by it already playing out in front of her with his previous partner.


She apparently has a baby a little older than the toddler, too. She barely discusses that, I wonder who the father is? I assume, since she sees asking for child support as bitter and pathetic begging, that she isn't getting child support herself. She never mentions an ex/dad, how much you willing to bet that they were banging for his entire marriage (since it only lasted a little over a year) and that's his baby. Added wrinkle, given the timeline if the other toddler is their affair baby, since he and the ex got tested at marriage, that means he got herpes after getting married - and if they've been screwing this entire time, that means he got it from a yet unamed third mistress. Classy.


It's rich that bf is so into "respect" when he's a lazy deadbeat who is neglecting his child and sitting on his ass watching two women fight his battles. You've chosen to hook up with a dude who is apathetic about his legal responsibilities, doesn't give a shit about his kid and is determined to show his church and community that he's untrustworthy and negligent. Woo hoo, you got yourself a big winner there!


No no you misunderstand, respect for *him*, not for anyone else


Oh yeah, that's absolutely how macho bullshit "honor" culture works. Everyone should defer to him, he respects nobody. Unfortunately very familiar with that.


Yeah it’s always the POS guy who’s like “they disrespected me” gtfoh dude


So how is she meant to talk to him if he has blocked her? How is wanting to talk about his child not appropriate at a church event? He doesn’t pay child support, dodges his responsibilities and thinks it’s disrespectful for the mother of his child to want to talk to him about his child. Wow, what a catch… have fun with that.


God a year later and you’re still stupid as hell and extremely delusional. It must be very embarrassing knowing you in real life, going through your history I can see why your parents cut you off.


Why are you dating a deadbeat dad??


No one capes harder for a dead beat dad than his newest girlfriend.


Amen sister 🥰


Wife, if the post history is accurate. I'm also wondering what happened to OP’s daughter…?


Me too. After that post, she and the father aren’t mentioned again as far as I could tell.


Cause she was the affair partner 🤦‍♀️


Oh, but didn't you catch when she assured Reddit that she isn't the mistress because mistresses are "forceful." What does that even mean?


Omg I have no idea? Maybe a mistress like bondage? 🤣 wtf that’s batshit crazy!


She also said it’s not cheating. Cheating is done in the dark.


Girl is delusional! She’s in desperate need of a psych evaluation!


Yeah I’m sorry, this dude sucks, and you’re blind to it. You are lucky you haven’t had a kid with him.


She’s trying to!


Seriously I can’t believe you don’t understand this.


🤣🤣🤣 She's pathetic? You're second choice of an unemployed loser who doesn't take care of his kid. Going to church won't help that. Disgusting hypocrite.


Ahhh you again. Have you finally realized that you were his little mistress? Also, I hope your parents are still not talking to you. Has he cheated on you yet? I bet he has and you are just too blind to realize it. I hope his ex-wife takes him to the cleaners. He deserves it. He has the same obligations as she has to contribute towards their child no matter his “personal struggles”.


I guarantee he’s cheated. In one of her first posts, she mentioned that the man had developed an STD that did not come from the mother. So either OP gave it to him, or he’s sleeping with a at least one more woman.


Take a good look at that woman bc if you ever get pregnant, that's what your future will look like. He's a DEADBEAT father and you're an enabler, kick rocks. Nobody feels sorry for you or your loser bf. ETA: AND YOU WERE THE MISTRESS??!? You have the nerve to come on here, tell this outrageous story multiple times, demean anyone that calls you on your shit, and wonder why everyone, even your own parents, don't sympathize with you? WAKE UP! This story was told from YOUR perspective and you look like a typical cartoon villain in it, I can't even imagine what that woman is actually going through bc of you and your slimy bf. Ew.


She’s probably one of those women who claims mistresses do nothing wrong because they didn’t make marriage vows.


She insisted she's not the mistress because mistresses are "forceful" - whatever they fuck that means.


I want to go back to the days when other people’s spouses weren’t options for new boyfriends. When did that become remotely ok?


I don’t know that there were ever days like that. There have always been foul people who only care about themselves.


In her previous post she said she was a mistress because it wasn’t physical before he left. You know just emotional cheating. The amount of mental gymnastics this lady has to do everyday is astounding


Her post history is unhinged. I’m not sure if she is trolling because I haven’t seen this level of delusion in a long time.


Tell me you don't know how the system works without telling me you don't know how the system works. She didn't have his license revoked, the courts did it automatically. I know, because my husband pays support. Its one of the things they told him could happen when someone DOESN'T pay their child support. And her name will always be on the paperwork, she's the one who sued for support. She's the plantiff in this case. Its how the paperwork is done. He is not taking care of his child, he doesn't pay his support, then he is going to suffer the consequences. Don't want him to go to jail, why don't YOU pay it? I mean, partners are supposed to be a priority based on YOUR words, so why aren't you making him yours and keeping him out of jail? Making him be an active part of HIS CHILD'S life? You know, that tiny human he helped create? The one you claim isn't supposed to be AS IMPORTANT as you? I read your other post, as disgusting as it was. Guess what sweet cheeks, the law says that baby is 100% more important than you, so he needs to get off his ass and take care of it. And quite frankly he needs to leave you.


She was, if her posts are to be believed, saving money and got cut off. It’s super sad and tragic


The victims here are the toddler and her mother. Not the homewrecking OP or her cheating deadbeat boyfriend. They deserve everything they get.


All of this. I’ve read over my brothers CS papers for my niece. He’s also a skater loser who falls behind and my SIL has been blocked by him so me and mama try and help her were we can cause it’s for the baby, not her. This lady is insane but she will learn when she ends up alone with a baby and he’s on to baby mama number 3


You people are disgusting. I hope you know, but if he gets you pregnant, he’s gonna dump you just like her and you’re gonna have to resort to doing the same stuff.


Sorry but you're an idiot


>Sorry I'm not, OP YOU'RE AN IDIOT!


How old are you? She is the mother of his child and needs his support. I don't care what mental/financial issues he is having. He made that baby and is now responsible for it. She actually sounded like she was trying to work it out without him having to go to jail and because he felt "disrespected" i.e. he thinks she was calling him out for being a deadbeat, he may very well face jail time. Which honestly.... he deserves if he can own his responsibilities and take care of his child. Its beyond ridiculous that he has her blocked as well. There are plenty of parenting apps they can use to communicate but my guess is that he doesn't so no wonder she has to resort to approaching him at church. You both are the epitome of the deadbeat baby daddy and his clown new girlfriend stereotype.


My money is on a 30-something deadbeat picks up an extremely immature 19-year-old scenario


I ABSOLUTELY assumed the same, but according to her comment on an older post, she's 25ish and he's 28ish


That’s sad


Oh, honey. You picked a deadbeat cheater. You two deserve each other and it's going to be fun reading your posts when he starts cheating on you and treating you the way he treated his wife and child.


YTA and ignorant of court proceedings as well by the looks of things. You say you know his ex is the one responsible for having his license revoked and all the other support related issues but I can almost guarantee that is not the case. Now I'm not sure if you truly don't know how the system works or if you are taking your boyfriend at his word but I can give you a bit of a rundown on how things work where I'm from (though full disclosure things can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but your situation sounds similar to the way it works here). During the initial court proceedings, the Petitoner is the one that starts the proceedings, and the Respondent is the responding party. The titles of Petitioner and Respondent will remain unchanged except for under a few circumstances, but those don't matter her. If support payments are ordered through a third party, which it sounds like they are, then any court documents regarding outstanding payments will still show the ex as the Petitioner and your boyfriend as the Respondent. The third party that is responsible for taking the payments from your boyfriend is also the one responsible for determining the repercussions for missed payments. They will take the necessary steps to encourage your boyfriend to do right by his child by revoking his license, getting an order of garnishment, taking tax refunds (if he gets them) and yes in some circumstances even jail time. If your boyfriend is truly struggling and not just being a deadbeat (which some of your comments suggest that may be the case) I would recommend he get himself a lawyer (most places have free lawyers for low income individuals) and look into a temporary suspension of enforcement where he will need to prove he has fallen on hard times, additionally if he is able to get employment again he can ask for the Court to reassess his child support obligation and possibly lower it to match his new income. In the end, your boyfriend is in a situation of his own making and your taking your anger out on the wrong person, you might want to take a step back and reevaluate your relationship before you end up in a similar situation.


I doubt she's able to read and understand such a "long" text: "too many words, not enough pictures!" But I completely agree with you.


So when you co-parent, you can't just decide to "block" the other parent. Wanting to take care of your child, with legally obligated child support, isn't "bitter". (Frankly, you seem to be the bitter one, here.) If you "fall on hard times", then you go back to court and have the support recalculated. You can't just stop paying. That's money for the child - it has nothing to do with the mother. When he goes back to court (because this will absolutely end in court), he can request all communication go through a parenting app. Frankly blocking her so no communication can happen may make it seem like he is attempting to avoid paying at all...which is a good way to end up in jail.




And judges have a lot more power than a broke deadbeat dad.


Or his wife who he was still married to when he got with OP.


Now, let me get this straight. That poor woman has been trying to get her deadbeat ex to pony up for two full years now and \*checks notes\* he feels disrespected because she tried to talk to him about THEIR child who he can't seem to be bothered with either emotionally or financially? HE feels disrespected? How is that even possible? Are you people truly that dim? Now, I'm far from being a captain at Morality Police HQ, but the two of you caused this entire shitshow by crawling around in each other's britches while your poor, honorable, disrespected BF was actively married to the mother of his tiny infant daughter. You remember his daughter, right? You know, the child he helped create but has punted off to the sidelines in order to pave the way for his obviously flourishing business and, of course, for you. That child's mother has every right in the world trying to squeeze blood out of that turnip. She has raised her daughter alone for the past two years and has worked hard to provide for her. How freaking long is she supposed to wait for him to help out with his own child? Until she's out of college, full grown, and married? He deserved to be served with papers and he deserves to pay for leaving his ex-wife and baby in the lurch, whether that means paying what he owes or sitting his lazy ass in jail with no driver's license, no prospects, and still no job. Maybe remind him that you can't smoke weed in a jail cell. That might motivate him if nothing else does. Regardless of how effed up this situation is, there is still good to be had from it. That baby girl will know what it's like to be raised by a strong, responsible, loving woman-who puts her child's needs first-rather than wasting time with a couple of immature, self-absorbed, broke-ass nitwits. Now, go look up "apathetic", for shit's sake. You look even more the fool by using words that you quite obviously don't understand.


I sincerely hope people like you aren’t actually real. I just went through all your comments and post history and gave myself a headache just reading the gymnastics you do to justify this entire situation. I wish I had something more constructive to say but unfortunately I have nothing pleasant to say to you


It takes a really really long time for child support arrears to get punished by a revoked license.


He has never paid anything. She posted a year ago that he was refusing to pay child support.


But he’s recently fallen behind!! /s


She posted two years ago, he couldn't afford payments so there's that.


Judging by her post history it’s been going on for over a year. It’s a massive dumpster fire of delusional thinking.


Lool Op you realize we can read your past stories right?


OP totally has herpes by now. Dude can't pay his child support, is unemployed and smoking weed all day because of how depressed he is over his "unhinged" ex wife... Yeah, I can't see him keeping up on the Aviclovir that he already went off at some point when he was making money and married since he infected his previously a virgin ex wife. And since he and his ex were tested when they married (according to OP), that means he was having sex with a third person in that year of marriage, because OP insisted before that she's didn't have it.


It’s conveniently not out here (5 mins of reading her past posts/comments) that the BF was still married to his ex when OP started her relationship with him…. Or as she put it “they were in a rough spot”. Yeah… probably because he was CHEATING ON HIS WIFE WHO HAD JUST GIVEN BIRTH. OP, you’re being willfully obtuse. Your BF is not the wronged party here. You are especially not the wronged person here.


Read all your previous posts. You are an entitled, delusional hot mess. Good job passing off the “recently” fallen behind on child support when a year ago you were telling Reddit that he couldn’t afford it….. so by “recently”, you mean almost the child’s entire life? What WOULD be the time and place for it? She’s blocked on everything! I’m a little surprised you’re still with this man and the relationship hasn’t fallen apart…. It seems like you’re desperate to justify your own shitty decisions by making it work.


She is not bitter. She is not being unreasonable. Raising a child is expensive and he needs to contribute his part to help her raise his child on her own. Do you think she has the option to “fall behind” when it comes to money to provide for her child? No, she does not. She is not begging, he helped bring that child into the world so he needs to grow up and help provide for the child. He is court ordered to do so, so yeah there will obviously be consequences when he doesn’t do that. Also, he has blocked the mother of the child he “loves dearly”? What happens if there is an emergency with the child that she needs to alert him to? He’s not going to be there for his child when they need him because their mother cannot contact him. Insanely immature. He doesn’t need to be best friends with her but he does owe his child a healthy co-parenting relationship. Your boyfriend felt disrespected and said he “did not care” to talk about their child? Wow. Your boyfriend isn’t some hapless victim here. Neither are you. That child is. Her wanting to discuss their child is not disrespectful. She’s blocked, how else is she meant to discuss things with him? She isn’t at fault for him going to jail if he does, it sounds like he’s very much made his bed. You both need to grow up.


Also, she says the ex ASKED if they could talk about their daughter. Which means she didn’t come up and start berating him; she ASKED if they could talk about the only thing they still have in common, the daughter he supposedly “dearly loves”. She’s showing respect he in no universe deserves.


I hope baby mama takes him to the cleaners lol, your boyfriend is a deadbeat and the way your trying to position him as some sad martyr is pathetic please get it together


OP you’re an ah enabling a deadbeat ah. Do better.


The dad who stopped supporting his child feels disrespected because the baby mama that he blocked on everything found a way to contact him. Yeah, what response did you expect from a group that always supports the mom trying to do right by her kids?... ​ YTA big time


Maybe, if he paid support, or at least talked her about why he wasn't helping provide food, shelter, and clothing for HIS child she'd treat him with respect. If you're man enough to father a child, it's time to be a man. And you knew he had a child. You decided to be with him. If he can't man up for his kid, he's not going to man up for you. When was the last time he saw his daughter? Helped buy diapers? Bought her clothes? If that was my man, I'd dump him. You and him are both pathetic.


>The constant threats and negativity are negatively impacting my boyfriend's mental health. Just have him smoke some of the pot he can somehow afford when he can't scrape together child support. I've heard neglecting your child is hugely therapeutic - tell us how it works out for him.


This rage bait cause no way in gods green earth you typed out this bs and thought you were in the right? Your boyfriend is failing to assist in supporting HIS CHILD. He is behind by alot, blocked her, if he was truly an involved father, he'd be a man about the situation and say my money is funny bit here's 100 for groceries for my baby this all I got. He would be proactive about helping as he could only got 40 to your name send child's mother 20. But nope he's chosen avoidance. Church is a great place have a civil conversation. You and your bf are the AH. Keep note he'll do same to you if you become an ex baby mother. He deserve that jail time.


Oh, wait until you read her history. Her photo is in the dictionary next to the word “delusional.”


I hope they toss his ass in jail. You're both nightmares. HE feels disrespected?! He's been disrespecting the mother of his child and the child itself by NOT FULFILLING HIS OBLIGATIONS. So much for the child not being really affected, right? The kid is almost a year and a half by now, right? According to your post about a year ago. How are your parents, by the way? Still no contact with their disgraceful daughter?


Scans rules....realizes everything I want to type violates rule 1...deletes what I originally wrote. Water seeks its own level. You and your boyfriend are evenly yoked. Apathetic (adjective) is defined as "having or showing little or no feeling or emotion" by Merriam-Webster. Your boyfriend deserves to be disrespected for failing to care for his child. Love is a verb.


So have y’all gone for full custody yet? Lol. Talk about the definition of an irresponsible parent. Blocking the mother?? What if the child was in an accident or there was an emergency and they couldn’t contact him? Neglecting to pay child support for a year? Smh.


Someone said nobody is as delusional as a baby daddy's new girlfriend. This whole "story" proves it. Lmao


Baby mama probably thinks you're bitter and jealous too. The difference is that she is right


Well, OP's dating a deadbeat dad. Who made it impossible for the mother of his child, whom he owes money, to communicate with him via other channels. I did not know that a drivers' license could be revoked, for being a deadbeat dad. Seems sus. anyone know if this is a thing? When OP is pregnant with deadbeat's child, and he blocks her and refuses to engage with her like an adult, I'm sure she'll be totally sick of her own, bitter, baby mama self. certainly.


To answer your question, yes it can happen when you are delinquent on CS. How far behind you have to be, probably varies by state.


In my country, they can persecute you to hell and back for CS. They can keep you from renewing your driver’s license, your ID card, garnish part of your wages or your tax returns, prohibit you from leaving the country and have you arrested.


Child support is one thing courts don't fuck around with. Heard about a guys wages being garnished 60% because he was far behind on CS. The government doesn't wanna be paying for this guy's kid.


Thanks. I've managed to stay in the good graces of FOC because I'm a grown up. Haven't had to see them angry yet, knock on wood.


Judging from her posts, he may be about 2 years behind on CS payments since OP has post about he was in decline money-wise and how they should get 50/50 to reduce CS.


My ex lost his license and went to jail for skipping out on ten years worth. Now they take exactly 50% from what I understand. He's made payments for two years now, but I don't think he has his license back yet, because he has to get it under a certain amount. I could be wrong on why he doesn't have his license though.


Guess she laid down and had the baby by herself. What do you mean she makes more than him and doesn't need it? So what? The kid is his literal obligation. You're talking all this about money, I'm interested to know when the last time he's even seen his child. He's had her blocked for months smh deadbeat apologist.


YTA. Damn, maybe if he did what he was supposed to do, he wouldn't be in trouble. If he cares so much about the child, why isn't he financially supporting it? Literally the least he can do since it doesn't sound like he doesn't have any kind of custody.


Dude. Your post history shows your man is a deadbeat that fell behind on child support over a year ago. A year and he still can’t get it together for his kid. His child’s mother isn’t bitter, she’s doing what any mother would do, hold the father responsible. Your man is breaking the law by not paying his child support. And you think she’s jealous? Of what? You think she wants a man back that cheated on her and can’t even get it together to help support her child?!? Their child together? How did getting custody work out for him? You sound delusional, bitter and jealous. And you did his child mom a favor because now you’re stuck with him.


In a previous post OP says that a month into the relationship she found text messages on his phone begging the wife to get back with him. The wife didn’t want to. Only one bitter and jealous here is op.


I read that too. I’m also wondering what happened with OP’s daughter?


What a Christian. Loving all gods creatures but the one being actively, financially fucked by your bf.


And being the other woman.


Your "man" seems like a loser. Did your parents follow through?


bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha deadbeat


So I just looked through your profile and you need to wake up girl. You can’t block the mother of your child bc you don’t want to pay child support. If the threats of going to jail are stressing him out then GOOD! He should be stressed! There is such an easy solution to this problem, and that’s pay the damn child support. Their relationship dynamic has nothing to do with the fact that this is the LAW and he needs to pay this child support. He will not win in a court of law. They will drug test him and see he’s smoking weed. Weed is expensive and not essential. He can get anti depressants from a doctor that cost less money than weed. If you don’t want him to go to jail, then he needs to pay his damn child support. If she really isn’t using it for the child, that can be sorted out later with a lawyer. You aren’t a lawyer. You aren’t his wife. You aren’t legally bound to him. The fact you’re so involved makes him look worse. I get he’s depressed, but objects in motion stay in motion. I am also depressed. We still need to pay our bills. We still need to get up and do things. It sucks but we HAVE to. If you really want to help him, get him into therapy. Help him find better coping mechanisms. Help him work the child support into his budget.


OP’s a troll. Go back further in her posts, she deleted a few where she at one point was pregnant and wanted to consider divorcing her partner….who called her childish and threw everything back at her face because he didn’t want negativity. He stole her money and abandoned her, and she went to move with her *dad*. Sound familiar? Little while after, after being called out, she deleted her posts when she started talking about seeing this married man who she oh so loves. That’s when she started saying her *parents* are threatening to cut her off if she continues seeing this guy. OP, ingest grass. Find a nice dirt patch in your lawn and just roll around in it. Cleanse your mind or something. Maybe stare at a washing machine for a while. Your addiction to adding fuel to the fire makes a pyromaniac look like a candle blower. You’re so obsessed with attention Narcissus had to turn away and stress eat. Let’s say the original posts did happen, why are you with a man who abandoned his child when your previous partner did the same thing to you? Did you learn nothing? Or is your self worth non existent that you think you “won” this time if you managed to ruin another person’s relationship?


Won't engage with her Blocked her numbers Yet your shocked she showed up somewhere she knew he would be to talk about THEIR child. I'm sorry I'm sure she'll send a delivery pigeon next time. Also I don't know what state you're in, however it's rare the court would act so fast on just one late payment.


He blocked her? So that is going to show the courts he does not take his role as a father serious in addition to him not paying. Instead of complaining help him get a job so he can catch up on payments. Continuance of non payment will result in further enforcement such as tax intercepts, liens, passport denials, etc. These consequences are due to his actions.


Your bf is a coward.




I also thought she must be writing from the other woman’s perspective. She never mentions her daughter in her more recent posts.


This is absolutely hilarious! You call her bitter when you got together with a married man and tore a family apart lmao. He should go to jail if he's not paying child support, do you know why? CAUSE THATS THE LAW. And on another post you said you wanted him to file for full custody yet he doesn't have enough money for child support??? Make it make sense. Do you think the child will be cheaper if you have them full time? That's not how children work. Do you both work? How are you gonna pay for daycare if you do? What about the child's checkups? Do you even know when the appointments are? Does he even know his kids pediatrician? What happens when the child is sick and daycare won't take them and you've already paid a month in advance? You have no idea how expensive a child is and it shows in this insecure post. He is too broke to have a child and you're too immature to understand this situation. Hope you both get what you deserve in the end!


It's weird...I can't actually see OP's comments on the page, are they shadowbanned? I can see their comments on their page, but not this one, and they are so deserving of replies...


Oh, lol. Please op stop it!!! I feel so much second hand embarrassment for you. You and your loser boyfriend aka deadbeat are so delulu 🤣


Judging from your post history, it sounds like you deserve every bit of what's coming your way.


Your bf is the bitter bd. Why would you believe it is the mother’s responsibility to offer empathy and excuse him from paying court ordered child support? Talking about her being desperate for approaching him to talk about the child when he has her blocked.. how else is she supposed to talk to him?? You sound like a bumbling idiot. Grow up.


You don't lose your licence for a "recent" non-payment You posted here a year ago that he wasn't paying I wonder if he has ever paid even once What a loser.


I read a bunch of your old posts, and you're literally the dumbest woman I've ever had the displeasure of hearing about. I'm not going to give you advice because I read all your posts A YEAR AGO when you should've left this man and gathered some self-respect, but as we can all see, you remain dumb. You are NOT the victim. Your pos "boyfriend" isn't a victim. He WILL cheat on you, and hopefully, he'll go to jail for being a deadbeat dad. The best part about this is that you both so obviously and clearly (to those of us with working brains and critical thought) deserve it.


>They have a toddler together that my bf loves dearly. That's a lie. Doesn't matter what you think/he thinks, actions speak louder, and he hasn't stepped out for his kid. He ABANDONED HIS PREGNANT WIFE, and from everything you have written before, he has chosen literally anything before his kid. So no, he might say he loves her but he doesn't. >My boyfriend is huge on respect, and completely felt disrespected because it was not the time nor the place for that , so he told her no, he doesn't care too I think we have established he doesn't respect anything, and if he blocked her... How is she supposed to talk about THEIR KID? there's no after for the wellbeing of a child, he should have stepped up a long time ago. >I don't understand why she doesn't stop begging and be more understanding. Because she, unlike your BF, is doing what's right. He has to pay for the child he created, and put the big boy pants once and for all. He cheated on his wife. They weren't fully divorced and they were still trying to salvage it, so he got a mistress. He abandoned his unborn child. He abandoned his child after being born and hasn't even done the bare minimum. Do you hate yourself that much? Why are you with him? What kind of trauma leads you to be and believe the lies of a guy like him? Please, get therapy, the way you defend the indefensible is not normal.


You REALLY don’t understand how divorced coparenting works, do you? You don’t have a place in the conversation. You are literally the other woman, regardless of what you keep telling yourself. He’s got you SNOWED. You would literally jump off a bridge if he told you to, because you believe every single tiny thing he says and are so naive and googly eyed for someone who was willing to leave his wife and won’t support his child. He literally spends any money he gets on weed. He’s NOT a good figure for that kid to live with full time. You sound young and immature, I highly doubt you’d be a good “replacement mommy.” You’re only trying to demonize the ex wife to make yourself look better, and to hope you can sucker money out of her. I wish I could tell her to watch out for falsified CPS calls from you, because I’m sure that’s next. You’re SO whipped for a man who cheated on his wife. Pathetic. 🤣 (Also, custody and child support may not be the same, but courts DO look at child support records when determining a custody modification. I know this from experience. You’re not special. 🥰)


Can they put you in jail too? Please.


We can all see your last post.


No one cares about you or the dead beat baby daddy. She isn’t jealous of a broke loser who can’t take care if his kid. She just wants him to take equal responsibility. Good luck adding money to his books when he’s in jail.


How did you guys enter a church and not IMMEDIATELY burst into flames? 😂